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Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Designing the 21 st Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools: The New Technology High School Model Bob Pearlman Director of Strategic Planning, New Technology Foundation bobpearlman@mindspring. com http: //www. bobpearlman. org Small Schools Workshop Conference St. Petersburg, Florida January 12, 2005 1

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros New Technology High School Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros New Technology High School Napa, California http: //www. newtechhigh. org/ § Integrating technology into every class § Interdisciplinary and project-based § Internship class consisting of classroom curriculum and unpaid work in technology, business or education § Digital Portfolio http: //www. newtechfoundation. org/nthlearning. html 2

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 3 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 3


Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Originally created in 2000 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Originally created in 2000 to raise funds and handle external relations for New Technology High School in Napa. Current Mission Statement: “Reinvent the high school experience to enhance educational opportunities for youth in Napa County, in California and in the U. S. ” 5

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Shortly after the Foundation Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Shortly after the Foundation was created, it was awarded a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to support the creation of a 10 school network in Northern California. 6

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros REPLICATION PROGRESS Anchorage (AK) Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros REPLICATION PROGRESS Anchorage (AK) Portland (OR) Anderson Rohnert Park Novato Napa Sacramento Davis Vallejo Oakland (conversion) New Orleans 7

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros So what is 21 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros So what is 21 st Century Learning? 8

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Dongguan 9 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Dongguan 9

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Dongguan • 7 million Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Dongguan • 7 million people. Grew from less than 1 million in 1979 • 15, 000 International Companies • 25, 000 companies total -- 10, 000 of them are computer related manufacturers, representing 40% of all international computer part market • Ranked 7 th in overall municipal competitiveness in China • Ranked 3 rd in goods exported, behind Shanghai and Shenzhen 10

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Bangalore 11 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Bangalore 11

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Bangalore • Silicon Valley Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Bangalore • Silicon Valley of India • 7. 2 million people, 5 th largest city in India (+ 1 billion people) • 86% literacy • 1154 IT SW companies in 2003, up from 29 in 1993 Top Ten SW Exporters, 2002 -03: • 116 new SW technology part units established in 2002 -3 Infosys Technologies Ltd. Wipro Ltd. IBM Global Services India Pvt. Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Digital Global Soft. Ltd. I-Flex Solutions Ltd. Texas Instruments Cisco Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. Mphasis BFL Ltd. Philips Software Centre 12

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Small and Smaller: The Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Small and Smaller: The third era of globalization is shrinking the world from size small to a size tiny. By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, March 4, 2004 Globalization 1. 0 From the late 1800's to World War I, was driven by falling transportation costs, thanks to the steamship and the railroad. shrank the world from a size large to a size medium. Globalization 2. 0 From the 1980's to 2000, was based on falling telecom costs and the PC, and shrank the world from a size medium to a size small. 13

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Small and Smaller: The Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Small and Smaller: The third era of globalization is shrinking the world from size small to a size tiny. By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, March 4, 2004 Globalization 3. 0 Produced by three forces: • Massive installation of undersea fiber-optic cable and bandwidth (thanks to the dot-com bubble) that have made it possible to globally transmit and store huge amounts of data for almost nothing. • Second, the diffusion of PC's around the world. • Third, the convergence of a variety of software applications — from e-mail, to Google, to Microsoft Office, to specially designed outsourcing programs — that, when combined with all those PC's and bandwidth, made it possible to create global "work-flow platforms. " 14

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros What region or regions Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros What region or regions will be best poised to grow during the next recovery? 15

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Internet Cluster Regions – Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Internet Cluster Regions – U. S. Seattle — “Silicon Forest” Chicago “Silicon City” New York — “Silicon Alley” San Francisco “Multimedia Gulch” Washington, D. C. “Silicon Dominion” Silicon Valley Research Triangle “Silicon Triangle” Los Angeles “Digital Coast” Austin — “Silicon Hills” Boston “Route 128” Atlanta “Capital of the New South” Miami “Silicon Beach” 16

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Global Internet Cluster Regions Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Global Internet Cluster Regions Canada “Silicon Valley North” United Kingdom “Silicon Kingdom” Scandinavia “Wireless Valley” Japan “Bit Valley” Germany “Silicon Saxony” China/Hong Kong “Cyber Port” France “Telecom Valley” Israel “Silicon wadi” India Singapore “Intelligent Island” United States 17

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Silicon Valley, 2000 40% Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Silicon Valley, 2000 40% of workforce in 7 high-tech clusters 18

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Silicon Valley, 1970 VALLEY Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Silicon Valley, 1970 VALLEY OF HEART’S DELIGHT 19

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Source: Internet Cluster Analysis, Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Source: Internet Cluster Analysis, 1999, A. T. Kearney, published by Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network 20

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros What knowledge and skills Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros What knowledge and skills do students need for the 21 st Century? “Will this generation of learners have the skills and preparation to innovate? ” -- Barry Schuler, Former CEO, AOL At NTHS Founder’s Day Event 21

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros SCANS U. S. Department Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros SCANS U. S. Department of Labor Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills COMPETENCIES - Effective workers can productively use: n Resources - allocating time, money, materials, space and staff. n Interpersonal Skills - working on teams, teaching others, serving customers, leading, negotiating, and working well with people from culturally diverse backgrounds. n Information - acquiring and evaluating data, organizing and maintaining files, interpreting and communication, and using computers to process information. n Systems - understanding social, organizational and technological systems, monitoring and correcting performance, and designing or improving systems. n Technology - selecting equipment and tools, applying technology to specific tasks, and maintaining and troubleshooting technologies. FOUNDATIONS - Competence requires: n Basic Skills - reading, writing, arithmetic and mathematics, speaking and listening. n Thinking Skills - thinking creatively, making decisions, solving problems, seeing things in the mind's eye, knowing how to learn, and reasoning. n 1992 Personal Qualities - individual responsibilities, self-esteem, sociability, self-management, and integrity. 22

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Job Outlook 2002, National Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Job Outlook 2002, National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) 23

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Working in the Real Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Working in the Real World (i. e. California? ) • Projects, projects • Teamwork and collaboration • Self-direction • Interpersonal skills and Networking • Project Management, Leadership • No one asks about your formal education 24

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Released June 21, 2004 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Released June 21, 2004 at NECC, New Orleans http: //www. 21 stcenturyskills. org 25

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 26 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 26


Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros So what do schools Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros So what do schools look like where students get 21 st Century Knowledge and Skills? 28

Designing the 21 st Centurylook like this! They don’t Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Designing the 21 st Centurylook like this! They don’t Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 29

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Teachers talk and students Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Teachers talk and students listen. 30

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools The teacher has a monopoly information on Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools The teacher has a monopoly information on 19 1083 _Macros 31

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 Students learn by not doing 1083 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 Students learn by not doing 1083 _Macros 32

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools How do we get them here? 19 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools How do we get them here? 19 1083 _Macros 33

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Strategies that Make a Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Strategies that Make a Difference n. Engagement n. Hands-on n. Adult connections n. Internships n. Real World immersion 34

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros New Technology High School Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros New Technology High School Napa, California http: //www. newtechhigh. org/ § Integrating technology into every class § Interdisciplinary and project-based § Internship class consisting of classroom curriculum and unpaid work in technology, business or education § Digital Portfolio http: //www. newtechfoundation. org/nthlearning. html 35

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros COMMON MISCONCEPTION Technology is Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros COMMON MISCONCEPTION Technology is the Tool, Not the Focus Less than 20% of our students are interested in pursuing a career in technology. 36

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros INTEGRATED COURSES AMERICAN STUDIES Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros INTEGRATED COURSES AMERICAN STUDIES United States History American Literature SCIENTIFIC STUDIES Algebra II Physics POLITICAL STUDIES Government/Economics Political Literature 2 teachers, 45 students, meeting for 2 hour blocks each day 37


Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros At the core is Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros At the core is a student centered, project and problem based teaching strategy that is tied to both content standards and school wide learning outcomes. 39

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros PROJECT BASED LEARNING PBL Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros PROJECT BASED LEARNING PBL vs. Doing Projects The Project is the Curriculum Creating a “Need to Know” Teacher Acts as a Coach Focus on Skills (ESLRs) 40

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Project Management Teamwork 41 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Project Management Teamwork 41

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Oral Communication/Presentation Exhibition 42 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Oral Communication/Presentation Exhibition 42

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 43 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 43

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Internships • Major impact Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Internships • Major impact on high school performance • Major impact on Post-secondary success 44

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Transform the Secondary School Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Transform the Secondary School Student Experience! Personalization Projects Exhibitions Digital Portfolios Internships Technology 45

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 46 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 46

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 47 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 47

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 48 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 48

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 49 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 49

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Schools as Workplaces for Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Schools as Workplaces for 21 st Century Students 50

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros TECHNOLOGY TOOLS FOR … Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros TECHNOLOGY TOOLS FOR … ØLearning • Computerized Tutorials • On-Line Curriculum ØCurriculum • Project Standardization • Document Libraries • Project Design Template • Digital Textbooks ØCommunication ØAssessment ØScalability* • E-Library • Academic Systems • Student E-Mail • Parent E-Bulletin • Online Curriculum • Internship Coordination • Digital Gradebooks • Student Journals • Collaboration Database • Learning Logs • PBL Unit Library • Customizable Templates • Support Databases • Account Management 51

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros TOOLS: PROJECT BRIEFCASE The Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros TOOLS: PROJECT BRIEFCASE The Project Briefcase allows teachers to put all project materials in one spot for easy student access and to share with other teachers. 52

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros The New Technology Project Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros The New Technology Project Library We have assembled a collection of projects created by teachers trained in PBL unit development, reviewed, and tested in the classroom. These projects can be downloaded and modified by any teacher with a connection to the internet. 53

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros TOOLS: COURSE AGENDA The Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros TOOLS: COURSE AGENDA The Course Agenda helps keep complicated projects organized. 54

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Teachers enter activities for Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Teachers enter activities for each day including links to resources and homework assignments. 55

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros TOOLS: PEER COLLABORATION EVALUATOR Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros TOOLS: PEER COLLABORATION EVALUATOR Students submit evaluations using a standardized rubric for the whole school. 56

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros TOOLS: PRESENTATION EVALUATION DATABASE Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros TOOLS: PRESENTATION EVALUATION DATABASE 57

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 58 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 58

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 59 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros 59

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 CURRICULUM LIBRARY DIGITAL PORTFOLIO 1083 _Macros Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 CURRICULUM LIBRARY DIGITAL PORTFOLIO 1083 _Macros NTHS GRADEBOOK What is the Learning System? The NTH Learning System™ is a set of tools and technologies that support a student-centered, project- and problem-based learning environment. COMMUNICATION TOOLS COLLABORATION EVALUATOR DISCUSSION BULLETIN BOARDS STUDENT DATA COLLECTION 60

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros New Technology High School Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros New Technology High School Grads: Average Kids 97% Post-Secondary » Powerful » Articulate » Self-Directed » Collaborative » Leaders 61

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros NEW TECHNOLOGY HIGH SCHOOL Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros NEW TECHNOLOGY HIGH SCHOOL Study Tours and Visits http: //www. newtechfoundation. org 62

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros http: //www. anovember. com/ Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros http: //www. anovember. com/ 63

Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Contact Information New Technology Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools 19 1083 _Macros Contact Information New Technology Foundation Susan Schilling - CEO www. newtechfoundation. org 707 -253 -4287 1746 Yajome Napa, CA 94559 Bob Pearlman Director of Strategic Planning bobpearlman@mindspring. com www. bobpearlman. org 520 -881 -9965 Power. Point Slides at www. bobpearlman. org/ssw 2005. htm 64