Степени сравнения.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 17
Dictionary • adjective- прилагательное • Degrees of comparison-степени сравнения • • • Positive-положительная Comparative- сравнительная Superlative-превосходная opposites-антонимы - слова противоположные по значению proverb-пословица weak-слабый dirty-грязный high-высокий stupid-глупый • strong-сильный • clean-чистый • tall -высокий • • • low-низкий clever-умный ugly-уродливый young-молодой slim-худой • beautiful-прекрасный • old-старый • fat-толстый • cheap-дешевый • sad-грустный • happy-счастливый • expensive-дорогой • small-маленький • thin-худой • short -короткий
• Rainy - дождливый • Snowy - снежный • Cloudy - облачный • Foggy - туманный • Stormy - штормит • Sunny - солнечный • Windy - ветрено • Hot - жарко • Cold - холодно • Warm - тепло • Cool - прохладно • Heat - жара • Fog - туман • Wet - влажный • Neat – аккуратный
The rule 1. К прилагательным в положительной степени, состоящим из одного или двух слогов, прибавляется в сравнительной степени –er и в превосходной степени –est. Positive положительная cold long 2. Comparative сравнительная colder longer Superlative превосходная the coldest the longest В односложных прилагательных с кратким гласным звуком + одна гласная буква эта согласная удваивается: hot-hotter - the hottest, bigger-the biggest Буква у на конце прилагательных после согласных меняется на i: happy – happier - the happiest Буква е на конце прилагательных выпадает: nice – nicer - the nicest 3. К прилагательным, состоящим из трех и более слогов, прибавляются в сравнительной степени more и в превосходной most. beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful
The land of adjectives q. Phonetic station q. Vocabulary station q. Grammar station q. Station of proverbs q. Creative station I wish you good luck!!!
Phonetic station v Add e-r cold/colder Add e-r old/older Add e-r tall/taller Add e-r small/smaller v The rich are getting richer The poor are getting poorer The good are getting better The bad are getting worse The old are getting older The nights are getting colder The tall are getting taller The small are getting smaller The weak are getting weaker The strong are getting stronger v Some people live in the city Where the houses are very tall Some people live in the country Where the houses are very small But in the country where the houses are small The gardens are very big And in the city where the houses are tall There no gardens at all. Add i-e-r pretty/prettier Add i-e-r busy/busier Add i-e-r funny/funnier Add i-e-r sunny/sunnier v He is not the best He is not the worst He is not the last He is not the first He is in the middle He is in between He is not too old He is just sixteen
Finish the poem Mr Hall is very Mr Port is very Mrs Sin is very Mrs Cold is very And Tomm. Sung is very tall short thin old young
Vocabulary station Translate these Adjectives into English and fill in the crossword. 2 1 h o sma r t 7 6 c s m 2 b a d 7 t a l l r 3 e l o ld c o a l n n 1 4 3 4 5 u go o d 5 ly ou n g e a 6 f a t g По вертикали: 1. маленький 2. горячий 3. старый 4. страшный, уродливый 5. аккуратный 6. чистый 7. сильный По горизонтали: 1. элегантный 2. плохой 3. холодный 4. хороший 5. молодой 6. толстый 7. высокий
Find opposites dirty stupid weak high low ugly old beautiful cheap cleve clean r sad happy strong slim young expensive fat • weak --- strong • dirty --- clean • high --- low • stupid --- clever • ugly --- beautiful • young ---- old • slim --- fat • cheap --- expensive • sad ---- happy
Grammar station Fill in the missing forms! positive положительная comparative сравнительная superlative превосходная higher the highest bigger the biggest cheaper the cheapest dirty dirtier the dirtiest expensive beautiful more expensive the most expensive more beautiful the most beautiful smaller the smallest fatter bad worse the fattest the worst good better the best little less the least small
Answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Who is smaller Dymovochka or Malvina? Who is stronger a lion or a fox? Who is funnier Hobbit or Piglet? What is bigger a town or a country? What is longer a road or a path? Which nose is the longest? Who is the most beautiful in your family?
Compare the animals. Use the words: useful, clever, big, strong, beautiful, funny. Ex: An elephant is bigger than a lion.
Рut Adjectives in Comparative or Superlative 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I Variant My brother is (small) smaller than my sister. Ann is the (good) girl in best our class. longest. Buratino’s nose is the (long). less Piglet is (little) than Winny-the-Pooh. (bad) Karabas Barabas is the worst fairy-tale character. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II Variant My father is taller than (tall) my mother. This car is the most expensive. (expensive). (long) The road is longer than the path. best. This flower is the (good). bigger A city is (big) than a country.
Station of proverbs Finish the following proverbs. • Better late than never. • Two heads are better than one. • East or West home is best.
Creative station Praise your mother! the youngest the most hospitable the most careful the nicest the most friendly the smartest the cleverest the most beautiful the kindest the most wonderful