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DISSEMINATING TECHNOLOGY NEEDS ASSESSMENTS INFORMATION THROUGH TT: CLEAR I. F. Vladu Sustainable Development Programme Technology Sub-programme UNFCCC 23 April 2002 Seoul, Republic of Korea 1
TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION - MANDATE q The need to enhance the access of the developing countries, within the UNFCCC process, to information on state of the art environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) was recognized since the first Conference of the Parties (COP). q Decision 13/CP. 1 inventory and assessment of environmentally sound and economically viable technologies. q Decision 7/CP. 2 one-stop database relating to-state-of the-art ESTs. q Decision 9/CP. 3 international technology information centre and national and regional centres. q Decision 4/CP. 7 clearinghouse and network of centres. IAEA I. F. Vladu 2
INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE OBJECTIVE q The main objective of TT: CLEAR, is to improve the flow of, access to and quality of the information relating to the development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies under the Article 4. 5 of the Convention and contribute to a more efficient use of the available resources by providing a synergy with other ongoing efforts. IAEA I. F. Vladu 3
TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE - MAIN COMPONENTS UNFCCC Databases TT PROJECTS TECHNOLOGY Technical & Economic Parameters Emissions & Residuals Project Proposed or Under Implementation TTProjects DB EST DB Generic Data Phase I CS DBs Country Specific Data NEEDS DB AIJ Technology Transfer Needs Identified within Needs Assessment Process TNeeds DB TT: DATABASES INTERNATIONAL CLEARING HOUSE FOR TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER INTERNET INFORMATION SYSTEM TT: IIS CDM CIS INTERNATIONAL NETWORK OF LOCAL AND REGIONAL CENTERS FOR TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER OTHER RESOURCES Databases and Data Tools ASSESSMENT and COMPARISON TT: TOOLS Results Phase II Products OTHER RESOURCES CASE STUDIES DISSEMINATION Use of Databases and Tools in Promoting Technology Transfer Training in the Use of the Tools in View of Establishing a Information Network REPORTS IAEA TT: CLEAR Experts, Local Programmes WORKSHOPS 4
DESIGN CRITERIA q Build on, and connect to existing information, databases and tools (gateway): Ø UNFCCC search engine. Ø UNFCCC database of links to existing Internet sites. q Modular structure: Ø The modular structure proposed would allow many governments and organizations to contribute. Ø Would also allow for a better use of the existing resources. q Incremental implementation: Ø A review of the project after each phase and extensive consultations with the Parties. Ø Would permit a better management of the new resources. q Flexible decentralized system: Ø Part of a network and linked to other networks (donors, businesses, technical). q Efficient data gathering using modern techniques: IAEA Ø Ø Only information not available in external databases. Through Internet. I. F. Vladu 5
IMPEMENTATION q Prepared a technical paper on “Technology transfer clearing house and international information network – Proposal for activities”. The paper includes a plan for implementing the system and provides some technical details. q Developed a prototype system which is upand-running for testing by Parties since September 2001 (some 170 registered users). q Received feedback from Parties (FCCC/SBSTS/2002/ Misc. 12) and other users. IAEA I. F. Vladu 6
TT: CLEAR DEEP SEARCH ENGINE - ACESS TO LOCAL AND EXTERNAL DATA q Access to reliable and up-to-date information. General Users q Transparent conversions between different classifications. q Enhance information according to our needs. q Synergies with the on-going efforts. Info requests TT: INFO Parties Secretariat Add / Update info TT: DATABASES IAEA INTERNET DATABASES AND/OR INTERNET SITES ON CLIMATE FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGIES I. F. Vladu 7
TT: CLEAR IN SUPPORT OF FORMING PARTNERSHIPS o Identify donors interested in technology co-operation projects in your country: Ø Find similar projects using donor networks: UNFCCC/TTProjects, GEF/Project Map, OECD/CRS, some bilateral cooperation projects (e. g. USAID, CIDA), etc. and identify the donors o Identify technical experts who can assist with [needs assessments] technology transfer process (we may need to establish a separate category for needs assessments): Ø Experts from UNFCCC Roster of experts, and UNFCCC/TTContacts (projects, models, centres) Ø Experts listed for similar projects and case studies (success stories). IAEA I. F. Vladu 8
TT: CLEAR IN SUPPORT OF FORMING PARTNERSHIPS o Identify businesses and investors engaged or interested in projects in your country: Ø Companies from GREENTIE and UNFCCC/TTOrganizations (other directories will be added). o Identify relevant Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): Ø NGOs registered with the Climate Action Network (CAN). Ø NGOs registered with UNFCCC. IAEA I. F. Vladu 9
INVENTORY OF TECHNOLOGY COOPERATION PROJECTS q Search criteria: Ø Donor country, Ø Recipient country, Ø Implementing agency, Ø Text (e. g. , energy, wind), Ø Project status (on-going, proposal, completed, cancelled) Ø Type of assistance (e. g. , grant, load, credit, equity investment, donation, multiple), Ø Technology/Sector, Ø Project elements, and Ø Information sources. q Example of questions which may be addressed: Ø Which sectors/technologies? Ø Which donors (organizations, contacts)? Ø What financial flows? IAEA I. F. Vladu 10
TT: CLEAR IN SUPPORT OF ANALYSIS OF BERRIER AND ACTION DESIGN o o Summary of barriers by regions (consultative process – regional workshop). o Access to success stories (case studies) exemplifying measures to remove barriers. o IAEA Links to relevant “Enabling environments” Internet sites. Access to information on capacity building (preliminary). I. F. Vladu 11
CASE STUDIES AND SUCCESS STORIES q TTProjects includes a number of success stories and/or case studies on technology transfer: Ø 38 case studies were added from Methodological an Technological issues in Technology Transfer IPCC SR and Technologies without Borders - Case Studies of Successful Technology Transfer, IEACTI, 2001. Ø Finding a “similar” case studies and identification of contact person. IAEA I. F. Vladu 12
TT: CLEAR IN SUPPORT OF REPORTING ON TECHNOLOGY NEEDS q TT: CLEAR includes projects on technology needs and capacity building as reported by non-Annex I Parties in their national communications and/or other national reports: Ø Some 100 projects cited in Initial National Communications of non Annex I Parties were added. q Reporting issues: Ø Some of the Initial National Communications of non. Annex I Parties are not available in English or are available only in hard copy. Ø Lack of details in some of the project proposals (e. g. , duration of the project, total cost, expected founding, contact persons and/or organizations). IAEA I. F. Vladu 13
TT: CLEAR IN SUPORT OF FINDING OTHER INFORMATION SOURCES q Some 600 links to web sites and documents: Ø National links provided by Parties in their submissions (Misc. 12). “Quick links” to access these sites. Ø Added 100+ relevant links data submitted by Germany from the GATE project. q The links are classified in different categories and can be searched using the search engine. q Additional links can be added by TT: CLEAR users using the Internet. IAEA I. F. Vladu 15
TT: CLEAR REPOSITORY OF MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION METHODS/MODELS/TOOLS q TT: CLEAR includes an searchable inventory of models (47 mitigation and adaptation methods/models/tools). q Additional models can be added/updated by developers using the Internet. q Information is provided with regard to the case studies in which these models have been used. q The models can be searched by type (mitigation, adaptation) and sector (e. g, energy, transport, forestry, agriculture, industry, etc. ). IAEA I. F. Vladu 16
TT: CLEAR SOURCE OF MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION TECHNOLOGY DATA q Use the concept of “reference”technology. q Developed the classification of adaptation technologies and designed the adaptation technology database. q Populated the database with some mitigation technologies and coastal adaptation technologies (technical parameters, environmental characteristics and economic performances). q Access is provided to CADDET-RE and CADDET-EE (demonstration technologies). q Useful for screening different technology options. q How to take into account national circumstances? IAEA I. F. Vladu 17
SCREENING TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS - COST ESTIMATIONS Peaking Units Base Load Units Annual production costs at 10% discount rate in Pakistan (DCOAL Domestic coal, COAL: Imported Coal; FOL 3, FOL 6: Fuel Oil (300 and 600 MW), GTIG: Gas Turbine, CCIG: Combined Cycle, WFGD: Pulverized Coal + Wet Scrubber, NUCL: Nuclear) l Rough tool for comparison of future options (consider only capital recovery factor and the values are discounted to the base year) l Levelize costs and electricity by discounting Levelized electricity generation costs in them to the base year (constant money) China IAEA 18
SCREENING TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS - LIFE CYCLE EMISSIONS Consideration of emissions from full chain may change the ranking !!! Gases Considered CO 2 STABILIZATION OF GHGs CONCENTRATION IN ATMOSPLERE IS OUR ULTIMATE GOAL!!! CH 4 N 2 O CF 4 CFC 114 HCFC 22 CO 2 equivalent emissions - Full Chain (minimum and maximum emissions) IAEA 19
TT: CLEAR IN SUPPORT OF TECHNOLOGY TANSFER CENTRES q Diffusion of information through regional centres: Ø Get software&training. Ø Establish your own site. Ø Participate in TTNetwork (pilot P 2 P up and running) IAEA I. F. Vladu 20
POSSIBLE NEXT STEPS o o Verify and update the projects included in the initial national communications of non-Annex I Parties (involve Parties in this work). o Update the mitigation and adaptation databases (adaptation, indigenous and publicly owned technologies). o IAEA Include results of needs assessment studies carried out with GEF funding (EA 2 – top-up) and by CTI. Matchmaking and networking. I. F. Vladu 21
POSSIBLE NEXT STEP o Assessment and comparison tools TT Databases m Integration with TT Databases TT: INFO m Modular approach: general modules and specific modules m Allow for consideration of some country specific factors m Integrated with a decision analysis tool IAEA Cost Estimations Life Cycle Emissions Technology Specific Modules TT Tools Decision Analysis Tool 22
DEMONSTRATION q Click the button below to start the demonstration (http: /ttclear. unfccc. com/ttclear/Jsp) IAEA I. F. Vladu 23
Thank you! IAEA I. F. Vladu 24