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DIMMA: a completely unmanned Differential Image Motion Monitor A. M. Varela(1), L. F. Rodríguez-Ramos DIMMA: a completely unmanned Differential Image Motion Monitor A. M. Varela(1), L. F. Rodríguez-Ramos (1), C. Muñoz-Tuñón (1) & M. Sosa (2) (1) Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain (2) Inerza, S. A. , Spain ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

Site Selection for the European Extremely Large Telescope http: //www. eso. org/project/e-elt/ Backaskög, Suecia Site Selection for the European Extremely Large Telescope http: //www. eso. org/project/e-elt/ Backaskög, Suecia ELT Design Study, WP 12000, Site Characterization J. Vernin, C. Muñoz-Tuñon, M. Sarazin Scope of WP 12000 This WP covers the characterization of few sites for what concerns the seeing, ground climatology, atmospheric properties, [soil and seismicity]. Emphasis is put on already existing astronomical sites and on new physics corresponding to such a large telescope. The final report will help to select the best reasonable place to settle the ELT. ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

Parameters and Tools • Structure of the Atmospheric Turbulence (+/- 500 m up to Parameters and Tools • Structure of the Atmospheric Turbulence (+/- 500 m up to ca. 20 km). SCIDAR (Fuensalida et al. . Avila et al. . )// SLODAR (Wilson, Sarazin… // MASS • Humidity and precipitable water vapour Satellites (Varela et al…)// Climate diagnostic archives • Wind speed and direction, vertical profile in the BL Climate diagnostic archives // SCIDAR // SODAR//AWS • Sodium layer density and height • Ground deformations and seismicity • Seeing or atmospheric coherence length. DIMM, MASS-DIMM, SCIDAR, GSM, DIMMA • Airborne aerosols and properties… Airborne particles counter//MFRSR//LIDAR //Satellites • Cloudiness, fog, and dust • Atmospheric extinction Satellites vs in situ tecnhiques • Long-term meteorological parameters ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

SEEING or atmospheric coherence length Differential Image Motion Monitor –DIMMfull atmospheric seeing (but the SEEING or atmospheric coherence length Differential Image Motion Monitor –DIMMfull atmospheric seeing (but the SL) with accurate < 0. 1” 1 data/minute accurate, absolute and reproducible data; control tests are however important, see e. g. Tokovinin, 2003, Varela etal, 2003) Sarazin & Roddier, 1990, A&A, 227, 294. (ESO DIMM) Vernin & Muñoz-Tuñón, 1995, PASP, 107, 265 (DA/IAC DIMM) http: //www. iac. es/project/sitesting/site. html http: //www. eso. org. com MASS Free atmosphere seeing (“) , resolution? 5 atmospheric slabs from 1 -16 km. The 2 smallest MASS apertures can be conjugated to a negative altitude of – 0. 5 or – 1 km. Monitoring campaigns http: //www. ctio. noao. edu/atokovinin/profiler/principle. html MASS-DIMM Full atmospheric seeing. Resolution <0. 1” Monitoring campaigns Tokovinin, NOAO-NSO Newsletter, Issue 77, 32 -34, 2004 http: //mass. ctio. noao. edu ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

Happy Jack (4) Sierra Calar Alto San Pedro Mártir Arecibo (9. 2) ORM Nevada Happy Jack (4) Sierra Calar Alto San Pedro Mártir Arecibo (9. 2) ORM Nevada (La Palma) Sierra la Negra Oukaimeden OT (Tenerife) Mauna Kea Paranal Las Campanas (2 x 6. 5, La Silla Cerro Tololo 25. 3) Cerro Pachon (4. 2) Antarctica (25. 3, 50. . . ) ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007 Maidanak

LONG-TERM METEOROLOGY Ground (in situ) Automatic Weather Stations Air temperature 0. 30 -0. 55ºC LONG-TERM METEOROLOGY Ground (in situ) Automatic Weather Stations Air temperature 0. 30 -0. 55ºC Soil and Subsoil Temp. “ Barometric Pressure 0. 3 m. B Vapour pressure Relative Humidity 2% Wind Speed 0. 3 m/s for ws>3 m/s Gusts 3% for ws>3 m/s Wind direction 2% Rainfall 1% GTC site-testing campaign: meteorology T. Mahoney, C. Muñoz-Tuñón, and A. M. Varela. New Astronomy Reviews 42 (1998) 417 -424 Remote Sensing Climatic Diagnostic Archives (NCEP/NCAR), Balloons. http: //www. cdc. noaa. gov Climate diagnostic archives: an approach to ELT site selection B. García-Lorenzo, Fuensalida, J. J. , Mendizabal, E. G. , Muñoz-Tuñón, C. , & Varela, A. SPIE, 5572, 68(2005) ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

OBSERVING STRATEGY DIMM & 1 observer: (till full automatization : DIMMA) • Seeing measurements OBSERVING STRATEGY DIMM & 1 observer: (till full automatization : DIMMA) • Seeing measurements 10 -12 nights/month (in alternative weeks) from the last 15 years. • Sample rate 1 data / 30 s. Precision better than 0. 1 arcsec. Automatic Weather Station • Meteorological parameters continously. • Sample rate 1 data / minute. ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

OT (Tenerife) ARENA Workshop ORM (La Palma) Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007 OT (Tenerife) ARENA Workshop ORM (La Palma) Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

http: //www. iac. es/project/sitesting/site. html ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007 http: //www. iac. es/project/sitesting/site. html ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

ORM: Several DIMMS, MASS-DIMM(A) OT: DIMM, MASS-DIMM ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007 ORM: Several DIMMS, MASS-DIMM(A) OT: DIMM, MASS-DIMM ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

DIMMA: the IAC automated DIMM • DIMMA: Conceptual Design. Rodríguez, Varela & Muñoz-Tuñón, 2004 DIMMA: the IAC automated DIMM • DIMMA: Conceptual Design. Rodríguez, Varela & Muñoz-Tuñón, 2004 • The DIMMA. Muñoz-Tuñón, Varela & Rodríguez, 2004 1 er Encuentro Astronomía Robótica, Madrid. ü Completely automatic. No operator needed. ü Using ideas and previous developments of earlier DIMMs. ü Completely outsourced, if possible. ü Use as many commercial off the shelf products as possible ü Designed to be copied about a dozen times ü To be placed in remote sites, with no infrastructure at all. ü Powered using only photovoltaic solar energy ü Capable of storing all relevant data, including housekeeping, seeing and weather ü Featuring a built in software data quality checking module. ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007 ü Self-protection incorporated.

DIMM VERSIONS NOMENCLATURE? ? Robo. DIMM (ING, CTIO, . . ) HDIMM (CARA) ADIMM DIMM VERSIONS NOMENCLATURE? ? Robo. DIMM (ING, CTIO, . . ) HDIMM (CARA) ADIMM (Automated DIMM-Oukaïmeden) ADIMM (Antarctica DIMM-JACARA) MASS-DIMM (automatic. . . Chile, SPM, . . . ) Etc. BUT: Weather checking (if yes, not yet able cloud and/or rain detection) Dome closing and opening Power supply Risks evaluation Quality control of the data Etc. ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

DIMMA OBJETIVES • Automatic Operation (pointing, tracking, selection and search of stars, . . DIMMA OBJETIVES • Automatic Operation (pointing, tracking, selection and search of stars, . . . seeing calculation) • Operation in isolated sites. • Self-protection system. Evaluation of risks: » Extreme weather conditions (winds, clouds, rain, gust, humidity, dust. . . ) every 1 minute » Break-down of sensors » Unloading of the batteries » Space on hard disk » Intruders presence, . . . ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

BLOCK DIAGRAM C 8” ARENA Sta. Barbara Instruments: 657 x 49526 -29, 2007 7. BLOCK DIAGRAM C 8” ARENA Sta. Barbara Instruments: 657 x 49526 -29, 2007 7. 4 x 7. 4 μm. Tenerife, March pixels de ST-237 de Workshop

MAIN CHARACTERISTICS Automatic point with less than 1 arc minute accuracy. Automatic focusing with MAIN CHARACTERISTICS Automatic point with less than 1 arc minute accuracy. Automatic focusing with two independent systems. Automatic dome opening and closing. Automatic weather station integrated within the control system. Web cameras for remote monitoring Multisensor integration for robotic control Database storage of both scientific and housekeeping data Data quality checking (fwhml/fwhmt, focus, saturation, …. ) Wireless linked to the Ethernet Powered by solar panels (7. 7 m 2) plus batteries (2 x 450 Ah). ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

STATUS OF THE DIMMA was developed by INERZA, S. A. (Gran Canaria, Spain) under STATUS OF THE DIMMA was developed by INERZA, S. A. (Gran Canaria, Spain) under contract by IAC. Astro-Haven Dome 12 m-Mast Residence DAU 5 m-tower Solar Pannels ØIn June 2006 has started the DIMMA installation at the ORM at Las Lajitas. ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007 ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

DIMMA INTERFACE ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007 DIMMA INTERFACE ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007

ØThe DIMMA is now under calibration and validation process and will be fully ARENA ØThe DIMMA is now under calibration and validation process and will be fully ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007 operative in spring 2007.

Future Works • Comparison DIMMA vs DIMM, Robo. DIMM, SCIDAR y MASS-DIMM. • DIMMA Future Works • Comparison DIMMA vs DIMM, Robo. DIMM, SCIDAR y MASS-DIMM. • DIMMA will be a reference for the MASS-DIMM (E-ELT FP 6 site testing campaign) • Second DIMMA will be installed in the next april 2007 at the Teide Observatory (site seeing on Thursday. . . ? ) More information: www. iac. es/project/sitesting/site. html www. inerza. com ARENA Workshop Tenerife, March 26 -29, 2007