- Количество слайдов: 12
Directorate of Human Resources Learning virtually Rhona Sharpe Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Associate College Partnership 14 January 2011
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Learner Experiences of ICT • JISC Learner Experiences of E-learning programme (Guide for Practitioners in your packs) • JISC Supporting Learners in a Digital Age project (SLi. DA) • NUS/HEFCE Student Expectations of ICT report, October 2010
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Digital and information literacy in Oxford Brookes Enhancing the Student Experience Strategy “ The functional access, skills and practices necessary to become a confident, agile adopter of a range of technologies for personal, academic and professional use. ” “ To be able to use appropriate technology to search for high-quality information; critically to evaluate and engage with the information obtained; reflect on and record learning, and professional and personal development; and engage productively in relevant online communities. ”
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Workshop plan Two tasks: • What do you, as learner, need to be able to do these online learning activities? (10 mins) • To what extent do your learners have the access, skills, strategies and support necessary? (20 mins)
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development What is it like to learn virtually? Pick one of the tasks, image that you are working on it. Where are you? How does it feel? What do you need?
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development About your learners: a checklist • Which questions do you find difficult to answer? Which will be important for your teaching? • On your tables, how are your students similar and different? Where are the gaps in what you know about your students? • Choose one section of the checklist to discuss in more detail. Come and collect the student experience cards for this section. • To what extent do your learners have the access, skills, strategies or support necessary?
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development There is high ownership and access to personal technology, but note institutional differences Where access or ownership is lacking, students feel disadvantaged Most students are not sure how to use personal technology to aid study, 3/18/2018 | slide 7 Access and ownership “If we are required to be networked for a computer workshop, for example, there generally aren’t places you can plug in a laptop with assistive technology in. So, then you are reliant on whatever assistive technologies are available on the network. ” (Lex. Dis)
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Study habits and strategies New learners are conservative in their study habits and approaches Influenced initially by prior educational experience, and later by their tutors Disabled learners are agile technology users who understand the affordances of technology Learn skills from each other “Well firstly if I want to look anything up… I will usually Google it. . . Then I would fire up MSN… Finally [the VLE] and all the resources the University makes available online. ” (STROLL)
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Extensive use of social networking sites – for recreational use Extensive use of peers for support, especially technical support Technologies used to support the process of groupwork Social networking used where they have a cohort identity 3/18/2018 | slide 9 Communication strategies “University e-mail I don’t really use for people at University, I usually use texting, Facebook or MSN. If they’re on-line, on MSN, I know hopefully they’ll respond straightaway. You can get an immediate response with phones and Messenger. ” (E 4 L)
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Support • LEXDIS • SLIDA case studies • DALLI case study
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development 3/18/2018 | slide 11 Support
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development 3/18/2018 | slide 12 Want to know more?