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Developing NAEP Frameworks: A Look Inside the Process Mary Crovo Deputy Executive Director National Developing NAEP Frameworks: A Look Inside the Process Mary Crovo Deputy Executive Director National Assessment Governing Board November 17, 2007

NAEP Frameworks: Governing Board Responsibilities in Current NAEP Legislation ® select the subject areas NAEP Frameworks: Governing Board Responsibilities in Current NAEP Legislation ® select the subject areas to be assessed ® develop assessment objectives and test specifications that produce an assessment that is valid and reliable, and are based on relevant widely accepted professional standards ® develop a process for review of the assessment which includes the active participation of teachers, curriculum specialists, local school administrators, parents, and concerned members of the public (P. L. 107 -279)

Governing Board Policy: Framework Development ® WHAT - comprehensive, inclusive, and deliberative process to Governing Board Policy: Framework Development ® WHAT - comprehensive, inclusive, and deliberative process to determine the content and format of NAEP subject area assessments ® WHO - educators, testing experts, state and local policymakers, researchers, business representatives, military representatives, members of the public; key “users and consumers” in the subject area ® HOW – Steering and Planning Committees; broad-based input and review from NAEP stakeholders; input and guidance from ADC and the Board

Overview of the NAEP Framework Proce Procurement Contract Award Board Input Planning Document & Overview of the NAEP Framework Proce Procurement Contract Award Board Input Planning Document & Committee Composition Framework and & Specifications Framework Specifications Development Framework Review Process Board Action Framework & Specs to NCES

NAEP Framework Components WHAT ® ® Content areas and objectives for each NAEP grade NAEP Framework Components WHAT ® ® Content areas and objectives for each NAEP grade Process or cognitive dimension HOW ® ® Types of test questions Distributions ® ® ® by content area by cognitive dimension by item type Administration procedures, delivery mode Sample test questions HOW MUCH ® ® Sample scoring rubrics Preliminary achievement level descriptions

NAEP Specifications ® Audience ® NCES and NAEP assessment development contractors ® Purpose ® NAEP Specifications ® Audience ® NCES and NAEP assessment development contractors ® Purpose ® to provide a detailed blueprint for constructing the assessment ® Framework and Specifications are both documents public

Developing the Framework & Specifications ® Charge to the project Steering Committee ® Issues Developing the Framework & Specifications ® Charge to the project Steering Committee ® Issues Paper ® Committee meetings ® ® ® Consideration of research and key documents Drafting of Framework and Specifications Ongoing ADC and Board review, input, guidance

Framework Process Balances Consideration of: Research and Best Practice Research on student learning, cognitive Framework Process Balances Consideration of: Research and Best Practice Research on student learning, cognitive development and assessment ® Current instructional and measurement issues ® Curricular reform efforts ® Standards and Assessments ® ® State standards and assessments International standards and assessments (e. g. , PIRLS, PISA, TIMSS) ® Professional association standards (e. g. , national content standards)

Framework Review Process ® Framework reviews in diverse venues across the U. S. ® Framework Review Process ® Framework reviews in diverse venues across the U. S. ® External review panel ® Board action on Framework and Specifications ® Framework & Specifications sent to NCES for assessment development ® Framework dissemination strategies

Framework Process Balances Consideration of (continued) Other considerations Key documents having national or international Framework Process Balances Consideration of (continued) Other considerations Key documents having national or international significance ® Preparedness reports and research (grade 12) ® Previous NAEP Frameworks ® Following vs. leading the field (given 5 -6 year NAEP development cycle) ® ® Assessment content Assessment format/delivery Resources

Lessons Learned Participants Committee membership – cast a wide net ® Framework review – Lessons Learned Participants Committee membership – cast a wide net ® Framework review – use broad outreach with diverse venues and audiences ® Often 1, 000+ individuals involved per Framework ® Process Project timeline – 18+ months ® Scope of the project, focus on: ® ® ® What NAEP can do well What NAEP is not designed to do Realities, constraints, and timing ® Resolving difficult issues – trust the process ® ® iterative, not linear

New Challenges in NAEP Framework Process ® Assessing 12 th grade preparedness ® Considering New Challenges in NAEP Framework Process ® Assessing 12 th grade preparedness ® Considering the role of technology ® Maintaining trend lines ® Increasing framework dissemination ® Funding for new frameworks

NAEP Related Resources For further information regarding the Framework process, policies, and publications, visit NAEP Related Resources For further information regarding the Framework process, policies, and publications, visit these websites: ® ® ® http: //nces. ed. gov/nationsreportcard/frameworks. asp http: //nces. ed. gov/nationsreportcard/frameworkhow. asph http: //nces. ed. gov/nationsreportcard/tdw/item_development/20 00_2001/framework. asp http: //www. nagb. org/policies/pl-index. htm http: //www. nagb. org/publications/frameworks. htm