digi-lodge Shifting Greek regions to “Tourism 2. 0” through ERDF Yannis Larios // 16. 01. 2012 // Regiostars 2012 – The Awards for Innovative Projects
Greece has been linked to the crisis…
… yet the collective perception on Greece, still holds true!
There exist bright spots of growth
There exist bright spots of growth Tourism!
… the “heavy industry” of Greece
… has this specific look!
… Tourism is a major GDP contributor
… but Tourism is also a major employer 840. 000 jobs
… a recent Mc. Kinsey report*, identified Weak “reach” in emerging tourism markets Condensed tourist season Low use of multi-channel platforms to stepimprove pre-visit experience * Greece 10 Years Ahead – Tourism and Growth
Tourism How do you move it forward?
Tourism 2. 0 …step-up in innovation!
Nowadays, tourism is about shared experiences
… and these are our “Ambassadors”: Visitors!
…it’s them that build the brand of the country
We have to change that!
digi-lodge infuse service innovation to hotels & lodges across Greece by harnessing ERDF
Go Directly to the Real Economy with a “swiping” initiative
Infused Service Innovation
digi-lodge accelerated “digital investments” at hotels and lodges co-financed “service innovation” in: • multi-lingual websites, with obligatory e-booking systems • secure transaction platforms • content management systems for touristic content • online real-time services to clients • mobile applications • backoffice and frontoffice systems that enhance the hotel’s efficiency (CRM, Inventory systems, Hotel Management software etc. ) • Inhouse wireless networking facilities
digi-lodge accelerated “digital investments” at hotels and lodges enhanced “digital exposure” through financing: • Search Engine Optimisation services • Digital marketing and promotion campaigns • Strategic use of Social media for promotion
Innovation in the Submission Process: Transparency and speed Innovation in auditing
total envisaged budget per hotel/ lodge € 7. 000 - € 40. 000 (according to stars-ratings or key-ratings)
digi-lodge co-financing support 60% Initial available budget (public financing): € 45 mil. National Private contribution: € 30 mil.
Phenomenal participation! CC – Flickr user buck 82
2. 859 hotels successfully evaluated as eligible
1. 800 hotels’ digital investments concluded
Sustainability Hotels that embrace the digital-era can never abandon efficiency gains!
Partnerships country-wide initiative that combines regional needs “Portable” to EU regions
Regional impact
digi-lodge Shifting Greece to “Tourism 2. 0” through ERDF Thank you! Yannis Larios // Digital Aid – Information Society SA