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DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Fall Meeting 2004 Questions and Answers Presented by Bettye Mc. Glockton And Larry Miklus Agency for Workforce Innovation Tallahassee, Florida
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 1. How extensive does our case note reporting have to be? I see One-Stop customer case notes and it seems that a case note is written every time the client sees the caseworker. Could we develop a summary case note and input this only intermittently over the year? ANSWER: There is no written standard format or frequency of case notes. How you develop your case notes is your call. You can develop any format that fits your needs.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 2. If the Trust Fund has extra monies, could we ever pool it over a few years and buy the rights to a displaced homemaker license plate? Previous estimates were that it would cost $60, 000. This would increase later income. ANSWER: The DPHNA would have to make a ANSWER: request to the Florida Legislature to consider this initiative.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 3. We were told that if we helped someone get a raise (not the ordinary cost of living type) in their job that they entered the program with as “not adequately employed”, that we could count that as a job placement – how, specifically, do we do that in OSMIS? ANSWER: See Illustration “Question #3 OSMIS ANSWER: Screenshots For Recording A New Job. ”
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 4. If we erroneously closed a FY 03/04 case, how do we re-open it? ANSWER: See illustration “Question #4 ANSWER: OSMIS Screenshots For Re-Opening a Case. ”
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 5. I read over the email from Carol Faber to Bettye on the transfer of a case from her RWB to BCC. Could a system be developed by AWI whereby both the One-Stop and the DH providers enter data on a case that is “shared? ” We have informed our RWB about dual enrollees (email to administration plus the One-Stop with needed client information. ) We keep hard copies of these emails. Sometimes we get no reply, and sometimes we have had to Xerox the whole file in order to prove to the One-Stop the client’s eligibility for the displaced homemaker program. Sometimes our data is entered. Since we have done our part, we don’t feel we should have to remind the RWB to enter the data. We feel our safety net is putting our own case note into OSMIS, indicating that assisted core and intensive services, as well as training completion, has been completed.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers Question #5 continued: Also, when the RWB pays for the training, they count it as their own, even though we have been at the college helping the student toward graduation. We have been told as much last year, when we asked to enter a training completion for us. Thus, last year we put effort toward training completions that were not “ours”. What about a job placement? If we tell them about a client’s job placement before they know about it, is it ours? If they enter it, is it their job placement?
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers ANSWER # 5 : AWI’s management has discussed this issue and decided that the current process of transferring cases between entities is the safest way to assure the integrity of case ownership and performance accountability. However, by agreement between you and the local Regional Board, AWI will give access to your RCOU to a Supervisor/Case Manager for the purpose of entering data into a participant’s file. We have not received a request from a region to give you access to their participants’ cases.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 6. Trust Fund accounting: Please provide the amount each program received, what was awarded, and how much extra did each program request and receive? Answer: See Handout Answer:
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 7. Please explain the Trust Fund accounting you sent out to us. ANSWER: A handout will be provided at the meeting.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 8. The Three Year State Plan (page 6) indicates that we must submit a Mid-Term report by December 1 of each year. Since this is not in our contract, can we have it removed from the report? ANSWER: AWI will consider removing the language during the next plan update, which is due to the Legislature by January of each year.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 9. Can someone who is familiar with the Displaced Homemaker programs and statute be appointed to proof read the Annual Report each year before it is submitted to the Legislature? Can the members of FDHNA see it before it is submitted? ANSWER: Yes. Your involvement in the ANSWER: development of the program’s annual report this year will be a welcomed addition. Your participation in this task should greatly enhance the quality of the product.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 10. How many displaced homemakers are being served statewide (as per Regional Workforce Board) through the Workforce Investment Act, Dislocated Worker Programs? ANSWER: See the chart entitled “Displaced ANSWER: Homemaker Participation In Dislocated Worker Program in Florida for PY 2002 -2003”
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 11. How were you able to offer the DH programs the opportunity to apply for more funds this year? Was it due to excess money left after the distribution to current programs? Can we expect this to happen each year? ANSWER: Yes, there were excess dollars left over and each ANSWER: program was offered the opportunity to received additional funds. The fixed unit price that was originally contracted for had to be maintained for enrollments, completions, and placements. Should any of the seventeen contractors fail to achieve all performance goals in their respective contracts, then there is the possibility of having excess funds for the next year.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 12. Why is it, while we are in the middle of entering data in OSMIS, that we can’t go back one page/screen to check on something? ANSWER: OSMIS was not designed to function in ANSWER: this manner.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 13. Why do we get kicked out of OSMIS during the process of entering information? It is very frustrating. ANSWER: We are not aware that “timing out” is ANSWER: still an issue. We will need more information, such as RCOU to be able to investigate the problem. Send this information to: http: //datachangerequest@awi. state. fl. us
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 14. Every time we need to get a client transferred from another agency to us, there is a major delay of several weeks – can this process be streamlined? ANSWER: Yes. We have initiated a process to ANSWER: streamline the task. Please send me an email with the following information and we will move quickly with the request. Provide the participant’s name, SSN, the receiving Region #, County #, One Stop # Unit # (RCOU), and Case Manager’s Name.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 15. We understand emergencies and we have been in them ourselves. But if we are open, there is always someone here who knows what is going on and how to remedy a problem. Why can that be true of AWI in Tallahassee also? We are stuck this week in particular, in getting any help with OSMIS because everyone who can assist is out for the whole week and the people answering the phones do not understand what we are talking about. ANSWER: We apologize for the inconvenience and frustration caused by your OSPS contact’s twoweek absence. Usually, there is staff available who understands and is responsive to your needs.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 16. Many fields that are required to be entered do not have a red asterisk by it -- only through trial and error have we discovered what those are -- and we cannot enter activities until those are complete. If these are discovered after a lockout date, one needs to go through Tallahassee to get this corrected. After being kicked out several times while entering, there's a high probability that this data will need to be corrected through Tallahassee, which is a time consuming process. Is there a way to make these fields that have to be completed known with an asterisk from the very beginning? -- and of course, this is way more than the original agreement as to what we were going to have to enter.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers Answer #16 During the OSMIS training sessions conducted July 1 and 8, 2003 (as well as subsequent on-site training sessions) we stressed that there are several data elements on the three application pages that did not have an asterisk (*). We strongly advised you to use the illustrations in the training materials as a guide for completing all of the required data fields. Please refer to the updated handout “OSMIS data entry instructions for the WIA Application. ” These updated instructions were used in the initial OSMIS training provided on July 1 and 8, 2003. Additionally, these instructions are on the AWI Displaced Homemaker Program Website at: http: //www. floridajobs. org/PDG/Displaced. Homemaker/Default. Training. htm
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 17. How can it be that while we are waiting for a client to be changed over to us that we can change the address or name of a client assigned to the One Stop Center? Can they change ours? That would seem to be a flaw. At the same time that we can make these kinds of major changes, we cannot go in to say that someone does not have disabilities so we can continue entering data.
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Questions and Answers 17. ANSWER: The first two pages of a customer’s application are 17. ANSWER: called the Common Customer Intake and can be updated by any case manager at anytime. This data is determined to be common amongst all program information. OSMIS maintains a record (case notes) of what is updated and who entered the update in a customer’s case. If ever there is an issue regarding an entry into a case, staff can reference the case notes. When the RCOU and case manager are assigned to Page three of the application, “General Information” (where Disabilities, etc. resides) another CM can’t alter the applicant’s record in OSMIS.