Development of guidelines on the issue of alternative energy complex Орындаған: Ерлан С.
What is an alternative energy source Alternative energy source - a method, apparatus or structure, allows to obtain electrical energy (or other desired form of energy), and replaces the traditional energy sources, operating on oil to produce natural gas and coal. The purpose of the search for alternative energy sources - the need to obtain it from renewable energy or virtually inexhaustible natural resources and phenomena. May be taken into account as ecology and economy.
Types of alternative energy Solar panels Hydroelectric power plants Biofuels
Wind energy Geothermal energy Nuclear power Passive cooling and heating
Hydrogen fuel cells Synthesis In future. Researchers have for a long time to talk about other sources of energy. One of the proposed methods - to get solar energy from special satellites in space, do not depend on weather conditions or on the Earth's rotation. Solar cells on the satellites will convert solar energy into electricity and return it to Earth. This concept is discussed for 30 years, but the cost of the project and the availability of other renewable energy development project stalled. Another theory proposes getting large amounts of energy from a rotating black holes.
Structure of consumption of industry in Kazakhstan
Investment in alternative energy in foreign countries USA China Germany Italy India The UK Spain Japan Brazil
What Kazakh universities are working on this topic ENU Kaz. NU Aipet Alternative energy
Scientists in Kazakhstan are working on this topic In Kaz. NU In ENU Arkhipov, Y V Momeni, D Askaruly, A Gholizade, H Davletov, A E Raza, M Tkachenko, I M Myrzakulov, R
Scientists in foreign countries Thompson, BC Frechet, JMJ Wessells, N K; Spooner, B S; Ash, J F; Bradley, M O; Luduena, M A; Taylor, E L; Wrenn, J T; Yamada, K
Web of science Key words: alternative energy, sun energy, wind energy
In Kazakhstan
Bibliography in Kazakhstan
Bibliography in Russia
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