- Количество слайдов: 23
Dictionaries 英文字典的類型 評鑑重點 各類型字典介紹 1
英文字典八大類型 l General English Language Dictionaries l l l Period or scholarly specialized titles l l 大約涵蓋 30000~ 55000款目, 便宜、攜帶方便 l Historical dictionaries l 介紹字詞的源由及現今發展 用法 l l 語源學字典,類似 Historical dictionaries,但更強調於字詞的 分析,以及不同語言的源起發 展。 Foreign language Subject works l l 針對某特定時間或地點的文字 為介紹主題。 Etymological dictionaries Paperback dictionaries l l Unabridged,足本(大約涵蓋 26萬款目) 一般桌上型(16~ 18萬)或大 學用( 10萬)版本 l 特定學科主題詞彙定義 Other l 包含俚語、簡稱、縮寫及用法等 各類字辭典。 2
Compilation—字詞語彙來源 l 出版社員 l l l 大部分的出版社取用 BNC的字彙 BNC--British National Corpus,在網路上提供近 3 億個字詞供查檢, http: //info. ox. ac. uk/bnc/ 自由字典編輯( Freelance lexicographer) 3
Evaluation “Dictionaries are like watches: the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true” l ~ by Dr. Johnson 4
給一般讀者的 10個參考評鑑點 l l l 能提供使用者需要的詞 彙、定義 收錄近幾年來的新詞、 新義、新用法 定義(對應詞)、翻譯正 確而少偏見 語法說明清楚、詳盡、正 確 例證充足,用例恰到好 處 l l l 插圖豐富,能幫助學習 詞彙,掌握意思 重視口語、俚語,收錄足 夠的片語、成語、慣用語 提供語用方面的說明或 標籤 提供百科性、文化方面 的有用知識 標榜獨一無二的特點 曾泰元。如何選擇英文詞典。在 詞典的兩個世界 , pp. 114 --117 5
館員評估一般語文字詞典的重 點 Authority l l Vocabulary l l Merriam-Webster、 Oxford University Press、 Random House、 Scott-Foresman、 Doubleday、 Macmillian、 Simon & Schuster、 Houghton Mifflin Unabridged:超過 265000 字 Abridged: 50000~265000 字 Slang l l l Up-to-date Format Encyclopedia material Spelling Etymologies Definitions Pronunciation Syllabication Synonyms Grammatical Information Usage 6
評估專科字典的要件 l l 插圖的輔助說明是否合宜?對專門學科人 員或非本科人員有幫助? 定義是簡單的就字義來解釋,還是有多加 說明? 目標使用群是針對國際性?或是偏重於某 一區域? 更新程度如何? 7
介紹字典的 具 l l l Kister, Kenneth. Kister’s Best Dictionaries for Adults & Young People: A Comparative Guide. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1992, 488 pp. $39. 50 Loughridege, Brendan. Which Dictionary? London: Library Association Publishing. 1990. 177 pp. $26 徐振忠 。 英文辭典實用指南 。台北市: 旺文社 民 81。 IPL Subject Collections Reference Dictionaries LII Ready Reference & Quick Facts Dictionaries Yahoo!奇摩分類首頁 網路指南 參考資料 參考字典 8
Unabridged(足本) Dictionaries l The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary l l Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary l l 2002, 5 th. ed. , 3984 pp. $150 2003, . 2256 pp. $64. 95. ( +CD-ROM) Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. l CD-ROM( v. 3. 0): 2002, irregular update. $69. 95. ; Print: 2002, 3 rd. Ed. 2783 pp. $129. 9
College Dictionaries l l Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary( http: //www. m-w. com) The American Heritage College Dictionary. ( http: //www. bartleby. com/61/) The Random House Webster’s College Dictionary + Thesaurus Webster's New World College Dictionary + Thesaurus 10
Desk Dictionary l The Concise Oxford Dictionary l l Collins English Dictionary l l 2002, 10 th. ed. 384 pp. $29. 95 2003, 1888 pp. £ 30. 00 Chambers 21 st Century Dictionary l 1993, 1664 pp. $30 11
ESL Dictionary l l l ESL English as Second Language Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary l 2000, 6 th. Ed. $25. 95 l http: //www. oupp. com/elt/oald/ Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English l 2003, $26. 95(+ CD-ROM) l http: //www. longmanwebdict. com/ Collins COBUILD New Student's English Dictionary l 2002, 1088 pp. £ 9. 99 Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners l 2002, 1071 pp. $29. 68 12
Children’s Dictionaries l l Macmillan Dictionary for Children. The World Book Dictionary Scott Foresman First Dictionary. Merriam-Webster‘s 系列 (均為 $14. 83) l Elementary Dictionary(624 pp. ) l School Dictionary(1184 pp. ) l Intermediate Dictionary(960 pp. ) l School Thesaurus(704 pp. ) 13
Thesaurus/Synonyms /Antonyms l l l l Roget’s Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English The Concise Oxford Thesaurus Longman Essential Activator Theseaurus. com (http: //thesarus. com/) The ARTFL Project: ROGET'S Thesaurus (http: //humanities. uchicago. edu/forms_unrest/ROGET. htl) Word. Net (http: //www. cogsci. princeton. edu/~wn/) Synonym Dictionary (http: //vancouverwebpages. com/synonyms. html) 14
Usage and Manuscript Style— 1/2 l The Chicago Manual of Style, 15 th. Ed. l l l The Columbia Guide to Online Style. l l 1998. 224 pp. $34; paperback, $17. 50 Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage. l l CD-ROM: 1993, in Microsoft Bookshelf. Print: 2003, 956 pp. $55. 1989, 980 pp, $18. 95 謝寶煖。APA Style 完全上手指南 。台北市:文華, 民國 90年 8月 15
Usage and Manuscript Style— 2/2 l l l IPL Subject Collections Reference Style & Writing Guides The Slot. (http: //www. theslot. com) 國家圖書館 知識之窗 網路資源 教育資源 /論文寫作格式 靜宜大學蓋夏圖書館 學術寫作資源( http: //www. lib. pu. edu. tw/database/www/dbcitation. htm) 中央研究院圖書館 網路資源 引用資料格 式 (http: //www. sinica. edu. tw/~libserv/aslib/internet/i nternet 1. html ) 16
Historical Dictionaries l l l Oxford English Dictionary (OED) l Online, : 2000 to date, http: //www. oed. com Library: $795+, Individals: $550 l CD-ROM: 2 nd ed. 1992 to date, $895 l Print: 1989, 2 nd. , 20 vols. $3000. The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. l CD-ROM: 1998. $75 l Print: 1998, 2 vols. 5 th. Ed. $150. Oxford 字詞典專區 http: //www. oupp. com/oeddicref/ l l Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 4 v. (http: //polyglot. lss. wisc. edu/ dare/dare. html) Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang. l 1994 to date, 3 vols. $79. 95 17
Slang l l l Dictionary of American Slang l 1998, 3 rd. ed. 640 pp. $42. 95 Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang l 2000, 1326 pp. $19. 95 The Alternative Dictionaries (http: //www. notam 02. no/~hcholm/altlang/) A Dictionary of Slang (http: //www. peevish. co. uk/slang/) The College Slang Page (http: //www. intranet. csupomona. edu/~jasanders/slang/) On-line Dictionary of Street Drug Slang (http: //www. drugs. indiana. edu/slang/home. html) 18
Quotation l The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations l l l 1999, 5 th. Ed. 1152 pp. $45 其他 Oxford出版的版本 (http: //www. oupusa. org/reference/general/quotations. html) Familiar Quotations (http: //www. bartleby. com/quotations/) About. com:Quotations (http: //quotations. about. com/) Movie Quotes (http: //us. imdb. com/Sections/Quotes/) Famous Quotations (http: //www. famous-quotations. com/) 19
Foreign Language Dictionaries( Bilingual) l The Harper. Collins Series l l l Harper. Collins-Robert French Dictionary Harper. Collins Spanish Dictionary Harper. Collins German Dictionary Encyclopedia of Languages of Europe Dictionary of Languages Berlitz Passport to 31 Languages. l 1999 to date, $30. ( CD-ROM) 20
Foreign Language Dictionaries( Bilingual) --網路翻譯 具 l l l Language Dictionaries and Translators. (http: //www. word 2 word. com/dictionary. html) Alta. Vista translation services (http: //world. altavista. com/ ) Free Translation and Professional Translation (http: //www. freetranslation. com/) 21
特殊用途字詞典 l l l Acronyms Initialisms, and Abbreviations Dictionary Acronym Finder (http: //www. acronymfinder. com/. ) Acronym Server (http: //www. ucc. ie/cgi-bin/acronym) Webster’s Official Crossword Puzzle Dictionary. l CD-ROM: 1992 irregular update. $29. 95 l Print: 1992. paperback, $4. 99 The New Hacker’s Dictionary 22
網路字典 l l l One. Look Dictionaries (http: //www. onelook. com) Dictionary. com (http: //dictionary. reference. com/) Vocabulary University (http: //www. vocabulary. com) The Word Detective (http: //word-detective. com ) Rhymezone (http: //www. rhymezone. com/) Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (http: //foldoc. ic. ac. uk/foldoc/index. html) 23