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Disaster Risk Management - Curriculum Development
Our Strengths n n Expertise in the School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences [Depts. of Geology, Applied Geology & Geography] About 17 Schools consist of 68 Science and Arts Departments provide amble opportunity to introduce DRM course apart from expertise available Scientific data on tsunami hazards and earthquake risk / prediction studies Center for Natural Hazards & Disaster Studies [CNHDS] funded by MHRD, GOI
Organizational Set Up School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (SEAS) Dept of Geology Petrology Mineralogy Exploration Geophysics Structural Geology Stratigraphy Paleontology Dept of Applied Geology Environmental Geochemistry Groundwater exploration and management Coastal zone management Tsunami impact studies Earthquake prediction Dept of Geography Atmospheric studies Human geography Environmental impact assessment (EIA) Medical geography Remote Sensing & GIS Centre for Natural Hazards and Disaster Studies (CNHDS)
Department Profile • The Department of Applied Geology was established in the University of Madras in 1952 and has been functioning in the Guindy Campus, A. C. College Buildings, Chennai, India. • During the last five decades, the Department has made significant contributions in teaching, academic and research. • The Department has the facilities and infrastructure for carrying out geochemical, geohydrological, geophysical, oceanographic, paleoclimatic, geomorphological and coastal environmental investigations. • The Geological Museum of the Department is a treasure house with a good collection of rocks, minerals, fossils and crystal models, and has been visited by several schools in Chennai. • The Department library has to its credit more than 500 books on various disciplines of Earth Science.
Vision and Mission of the Department n n Making the students community to expertise in the field of Earth Sciences. Upgrading the research activities, new innovations and empowering the knowledge. Undertaking more inter-disciplinary research to produce end user beneficial outputs and enhance research skills of young scholars. Collaboration with various national and international institutions in the field of Applied Geology (teaching and research).
COURSES OFFERED n M. Sc. Applied Geology n M. Phil. Applied Geology (1 -yr, 2 -Semester, Credit based (2 -yr , 4 -semester , Credit based programme) – Total intake of students – 20 Programme) – Total intake of students – 6 n Add on Diploma course n Ph. D. Applied Geology and Interdisciplinary on Groundwater Exploration and Management – (3 months) (Full – Time and Part –Time)
Elective courses offered For parent Department: 6 n n n EAS (E 301) Geostatistics & Computer Applications in Geology EAS (E 302) Introduction to Oceanography EAS (E 303) Integrated Coastal Zone Management EAS (E 304) Environmental Geosciences EAS (E 305) Nuclear Geology EAS (E 306) Rainwater Harvesting To other Departments: 10 n n n n EAS (E 308) Geophysics EAS (E 310) Basic Hydrogeology EAS (C 308) Remote sensing and GIS Fundamental & Applications EAS (E 306) Rainwater Harvesting EAS (E 315) Environmental Geosciences EAS (E 316) Nuclear Geology EAS (E 313) Nuances of Scientific writing EAS (309) Introduction to Oceanography EAS (E 311) Basics of Remote sensing & GIS Techniques EAS (E 307) Environmental Earth Science
LABORATORY FACILITIES n n n n Geochemical Laboratory equipped with AAS with Graphite Furnace, UVVIS Spectrophotometer, Nephelometer etc. Geophysical Laboratory equipped with Worden’s Gravimeter, Two-Channel Seismic Timer, Magnetic Susceptibility Meter, etc. Tsunami Modeling & Coastal Studies Laboratory equipped with high end workstation and relevant software (MATLAB, Arc-View, ERDAS, etc. ) Geohyrological Laboratory equipped with Water Level Indicator Micropaleontological Laboratory equipped with Binocular Stereo Zoom Microscopes, Microphotography Kit, etc. Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory equipped with Stereozoom Transferoscope, Pocket Mirror Stereoscopes, Remote Sensing Data Products, FCC Imagery Sedimentalogical Studies: Sieve shaker, Heavy mineral separation using Heavy liquids. Computer Laboratory equipped with high end computers and a server with internet connectivity along with scanners and printers.
MU – KU – METU (Proposed Plan) 2007 n Capacity Building Activities 1. Basic courses for graduate students 2. Short-term course for practitioners 3. Training for the trainers 4. International training workshops 5. Web-based courses n - Finalized - to be planned - to be initiated -? Collaborative Research Project - ? Presented on December 13, 2006 – ISDR Meeting
NATURAL HAZARDS AND DISASTERS RISK MANAGEMENT n Core Course Objective: To provide in-depth knowledge on the interdisciplinary nature of natural hazards, the evolution of theories and thoughts in natural hazards, the geophysical causes of natural hazards, human and environmental impacts, and response to natural disasters, and issues, mitigation and recovery and challenges in developing countries. 4 Credits 45 hrs Lecturing Guest lecturing / Video / Field visits
Unit 1 Introduction: n General introduction to natural hazards and disasters – physical and geodynamic characteristics of earthquakes, tsunamis & storm surges, tropical cyclones, monsoonal floods, landslides, droughts & wildfires – worldwide trends in natural catastrophes and occurrence. Unit 2 Impact & Linkages: n Impact of natural hazards on development prospects – threat of sea level changes on the global coast – global climate change & global environmental change – impact on natural resources, environment - social impact of disasters – gender, food security, poverty and case studies.
Unit 3 Assessment: n Hazard-prone areas identification – application of remote sensing and GIS tools – hazard mapping – risk modeling, risk zonation and case studies. Unit 4: Preparedness: n Risk reduction concept – pre and post disaster comparison and analysis – understanding the disaster cycle – stakeholders’ participation and preparation comprehensive management plans –community-based disaster risk management – participatory risk assessment – coastal regulations, coastal management in tsunami reconstruction, national and international scenarios.
Unit 5: Mitigation & Recovery: n The inter-relationship between mitigation and recovery - process for developing hazards mitigation plan, implementation of comprehensive mitigation strategies – disaster recovery planning – disaster emergency preparedness and on recovery and reconstruction - early warning systems.
NATURAL HAZARDS AND DISASTERS RISK MANAGEMENT (Elective) n Elective Course Objective: To provide more of interdisciplinary knowledge on natural hazards, human and environmental impacts, and response to natural disasters, and issues, mitigation and recovery and challenges in developing countries. This course is designed for the Postgraduate students of Geology, Geography, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Management Studies, Economics, Education etc. 3 Credits 35 hrs Lecturing Guest lecturing / Video / Field visits
Unit 1 Introduction & Impact: n General introduction to natural hazards and disasters – worldwide trends in natural catastrophe occurrence. Impact of natural hazards on development prospects – threat of sea level changes on the global coast – threats to coastal biodiversity, environment, food security and poverty – urban land use planning and coastal zone management challenges. Unit 2 Linkages & Assessment: n Linkages between natural hazards risk and natural resource management – social effects of disaster and environmental impact of disasters – application of remote sensing and GIS tools – hazard mapping – risk modeling - risk zonation – damage and loss assessment.
Unit 3 Preparedness: n Risk reduction concept – pre and post disaster comparison and analysis – understanding the disaster cycle, stakeholders’ participation and community-based disaster risk management – participatory risk assessment – institutional aspects of disaster risk management (national/state/local). Unit 4 Mitigation & Recovery: n The process for developing hazards mitigation plan implementation of comprehensive mitigation strategies – disaster recovery planning - early warning systems - risk finance and risk transfer mechanisms - disaster emergency preparedness and on recovery and reconstruction – case studies.
MU – KU – METU (immediate tasks) n Preparation of proposals for short-term courses & training for trainers [March] 2 ST courses for practitioners/Stakeholders [20 practitioners] in May – June 1 TFT [at Kyoto University] [5 Trainers from Uo. M]
MU – KU – METU (tasks) n International training workshop [May 2008] 5 participants from METU region [WBI/ISDR funding] 15 participants from India [self supported] 15 participants from SA countries [facilitate funding from APN, IHDP, etc. ] 5 participants from developed countries MU will host and provide University guesthouse, training hall, field visits & preparation training materials
MU – KU – METU (tasks) n Joint collaborative research project 2007 -09 Preparation of first draft – February 07 Final draft and submission – April 07 Opportunities Students / young scholars exchange visits Fellowship for young scholars leading to Ph. D.
MU – KU – METU (tasks) Post-graduate diploma course in the University curriculum [2008 -09] – self supported n Web-based courses [2008 -09] – WBI/ISDR n 2 end user workshops / brainstorming sessions [2009] – WBI/ISDR n