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Different Types of Prospects And suggested approaches to reach them Different Types of Prospects And suggested approaches to reach them

Four types of prospects o o “Unchurched. ” Sincere seeker with little background, often Four types of prospects o o “Unchurched. ” Sincere seeker with little background, often worldly. Sincere denominational person Institutional prospect Fallen away church member

Single Lesson versus Multi-lesson approaches. . . o o Multi-lesson approaches are best because Single Lesson versus Multi-lesson approaches. . . o o Multi-lesson approaches are best because you can do more teaching. Difficult to get people to agree to five or six weeks in a row! Schedule conflicts arise. Frustrating. Get to the end, sometimes just intellectually curious. Discouraging.

Single Lesson Approaches: o Are scriptural. n n n o o o Many examples Single Lesson Approaches: o Are scriptural. n n n o o o Many examples in Acts: Ethiopian treasurer, those at Pentecost. The Jailor was a raw pagan. Acts 16: 33 In the Bible, immediacy was the rule. Work best when there is not a lot of UNTEACHING that needs to be done. Can be used evangelistically but be careful, don’t press for a commitment. Often ideal to determine if the person is sincerely interested.

Important! One lesson approach, not a one shot approach. o o Great Commission: Important! One lesson approach, not a one shot approach. o o Great Commission: " Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you. “ Matt 28: 19 -20 The Divine Imperative is on the teaching after baptism! Don’t dip and them! Follow up and teach new baby Christians!

Why the Bible was Written o o Simple, one lesson presentation of the gospel Why the Bible was Written o o Simple, one lesson presentation of the gospel and the church. (40 mins) Teacher serves as a guide as you ask the prospect to “find the reference. ” Power of this: Anyone can do this! Young teens, new Christians, etc. Need two copies— so leave one filled out copy with the seeker.

Why the Bible was Written. . o o o What type of prospect? Whose Why the Bible was Written. . o o o What type of prospect? Whose house? Where study? n Kitchen next to a table n Study environment, control for distractions. Whose Bible use? n As long as “real Bible” use the prospect’s Ask prospect what the verse means and have him/her fill in the right answers. n Overcomes “It’s just your interpretation” objection Who should find the reference? n If prospect can, let him/her find it!

Key principles! o Use first three Nathan principles first! n n n o o Key principles! o Use first three Nathan principles first! n n n o o o How long is this line? Col 3: 17 Three things nothing to do with truth. Jn 8: 32 What does it mean to be undenominational? Ecc 5: 1 Ask to READ ALOUD! Nothing more powerful than the prospect reading out loud from his own Bible. Don’t laugh or cause person to feel embarrassed.

Key Principle: o o Get the person’s salvation experience BEFORE the person reads about Key Principle: o o Get the person’s salvation experience BEFORE the person reads about what the Bible says about the plan of salvation! High likelihood they will use “mental gymnastics” and apply a new truth to a former action without even realizing it!

Role play: “Why the Bible was Written. ” o H. B. R. C _________ Role play: “Why the Bible was Written. ” o H. B. R. C _________ Baptism n n n Baptism occurred when? 2 weeks after saved? After you “asked the Lord to come into your heart” at that point you believe you were: o Saved o Sins were forgiven o Christian o Died you would go to heaven. In short, you were baptized because you were saved not in order to be saved.

Epilogue: o o Lesson is a suggestion – if you have others or own Epilogue: o o Lesson is a suggestion – if you have others or own approach fine. Use something! Why are we not “bringing in the sheaves? ” n n Too often the seed has been left in the barn! If the saints are “equipped” and look for opportunities, and share as they are able, the Lord will provide the “increase. ”

End of the lesson: o o Do you know if you died tonight you End of the lesson: o o Do you know if you died tonight you would go to heaven? Yes/No Do you want this assurance? Yes/No Romans 10: 17 “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. ” Are you willing to hear God’s word? Yes/No

End of lesson: o o o Rom 10: 9 -10 If you confess with End of lesson: o o o Rom 10: 9 -10 If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. Do you believe in JC? Yes/No

End of Lesson: Acts 17: 30 -31 End of Lesson: Acts 17: 30 -31 "Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent. ” o Are you willing to repent? Yes/No o Are you willing to confess? Yes/No o

End of Lesson o o Mark 16: 16 -17 A He who has believed End of Lesson o o Mark 16: 16 -17 A He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. Are you willing to be baptized? Yes/No After being baptized are you willing to continue learning following Christ’s commands? Yes/No

How soon should you obey the Lord after learning what to do? o o How soon should you obey the Lord after learning what to do? o o o Acts 2: 37 -41 – How soon? Acts 8: 35 -39 – How soon ? Acts 16: 30 -33 – How soon ? James 4: 14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. If you delay, are you assured of a future opportunity? Yes/no