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Digital Marketing Transformation Covering Group Online Sales, Ecommerce & Social Media for Hospitality Industry Digital Marketing Transformation Covering Group Online Sales, Ecommerce & Social Media for Hospitality Industry in Turkey Fazli Yildirim Okan University, Information Systems and Technologies, Istanbul, Turkey fazliyildirim@gmail. com


INTRODUCTION New Marketing Tools; Automation, Social Media, CRM, ERP, E-Commerce, Group Online Sales, Cloud INTRODUCTION New Marketing Tools; Automation, Social Media, CRM, ERP, E-Commerce, Group Online Sales, Cloud and Etc. . Tourism; One of leading Sector in Turkey. Tourism managers are trying to adapt. .

METHODS ØTrying to reveal the hotel managers’ approach & uncover barriers. HOW? ØBy collecting METHODS ØTrying to reveal the hotel managers’ approach & uncover barriers. HOW? ØBy collecting data from hotel managers with deep interviews (qualitative method). Ø 27 questions; CRM, ERP, Ecommerce, Cloud, Group On, Social media, Hotel Specs.

RESULTS Hotel D Hotel E Hotel F Hotel G Hotel H Europe, Local All RESULTS Hotel D Hotel E Hotel F Hotel G Hotel H Europe, Local All market Europe, Middle East Europe, Local Inter C. Business & Leisure 2007 Opera Software Inter. C. Nat. C. Business & Leisure 2009 Nat. C. Business – Conven. 2010 Nat. C. No chain City Business City 2002 1960 Opera Software 2012 Opera, Logo Tiger No chain Business, City 2007 Opera, Logo Odeon, Logo Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No All channels Question. and email Online, phone calls Question. and phone calls All channels Question. and Online, e-mail Question Yes Yes Yes No No No Point E. CRM Hotel C Yes ERP Hotel B All market Hotel Spec. Hotel A Point E. Point earning Yes None Silver, Gold, Platinum Blue, Silver, A, B, C Gold, Diamond VIP, Club, etc. VIP No VIP 1 to VIP 5 No Question. and email Face to face, call, e-mail Question. , phone calls Yes Yes Online, Question. and Online mail Yes No Problems Abuse Yes Abuse, no control mechanism Face to face, Question. and email Yes City 2011 Opera Software No Problems Abuse, no control Abuse, no Misusage mechanism control mech.

CONCLUSION ØMobile applications, e-commerce and social media. Selling rooms by using travel agency channels CONCLUSION ØMobile applications, e-commerce and social media. Selling rooms by using travel agency channels that they still prefer classical ways except international chain hotels. ØLocal hotel customers still are not used to buy online using e-commerce channels. ØSuffer from web based online complaint systems, control systems. ØAware of CRM effects, they are managing successfully with their philosophy, automation systems, loyalty programs, complaint following systems and customer segmentations phases.

CONCLUSION ØAdapted group-on sales quickly, suffer about the customers’ quality. ØGroup-on sales systems should CONCLUSION ØAdapted group-on sales quickly, suffer about the customers’ quality. ØGroup-on sales systems should take precautions not to annoy hotel’s repeat and upper segment customers. ØCloud computing, most of the hotels are unaware of the benefits of the cloud computing (for locals). ØUse social media and they can organize marketing campaigns through these

CONCLUSION Local customers buying habits shape the sector. ØSystems leaks of e-commerce, group online CONCLUSION Local customers buying habits shape the sector. ØSystems leaks of e-commerce, group online and complaint based web sites negatively affect the success. ØSo, companies and managers should inform their customers and focus on these problems for increasing the Ø