Скачать презентацию DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan DIPECHO Projects in Turkmenistan Guvanch Скачать презентацию DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan DIPECHO Projects in Turkmenistan Guvanch


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DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan DIPECHO Projects in Turkmenistan Guvanch Khummedov Project Coordinator NRCST DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan DIPECHO Projects in Turkmenistan Guvanch Khummedov Project Coordinator NRCST

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan DIPECHO in Turkmenistan 1. IOM: Scaling up capacities of local authorities DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan DIPECHO in Turkmenistan 1. IOM: Scaling up capacities of local authorities and local communities in disaster prone districts in Turkmenistan 2. NRCST / NLRC: Scaling up disaster preparedness and response capacities of local communities and schools of Central Asia

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM Scaling up capacities of local authorities and local communities in DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM Scaling up capacities of local authorities and local communities in disaster prone districts in Turkmenistan (DIPECHO - 5)

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Main Project Components • Develop an unified & DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Main Project Components • Develop an unified & standardized methodology on disaster preparedness for different groups of beneficiaries for further use in study modules; • Carry out information campaigns at 15 schools located in disaster prone districts; • Conduct 2 TOT trainings for teachers; • Develop and set up 15 information stands at schools on population protection against disasters

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Main Project Components • Develop a manual on DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Main Project Components • Develop a manual on mitigation for representatives of local authorities and Civil Defense; • Conduct mitigation activities – risks reduction and mitigation (local authorities and local communities); • Develop recommendations for establishment of the cooperation mechanisms between the Emer. Com of Turkmenistan and research institutes;

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Main Project Components • Conduct trainings and consultative DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Main Project Components • Conduct trainings and consultative meetings with Government representatives, local authorities, NGOs and other partners with a purpose to strengthen coordination aimed at successful project implementation; • Develop informative materials on population protection against disasters and on risks reduction.

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Project Achievements - A first meeting for the DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Project Achievements - A first meeting for the national DIPECHO partners was conducted on 9 th February 2009 to improve coordination between partners for successful project implementation; - A coordination meeting on development of the cooperation mechanism between Emer. Com structures and research institutes in Turkmenistan was conducted on 12 th February 2009; - An unified standardized study manual on disaster preparedness for different groups of beneficiaries was drafted.

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Project Achievements - A study manual on mitigation DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Project Achievements - A study manual on mitigation was developed to the representatives of local authorities and Civil Defense;

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Project Achievements - Recommendations on the development of DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Project Achievements - Recommendations on the development of coordination mechanisms between the Emercom of Turkmenistan, research institutes, NGOs and other organizations reducing risks of disasters in Turkmenistan;

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IОМ in Turkmenistan Project Achievements - An assistance in developing and DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IОМ in Turkmenistan Project Achievements - An assistance in developing and implementing mitigation activities (risks reduction and mitigation) was provided to local authorities and local communities.

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IОМ in Turkmenistan Projects Achievements - Information campaigns at 15 schools DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IОМ in Turkmenistan Projects Achievements - Information campaigns at 15 schools located in disaster prone areas were conducted; - Information stands on risks reduction and mitigation activities were developed and set up at 15 schools.

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IОМ in Turkmenistan Project Achievements - Conducting of 2 TOT trainings DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IОМ in Turkmenistan Project Achievements - Conducting of 2 TOT trainings for teachers and community members;

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Printing materials DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Printing materials

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Printing materials DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan IOM in Turkmenistan Printing materials

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Projects Coordination IOM NRCST Responsibility: Mission of the International Organization on DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Projects Coordination IOM NRCST Responsibility: Mission of the International Organization on Migration in Turkmenistan National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan Time-frame: By 31 st December 2009 Target groups: Secondary school students, Students; Students of professional schools and colleges; Teachers; Population NGOs and Local authorities Population in 48 disaster prone districts in Turkmenistan Project geography: I. Коytendagsky etrap (9) II. Beyik S. Turkmenbashi etrap (15) III. Маgdanly (1) Akhalsky, Balkansky, Маryisky, Dashoguzsky, Lebapsky oblasts in Turkmenistan

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Project Coordination IOM Mo. U Between SD & DR under DM DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Project Coordination IOM Mo. U Between SD & DR under DM NRCST SD & DR under the Mo. E

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Joint Project of the NRCST & NLRC Scaling up disaster preparedness DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Joint Project of the NRCST & NLRC Scaling up disaster preparedness and response capacities of local communities and schools of Central Asia (DIPECHO - 5)

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Project Goal • Mitigate natural disasters in Turkmenistan. Project Objective • DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Project Goal • Mitigate natural disasters in Turkmenistan. Project Objective • Improve disaster preparedness and capacities of population living in disaster prone areas through conducting of trainings in DM and First Aid

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Geography of the Project DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Geography of the Project

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan 6 Results/Tasks of the Project DIPECHO-5 q. Result 1: Disaster Management DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan 6 Results/Tasks of the Project DIPECHO-5 q. Result 1: Disaster Management at Community level; q. Result 2: Disaster Preparedness at schools q. Result 3: Improve information of population q. Result 4: Institutional capacity building q. Result 5: Regional cooperation q. Result 6: Provide necessary equipment for Disaster Response

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Result 1 48 LDMC: • Improvement of capacity, knowledge and skills DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Result 1 48 LDMC: • Improvement of capacity, knowledge and skills (Conducting of 48 Refresher trainings amongst LDMC); • Hazard maps and plans of action in DP/DR were drafted, updated and integrated with the plans of Civil Defense; • Simulation and evacuation exercises were conducted; • A training of fire brigades and other DR groups were conducted.

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Result 2 48 secondary schools q Risk reduction trainings were conducted DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Result 2 48 secondary schools q Risk reduction trainings were conducted for school students and teachers (48 refresher trainings for school DP/DR teams) q Dissemination of information, communication and education materials q Simulation and evacuation exercises q Dissemination of knowledge on DP carrying out by students at their homes q Introduction of DP courses into school curriculum q Pictures drawing.

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Result 3 q Information and educational materials including street boards were DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Result 3 q Information and educational materials including street boards were printed and disseminated q Sharing of training materials with partners q Consultative meeting for NRCST staff, governmental and international organizations was conducted. q DP/DR trainings for oil and construction organizations were conducted.

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Result 4 q Knowledge of the NRCST staff and volunteers in DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Result 4 q Knowledge of the NRCST staff and volunteers in project management improved. q Capacity of the NRCST in development of information and education materials increased q Monitoring and project transparancy improved q A PSS training was conducted q Coordination in DM improved q Inter-sectorial themes were integrated into training processes

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Result 5 q Joint project proposals approach including beneficiary identification, specifications DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Result 5 q Joint project proposals approach including beneficiary identification, specifications of actions, indicators and M&E was established q A standard training approach including educational materials was established q 3 regional best practise workshops including M&E, procedures, methodologies and training materials were conducted.

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Result 6 q Delivery of FA kits for trainings q Procurement DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Result 6 q Delivery of FA kits for trainings q Procurement process of DR equipment and materials initiated

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Best Practices • Through identification of vulnerability criteria the NRCST together DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Best Practices • Through identification of vulnerability criteria the NRCST together with the Civil Defense have identified main disaster prone districts. • The Project «Scaling up disaster preparedness and response • capacities of local communities and schools of Central Asia” is conducting in disaster prone areas with a full support of local authorities and population. Materials printed for the project show all types of disaster responses. Because of that these materials are very popular both within the population and local authorities.

DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Lessons Learned • • • Improve motivation system of volunteers including DIPECHO-V in Turkmenistan Lessons Learned • • • Improve motivation system of volunteers including school teachers, DM community members Motivation of local community in DP/DR More practical activities Large beneficiary coverage Introduction of innovative approaches Changing of behavior Multi-level and complex approach Number of training materials Development of the new training materials Structure and methodology for a monitoring Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA)