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Developing a IIIB CADSES Transnational Project with your partners : from the Project Idea to the Application Form
Transnationality Transnational cooperation is cooperation between countries on another level than the national (compare with international cooperation which is cooperation between nation states). Transnational cooperation typically involves municipalities, counties, NGOs, research institutes etc. Minimum requirement in CADSES programme: At least 2 financing partners form different countries
The added value of Transnationality • Partners pool expertise. And gain new ideas on old problems • Pool resources and get access to European funding • Pilot different approaches while spreading cost and risk • Address problems across borders • Establish permanent networks giving access to the knowledge of up to 18 countries
The Transnational Project Partnership… …is a cooperation of equal partners to achieve a defined set of objectives. > The views of all partners should have equal weight regardless of their financial contribution. > Every project partnership should be based on a set of common objectives > The Lead Partner should be coordinator, administrator and motivator.
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THE LP Principle in INTERREG projects. LP‘s transnational duties. • The LP represents the project and is accountable for it, to the MA. • LP sets up the project management and partnership agreements( work packages, action plan, milestones, expenditure plan) • LP sets up the project budget and assures signature of co-financing statement and accountability of expenditures. • LP sets up project application and submission. • LP is responsible for reporting arrangements and coordination
Defining the objectives 1: LP responsibilities • Orient your project to certain Program Measures. Discuss with your NC and CCP • Build on relevant experiences from previous calls. Contact the (T)CCPs and the JTS. • Study and discuss sel crite • Lead Partner defines the general objectives when identifying the joint problem • The general objectives should be extended and specific objectives defined based on different partners’ skills and needs.
Defining the objectives 2: Projects must address programme objectives • • • Tr terr coope in eu lvl Sust transfer of pjts Applicable To national policiies And creating follow-up + investments For example… …to better integrate water in urban areas in order to enhance the social, economic and environmental value of these areas.
Defining the objectives 3 is your pjt trans A transnational project: a poor tr pjt is based on a joint problem • builds on joint planning • has joint implementation • results in joint outcomes • Lp own scope • Lp no partn • Probl impl • Proj fail in relaity • Bad reput
Example of a joint problem • One city wants to both improve the water quality in some canals running through a rundown area and make them more attractive for recreation • Another would like to make water recreational areas in derelict parts of their city more accessible to people • A town would like to regenerate some neglected neighbourhoods through improving the water quality of their ponds
Example of joint planning 1 • First joint outline in common planning meetings • Identifying knowledge and experience of each partner to clarify transnational linkages (c. f. Application Form section 7. 3) • Study and discuss the selection criteria • Agreeing on who will be responsible for what and who will pay for what, to make coordination easier (c. f. Application Form section 8) • On the basis of this a joint application can be developed
Example of joint planning 2 : From objectives to work packs • Two questions to ask about every partner: - What will the partner deliver to the project? - What will the partner receive from the project? • This will allow you define work flows in the partnership and put together work packs. • Do not forget issues that all of the partners will work with, like communication and project management.
The budget • Assign a budget for each work pack. • Manual web • Split this budget between the partners contributing to that work pack, according to their contribution. • Ccp jts • Look for relevance between: Action Plan=>Milestones=>Budget
Example of joint implementation of activities 1: the Work Packs • Assign a responsible partner to ensure delivery of each work pack. • Set a deadline for delivery • Decide now what you will do if these deadlines are not achieved • Identify the key tasks. Start and completion of these will normally be the project milestones.
Example of joint implementation of activities 2 • The partner cities/towns draw up joint water plans to illustrate how planning with water can contribute both to a better environmental and social situation • Each partner implements different parts of the water plans and the other partners learn from this • In this way all partners improve their knowledge on all of the issues covered, but each needs to make a small investment
Example of joint outcomes • Joint learning and experiences between project participants • Added value compared to if each city/town would have worked individually on renewing their derelict neighbourhoods • Joint water plans • Guidelines on ‘How water can improve the social and environmental situation’ so other cities also can learn from project outcomes • The new knowledge of the project participants gives valuable added value to their organisations
Transnational project management • and have clear objectives and responsibilities for every partner and org Regular face-to-face meetings • Deadlines for deliverables and documentation and Procedures for dealing with change and delays – include these in a partnership agreement • Ensure systematic cooperation through joint implementation structures • Awareness of different national rules and requirements (e. g. audit) • If necesary outsource project management but make sure that LP is fully informed and responsible!
Transnational Project Management costs… • Some national laws prevent the transfer of funds over national borders. This can cause additional problems. • To avoid this, decide at the start who will do the work and how much it costs. • Assign this money in the ERDF allocation in the budget!
Writing the application 1 SOME TIPS… • If you have agreed on objectives, work packs, responsibilities, budgets and deadlines, it should be quite easy to write the application. Involve the whole partnership in this process. • Try to standardise the way you present information about each partner and activity. This will make the information easier to follow. • If you use a consultant, make sure that the person who will actually manage the project is involved from the start.
Writing the application 2 • Many projects start slowly because the start-up phase is badly planned. Assume that the project will be approved and set a date for the first meeting – late start up means loosing money (n+2 rule)! – • Make sure the application is clear and contains all relevant information. Let someone else read it to check if it is as clear as you think. • Remember that sending in the application is the start of the project – not the end! • Many project applications are too optimistic. If in doubt, assume that it will take longer than you think.
Avoid last minute mistakes • Attach necessary documents (e. g. cofinancing statements) • Plan ahead and leave time for feedback • Proof-read proposal • Observe deadlines and other requirements for submission • AP CCP JTS web
Stella Tsartsara Transnational CADSES Contact Point-Vienna (TCCP VIENNA) Schlesingerplatz 2 1080 Vienna Tel: +43 1 4000 76145 Fax: +43 1 4000 99 76145 e-mail: tcp@i 3 b. wien. at web site: www. cadses. net Good Luck!