- Количество слайдов: 22
Digital Cocooning Kenniskring Beroepsprofiel IAM 2015 Sabine Niederer Willem van Weelden Emilie Randoe
March 12, 2015 Newsdesk BBC International 17. 45 Editing room gets newslist for 20. 00 broadcast ‘global economic trends’ • Population demographics rapidly changing. In europe 50% of population older than 50%, in Asia 50% of population under 18 • ICT sector hid hard by environmental tax • Companies • Dow Jones down with 12% points, Euronext up with 6%, Hongkong up with 20%
June 6, 2015, Den Haag, The Netherlands 16. 30: Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens: Undocumented People demand access to the i. Node script
March 11, 2015, Internet 14. 53: Security Department Assicurazione Generali The i. Node script created a node in the network Generate temporary network address to provide access. Download i. Node and type: setenv networkaddr ”xx: xx: xx: xx” printenv networkaddr saveenv fsboot A network address is generated for your mobile device. It will expire in 30 days. Entering recovery mode, starting command prompt ] ] setenv networkaddr "01: 1 c: b 2: 1 c: 2 b: 40" ] printenv networkaddr "01: 1 c: b 2: 1 c: 2 b: 40" ] saveenv ] fsboot HFSInit. Partition: 0 x 1806 c 298 Loading kernel cache at 0 xb 000000. . . data starts at 0 xb 000180 done g. Boot. Args. command. Line = [ ] usb_interrupt_write: No error
Naam: Gabriella Stocchetti Geboorteplaats: Bologna, Italië Geboortedatum: 14 april 1975 Woonplaats: Triest, Italië Burgerlijke staat: Samenwonend, met scenarioschrijver Giacopo Grallo Beroep: Programmeur op Security afdeling van Assicurazione. Generaliin Triëst, Italië Caffe degli Specchi in Triest Gabriela & Giacopo
March 11, 2015, New Delhi 17. 00, Indira Ghandi International Airport Henry Odal, Investmanager Tatras Consultancy, on his way to Glasgow
March 12 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom 08. 00 AM, Carlton George Hotel Nightporter Mamadou Birkin is about to leave work
Naam: Mamadou Birkin Geboorteplaats: Ziguinchor, Senegal Geboortedatum: 16 juni 1973 Woonplaats: Glasgow, U. K. Burgerlijke staat: ongehuwd Beroep: Nachtportier Carlton George Hotel, Glasgow
Mamadou Birkin Geboortedatum /plaats : 16 Juni 1973, Ziguinchor, Senegal Ethniciteit : Serer Talen : Serer, Wolof, Frans, Engels, (Swahili) School : Lagere school, Ziguinchor, Sainte Eustephe Middelbare school, Dakar, MA Computer Science and Informatics, Cheikh Anta Diop Universiteit van Dakar, en de Universiteit van Mombassa, Kenia Op 13 september 2006 gevlucht naar La Tejita, Tenerife vanuit de Senegalese havenstad Thiaroye. Na omzwervingen in Europa in het voorjaar van 2007 aangekomen in Glasgow, Schotland, alwaar hij middels een vluchtelingen project (Bridges Project) aan een baan is geholpen als nachtportier in het Carlton George Hotel. Hij heeft geen officiele status (sans papier). Maandinkomen: ongeveer 1350, - euro. Hij heeft meerdere gebruikte telefoon Voor verschillende diensten (voicemail, sms, telefonie). Vanwege zijn status kan hij geen aanspraak maken op een gewoon account.
March 12, 2015, Glasgow, UK 08. 03 Porterdesk Carlton George Hotel Henry asks Mamdou for icecream and the Hindu Times
March 12, 2015 Glasgow, UK 10. 45: Room 314 Carlton George Hotel Henry Odal downloads i. Node script as a gift to Mamadou and orders trial period tool and all applications 1. Select mobile device 2. Generate temporary network address to facilitate access: : setenv networkaddr "xx: xx: xx: xx" printenv networkaddr saveenv fsboot 3. Copy applications folder to new network ID
March 12, 2015, Triest, Italy 10. 45: Security department Assicurazione Generali Gabriele gets a call and is ordered to retrieve the i. Node script
March 12, 2015, Glasgow, UK 10. 30 Delivery service on its way to Mamadou’s place: Henry ordered goodies for Mamadou to thank him
March 12, 2015, Triest, Italy 11. 15: Assicurazione Generali Gabriele notices somebody activated an i. Node account on a TSDS
March 12, 2015, , Glasgow, UK 12. 30: Lunchroom Savoy Hotel Henry Odal has lunch with the Optimist International Club
March 12, 2015, somewhere on the streets in Glasgow UK 13. 30 PM: a cab stops and urges Mamadou to get in Mamadou is asked to deliver a key note speech about undocumented people and internet acces Scottish Conference and Exhibition Center Glasgow
March 12, 2015, staircase Savoy Hotel, Glasgow, UK 14. 30 : journalists tracked down Henry Odal Who is your beneficiary of the i. Node script?
March 12, 2015, Glasgow, UK 14. 47: Henry activates Invisible Mode He logs of and out of everything
March 12, 2015 Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre 15. 30: Mamadou delivers his speech and makes a big impression ECIIT recruiter Bruce Middleton would like to get Mamadou on boards Bruce Middleton, Project Manager, Transnational Partnership ECITT, task force ASAP
March 12, 2015, Berlusconi Prensa Centre, Triest, Italy 17. 00: Gabriele gives press conference on the societal benefits of i. Node Script: ‘I meant no harm’
March 12, 2015 Newsdesk BBC International 17. 45 Editing room gets newslist for 20. 00 broadcast ‘strangely interrelated internetevents • Datascript i. Node released, trading in Assicurazione Generali halted, programmer stated she meant no harm • Mamadou Birkin in key note speach: ‘Undocumented people have a right and a need to acces internet too’ • Parliaments across the world: ‘ Internet rights of undocumented people is a serious issue, i. Node script is a pretty good solution • Tatras investment consultant Henry Odal disappeared from the globe, family and company afraid that something happened to him.
March 12, 2015, Glasgow UK, Triest Italy 23. 00: henry enjoys dinner at the Salvation Army 23. 00: Gabriele gets a call from Vitti: I need to see you at 09. 00 23. 00: Mamadou is in doubt about the ECIIT offer