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Developing Baccalaureate Programs Dr. Mollie F. De. Hart District Director, Office of Academic Programs Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus, Room 1448 mdehart@mdc. edu 305. 237. 3731 305. 237. 3715
Developing Baccalaureate Programs Development process: approximately 1 ½ to 2 years to write, submit, receive State approval, and implement. Submit proposals in a timely manner and work closely with the Office of Academic Programs (OAP) during each step of the process.
Baccalaureate Proposal Development • Establish Design Committee responsible for developing proposal and Executive Summary. • http: //www. mdc. edu/asa/documents/Baccalaureate_Propo sal. Development. pdf
Proposal Checklist (State) http: //www. fldoe. org/cc/Educators/word/cc_bach_template. doc • Executive Summary • Description of Planning Process and Time Line for Implementation • Analysis of the Workforce Need for the Baccalaureate Program, Demand for Graduates, and Impact on Other Institutions • Alignment with K-20 Goals and Strategic Imperatives • Academic Content and Curriculum • Assessment of Current and Anticipated Resources to Deliver the Program • Enrollment, Performance, and Budget Plan • Accreditation Plan • Plan of Action in Case of Program Termination
Executive Summary (State Guidelines) At a minimum, the Executive Summary should include summaries of the Planning Process and the proposed program start dates, Workforce Needs/Demands for a baccalaureate program, the Academic Content and Curriculum, the Assessment of Current and Anticipated Resources to Deliver the Program, and brief information about the remaining criteria. The maximum length of the Executive Summary should be three pages. (Whew!!! And how small a font do you think you can use? !? !)
Planning Process and Time Line for Implementation • Describe the planning process, to include faculty, staff, and stakeholder input, task force meetings, and other activities related to planning the program. • Include a time line for proposed program implementation.
Timelines/Submission Dates State Board of Education Submission Dates: http: //www. fldoe. org/CC/Educators/pdf/cc_bach_timeline_summary. pdf 1. 2. Baccalaureate Letter of Intent: No later than June 1 of the year preceding the date of implementation. Baccalaureate Proposal: No later than August 1 of the year preceding the date of implementation. MDC Submission Dates (2007 -2008): For planning assistance, refer to the: 1. 2007 -2008 Baccalaureate Planning Timeline http: //www. mdc. edu/asa/documents/Baccalaureate_Program. Tim eline 2007 -2008. pdf
Information/Assistance For step-by-step assistance: MDC: Curriculum Development (Academic and Student Affairs) Website: http: //www. mdc. edu/asa/academic_programs_cintro. asp) Follow links to: Add a new program Select a degree: BAS STATE: State Baccalaureate Proposal Approval Process Baccalaureate Program Proposal Application Template http: //www. fldoe. org/cc/Educators/bach_app. asp GUIDELINES/POLICIES/ PROCEDURES Guidelines: – Charting the Course of Action (Power. Point) http: //www. mdc. edu/asa/documents/Charting. The. Course. Of. Action. ppt Policy: – Miami Dade College Manual of Policy • VIII-3 Objectives: Curriculum and Instruction https: //www. mdc. edu/policy/ Procedure: – Miami Dade College Manual of Procedures • Chapter 8=Procedure 8150 • https: //www. mdc. edu/procedures/#8
MDC Academic Approval Process Flow Chart http: //www. mdc. edu/asa/academic_programs_cintro. asp http: //www. mdc. edu/asa/documents/Program. Approval. Process. Flow. Chart-UD. pdf FLDOE Board of Trustees Executive Committee CONTACT: Office of Academic Programs for assistance at every step of the process. 305. 237. 3715 College President Provost for Academic & Student Affairs Associate Provost for Academic Affairs College-wide CASSC Coordinating Committee Campus CASSC (all campuses) Academic Leadership Council Campus/Lead President Campus Academic/Discipline Lead Dean Discipline/School Chair/Director Discipline/School Committees
Analysis of Workforce Needs/Demands for the Baccalaureate Program • • Find a “niche”. With the assistance of the Office of the Provost for Academic and Student Affairs, contact public and private four-year institutions to determine the viability of having identified needs met via partnership agreements, and include community and other institutional responses concerning partnership opportunities. These partnership agreements may be stand-alone agreements or form a component of an existing university center-type arrangement. This option is the preferred method of access. • If the college documents an inability to develop partnerships that will satisfactorily meet the identified needs of the community, the college may develop a proposal for submission to the SBOE that will request authorization for the community college to grant the baccalaureate degree on its own.
Needs/Demands for a Baccalaureate (con’t) Each community college must collaborate with its local workforce development board(s), chamber(s) of commerce, and/or economic development councils, as well as business and industry partners, to survey service district customers to determine workforce baccalaureate degree needs and demands. Guidelines for Labor Market Demand Education Supply Analysis (http: //www. fldoe. org/cc/Educators/pdf/cc_supply_demand_met hod 2. pdf • With the assistance of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, develop surveys and gather data.
Alignment with K-20 Goals and Strategic Imperatives • Describe how the proposed program aligns with the appropriate K-20 Goals and Strategic Imperatives http: //www. fldoe. org/CC/Educators/pdf/cc_bach_strategic_p lan. pdf
Academic Content and Curriculum Evaluation Criteria • Begin with the end in mind as you design the learning curriculum – Program Review Process http: //www. mdc. edu/asa/academic_programs_cintro. asp http: //www. mdc. edu/asa/documents/Program. Review_Process. p df • Develop the learning outcomes, assessment strategies, and learning strategies around the learner (student). – Design all components with the student in mind.
Academic Content and Curriculum (con’t) Learning Outcomes and Assessment Determine pedagogies or educational experiences that develop the knowledge, understanding, habits of mind, ways of knowing and problemsolving.
Academic Content and Curriculum (con’t) • Determine teaching strategies, educational processes or experiences that promote department and institutional level learning outcomes. • Build programs with “scope and sequence” in mind.
Academic Content and Curriculum (con’t) • What do you expect students to know and be able to do? • What do the curricula and educational experiences “add up to”? • What do you do in your classes or programs to promote the kinds of learning or development that MDC seeks?
Academic Content and Curriculum (con’t) • Course Competencies – ASA Website: http: //www. mdc. edu/asa/academic_programs. asp – CT&D Workshop (CTD 0555): http: //www. mdc. edu/ctd/catalog/workshops/ctd 0555. htm
Assessment of Current and Anticipated Resources to Deliver the Program 1. Assess and describe the current resources available at the institution (categories listed below) 2. Identify and describe any new resources required. Categories: • Library volumes • Serials • Classroom, teaching laboratory, office, and any other type of space that is necessary for the proposed program • Equipment, focusing primarily on instructional requirements • Internship sites and/or clinical sites, if appropriate • Other key resources, as applicable
Proposed Enrollment, Performance, and Budget Plans With the assistance of Business Affairs, provide a budget narrative justifying the estimated and projected program expenditures. Include start-up costs, required faculty, library resources, facility renovations/remodeling, and other anticipated operational costs to develop and maintain the program over a three-year period. (Attach the Enrollment, Performance and Budget excel spreadsheet to the proposal). http: //www. fldoe. org/cc/Educators/Excel/bacc_budget_0809. XLS
Accreditation Plan • MDC is designated as a Level 2 institution by SACS. • Describe plans for applying for any additional accreditation options.
Plan of Action in Case of Program Termination • Describe provisions the College will make, including student "train out, " in the event a program needs to be discontinued while students are still enrolled in the program.
Web Resources • State Links – Baccalaureate Proposal Approval Process – http: //www. fldoe. org/CC/Educators/word/cc_bach_t emplate. doc – http: //www. fldoe. org/CC/Educators/pdf/cc_bach_ti meline_summary. pdf – Performance, Enrollment and Budget Plan (Excel Spreadsheet) http: //www. fldoe. org/cc/Educators/Excel/bacc_budg et_08 -09. XLS – Limited Access Program Request – http: //www. fldoe. org/cc/Educators/word/cc_bach_li mited_access_form. doc Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP Codes) http: //nces. ed. gov/pubs 2002/cip 2000/
More Links • Other State Sites – Florida Academic Counseling & Tracking for Students (FACTS) http: //www. facts. org/ – Statewide Course Numbering System (SCNS) http: //scns. fldoe. org/ – Florida Senate & House http: //www. leg. state. fl. us
Even More Links… – Labor Market Statistics http: //www. labormarketinfo. com/ Miami Dade College Catalog http: //www. mdc. edu/catalog – Bloom’s Taxonomy http: //www. nwlink. com/~donclark/hrd/bloom. html – Guidelines for Board of Trustees Agenda Items – http: //www. mdc. edu/asa/documents/Board. Ite ms. Guidelines. ppt
CASSC Forms: http: //www. mdc. edu/asa/forms. asp#curriculum Ø Ø Ø Program (CASSC Form 103) Course (CASSC Form 102) Course Competencies Template (Form 112) Instructional Support Materials (CASSC Form 104) Course User Fee (CASSC Form 109) Baccalaureate Curriculum Guide/Program Sheet (Form 119) http: //www. mdc. edu/asa/documents/119 BSBASProgram. Sheet. Form. doc
And Just When You Thought You Were Done… • August – December 2008 – State Review Process – Revisions (as appropriate) • March - April 2009 – State Approval • April – December 2009 – MDC Implementation • January 2010 – 1 st Class
IMPLEMENTATION (hints of things to come…. ) • July-December 2009 – Administrative/Resources (July 1=Budget) • • Faculty hiring Library acquisitions Facilities renovations Equipment procurement • • • Program codes Degree audits Marketing campaigns/Recruitment Admission criteria Publications • • Course syllabi Course selection Textbook selection On line (Angel) course development – Student Services – Academic Affairs
OFFICE OF ACADEMIC PROGRAMS • Dr. Mollie F. De. Hart, District Director mdehart@mdc. edu 305. 237. 3731 • Karen Hodges, Curriculum Specialist khodges@mdc. edu 305. 237. 7479 • Julian Chiu, Curriculum Specialist jchiu@mdc. edu 305. 237. 3138 • Carol Mc. Alister, Curriculum Specialist cmcalister@mdc. edu 305. 237. 3715