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Devon and Somerset Microlight Club Annual General Meeting Wed 23 March 2011 Dunkeswell – “Home of the Brave” Membership Survey - Summary
DSMC Membership Survey • 15 responses(less Chair and Vice Chair): • The macro-profile is: – – – Age between 40 -60 Flying under 15 years Average total hours = 280 Annual average hours = 42 per year Majority The Old and ‘not so’ bold • Availability - “semi-flexible” (weekends, evenings, & the odd day off) • Comfortable with the amount of flying and cost • Aircraft location: – – Somerset Microlights at Dunkeswell (6) Other hangers at Dunkeswell (2) Own strip (1) Shared strip (4) Widely dispersed membership • Avg Dunkeswell Landings per year (Circuit session count as 1) – More than 36 landings Dunkeswell Microlight Landing = £ 5 – 30 -36 landing 50% 36 landings = £ 180 – 18 -24 Landings 25% 20 landings = £ 100 – Less than 18 landings 12% 8 landings = £ 40
Why are members? Very Limited Not Ranking Important Importance Important Access to Safety Officer 6 5 2 1 11 General Affiliation 4 5 3 1 9 Landing Fee at Dunkeswell 3 5 3 2 8 Talks 2 6 5 0 8 Fly Outs 2 6 4 1 8 Tours 2 5 3 2 7 Barbeque 2 4 7 0 6 Club Kit 0 0 6 7 0 If an item was removed from the membership package? Landing Fees 8 members would leave, 6 would remain Barbeque 1 member would leave, 13 would remain Talks 2 members would leave, 12 would remain Sunday Fly Out 2 members would leave, 11 would remain Tours 1 member would leave, 12 would remain Xmas Dinner 1 member would leave, 12 would remain Policy implication: Do not mess with landing fee arrangement. Keep low profile. If Westward raise the fee the Club Income/Expenditure will be unbalanced
Club and Committee Value provided by club membership Current Activity Offered by Club Leadership and Administration provided by the Committee Change over past four years Very Satisfied 5 5 6 Greatly Improved 2 Satisfied 7 6 Not Satisfied 0 0 No Opinion 2 3 5 0 3 Improved 8 No Change 1 Slight Decline 2 60% state they do not attend AGM because they are satisfied with the way the DSMC is run. 100% approval of the DSMC Web Site. Policy Implication: • Steady as she goes • Invite and support any member proposal for improvement. Expectation of ownership from proposer.
Finances Fees: Fee is too high Fee is about right Fee is far too low Appropriate cash Reserve? £ 750 7. 7% (1) £ 1000 38. 5% (5) £ 1250 +1 £ 1500 30. 8% (4) £ 2000 7. 7% (1) 23. 1% (3) 38. 5% (5) +1 30. 8% (4) 7. 7% (1) Club House: £ 1500 capital and £ 1000 running cost (2005 estimate) Needs a club house; this cost acceptable 23. 3% (3) + 1 Needs a club house; this cost acceptable 23. 1% (3) Does not need a club house 53. 9% (7) Might there be a reason for a one off surcharge? Amount of surcharge? £ 40 - £ 50 65% approved £ 30 - £ 10 35% approved 50% For and 50% Against Paid Speakers 100% approved committee paying speakers 80% approved surcharge fee to members 85% approved fee for guests to paid speakers 50%/50% on fees for guests to non paid speakers Policy Implication: • Currently the need is not enough to justify cost and effort of own club house. • There is a potential scenario that a need will arise. • Preserve a cash reserve of £ 1500. • Balance annual budget. Excess to reserve.
What do members want more of? • Talks on anything aviation, by anybody. • Member “short Talk Evening” – Over 80% supported. – 30% were prepared to speak • Sunday Flyouts – 100% supported this type of event and would participate. • Tours – 80% supported this type of event • But only 50% said “Definitely” or “Probably” to outline event/dates • 60% did not wish to cross more than 40 miles of water in a pair. Policy Implication: Maintain current programme, within budget
Alternative Venue for meetings Definitely Dunkeswell Exeter Willand Taunton Yeovil Plymouth Barnstaple 7 2 5 4 3 1 0 High Possible Low Probability 3 6 2 2 0 2 3 3 4 1 3 3 Never 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 Policy Implication: Events to remain at Dunkeswell Consider Exeter for premium speakers when public can offset the cost. 0 0 3 2 5 Best 10 8 7 6 3 3 0
Points raised by Members “DSMC has not had the support it deserves from the airfield owner, therefore it is not recognised or appreciated enough by other organisations at Dunkeswell. As indeed years gone by, the Club will struggle to gain a standing at Dunkeswell. The airfield is not the ideal location for such a hard working Club. It should look for a new venue, where it can grow and flourish. ” Discussion: An alternative “Home of the Brave”? With regard to student membership, I would support a much reduced membership fee, say £ 10 per year, upgradable to full membership on Qualifying. Policy Proposal: No data to evaluate effect. Continue 1 year. Decision. Would the club paying for actual landings at Dunkeswell work out cheaper than paying a flat fee every month? ? Be interesting to see how many club members fly in each year. I suspect we pay the equivalent of many times more than those landings to Brendon? Dunkeswell Microlight Landing = £ 5 36 landings = £ 180 20 landings = £ 100 8 landings = £ 40 If you hanger at Dunks you're already paying for landings in the hangerage, so effectively pay twice. Conceptually: Yes. But those who hanger here have historically lived with this. Access to Safety Officer is 1 st most important reason for membership. Dunkeswell Landing fee is the 3 rd most important reason from membership. 8 members (of 14 responding) stated that its loss would cause them to leave.