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Development of a Mica 2 Mote Sensor Network Cliff Macklin Bill Ehrbar December 8, Development of a Mica 2 Mote Sensor Network Cliff Macklin Bill Ehrbar December 8, 2004 University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Introduction o o o o nes. C Tiny. OS Hardware Applications Architecture Building Blocks Introduction o o o o nes. C Tiny. OS Hardware Applications Architecture Building Blocks Blink Application Architecture Overview University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

nes. C o o Event Driven Language Separation of construction and composition Specification of nes. C o o Event Driven Language Separation of construction and composition Specification of component behavior in terms of set of interfaces which are bidirectional Components are statically linked to each other via their interfaces University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Tiny. OS o o o Designed for sensor networks that have very limited resources Tiny. OS o o o Designed for sensor networks that have very limited resources Allows for concurrency management Tiny. OS executes only one program consisting of selected system components and custom components needed for a single application University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Hardware o o Our research used the following components MIB 510 Programming Bd. MPR Hardware o o Our research used the following components MIB 510 Programming Bd. MPR 400 CB Sensor Bd. MTS 300 Sensor University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Hardware Continued o o o 422 Mhz processor 512 KB of memory Sensor contained Hardware Continued o o o 422 Mhz processor 512 KB of memory Sensor contained Buzzer, Light, Microphone, Magnetometer, and Thermistor University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Applications for a Sensor Network o o o Means of providing critical information in Applications for a Sensor Network o o o Means of providing critical information in disaster environments Light, temperature, and soil conditions within a green house Frost detection and warning Indoor comfort monitoring, including HVAC tune-up Security applications University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Application SW Architecture o o Modular Approach Somewhat Object Oriented n n o Object Application SW Architecture o o Modular Approach Somewhat Object Oriented n n o Object abstraction Layered “inheritance” approach Similar to an HDL in structure (VHDL, Verilog, etc. ) n n Wired interfaces Bi-directional interfaces University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Application Building Blocks o Interface Description (Module & Configuration files) Sample configuration file: configuration Application Building Blocks o Interface Description (Module & Configuration files) Sample configuration file: configuration Blink {} implementation { components Main, Blink. M, Single. Timer, Leds. C; Main. Std. Control -> Single. Timer. Std. Control; Main. Std. Control -> Blink. M. Std. Control; Blink. M. Timer -> Single. Timer; Blink. M. Leds -> Leds. C; } o Implementation (Module files) University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Application Building Blocks Sample module file: module Blink. M { provides { interface Std. Application Building Blocks Sample module file: module Blink. M { provides { interface Std. Control; } uses { interface Timer; interface Leds; } } implementation { /**ACTUAL INSTRUCTIONS HERE **/ } University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Application Building Blocks Sample module file implementation excerpt: /** Initialize the component. **/ command Application Building Blocks Sample module file implementation excerpt: /** Initialize the component. **/ command result_t Std. Control. init() { call Leds. init(); return SUCCESS; } /** Start things up. This just sets the rate for the clock component. **/ command result_t Std. Control. start() { // Start a repeating timer that fires every 1000 ms return call Timer. start(TIMER_REPEAT, 1000); } … /** Toggle the red LED in response to the Timer. fired event. **/ event result_t Timer. fired() { call Leds. red. Toggle(); return SUCCESS; } University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Blink Application Architecture University of Colorado, Colorado Springs Blink Application Architecture University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Wireless Applications Overview o Active Messaging Model n n n o o Simple message Wireless Applications Overview o Active Messaging Model n n n o o Simple message structure Assigned handler by message ID Handled completely by handler Zero Copy Stack for memory and speed efficiency Range limitations can be overcome with multi-hop configuration University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Sensor Network Limitations o o Power Management Memory Limitations Mote Failure and Run-Time Errors Sensor Network Limitations o o Power Management Memory Limitations Mote Failure and Run-Time Errors Security University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

References o o o o o D. Gay, P. Levis, D. Culler, E. Brewer. References o o o o o D. Gay, P. Levis, D. Culler, E. Brewer. nes. C 1. 1 Language Referrence Manual, May 2005. http: //www. tinyos. net/tingos-1. x/doc/nesc/ref. pdf. 20 Nov. 04. Tiny. OS Tutorial, September 2003. http: //www. tinyos. net/tinyos 1. x/doc/tutorial. 15 Nov. 04. D. Gay, P. Levis, D. Culler, E. Brewer, R. von Behren, M. Welsh. The nes. C Language: A Holistic Approach to Networked Embedded Systems, June 2003. http: //nescc. sourceforge. net/papers/nesc-pldi-2003. pdf. 27 Nov. 04. C. Chow and G. Godavari. First Response Sensor Network (FRNS) Final Report for NISSC Fall 2003 Project. P. Buonadonna, J. Hill, D. Culler. Active Message Communication for Tiny Networked Sensors. MPR – Mote Processor Readio Board – MIB – Mote Interface/Programming Board User’s Manual. 2004. http: //www. xbow. com. 15 Nov. 04. Wireless Systems for Environmental Monitoring. http: //www. xbow. com. 1 Dec. 04. Product Info Guide. http: //www. xbow. com. 1 Dec. 04. Edward Chow. “Class Lecture”, 22 Nov. 04. University of Colorado, Colorado Springs