Скачать презентацию DESE OCCR UPDATE Mo ACTE Summer Conference 2016 Missouri Скачать презентацию DESE OCCR UPDATE Mo ACTE Summer Conference 2016 Missouri


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DESE/OCCR UPDATE Mo. ACTE Summer Conference 2016 Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education DESE/OCCR UPDATE Mo. ACTE Summer Conference 2016 Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

OCCR Staff Updates Jim Hogan – resigned effective July 31, 2016 Tom Schlimpert – OCCR Staff Updates Jim Hogan – resigned effective July 31, 2016 Tom Schlimpert – Director, Technology and Engineering Debbie Jameson – Director, English Language Arts Lisa Scroggs – Asst. Director, English Language Arts Jeremy Ellis – Coordinator, NAEP John Kitchens – Director, Science Kim Stuckey – Director, Dyslexia Specialist Gail Stewart – Pathways Director, Retired Ryan Rumpf – Director, ELL

Career Education Mentoring Program Offered to new CTE teachers as a one-year program. Protégé Career Education Mentoring Program Offered to new CTE teachers as a one-year program. Protégé Applications due August 12, 2016 Protégé grant provided to districts in the amount of $200 to cover cost of protégé travel or substitute costs Payment sent directly to districts

50/50 Equipment/Educational Resources Grants Applications were due July 1, 2016 Notifications will come from 50/50 Equipment/Educational Resources Grants Applications were due July 1, 2016 Notifications will come from each individual CTE program director via email with an anticipated timeframe sent by mid August. No August mailing of approved FV-4 s

Expansion of CTE LEAs may receive two points toward 10 points on MSIP Standard Expansion of CTE LEAs may receive two points toward 10 points on MSIP Standard 3*4 by creating and entering in partnership with area career centers, comp high schools, industry and business to develop a pathway. Enroll in a program of CTE while in high school; Participate and complete an internship or apprenticeship during the final year of high school; Obtain the industry certification or credentials applicable to their program or career and technical education and internship or apprenticeship.

Expansion of CTE 118 districts approved for two points Reflected on 2015 -16 APR Expansion of CTE 118 districts approved for two points Reflected on 2015 -16 APR For two points in ensuing years, must continue to expand additional CTE programs.

Ad Hoc CTE Funding Committee Convened in December 2015 Purpose to review, revise and Ad Hoc CTE Funding Committee Convened in December 2015 Purpose to review, revise and make recommendations to DESE regarding CTE salary funding. New funding plan in place for the 2017 -18 school year Facilitated by Central Comprehensive Center, College and Career Readiness and Success Center, and Center on Innovation in Learning in conjunction with staff from OCCR.

Legislative Updates SB 620 Passed and Signed by Governor Nixon CTE Advisory Council appointed Legislative Updates SB 620 Passed and Signed by Governor Nixon CTE Advisory Council appointed by the Commissioner of Education Development and implementation of a CTE Certificate to be made available for the 2017 -18 school year.

SB 620 – CTE Advisory Council composed of 15 members with 11 being appointed SB 620 – CTE Advisory Council composed of 15 members with 11 being appointed by the Commissioner of Education. Director of an area career center; An individual from the business community; A representative from State Technical College of MO; Three current or retired CTE teachers who also serve or served as an advisor to any of the nationally recognized CTSOs; A representative from a business organization, association of businesses or a business coalition;

SB 620 – CTE Advisory Council (Cont. ) A representative from a Missouri community SB 620 – CTE Advisory Council (Cont. ) A representative from a Missouri community college; A representative from SEMO or UCM; An individual participating in an apprenticeship recognize by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations; A school administrators or school superintendent of a school that offers CTE. Also to include four members from the General Assembly Two from House of Representatives Two from Senate

SB 620 – CTE Advisory Council (Cont. ) Three non-voting Ex Officio Members: DESE SB 620 – CTE Advisory Council (Cont. ) Three non-voting Ex Officio Members: DESE Director of School Counseling Director of the Division of Workforce Development A member of the Coordinating Board for Higher Education, as selected by the Coordinating Board

SB 620 – CTE Certificate – SB 620 charged the State Board of Education, SB 620 – CTE Certificate – SB 620 charged the State Board of Education, in consultation with the Career and Technical Education Advisory Council to establish minimum requirements for a career and technical education (CTE) certificate that a student can earn in addition to his or her high school graduation diploma. Students entering high school in school year 20172018 and thereafter shall be eligible to earn a CTE certificate.

NTI, NCI, TSA/IRC, and TCTW Updates Janice Rehak NTI, NCI, TSA/IRC, and TCTW Updates Janice Rehak

New Teacher Institute Sunday, July 31 – Wednesday, August 3 Hilton Garden Inn – New Teacher Institute Sunday, July 31 – Wednesday, August 3 Hilton Garden Inn – Columbia 81 enrolled

New Counselor Institute Held July 17 - 20, 2016 61 Counselors participated Three observers New Counselor Institute Held July 17 - 20, 2016 61 Counselors participated Three observers from the State of Mississippi

TSA/IRC Updates 17 IRC applications/requests were received. 4 applications were responsive and will be TSA/IRC Updates 17 IRC applications/requests were received. 4 applications were responsive and will be reviewed by the IRC committee in September. October Administrative Memo listing new IRCs for the 2017 -18 school year.

Technology Centers That Work (TCTW) Update 17 Dallas County Career Center – new site Technology Centers That Work (TCTW) Update 17 Dallas County Career Center – new site for 201718 school year. 17 Active Sites 39 Educators from Missouri conducted 32 presentations at the HSTW National Conference, July 13 -16, 2016.

Vocational-Technical Enhancement Grants Doug Sutton Vocational-Technical Enhancement Grants Doug Sutton

Vocational-Technical Education Enhancement Grants FY 16 Enhancement Grant expenditures met the compliance threshold that Vocational-Technical Education Enhancement Grants FY 16 Enhancement Grant expenditures met the compliance threshold that no less than 75% of the $18 M annual appropriation would be used for instruction aligned to high-demand occupations. Some grant-year progress reports have yet to be submitted, and those grantees will be contacted in the near future.

Vocational-Technical Education Enhancement Grants Grant-year progress reports need not be a daunting task, and Vocational-Technical Education Enhancement Grants Grant-year progress reports need not be a daunting task, and can be accomplished by addressing three points: How well did the program meet its objectives? For those objectives not met, are there planning changes? What impact on program improvement/growth did the grant award provide?

Vocational-Technical Education Enhancement Grants The Department received 177 FY 17 EG funding requests. 170 Vocational-Technical Education Enhancement Grants The Department received 177 FY 17 EG funding requests. 170 grants have been approved (142 fully approved; 28 conditionally approved). No arbitrary budget reductions will be necessary due to a lack of available funding. 15 grantees have already requested budget reductions.

Vocational-Technical Education Enhancement Grants FY 17 awards will be loaded into e. Pe. GS. Vocational-Technical Education Enhancement Grants FY 17 awards will be loaded into e. Pe. GS. Grantees will use the figures provided in the two e. Pe. GS-based worksheets included in the Approved EGFV 4 file to enter budget detail. Grantees with conditionally approved grants will have a $0 award entered, then updated to actual amount once fully approved.

Vocational-Technical Education Enhancement Grants FY 18 key dates: October 14, 2016 -probable date for Vocational-Technical Education Enhancement Grants FY 18 key dates: October 14, 2016 -probable date for release of FY 18 planning guide and administrative manual; February 3, 2017 -probable deadline for FY 18 EG applications (both narrative and budget). No significant changes are anticipated in the application structure.

Pathways to Prosperity Lloyd Healy, Pathways Manager Pathways to Prosperity Lloyd Healy, Pathways Manager

Pathways to Prosperity Continue with Pathways for Teachers Since 2013 -14, over 400 teachers, Pathways to Prosperity Continue with Pathways for Teachers Since 2013 -14, over 400 teachers, counselors and administrators have participated DESE Grant Opportunity – 2016 -17 school year Missouri Post-Secondary Success – project jointly sponsored by DESE and University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning Contact: Lloyd Healy, DESE Pathways Manager, lloyd. healy@dese. mo. gov

Federal Legislative Updates Dennis Harden Federal Legislative Updates Dennis Harden

Perkins IV Updates Year 10 levels of performance approved – See Administrative Memo CCR-16 Perkins IV Updates Year 10 levels of performance approved – See Administrative Memo CCR-16 -012 1 S 2 Mathematics was changed due to passage of ESSA and states no longer required to follow NCLB Waiver Small decrease in Perkins - $88, 607 Cohort 1 – Finished Desk Monitoring, selections to be made for Perkins TAVs 2016 -17 school year Cohort 2 – Desk Monitoring 2016 -17 school year

Perkins Reauthorization Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21 st Century Act Passed Perkins Reauthorization Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21 st Century Act Passed the House Education Committee with Bipartisan support Moves to the full House of Representatives for a vote. No Senate bill at this time Timeframe for a new bill is not known at this time.

Perkins Reauthorization Similarities to current legislation: Allocation formulas the same Academic indicators of performance Perkins Reauthorization Similarities to current legislation: Allocation formulas the same Academic indicators of performance (Secondary) New items: Definitions for Secondary and Postsecondary Concentrators Fewer Core Indicators of Performance Local comprehensive assessment of CTE needs every two years

WIOA Federal Regulations are now available at: https: //www. doleta. gov/wioa/ WIOA Federal Regulations are now available at: https: //www. doleta. gov/wioa/

Reminders 31 Displaced Homemaker Fee Waiver FV 4 s Due Now Area Career Center Reminders 31 Displaced Homemaker Fee Waiver FV 4 s Due Now Area Career Center Allocation - $877 Community College Allocation - $2, 866 U-LINC Welding Curriculum Pilot Applications Due August 1, 2016 to Jason Scales at jason. scales@lincolnelectric. com

Questions Dennis D. Harden Coordinator, Career Education Dennis. harden@dese. mo. gov The Department of Questions Dennis D. Harden Coordinator, Career Education Dennis. harden@dese. mo. gov The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability in its programs and activities. Inquiries related to Department programs and to the location of services, activities, and facilities that are accessible by persons with disabilities may be directed to the Jefferson State Office Building, Office of the General Counsel, Coordinator – Civil Rights Compliance (Title VI/Title IX/504/ADA/Age Act), 6 th Floor, 205 Jefferson Street, P. O. Box 480, Jefferson City, MO 65102 -0480; telephone number 573 -526 -4757 or TTY 800 -7352966; email civilrights@dese. mo. gov.