Скачать презентацию digi-lodge Shifting Greek regions to Tourism 2 0 Скачать презентацию digi-lodge Shifting Greek regions to Tourism 2 0


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digi-lodge Shifting Greek regions to “Tourism 2. 0” through ERDF Yannis Larios // 16. digi-lodge Shifting Greek regions to “Tourism 2. 0” through ERDF Yannis Larios // 16. 01. 2012 // Regiostars 2012 – The Awards for Innovative Projects

Greece has been linked to the crisis… Greece has been linked to the crisis…

… yet the collective perception on Greece, still holds true! … yet the collective perception on Greece, still holds true!

There exist bright spots of growth There exist bright spots of growth

There exist bright spots of growth Tourism! There exist bright spots of growth Tourism!

… the “heavy industry” of Greece … the “heavy industry” of Greece

… has this specific look! … has this specific look!

… Tourism is a major GDP contributor … Tourism is a major GDP contributor

… but Tourism is also a major employer 840. 000 jobs … but Tourism is also a major employer 840. 000 jobs

… a recent Mc. Kinsey report*, identified Weak “reach” in emerging tourism markets Condensed … a recent Mc. Kinsey report*, identified Weak “reach” in emerging tourism markets Condensed tourist season Low use of multi-channel platforms to stepimprove pre-visit experience * Greece 10 Years Ahead – Tourism and Growth

Tourism How do you move it forward? Tourism How do you move it forward?

Tourism 2. 0 …step-up in innovation! Tourism 2. 0 …step-up in innovation!

Nowadays, tourism is about shared experiences Nowadays, tourism is about shared experiences

… and these are our “Ambassadors”: Visitors! … and these are our “Ambassadors”: Visitors!

…it’s them that build the brand of the country …it’s them that build the brand of the country

yet… yet…

We have to change that! We have to change that!

digi-lodge infuse service innovation to hotels & lodges across Greece by harnessing ERDF digi-lodge infuse service innovation to hotels & lodges across Greece by harnessing ERDF

Go Directly to the Real Economy with a “swiping” initiative Go Directly to the Real Economy with a “swiping” initiative

Infused Service Innovation Infused Service Innovation

digi-lodge accelerated “digital investments” at hotels and lodges co-financed “service innovation” in: • multi-lingual digi-lodge accelerated “digital investments” at hotels and lodges co-financed “service innovation” in: • multi-lingual websites, with obligatory e-booking systems • secure transaction platforms • content management systems for touristic content • online real-time services to clients • mobile applications • backoffice and frontoffice systems that enhance the hotel’s efficiency (CRM, Inventory systems, Hotel Management software etc. ) • Inhouse wireless networking facilities

digi-lodge accelerated “digital investments” at hotels and lodges enhanced “digital exposure” through financing: • digi-lodge accelerated “digital investments” at hotels and lodges enhanced “digital exposure” through financing: • Search Engine Optimisation services • Digital marketing and promotion campaigns • Strategic use of Social media for promotion

Innovation in the Submission Process: Transparency and speed Innovation in auditing Innovation in the Submission Process: Transparency and speed Innovation in auditing

total envisaged budget per hotel/ lodge € 7. 000 - € 40. 000 (according total envisaged budget per hotel/ lodge € 7. 000 - € 40. 000 (according to stars-ratings or key-ratings)

digi-lodge co-financing support 60% Initial available budget (public financing): € 45 mil. National Private digi-lodge co-financing support 60% Initial available budget (public financing): € 45 mil. National Private contribution: € 30 mil.

Phenomenal participation! CC – Flickr user buck 82 Phenomenal participation! CC – Flickr user buck 82

2. 859 hotels successfully evaluated as eligible 2. 859 hotels successfully evaluated as eligible

1. 800 hotels’ digital investments concluded 1. 800 hotels’ digital investments concluded

Sustainability Hotels that embrace the digital-era can never abandon efficiency gains! Sustainability Hotels that embrace the digital-era can never abandon efficiency gains!

Partnerships country-wide initiative that combines regional needs “Portable” to EU regions Partnerships country-wide initiative that combines regional needs “Portable” to EU regions

Regional impact Regional impact

digi-lodge Shifting Greece to “Tourism 2. 0” through ERDF Thank you! Yannis Larios // digi-lodge Shifting Greece to “Tourism 2. 0” through ERDF Thank you! Yannis Larios // Digital Aid – Information Society SA