- Количество слайдов: 27
Content of lecture: Introduction Periods of Ancient Philosophy Schools of Ancient Philosophy and their founders Recommended readings
Introduction (I) The word "antique" means ancient The term is historically entrenched for only one socio-cultural regions of the ancient world - Greece and Rome In this tandem decisive role belongs to Ancient Greece (from the late 7th century BC - 6thcentury BC)
Introduction (II) Relative sign of the classical period was cosmocentrism The word “cosmocentrism” came from the Greek word of "space – order, formation“ Cosmocentrism studies the problems of being and existence.
Periods of Ancient Philosophy (Greek and Roman) Ancient philosophy is divided into 4 distinct periods: Natural philosophy (VI-V century BC) Classic (V-IV century BC) Hellenistic (IV century BC - VI century AD) Roman period (1st century BC - 6th century BC)
Natural philosophy (VI-V century BC). Main schools: Miletus School: Founder: Thales (Фалес) He believed that the original world was water Anaximander (6th century BC): the original world was a chaos Anaximenes (6th century BC): primitive matter was an air
Natural philosophy (VI-V century BC). School of Heraclitus: Founder: Heraclitus “Primitive matter is fire” “Everything flows - everything changes” Heraclitus was the first founder of dialectic
School of Heraclitus Dialectic (Greek) – art of argue, lead reasoning (вести рассуждения) A method of reasoning in philosophy, as well as the form and method of reflective theoretical thinking Reflective or critical thinking, aimed at deciding what to trust and what to do
School of Pythagoras Primitive matter was the numbers School of Pythagoras was a secret order It took only a few members
Eleatic School (Элейская школа) The founder of the school was Parmenides He founded the doctrine of being He was the first who discovered that the earth is spherical: a huge, solid ball, still resting in the center of the world Parmenides denied the motion
School of Atomists The school was founded by Democritus (Levkip) He believed that everything is made of atoms moving in empty space Atoms are indivisible (неделимый) substance Substance (latin word “substantia” - essence, is what lies at the heart)
Classic period (mid 5-4 in BC) School of Socrates (470 - 399 BC) The main contribution to the development of the Socratic school of philosophy became a method of maieutics (майеветика) The essence of this method was that, the logical devices (приемы) and leading (наводящие) questions can bring the interlocutor (собеседник) to self determination of the truth Socrates drew attention to the problem of man
School of Socrates (470 - 399 BC) Socrates made a revolution in values He said that the true value is not a health and beauty - there were mind and knowledge Lack of reason and knowledge can cause harm to the individual According to Socrates dialectic - is the ability to converse, finding truth through the clash of opposite ideas Well known expression of Socrates: "I know that I know nothing"
Plato (427 - 347 BC) Plato founded his Academy (school) He divided the world into two parts The first part - this is what we see, perceive (воспринимать) by the senses: this world is changeable thing The second part - that's what can be achieved through your mind: it is eternal and unchanging existence or the world of ideas
Plato (427 - 347 BC)
Plato (427 - 347 BC) Plato is the founder of the philosophy of idealism His main work was the "State", which deals with issues of political structure of the state The ideal state, according to Plato, must submit the following classes: 1 class - Wise men - governors 2 class - Soldiers – defenders 3 class - Farmers and artisans
Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) Aristotle taught 20 years at the Academy of Plato Aristotle's famous phrase: "Plato is my friend, but the truth is expensive" He founded his own school – lyceum Aristotle made a huge contribution to the study of logic. He was the founder of this doctrine Logic (Greek word) - a branch of philosophy, "the science of right thinking", "the art of reasoning"
Aristotle (384 - 322 BC)
Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) Aristotle gave a classification of sciences, and divided them into three groups: Theoretical (knowledge for the sake (ради) of knowledge) Practical (the leading ideas for the behavior of people) Creative (knowledge for reaching something - or beauty)
Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) His philosophy was close to materialism. He advocated private property, he said, "people - it's a social animal" Polity, according to Aristotle, is the best political system. Polity consisted of: - Middle class - Moderate (умеренная) oligarchy - Democracy
Hellenistic period (4 -1 century BC) School of Skeptics: They doubted (сомневаться) in quality of principle of thinking School of Epicureans Founder: Epicurus The main principle of Epicurus - is enjoying life At the school of Epicurus hung the inscription: "You are stranger would be good here, pleasure is the highest good"
School of Epicureans Epicurus believed that a true delight - a rejection of unwanted desires He divided the people's desires into 3 types: - Natural and necessary (food, water, shelter) - Unnatural but necessary (wealth, fame) - Unnatural and unnecessary
School of Stoics: Stoics worked on the study of logic, physics, and ethics This knowledge is known and compared with orchard (фруктовый сад) of philosophy: - logic meets the fence that protects it - Physics is a growing tree - Ethics - the fruit
Roman period (1st century BC - 6th century AD) This period is characterized by the proliferation of Skeptics and Stoic philosophy Its outstanding representatives were: - Cicero - Lucretius - Seneca - Marcus Aurelius
Recommended readings: Аристотель. Сочинения в 4 т. М., 1975— 1984 Платон. Собрание сочинений в 4 т. М., 1990—1994 Фрагменты ранних греческих философов. / Отв. ред. И. Д. Рожанский.- М. : Наука, 1989. — Ч. 1. Асмус В. Ф. Античная философия. — М.: Высшая школа, 1999 Вернан Ж.-П. Происхождение древнегреческой мысли. — М.: Прогресс, 1988. — 221 с.
Recommended readings: 6. Мамардашвили М. К. Лекции по античной философии. — М.: Аграф, 1997. 7. Целлер Э. Очерк истории греческой философии. Перевод С. Л. Франка. — СПб.: Алетейя, 1996. 8. Античная философия: Энциклопедический словарь. — М.: Прогресс-Традиция, 2008. — 896 с.