- Количество слайдов: 25
Determine the correct def. article/plural for each of the following ____ sistema ____ humanidad ____ estación ____ carro ____ agua ____ clase ____ tarea Make Plural w/ indef article: – – Mujer Cuaderno Mapa lápiz
Determine the correct article/plural for each of the following ____ sistema – el ____ humanidad – la ____ estación – La ____ carro – el ____ agua – el ____ clase – la ____ tarea – la Plural: – Mujer • Unas mujeres – Cuaderno • Unos cuadernos – Mapa • Unos mapas – Lápiz • Unos lápices
La tarea de hoy Learn song! Libro 25 -26 (due Friday) – 1. 32, 1. 33, 1. 34 Pre-write 27 -28 – Tables & bulleted rules (don’t have to copy examples)
Calentamiento Write a sentence stating 3 things you have in your backpack and another stating one thing you need (Necesito) Write how you would tell someone to: – Listen – Go to the board – Take out their book
Las respuestas En mi mochila tengo ______, ____ y _______. – Tengo (unos) bolígrafos, (unos) lápices y un libro en mi mochila. – Tengo tres libros, dos lápices y diez bolígrafos en mi mochila. Tengo ______, ____ y _______ en mi mochila. Yo necesito _______. – Yo necesito un lápiz. – Yo necesito un mapa.
Hoy… New Chapter schedule Resources – www. quia. com • Grammar/vocabulary practice games – Quizlet. com • Flashcards – Ediscio. com • Flashcard site (free, but have to register) – www. wordreference. com • Great dictionary site!
Theme: Subject Pronouns & the verb SER Objective & Big Picture: – To teach the verb “to be” Students will be able to say which “ser” verb to use for each person TSWBAT: – Sing the SER song and know when to use each form of the verb “to be
Subject pronouns & SER (to be)
Subject pronouns Singular: 1. Yo (I) – First person/singular 2. Tú (you) – Second person singular 3. Usted (you formal) Él (he) Ella (she) Plural: 1. Nosotros/as (we) 1. First person plural 2. Vosotros/as (ya’ll) 1. Second person plural 3. Ustedes (you all) Ellos (they) – Masculine/Mixed Ellas – They (feminine)
Subject pronouns 1. Yo 2. Tú 3. Usted / Él / Ella 1. Nosotros/as 2. Vosotros/as (ya’ll) 3. Ustedes/Ellos /Ellas
abbreviations Usted – Ud. – Vd. Ustedes – Uds. – Vds.
There are four ways to express “you” in Spanish: 1. Tú (informal, singular) • • Tú eres mi amigo you are my friend 2. Usted (formal, singular) • • Usted es mi profesora You are my teacher 3. Vosotros – Plural (spain) – Vosotros sois amigos – Ya’ll are friends 4. Ustedes – You all (south america) – Ustedes son amigos – You all are friends
Verbs in Spanish have a different form for a verb when it refers to a different “person” (first, second, third) Each form will tell you who the subject is… – Soy Ana (I am Ana) – Eres Ana (You are Ana) – Es Ana (She is Ana) Soy, Eres & Es are all forms of the verb SER (to be)
Conjugating When you change a verb to fit the subject (ser -> soy), it is called CONJUGATING You can conjugate any verb with a “Tchart”
singular 1. First person (yo) plural 1. (nosotros) 2. Second person (tú) 2. (vosotros) 3. Third Person (usted, él, ella + “it”) 3. Ustedes ellos ellas
En español Because the verb form indicates the subject of a sentence, subject pronouns are usually omitted unless needed for clarification – Yo soy de Texas. – Soy de Texas – Es de Puerto Rico. (él , ella or usted? ) – Ella es de Puerto Rico
Ser vs. Estar Both mean “to be” SER: Used for “permanent” states and conditions – physical appearance – Personality – Soy Ana (who you are doesn’t change) ESTAR: More temporary states – Mood (estoy bien)
Uses of SER Origin – Soy de Colombia. – I’m from Colombia. Occupation – Mi padre es profesor. Inherent qualities (characteristics) – Ella es bonita. • She is pretty.
Uses of SER D- date O –occupation C – Characteristics T – time O – origin R – relation
El verbo SER o. Yo SOY, tú ERES o. Usted, él y ella ES` o. Nosotros SOMOS o. Vosotros SOIS o. Ustedes, ellos, ellas SON
La tarea de hoy Learn song! Libro 25 -26 (due Friday) – 1. 32, 1. 33, 1. 34 Pre-write 27 -28 – Tables & bulleted rules (don’t have to copy examples)
The boring class – La clase aburrida A smart teacher – Una profesora inteligente/un profesor inteligente Lápiz - lápices