Скачать презентацию Diplomatic privileges and immunities diplomatic immunity Скачать презентацию Diplomatic privileges and immunities diplomatic immunity

Diplomatic privileges and immunities.pptx

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Diplomatic privileges and immunities Diplomatic privileges and immunities

diplomatic immunity — exemption from taxation, searches, arrest, etc. , enjoyed by diplomatic officials diplomatic immunity — exemption from taxation, searches, arrest, etc. , enjoyed by diplomatic officials and their dependent families under international law, and usually on a reciprocal basis.

Privileges facilities, the benefits that are not available to ordinary foreigners. Privileges facilities, the benefits that are not available to ordinary foreigners.

Distinguish immunities and privileges of diplomatic missions and directly members of diplomatic missions. Diplomatic Distinguish immunities and privileges of diplomatic missions and directly members of diplomatic missions. Diplomatic missions have privileges and immunities like: Ø Inviolability of premises of the mission. No one can enter the territory of representation, except with the consent of the head of the mission; Ø Premises representation, and the property situated things there, including movement resources, enjoy immunities complex (from search, seizure, enforcement actions, etc. ); Ø Representation shall be exempt from all taxes, existing on the territory of the State in which it is located;

 • Archives and documents of the mission shall be inviolable at any time • Archives and documents of the mission shall be inviolable at any time and wherever they may be. This rule also applies to official correspondence and diplomatic pouch, which is not subject to autopsy and detention; • Staff members are eligible to move freely in the host country.

Members of the mission’s privileges and benefits: Ø Person of a diplomatic officer shall Members of the mission’s privileges and benefits: Ø Person of a diplomatic officer shall be inviolable. Diplomat can not be arrested or detained in any manner; Ø Private premises of diplomatic personnel, the same inviolability as the premises of a diplomatic mission; Ø Diplomatic employee enjoys immunity from prosecution to the host country; Ø Diplomatic employee also enjoys immunity from administrative and civil liability of the host country.

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