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Dhanashree Solar Enterprises LLP Surya. Con Pune 2018 12 th January, 2018 Sandeep Pathak CEO 1
Renewables for Sustainability Why Renewables? Essential activities for a nation’s economic growth üManufacturing and agriculture üMovement of goods, people, resources Even though these are resource intensive they cannot be prevented by governments Hence scope for reductions in emissions leaves fewer options like replacing high polluting power generation thru fossil based fuel by renewable energy Lowering of Capex in the last 5 years and also the modular and scalable nature of systems further justifies solar installations 2
Solar energy as a preferred choice § Solar PV Systems deployment is therefore not only a choice but an imperative to maintain sustainable growth in Indian cities § To ensure better & smarter energy resource utilization, enable efficient transportation (EV) while maintaining a clean environment § With ultimate objective of improving citizens’ quality of life, social harmony & happiness index 3
India’s Solar Aspirations → NSM target of 100 GW by 2022 → 60 GW for commercial solar plants → 40 GW for rooftop solar PV → Estimated 19 GW cumulative installations by end Dec-17 → Government’s initial emphasis is on commercial solar farms to generate momentum and achieve ambitious targets → Rooftop solar installation yet to gather required pace due to regulatory and other challenges 4
Dhanashree Solar’s Perspective • Mega solar farms lock in the scarce land resources which can be used for alternative purposes like industry, roads, canals, commercial buildings, residential areas, townships and other infrastructure projects • High transmission and distribution infrastructure cost, T&D losses (around 15% to 23%) incurred additionally to deliver power to the consumer • Financially stressed discoms, grid imbalances, capacity underutilization and delayed payments make investors wary for investing in commercial solar farms • Ecosystem not yet developed for recycling of solar modules after 25 years of life cycle which could lead to unprecedented environmental challenges • Onsite solar installations for self consumption replacing high cost and erratic energy supply from the grid – a preferable way ahead 5
Typical Installation Potential in Buildings Different system options in urban / semi- urban areas, for building structures > 4 floors: • Conventional floor mounted system (enables a max. of 10% to 15% of energy independence) • Elevated Building Integrated Photo Voltaic (BIPV) systems (achieves around 40% to 45% of energy independence) • BIPV Façades (enables achieving up to 70% to 80% of energy independence) So a paradigm shift is needed from conventional rooftop solutions to smart Building Integrated solutions (BIPV) to maximize installations from all available surface areas of structures. 6
Dhanashree Solar- Value Proposition üRight mix of professional experience in energy infrastructure and renewable energy üConceptualising, designing, EPC and O&M of tailor made solar power solutions based on client specific needs while optimising system & structure costs üEmpanelled team of experienced professionals / vendors having more than 100 MWp of solar installations üExpert in-house / empanelled design team for designing of conventional, BIPV skylights and façade solutions üAssociation with leading architects, PMCs, smart city consultants for developing path- breaking solutions üEmphasis on adherence to best operating practices 7
Dhanashree Solar- Value Proposition BIPV Product features üBIPV modules with fire rating of class - A üModules and structures can withstand up to 225 km / hr of wind loads (as against 160 to 180 km / hr for other roofing solutions) üSpecially designed to offer leak proof service for roofs & façades ü 30 years manufacturers’ and third party warranty for modules üRo. Is within 3 years for roofs / skylights & within 2 years for façade solutions 8
BIPV Systems Designed by DSEL Thane residential terrace, 26 k. Wp, 165 sq. m. covered area 9
BIPV Systems Designed by DSEL IT SEZ in Maharashtra, 300 k. Wp, 2, 000 sq. m. approx. covered area 10
BIPV Systems Designed by DSEL 11
BIPV Systems Designed by DSEL 12
BIPV Installation Potential In view of higher space utilization, designers, consultants, and policy makers should consider BIPV solutions for the following structures: üResidential and industrial buildings üCommercial structures (Offices, IT SEZs, malls, hotels, hospitals, educational institutes) üParking bays / charging stations / bus terminals üSports Arenas üMetro stations Regulatory policy changes required for such structures to be initiated and implemented by government agencies, smart city consultants (FSI, height requirements, etc) to enable faster adoption of such smart solutions. 13
BIPV Installation Potential 14
BIPV Installation Potential 15
Thank You For any queries, please contact: Name: Sandeep Pathak (CEO) Phone: + 91 98195 41952 Email: sandeep. pathak@dhanashreesolar. com Address: 604, Orchid Plaza, Off S. V. Road, Borivali (West), Mumbai - 400092 16