Скачать презентацию Development of Open Source and Standards Technology in Скачать презентацию Development of Open Source and Standards Technology in


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Development of Open Source and Standards Technology in Hong Kong Thomas Lee Chief Technology Development of Open Source and Standards Technology in Hong Kong Thomas Lee Chief Technology Officer Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development The University of Hong Kong ETSI Workshop on Open Source and Open Standards Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004 ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

CECID HK University R&D center established in 2002 20+ full time staffs Focus: Open CECID HK University R&D center established in 2002 20+ full time staffs Focus: Open Source B 2 B and EAI Technology Primarily funded by HK Govt (US$3 M) Project Phoenix (US$1. 2 M): establish eb. XML infrastructure in HK Project Pyxis (US$1. 8 M): develop e-business interoperability software platform Additional industry sponsorship ~US$0. 9 M (cash and software) Commercial revenue R&D outsourcing and consultancy R&D productization ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

B 2 B Integration Business Partner e. g. Buyer Business Partner e. g. Seller B 2 B Integration Business Partner e. g. Buyer Business Partner e. g. Seller PO Invoice B 2 B procurement G 2 B document submission, trade declaration Document exchange with trading hub ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

Enterprise Application Integration BP. Net / Microsoft Java / Linux Oracle AS 400 Very Enterprise Application Integration BP. Net / Microsoft Java / Linux Oracle AS 400 Very expensive commercial EAI packages Solutions usually requires extensive customization ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004 People. Soft

OS 2 E-Commerce Technology OS 2 = Open Standards Open Source (Software) Catalyst for OS 2 E-Commerce Technology OS 2 = Open Standards Open Source (Software) Catalyst for e-commerce adoption Open Standards Interoperability between different products by different vendors Competitive market more cost-effective products Open Source (Software) Commoditize mature software components vendors compete in value-added products and services Lower entry cost in new technology adoption Foster quality home grown products / services for local and international adoption ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

eb. XML B 2 B E-Commerce Electronic Business Using XML Internet based B 2 eb. XML B 2 B E-Commerce Electronic Business Using XML Internet based B 2 B e-commerce infrastructure Low cost EDI alternative, esp. for SMEs and developing countries Co-developed by United Nations UN/CEFACT and OASIS (~400 tech com’s and org’s) V 1 released in May 2001, V 2 has become mature eb. XML Message Service V 2 widely adopted esp. in Asia eb. MS: enhanced Web Services with integrated security and reliability mechanisms Core Component Technical Specification accepted as data modeling methodology for B 2 B exchange ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

Hermes Integration Suite B 2 B and EAI open source software suite i. e. Hermes Integration Suite B 2 B and EAI open source software suite i. e. free to use and provide services B 2 B Messaging Gateway (eb. MS V 2) Received eb. XML Asia Interoperability Cert, HK IT Excellence Awards Merit and Asia Pacific ICT Awards Merit Very mature product, many production cases deployed in HK and overseas Will support AS 2 and other protocols in next release (Dec 2004) eb. Mail E-form client to email electronic documents to the gateway SMEs can prepare documents on GUI and dial up to send/receive documents Web Services Integrator (to be open-sourced in Jan 2005) EAI engine to integrate data between heterogeneous enterprise apps Based on Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WSBPEL) ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004 ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004 ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

B 2 B Connector Commercialized Hermes as standalone device for B 2 B exchange B 2 B Connector Commercialized Hermes as standalone device for B 2 B exchange Plug-and-play, Internet-based, low-cost Support conversion between different e-business standards Connect SMEs to large trading partners e. g. governments, large buyers, exchange hub… FAX machine for e-commerce ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

Sony Music HMV eb. XML Messaging Service over HTTP/S 4 3 1 Internet 2 Sony Music HMV eb. XML Messaging Service over HTTP/S 4 3 1 Internet 2 Hermes eb. MS Gateway Delivery of CDs 5 eb. XML for B 2 B procurement ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

Dangerous Goods Declaration with eb. XML Shipping Agents Paper submission HKSAR Govt 1 We Dangerous Goods Declaration with eb. XML Shipping Agents Paper submission HKSAR Govt 1 We bs ub mi ssi 2 o Internet Hermes MSH 3 n XML submission eb. XML Message Service Hermes MSH B 2 G document submission in eb. XML Common B 2 G gateway developed in govt ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

Large HK Subway Operator WSBPEL People. Soft Oracle Financial Procurement System . Net app Large HK Subway Operator WSBPEL People. Soft Oracle Financial Procurement System . Net app Fox. Pro app Java app ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 E. g. staffing / finance / procurement applications Dec 2004 integration

Product Data Synchronization Retailer User Browser Supplier GDSN Recipient Data Pool Source Data Pool Product Data Synchronization Retailer User Browser Supplier GDSN Recipient Data Pool Source Data Pool GDS Connector User Browser GDS Connector Global Data Synchronization Backend System ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004 Backend System

Hermes Integration Suite Business partner ISP eb. XML Web Services Large enterprise SME partner Hermes Integration Suite Business partner ISP eb. XML Web Services Large enterprise SME partner ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

HKSARG Interoperability Framework Standardizes technologies used in e. Government services, e. g. Web Services HKSARG Interoperability Framework Standardizes technologies used in e. Government services, e. g. Web Services – simple integration eb. MS v 2 – reliable doc exchange ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

HK Govt XML Data Standardization XML data modeling and standardization for e-govt applications Standardized HK Govt XML Data Standardization XML data modeling and standardization for e-govt applications Standardized Common Schemas person’s name, HKID#, address, etc. Central Data Registry http: //www. xml. gov. hk Already applied in G 2 G/G 2 B cases, e. g. Infectious diseases notification Weather info publishing One of international e. Government best practices http: //egovernment. xml. org ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

DTTN e. Logistics Platform in HK Digital Trade and Transportation Network Large scale e. DTTN e. Logistics Platform in HK Digital Trade and Transportation Network Large scale e. Logisitcs infrastructure for 9 industries Study report estimates Investment of US$380 M over 17 years Benefits of US$1. 5 billion Backbone: eb. XML + Web Services We believe OSS will play an important role for companies to connect to the platform ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

OS 2 for Technology Adoption Chasm Early Market Mainstream Market Pragmatists Visionaries ad hoc OS 2 for Technology Adoption Chasm Early Market Mainstream Market Pragmatists Visionaries ad hoc / proprietary solutions OSS dev. open standards adoption dev. Conservatives OSS adoption software product adoption OSS productization hardware product dev. ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004 Skeptics hardware product adoption

Timeline of eb. XML Adoption in HK 2001. 5: eb. XML v 1 finalized Timeline of eb. XML Adoption in HK 2001. 5: eb. XML v 1 finalized 2001. 5: eb. XML funding proposal submitted 2002. 1: secured 1 st funding 2002. 4: hosted eb. XML registry test site 2002. 9: started freeb. XML. org 2002. 9: opensourced Hermes – eb. MS OSS 2003. 1: eb. XML Asia interop. certification 2003. 6: opensourced eb. Mail – eb. MS for SMEs 2003. 9: Launched 1 st two B 2 B, B 2 G eb. XML production cases 2003. 11: Secured 2 nd funding ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004. 1: Surpassed 10 K downloads for Hermes and eb. Mail 2004. 2: Completed HKSARG Schema Guide based on CCTS and UBL 2004. 8: Hermes won HK IT Excellence Award Merit 2004. 11: 1 st B 2 B Connector deployed

HK Users & Known Overseas Users Recorded 10, 000+ downloads from 65+ countries Overseas HK Users & Known Overseas Users Recorded 10, 000+ downloads from 65+ countries Overseas Users Spherion (Australia) TEDIS (Australia) connect to Telstra TIE (The Netherlands) Webswell (USA) Crimson. Logic (Singapore) I 3 T (Thailand) Dangang. Net (Malaysia) ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

The Road Ahead Market-driven business models for open source software support, services, and productization The Road Ahead Market-driven business models for open source software support, services, and productization University-driven initiatives are not sustainable Technology transfer is critical International collaboration in development and provision of open source solutions Promotion of industry perception on open source software’s business values Esp. governments, large enterprises, vendors A business spin-off is planned for sustainable development and provision of open source solutions ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

We Believe B 2 B E-Commerce… Will take off when mature standards (e. g. We Believe B 2 B E-Commerce… Will take off when mature standards (e. g. eb. XML and UBL) and software, esp. in OS 2, are available in 2 years Will be enabled by simple plug-and-play software and hardware in 5 years Will eventually become as easy-to-use and widespread as fax machine ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004

Thank You URL: http: //www. cecid. hku. hk Email: ytlee@cecid. hku. hk ETSI Workshop, Thank You URL: http: //www. cecid. hku. hk Email: ytlee@cecid. hku. hk ETSI Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 16 Dec 2004