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Development of Front End tools for Semantic Grid Services Dr. S. Thamarai Selvi, Professor Development of Front End tools for Semantic Grid Services Dr. S. Thamarai Selvi, Professor & Head, Dept of Information Technology, Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai.

Objective To develop a Front End Tools for Semantic Grid Services that enables n Objective To develop a Front End Tools for Semantic Grid Services that enables n the Service Requester to search a particular Grid Service Semantically. n the Service Provider to describe a Grid Service Semantically.

Activities n Study of current version of Globus Toolkit and study of Semantic Grid Activities n Study of current version of Globus Toolkit and study of Semantic Grid Services Ø Ø n Understand the grid architecture and study of globus toolkit. Study of languages needed to implement semantic grid services. A prototype model for semantic grid services Ø Ø Extending the UDDI registry to include semantic advertisements using TModels. Design and Development of algorithms for intelligent discovery of grid services. n Design and Development of Grid Resource Portal n Functional testing and optimization of implementation

Road Map n Understanding various Components of Globus Toolkit 4. 0 n Understanding Semantic Road Map n Understanding various Components of Globus Toolkit 4. 0 n Understanding Semantic Web Services. n Understanding the technology used to develop Semantic Web Services. n Understanding Semantic Grid Services. n Developing a typical prototype for Semantic Grid Services.

The Semantic Grid is an extension of the current Grid in which information is The Semantic Grid is an extension of the current Grid in which information is given a welldefined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation Semantic Grid

Layered Architecture of Semantic Grid Layered Architecture of Semantic Grid

n Data/Computation Layer This layer deals with the way computational resources are allocated, scheduled n Data/Computation Layer This layer deals with the way computational resources are allocated, scheduled and executed. n Information Layer * This layer deals with the way that information is represented, stored, accessed, shared and maintained. * Information equipped with meaning n Knowledge Layer This layer deals with the way knowledge is acquired, used, retrieved, published and maintained to achieve particular goals and objectives

Research Issue n We need tools and infrastructure to automate the creation of ontology Research Issue n We need tools and infrastructure to automate the creation of ontology of knowledge present in the Grid environment. n Matchmaking of semantic web services can be done in OWL-S but it pose problems when comes to Grid. n Methods are required to build large-scale ontologies and tools deployed to provide a range of ontology services. n Knowledge capture tools are needed that can be added as plugins to a wide variety of applications and which draw down on ontology services.

Development of Front End Tools for Semantic Grid Services To enable Semantic Search of Development of Front End Tools for Semantic Grid Services To enable Semantic Search of Services To enable Semantic Description of Services

General Architecture Implementing for Semantic Grid Services Semantic Component General Architecture Implementing for Semantic Grid Services Semantic Component

Semantic Component Ø Ontology You need an Editor to Create Ontology Ø Inference Engine Semantic Component Ø Ontology You need an Editor to Create Ontology Ø Inference Engine To retrieve Knowledge from Ontology

Ontology n Ontologies are used to capture knowledge about some domain of interest. n Ontology n Ontologies are used to capture knowledge about some domain of interest. n Ontology describes the concepts in the domain and also the relationships that hold between those concepts n Complex concepts can therefore be built up in definitions out of simpler concepts. n Ontology Web Language (OWL) is widely used to create Ontology Ex : Protégé, an OWL editor

Algernon, an Inference Engine n Direct interaction with Protégé knowledge bases. n Algernon. KB Algernon, an Inference Engine n Direct interaction with Protégé knowledge bases. n Algernon. KB interface is adaptable to other data sources. n Algernon commands not only retrieve and store slot values, but can also modify the ontology. n KB values can be passed to external functions written in Java or LISP, or can execute UNIX shell commands.

Limitation of OWL Though OWL has a well-defined semantics, but it is not sufficiently Limitation of OWL Though OWL has a well-defined semantics, but it is not sufficiently expressive to characterize and describe services So, OWL-S, OWL for Service

OWL-S is an OWL-based grid service ontology, which supplies a core set of markup OWL-S is an OWL-based grid service ontology, which supplies a core set of markup language constructs for capabilities of describing grid the services computer interpretable form properties in and unambiguous,

Automation Enabled by OWL-S • Service discovery Find me a shipping service that transports Automation Enabled by OWL-S • Service discovery Find me a shipping service that transports goods to Dubai. • Service invocation Buy me 500 lbs. powdered milk from www. aavin. com • Service selection & composition Arrange food for 500 people for 2 weeks in Dubai. • Service execution monitoring Has the powdered milk been ordered and paid for yet?

Limitations of OWLS n Though OWLS has WSDL 2 OWLS, but it cannot convert Limitations of OWLS n Though OWLS has WSDL 2 OWLS, but it cannot convert Grid WSDL to OWLS. n It cannot recognize WSRF specific WSDL elements. Hence we need to compromise while using the tool WSDL 2 OWLS

Challenges in OWLS Difficulties Currently there is no tool available to create Grid Service Challenges in OWLS Difficulties Currently there is no tool available to create Grid Service Ontology automatically from its WSDL file Solution We need to create Service Ontology using Protégé Editor

Proposed Architecture We use Algernon Reasoner Uses Algernon API to interact with Ontology Grid Proposed Architecture We use Algernon Reasoner Uses Algernon API to interact with Ontology Grid Portal Semantic Component Protégé editor to create Ontology Portal User Interface Portlet JAVA Interface Reasoner Knowledge Base Portlet The Grid Environment is built using Globus Toolkit. Each and Every Grid Node presents a Grid Service Grid Middleware Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Grid Environment

Program Model of the Architecture Grid Service Provider registers in MDS This component contains Program Model of the Architecture Grid Service Provider registers in MDS This component contains required implementation for discovering the service Semantic Component Grid Service Provider Describe Semantically using WSDL 2 OWLS Converts the user query and sends to semantic component processing the request Results Delivered Service Requester Globus Container Service Invocation Gridsphere Portal Submits Query

Program Model – Service Provider Grid Service Provider Submit WSDL file with Additional Information Program Model – Service Provider Grid Service Provider Submit WSDL file with Additional Information Registering service MDS WSDL 2 OWLS Converter OWL File

Program Model – Service Requester Results OWL file Queries JAVA-OWL interface Service Requester Algernon Program Model – Service Requester Results OWL file Queries JAVA-OWL interface Service Requester Algernon Query Submits Query Tokeniser Semantic Component

Future Work… n Study of Web Service Execution Framework. n Study of Semantic Matchmaking Future Work… n Study of Web Service Execution Framework. n Study of Semantic Matchmaking Algorithm. n Analysis of Various Inference Engine. Ex: - Pellet, Jena, OWL Reasoner Estimated Duration - 75 days

Vision…. n n Need to Extend the Capability of Globus Toolkit to describe Grid Vision…. n n Need to Extend the Capability of Globus Toolkit to describe Grid Service Semantically. It is decided to Integrate Globus Toolkit with Protégé to enable the Service Provider for creating Service Ontology. Decided to develop a tool to convert WSDL written for Grid into OWLS file and thereby enabling to apply Matchmaking mechanism.

Screenshots Screenshots

Grid Portal prompting to select the type of user Grid Portal prompting to select the type of user

Grid Portal for Service Provider Grid Portal for Service Provider

Service Provider after submitting WSDL file Service Provider after submitting WSDL file

Service Requester portlet to submit query Service Requester portlet to submit query

Portlet Displaying the results Portlet Displaying the results

The portlet invoking the Service The portlet invoking the Service

OWLS editor using WSDL 2 OWLS tool OWLS editor using WSDL 2 OWLS tool

OWLS editor with WSDL 2 OWLS tool After converting into OWLS OWLS editor with WSDL 2 OWLS tool After converting into OWLS

OWLS editor showing Profile, Service, Grounding and Process OWLS editor showing Profile, Service, Grounding and Process

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