SE Thursday CEMEA1.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 21
Devices drivers Hypervisor Drivers Hardware
• Монолитная архитектура имеет • Достоинства у такой архитектуры свои достоинства и недостатки. следующие: Среди достоинств можно отметить: Не требуются драйвера, Более высокую (теоретически) «заточенные» под гипервизор. производительность из-за Гипервизор микроядерной нахождения драйверов в архитектуры совместим с любым пространстве гипервизора оборудованием, имеющим драйверы • Более высокую надежность, так для ОС родительской партиции. как сбои в работе управляющей ОС • Поскольку драйверы выполняются (в терминах VMware – «Service внутри родительской партиции – у Console» ) не приведет к сбою всех гипервизора остается больше запущенных виртуальных машин. времени на более важные задачи – управление памятью и работу планировщика. • Более высокая безопасность. Гипервизор не содержит постороннего кода, соответственно и возможностей для атаки на него становится меньше.
You can use the Enhanced v. Motion Compatibility (EVC) feature to help ensure v. Motion compatibility for the hosts in a cluster. EVC ensures that all hosts in a cluster present the same CPU feature set to virtual machines, even if the actual CPUs on the hosts differ. Using EVC prevents migrations with v. Motion from failing because of incompatible CPUs. Configure EVC from the cluster settings dialog box. When you configure EVC, you configure all host processors in the cluster to present the feature set of a baseline processor. This baseline feature set is called the EVC mode. EVC leverages AMD-V Extended Migration technology (for AMD hosts) and Intel Flex. Migration technology (for Intel hosts) to mask processor features so that hosts can present the feature set of an earlier generation of processors. The EVC mode must be equivalent to, or a subset of, the feature set of the host with the smallest feature set in the cluster. EVC masks only those processor features that affect v. Motion compatibility. Enabling EVC does not prevent a virtual machine from taking advantage of faster processor speeds, increased numbers of CPU cores, or hardware virtualization support that might be available on newer host
VMware DRS (Distributed Resource Scheduler) is a load balancing utility that assigns and moves computing workloads to available hardware resources in a virtualized environment.
v. Sphere - Enterprise Plus - with OM(6. 0): $4, 245/socket + S&S 1 Y: $891 (B) or $1061 (Prod) v. Sphere 6. 0 with Operations Management is licensed 'per physical CPU' (socket, not core), without restrictions on the amount of physical cores or virtual RAM configured. There also no license restrictions on the number of virtual machines Regardless of Edition there is no any limit on VM number per host Hyper. V 2012 R 2 – Data. Center Datacenter: $6, 1554 for (up to) 2 sockets (28% increase) A single Datacenter license covers now (up to) 2 physical CPUs. Support for Hyper-V is part of the support for Windows operating system (not included in OS license). All prices are excluding support / software assurance.
General features Bare-metal Architecture - VMware ESXi™ inserts a robust virtualization layer directly on the server hardware for nearnative virtual machine performance, reliability and scalability. VMWARE VSPHERE® WITH OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT™ 6 ✓ MICROSOFT WINDOWS SERVER 2012 R 2 HYPER-V & SYSTEM CENTER 2012 R 2 Hyper-V requires components of Windows. Hyper-V with Server Core has a ~5 GB footprint. Most customers deploy full blown Windows Server which has a minimum footprint of 9. 1 GB Guest Operating Systems Support - VMware v. Sphere 6 provides the most extensive guest operating system support, including Windows, Linux, Solaris, MAC OS X and more. ( 85 OSs) ✓ Only 15 are fully supported Linux and Unix Operating System Support – VMware v. Sphere 6 provides industry best support for virtualizing Linux operating systems ✓ No Unix Support, limited Linux support ✓ No • v. Shield Endpoint – Hypervisor layer anti-virus offload lets administrators manage antivirus and anti-malware policies.
Hot Add virtual devices without downtime Memory – Add virtual memory. VMWARE VSPHERE® WITH OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT™ 6 ✓ MICROSOFT WINDOWS SERVER 2012 R 2 HYPER-V & SYSTEM CENTER 2012 R 2 Requires explicit guest operating support for Dynamic Memory. Note that you cannot enable dynamic memory, increase minimum RAM or decrease maximum RAM while online Hot-add virtual disks ✓ Only possible for SCSI attached drives Hot-extend virtual disks ✓ No ability to hot extend boot volumes for Gen 1 VMs CPU and NIC – Add or remove virtual processors and virtual networking devices ✓ No
VM Management Long Distance v. Motion - Ability to use v. Motion to move a running virtual machine when the source and destination ESXi hosts are located in different geographic regions. VMWARE VSPHERE® WITH OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT™ 6 MICROSOFT WINDOWS SERVER 2012 R 2 HYPERV & SYSTEM CENTER 2012 R 2 Undocumented ✓ v. Motion across v. Center Server Instances - Migrate a virtual machine across v. Center Server instances, preserving virtual machine settings ✓ No, not possible without manually removing a virtual machine by disabling high availability Virtual Volumes™ (VVOLs) ✓ Nothing Comparable Multi-Processor Fault Tolerance (FT) - Provide zero downtime, zero data loss continuous availability against physical server failures through a seamless stateful failover. ✓ No
Time to upgrade
P 2 V migration
Physical + Virtual
IT vocabulary