Скачать презентацию DHS Homeland Security Professional Education Development Initiatives Скачать презентацию DHS Homeland Security Professional Education Development Initiatives


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DHS Homeland Security Professional Education & Development: Initiatives to Date & A Way Ahead DHS Homeland Security Professional Education & Development: Initiatives to Date & A Way Ahead Patrick N. Newman, J. D. Coast Guard Office of Strategic Analysis June 6 -8, 2006 Emergency Management & Homeland Security/Defense Higher Education Conference Emmitsburg, MD U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 1

Homeland Security Professional Education & Development What we will cover: • Summary of DHS/Coast Homeland Security Professional Education & Development What we will cover: • Summary of DHS/Coast Guard initiatives to date • Current initiatives that are shaping the policy-space • Steps for moving ahead U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 2

Current State of Play CG Academy, National Academy of Sciences, DHS I Team and Current State of Play CG Academy, National Academy of Sciences, DHS I Team and the Directorate of Preparedness assessed the general state of HS Education, Training and Professional Development. Studies found: • Explosion of HLS Training and Education programs & activities • Lack of strategic direction and integration – redundancies • Lack of real innovation, recasting of familiar programs & curricula • Emphasis on short-term training versus foundational education • Emphasis on technology and first responder training, excludes HLS policy and strategic studies • No standards or credible accreditation mechanisms U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 3

Current State of Play -- (continued) • Positive engagement and intent, e. g. , Current State of Play -- (continued) • Positive engagement and intent, e. g. , National Homeland Security Academy. Law Enforcement Conception (FLETC) • Academic consortiums and faculty exchanges developing, e. g. , NORTHCOM HS/D Educational Consortium • State/federal/private partnerships developing, e. g. , NPS Homeland Security Graduate Program • Some best practices are emerging: • Harvard’s Homeland Security Preparedness Leadership Institute • Texas A&M Private Sector Emphasis • Penn State Graduate Program in HS and Public Health • Long Island University Undergraduate Degree in Homeland Security Management U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 4

Charting a Course for Homeland Security Strategic Studies National Conference – 2004 -06 CG/DHS Charting a Course for Homeland Security Strategic Studies National Conference – 2004 -06 CG/DHS initiated effort to examine need for strategic studies in homeland security. • Academe, Policy and Research Sub-committee (APRSAC) endorses conference concept - February 2004 • Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) recommends approval to S 1/S-2 – March 2004 • DHS Training Leaders Council/Office of Human Capital endorses concept and proposed follow-on activities - May 2004 • S-2/Commandant’s approval received – June 2004 U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 5

Charting a Course for Homeland Security Strategic Studies National Conference – Cont. • Interagency/intergovernmental Charting a Course for Homeland Security Strategic Studies National Conference – Cont. • Interagency/intergovernmental planning sessions held - Summer 2004 • National conference held at CGA - November 2004 • Multiple Fairways: Developing a Strategic Studies Program for the Department of Homeland Securities report approved and transmitted to S-2 – March 2005 • DHS I-Team and CHCO tasked with developing departmental PD approaches and options, to include strategic studies framework and programs (S-2 memo) – July-2005 • CG Office of Strategic Analysis funds follow-on program development; curricula workshops and SS program PD framework – August 2005 • Hurricane Katrina Hits - August 2005 U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 6

Charting a Course for Homeland Security Strategic Studies National Conference – Cont. Where we Charting a Course for Homeland Security Strategic Studies National Conference – Cont. Where we are at today…. DHS Human Capital Office’s Katrina Lessons Learned Review Plan responds to White House Katrina Report by 1) creating a DHS working group to establish goals and standards for DHS PD, and 2) establishing a HS Strategic Studies Program (HS SSP) curriculum and a virtual Leadership Learning and Development Center - Spring 2006 U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 7

Why Homeland Security Strategic Studies? SECURITY Human National International Homeland Security Strategy • Border Why Homeland Security Strategic Studies? SECURITY Human National International Homeland Security Strategy • Border Policy • Immigration Policy • Infrastructure Protection • Counter-terrorism • Comms w/State&Local Global Military Strategy • Intel sharing • Role of the • National Guard • Responding to • “Gray Area • Phenomena” • Force Planning • Warfighting • Logistics • Nuclear/Conventional • Types of Conflict • Readiness • Intelligence U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 8

Why Homeland Security Strategic Studies? U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 9 Why Homeland Security Strategic Studies? U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 9

Homeland Security Strategic Studies Delivery Template Where we are at today…. U. S Coast Homeland Security Strategic Studies Delivery Template Where we are at today…. U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 10

Current Initiatives Related to HS Education & Professional Studies – Cont. • S. 2158 Current Initiatives Related to HS Education & Professional Studies – Cont. • S. 2158 - National Homeland Security Academy Act: Senate bill to create DHS Academy with specific provisions on missions, curriculum, funding, oversight, student population (Collins and Lieberman co-sponsors) - December 2005 • Draft legislation: “National Emergency Management Reform and Enhancement Act of 2006” – Section 527 -National Homeland Security Education Program • White House Katrina After Action Report: Recommendations 112 -117 address the need for professional education and development. 116 calls for DHS to establish National Homeland Security University (NHSU) for senior officials that serves as capstone to other educational/training opportunities. Text includes encouraging words with regard to NDU - Winter 2006 U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 11

Current Initiatives Related to HS Education & Professional Studies – Cont. § DHS/DOD Strategic Current Initiatives Related to HS Education & Professional Studies – Cont. § DHS/DOD Strategic Planning Initiative –Spring 2006 § USCG Charter Effort (HS PROFET): USCG Executive Secretariat and Working Group to assess CG and HS professional development and recommend immediate and longterm improvements. Cross-departmental and DOD integration and synergy- Preparedness Directorate Rep- Dr. George Tanner – Spring/Summer 2006 § EMI/NORTHCOM Preparedness Conference- Summer 2006 U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 12

Current Initiatives Related to HS Education & Professional Studies – Cont. § DOD’s QDR: Current Initiatives Related to HS Education & Professional Studies – Cont. § DOD’s QDR: Recommends changing National Defense University to National Security University, creating an interagency “National Security Officer Corps” to integrate all government national secuirty efforts, and developing National Security Planning Guidance to direct the development of military and non-military plans and institutional capabilities. Winter 2006 § NSU “Warning Order”: Following QDR recommendations, CJCS approved the change of NDU to NSU with a National College of Homeland Security to be established A Y 06/07, staffed initially by NDU – Spring 06 U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 13

Challenges, Opportunities, and the Way Ahead Challenges: • Lack of firm DHS-wide position on Challenges, Opportunities, and the Way Ahead Challenges: • Lack of firm DHS-wide position on Professional Development • Presently no substantive, content-driven educational offerings focused on senior/mid-level leadership • Common DHS culture remains elusive • Potential loss of Homeland Security PD to DOD: Defining terms of reference, concepts, planning structures. U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 14

Challenges, Opportunities, and the Way Ahead The Way Ahead: • • • The principals Challenges, Opportunities, and the Way Ahead The Way Ahead: • • • The principals agreed to work together to advance homeland security education and professional development within DHS, and advance standard training and curricula with our partners and academia; DHS Homeland Security Professional Development Continuum for use in identifying mid-level and accession point requirements for long-term DHS employee development and transition (Roadmap) The program development should build on the work that has been done to date in the Secretary’s Strategic Studies Program, the LEAD framework, and in related work by the CHCO, Coast Guard, and others; The DHS effort should address, but not limit itself to: executive education, mid-level managers/supervisors education, education for staff preparing to represent DHS internationally or work abroad, accreditation of homeland security programs in academia The program should be developed by DHS in partnership with interagency and DOD, but in an independent manner; Existing programs and facilities (bricks and mortar) capacity must be leveraged U. S Coast Guard Academy June 2006 15