- Количество слайдов: 31
„Developing and mediating EU funded projects Future opportunities for Ukraine" Lviv , 12 -13 June 2007 Dipl. Ing. (FH) Georg Werdermann, MSc. European Urban Studies Rupprecht Consult – Forschung & Beratung Gmb. H, Köln
Who we are… § Rupprecht Consult was established in 1997 as a fully independent research and consulting company based in Cologne (Germany). § team of experienced consultants who specialise in integrated solutions to key issues of sustainable development: • Mobility • Urban and regional development • Environment, social change • Technology and governance § staff qualifications comprise architecture, urban and regional planning, geography, economics, social sciences, engineering and public relations Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 2/31
Who we are… We provide services to assist in developing innovative strategies, policies & tools to achieve concrete results: § partner search and proposal preparation in regional funds and research programmes § project management and technical support scientific § evaluation and impact assessment on project, programme and policy level § good practice studies, mainstreaming of know-how and benchmarking § dissemination of project results § capacity building for practitioners and policy makers independent project and programme monitoring Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 3/31
Clients & Partners § International organisations, e. g. UNESCO, United Nations University, UN Habitat; international development banks § European institutions, including several Directorates General of the European Commission § local and regional governments major networks and non-governmental associations § public transport operators, technology providers research organisations Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 4/31
EU - Ukraine Cooperation Why does cooperation matter? Because of European cohesion Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 5/31
EU Transnational Cooperation Funding sources for future cooperation Funded by § Territorial Cooperation (former INTERREG A, B, C – mainly B though) § European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) § European Framework Programme (FP 7) § Competitiveness and Innovation programme (CIP) Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 6/31
EU Transnational Cooperation Territorial Cooperation within the Central Europe Area Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 7/31
Cross-border Cooperation ENPI and Cross-border cooperation One important feature of the new ENPI is the cross-border cooperation component aiming to: § promote economic and social development in regions on both sides of common borders; § address common challenges, in fields such as environment, public health and the prevention of and fight against organised crime; § ensure efficient and secure borders; § promote local cross-border “people-to-people” actions Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 8/31
Cross-border Cooperation ENPI and Cross-border cooperation § covers the EU’s neighbours to the east and along the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean i. e. Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine (but not Russia) § the total funding available for ENPI-CBC programmes for the period 2007 -10 amounts to € 583 mill, of which € 274 million from ENPI, and € 308 mill from ERDF § For the period 2011 -13, it is foreseen that a further € 535 mill (€ 252 mill from ENPI and € 282 mill from ERDF) will be made available Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 9/31
Research 7 th EU Framework Programme (FP 7)
„FP 7“ § FP 7 is short for: Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development § It is the European Union’s main instrument for funding in Europe between 2007 and 2013 § FP 7 supports research in selected priority areas Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 11/31
„FP 7“ § Overall aims • Strengthening scientific and technological principles • Fostering international competitiveness of the EU • Providing scientific support to the main EU policies of the EU € 53 billion § Annual working programmes and calls § 4 (+3) programmes supported by “specific programmes” § Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 12/31
„FP 7“ Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 13/31
„FP 7“ – indicative breakdown Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 14/31
FP 7 I Cooperation bringing together researchers from across Europe to tackle the following areas: § Health; § Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology; § Information and Communication Technologies; § Nano-sciences, Nano-technologies, Materials and new Production Technologies; § Energy; § Environment (including Climate Change); § Transport (including Aeronautics); § Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities; § Space § Security Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 15/31
FP 7 I Cooperation Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 16/31
FP 7 I Ideas conducting Frontier Research - The European Research Council (ERC) § Frontier (“basic”) Research is a key driver to innovation and economic performance § establish the European Research Council (ERC) – the first pan-European funding agency for Frontier Research § support investigator-driven frontier research over all areas of research § European added-value through competition at European level § budget ~ € 1 billion per year (2007 -2013 ~ € 7. 46 billion) § autonomous scientific governance (Scientific Council) § support projects of individual teams excellence as sole criterion Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 17/31
FP 7 I People Marie Curie Actions - Fellowships, Grants, Awards § Initial training of researchers • Marie Curie Networks § Life-long training and career development • Individual Fellowships & Co-financing of regional/national/international programmes § Industry-academia pathways and partnerships • Industry-Academia Knowledge–sharing Scheme § International dimension • Outgoing & Incoming International Fellowships, International Cooperation Scheme, Reintegration grants, Support to researcher ‘diasporas’ § Specific actions: mobility & excellence • Mobility and career enhancement actions, excellence awards Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 18/31
FP 7 I Capacities offering excellent infrastructures to conduct research § Research infrastructures § Research for the benefit of SMEs § Regions of Knowledge § Research Potential § Science in Society § Coherent development of policies § Activities of International Cooperation Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 19/31
FP 7 participation Financial guidelines § Grants will be awarded to costs (7% - 35% - 50% - 75% - 100%) § Rules are set out in "Guide on Financial Issues" § "Don't do it, if you do not want to do it anyway!" Knowledge and innovation § Exchange of experience with other cities § searching for innovative solutions jointly with public and private sector partners § Developing further internal innovation and cooperation processes Image § "put your city on the map" § Local and EU politics and policies Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 20/31
FP 7 sources for further information § European Research Portal: www. ec. europa. eu/research § General information on the Seventh EU Research Framework Programmes: www. ec. europa. eu/research/fp 7 § Specific information on research programmes, projects and FP 7 Call documents: www. cordis. europa. eu/fp 7 §General information requests: www. ec. europa. eu/research/enquiries Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 21/31
Implementation Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)
"CIP" (2007 – 2013)CIP The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme does have the following objectives: § to foster the competitiveness of enterprises, in particular SMEs; § to promote all forms of innovation including eco-innovation; § to accelerate the development of a sustainable, competitive, innovative and inclusive information society; § to promote energy efficiency and new and renewable energy sources in all sectors, including transport. transversal theme: “eco-innovation” Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 23/31
"CIP" (2007 – 2013)CIP The CIP is: the legal basis for Community actions which share the overarching objectives of enhancing competitiveness and innovation, complementing other major programmes covering cohesion activities, research, technological development and demonstration activities and lifelong learning. The CIP is composed of specific sub-programmes: § the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme, § the ICT Policy Support Programme, § the Intelligent Energy- Europe Programme. The Framework Programme should particularly address SMEs (micro, small and medium-sized enterprises) for market replication & transfer from research knowledge into products Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 24/31
"CIP" (2007 – 2013)CIP Who can participate? § European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries which are members of the European Economic Area (EEA) – EU member states § accession countries and candidate countries benefiting from a pre-accession strategy § countries of the Western Balkans Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 25/31
Budget CIP € mio Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP) 2166 of which eco-innovation (430) of which financial instruments (1130) ICT Policy Support Programme 728 Intelligent Energy Europe Programme (IEE) 727 TOTAL 3621 Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 26/31
Sub-programmes CIP Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme § The programme aims to help enterprises innovate by providing access to finance: sharing risks and reward with private equity investors and providing counter or co guarantees to national guarantee schemes. § Through the programme, SMEs will also have simple, clear and efficient access to the EU via the business support networks § The conditions for innovation will be improved through innovation actions, including exchanges of best practices between Member States and evidence (innovation trendchart, innobarometer, innovation scoreboard). § CIP also includes new elements such as: - a risk capital instrument for high growth and innovative companies; - "securitisation" of bank's SME loan portfolios; - enhanced role for innovation and business support networks; Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 27/31
Sub-programmes CIP ICT Policy Support Programme The ICT programme will stimulate the new converging markets for electronic networks, media content and digital technologies. It will test solutions to the bottlenecks that delay wide European deployment of electronic services. It will also support the modernisation of public sector services that will raise productivity and improve services. Actions under the ICT-policy support programme will § underpin regulatory and research actions of the Commission to stimulate emerging digital economy; § provide a bridge between research investment and wide adoption, by providing a testing ground for pan-European electronic services in both the public and private sectors; § reinforce European cultural and linguistic identities by support for the production and distribution of European digital content; § assist the development of an open and inclusive European Information Society through stimulating innovative approaches to inclusion, quality of life and public services; Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 28/31
Sub-programmes CIP Intelligent Energy-Europe Programme The Intelligent Energy-Europe Programme will encourage the wider uptake of new and renewable energies and improve energy efficiency. It includes actions to: § increase the uptake and demand for energy efficiency § to promote renewable energy sources and energy diversification, and § to stimulate the diversification of fuels and energy efficiency in transport. The programme will also help to increase the level of investment in new and best performing technologies and bridge the gap between the successful demonstration of innovative technologies and their effective introduction to the market. Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 29/31
Sub-programmes CIP For further information please visit: http: //ec. europa. eu/enterprise_policy/cip/index_en. htm#entr Presentation Rupprecht-Consult, Lviv , 12 -13. 06. 2007 30/31
Thank you very much for your attention! Georg Werdermann Rupprecht Consult – Forschung & Beratung Gmbh, Köln Tel 0221/ 6 60 55 - 11 s. rupprecht@rupprecht-consult. eu