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“Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training 30 July – 1 “Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training 30 July – 1 August 2008: CDD, Accra, Ghana

“Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training What is Sharepoint? Microsoft “Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training What is Sharepoint? Microsoft Sharepoint is a package software configured for ODI which enables users to share documents and information. ODI has set up a project site (WSS- Website sharepoint service) for APPP which all consortium members can request access rights to. Sharepoint is a knowledge management system which can enable consortium members to work collaboratively and successfully together on the APPP.

“Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Why use Sharepoint for “Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Why use Sharepoint for APPP? • The software is available to us free of charge and with the supports systems offered by ODI. It is thus a costeffective resource. • As a research consortium with partners working collaboratively at distance, the APPP must have a solid knowledge management strategy to ensure that information is shared. Sharepoint is a powerful internal communication tool.

“Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Key uses of Sharepoint “Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Key uses of Sharepoint for APPP? 1. Shared document librairies • • Files Photos 2. Common APPP lists: • • Links Contact list Project Milestones Calendar 3. Discussion board

“Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Features of document libraries? “Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Features of document libraries? 1. Project documents can be stored in one place so that all consortium members have access to the latest version. 2. Check out and checkout functions enables one user to edit a document whilst other users are viewing it. 3. Version history lists the changes that have been made to a document and enables earlier versions to be restored. 4. Different users can be given different permission levels to access document libraries.

“Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Lists: Links The links “Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Lists: Links The links section on the APPP homepage enables consortium members to have access to the websites of all other member organisations and the programme donors without having to save these links on their personal computer.

“Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Lists: Calendar The calendar “Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Lists: Calendar The calendar option enables us to set calendar items so that consortium members are aware of the events that affect the programme. Calendar events can include links to documents in the APPP sharepoint folders and can also be exported to consortium member`s Outlook calendars.

“Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Lists: Contacts list The “Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Lists: Contacts list The contacts lists (if it is kept up to date by the partener organisations) enables us to keep centrally stored and up to date contact details of all consortium members (researchers, administrators, communication officers etc). The contacts list can be exported to an excel file, so consortium members can keep a local copy which can be updated on a regular basis.

“Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Lists: Project Tasks The “Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Lists: Project Tasks The project task list is a powerful tool for project management. We intend to use it to list and display the APPP milestones. Project tasks or milestones display the person responsible for their completion, the status of the activity, and the deadline. Progress tracking of activities can also be managed.

“Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Discussions enable consortium members “Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training Discussions enable consortium members to discuss the same topic and keep the discussion in one place (avoiding the loss of these exchanges as often happens via email). These are especially helpful when people are working in different places and remotely. Discussions are useful in building a sense of community and engaging consortium members in important APPP debates.

“Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training How can you access “Discovering institutions that work for poor people” APPP Sharepoint training How can you access the APPP WSS? 1. Obtain a username and password for the website: Contact Vikki Chambers v. chambers@odi. org. uk who will verifiy that you are an approved member and issue you with your access details. 2. Connect to the following address: https: //pppg. odinet. org. uk/pandr/p 0489/default. aspx

“Discovering institutions that work for poor people” The APPP home page? 1 - 2 “Discovering institutions that work for poor people” The APPP home page? 1 - 2 = In the middle part of the homepage you can read information about the History of the project and Announcements can be posted so that all members of the project can be alerted when they open the homepage. 3 – 4 – 5 = In the right-hand side, the project details provide basic data. The members of the project team and some links to further information (either about the project itself or knowledge management topics related to the project). Home returns user to the APPP homepage 6 1 3 7 8 2 9 4 10 5 In the left-hand side navigation, find out more about the content of the site: 6 = Store and access other people documents (unless they are restricted for confidentiality reasons for example) 7 = Store pictures: of the project and of the users of the site if you want to make the project more personable! 8 = View and add to lists that could help you understand manage your work within the project 9 = Discuss issues with other members of the project. Of course you could set up your own discussion topics too. 10 = If you have deleted your documents you will be able to find them up for two weeks as they will stored in the Recycle Bin. You may need to contact your administrator for accesss.

“Discovering institutions that work for poor people” General Principles and Tips for use For “Discovering institutions that work for poor people” General Principles and Tips for use For search and other functions to work properly we need to follow a few simple rules about files and folder naming: • Use descriptive file names of between 2 and 4 words. • Use spaces to separate words. • Do not put leading spaces in front of file or folder names • Do not use the words “And”, “Or”, “Not”, or “Forms” in folder names • Do not use any symbols or characters such as @, ? , *, etc. . • Do not use underscores • Try to avoid using dashes (hyphens) • No individual letters of the alphabet: a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x yz • No individual numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 • No monetary signs: £ or $ • Do not use any brackets “( )”. • If you are using version history do not use the word “Draft” or “Version” and do not save different versions of the same file. (Version history is automated by Share. Point so you will be able to track changes to a document and revert to an earlier version if required 0