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Developing and Implementing an M&E Plan For Malaria Programs
Objectives of the Session By the end of the session, participants should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe the functions of an M&E plan Identify the main elements of an M&E plan Describe the process of developing an M&E plan Understand how to go about implementing an M&E plan Identify some challenges with planning and implementing an M&E plan 6. Understand the requirements of the group project
Overview • • Definition: What is an M&E Plan? Function: What is the Plan supposed to do? Elements: What comprises an M&E Plan? Standards: What constitutes a good M&E Plan? Developing and implementing an M&E plan Challenges to Developing and implementing an M&E plan Introduction to workshop group work: – Developing an M&E plan
What is an M&E Plan?
M&E Plans – Definition 1 Comprehensive document that describes all M&E activities in an M&E system, including: • Program objectives, interventions developed to achieve these objectives, & procedures to be implemented to determine whether or not the objectives are met • Expected results of the program and how they relate to goals and objectives • Data needed, how it will be collected & analyzed • Information use, including resources needed to do so • How the program will be accountable to stakeholders 1 MEASURE Evaluation website, https: //www. cpc. unc. edu/measure/training/mentor
M&E Plan: Functions • States how program will measure achievements – Accountability • Documents consensus – Transparency – Responsibility • Guides M&E implementation – Standardization – Coordination • Preserves institutional memory An M&E plan is a living document that needs to be adjusted when a program is modified
M&E Plan: Outline I. II. Introduction Description of the program- including problem statement and framework(s) III. Indicators- including definitions (presented in indicator matrix and/or indicator reference sheets) IV. Data sources and reporting systems (including management/roles and responsibilities) V. Plans for demonstrating program outcome/impact VI. Plans for dissemination and use of information VII. Analysis of data quality constraints & potential solutions VIII. Implementation plan (aka- M&E action plan or road mapshould include budget and timeline)
Elements of an M&E Plan: Introduction • • • What the malaria situation in country? Purpose of the plan Background of M&E in the programme i. e. previous plan Description of how it was developed • – – Stakeholders involved Consensus process
Elements of an M&E Plan: Program Description 1. – 2. 3. – – 4. – – 5. Problem Statement What is the nature of the Malaria-related issue being addressed? Conceptual Framework Goal and Objectives What is the ultimate outcome of the program (goal)? What are the shorter-term aims (objectives)? Program Description: Interventions Geographic scope Target population Duration Logical Framework/Results Framework
Problem Statement A good problem statement does the following • Concisely states a situation that needs to be changed • States who/what is affected • Quantifies the problem
Problem Statement Causes Consider the following: • Why does the problem exist? • Is there more than one cause? • Are the causes interdependent?
Problem Statement Consequences Consider the following: • What are the consequences of the problem? • How many people does it affect? • Are there political, cultural, and economic effects?
Problem Tree Analysis 1. Discuss and agree the problem or issue to be analysed 2. Identify the causes of the focal problem – these become the roots 3. Identify the consequences – which become the branches • The heart of the exercise is the discussion, debate and dialogue that is generated as factors are arranged and re-arranged, often forming sub-dividing roots and branches Consequences Problem Causes
Elements of an M&E Plan: Data Sources and Reporting Systems A. B. C. D. – – – Sources of data for indicators Framework for data collection, processing, analysis, and reporting system Data collection tools Patient records or registers Survey instruments (SOP and questionnaires) Commodity management forms (e. g. , RDTs) Others? Management Roles and responsibilities of each group/member of the system
Elements of an M&E Plan: Plan for demonstrating program outcome/impact • • A methodology for measuring program outcome/impact (the evaluation) Protocols for special studies
Elements of an M&E Plan: Dissemination and Use Plan A. Clearly defined users B. Databases for information storage C. Dissemination methods – – Reports (schedule and audience) Media Speaking events Others?
Elements of an M&E Plan: Data Quality Constraints Describe known constraints to data quality and/or system performance and what will be done to address these
Elements of an M&E Plan: Implementation Plan A. Assessment of capacity to implement plan B. A detailed work plan for the M&E Plan to include: – – Each M&E activity (including update of M&E Plan) Timing of each activity Party responsible for each activity Budget necessary for each activity
Implementing the M&E System: Costs How much will it cost? Need to budget costs of: • Information systems (data collection, processing, and analyzing) • Information dissemination and use • Data quality control system • Coordination and capacity building
M&E Plan: Standards • Utility - serve practical information needs of intended users • Feasibility - be realistic, prudent, diplomatic and frugal • Propriety - conducted legally, ethically, and with regard to those involved in and affected by the evaluation(s) • Accuracy - reveal and convey technically accurate information
Developing an M&E Plan: Inputs • Understanding of the program – Guidelines – Policies • Human resources with M&E technical capacity • Authority and mandate to implement the M&E plan • Commitment to accountability (not only to donors, but to the people whom the interventions are to serve) and program improvement • Technology infrastructure
Developing an M&E Plan: Process • Advocate for the need for M&E • Assess strategic information needs • Assess existing information systems’ capabilities to address strategic information needs • Achieve consensus and commitment among stakeholders – Indicators and their definitions – Reporting structure, roles and responsibilities – Establish a common language • Develop mechanism for M&E plan review • Prepare document for final approval M&E plan should be developed during the initial stages of program development
Consensus Building Tips • Make sure everyone understands what you are trying to achieve consensus on • Ensure that all stakeholders are involved early in the process • Provide stakeholders with the opportunity to provide input and receive feedback • Consistently promote the message that M&E provides the means to demonstrate the extent to which a program is achieving its objectives
Developing an M&E Plan: Output A comprehensive document that describes the M&E system and that: – Includes all the necessary elements – Has the approval of the governing authority – Has the consensus of primary stakeholders
Developing & Implementing an M&E Plan: Role of the M&E Unit • Consensus building – among all stakeholders (donors to program managers to clients) • Coordination • Data management and manipulation (might include data entry, data formatting, data analysis and interpretation…) • Reporting • Data auditing • Information dissemination • Training and capacity building
What happens with the plan after it is developed? Speaker Notes:
Implementing an M&E plan • Identify and engage stakeholders • Involve partners to work on the logic model for the monitoring and evaluation • Focus the M &E process by identifying the objectives, indicators, sources, roles etc • Gather credible data/evidence • Organize and interpret results and conclusions • Prepare and disseminate reports
What are some challenges of implementing an M&E plan?
Challenges in implementing an M&E plan • Sometimes need is not seen because “strategies may have been proven to work” • Costly • Time consuming • Lack of expertise • Sometimes requires rigorous experimental design
Developing & Implementing an M&E Plan: Dos and Don’ts Do: • • • Start early Involve stakeholders at all stages in the process Assess current capacity and use what is already available Avoid duplication of data collection and reporting Cost plan appropriately Do not: • Collect information that will not be used • Underestimate the importance of stakeholder buy-in and ownership at every juncture
References MEASURE Evaluation, Addis Ababa University. Developing an M&E Plan. Workshop on M&E of PHN Programs July 24 -August 11, 2006 Addis Ababa
MEASURE Evaluation is a MEASURE program project funded by the U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID) through Cooperative Agreement GHA-A-00 -08 -00003 -00 and is implemented by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in partnership with Futures Group International, John Snow, Inc. , ICF Macro, Management Sciences for Health, and Tulane University. Visit us online at http: //www. cpc. unc. edu/measure.