Derivatives of the word “to oppress” To oppress

- Количество слайдов: 13
Derivatives of the word “to oppress”
To oppress - a) archaic : suppress (to put down) b) to crush or burden by abuse of power or authority to burden spiritually or mentally : weigh heavily upon 1) подавлять, притеснять, угнетать 2) удручать, действовать угнетающе 3) наваливаться, побеждать (о сне, усталости и т.п.) © ABBY Lingvo dictionary © Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Examples of using “It’s hard to convey to people who didn’t go through that experience how radical, how unpopular and difficult and scary it was just to get up and say, ‘Men oppress women. Men oppress me. Men must take responsibility for their actions instead of blaming them on capitalism. And yes, that means you.’ We were laughed at, patronized, called frigid, emotionally disturbed man-haters and—worst insult of all on the left!—apolitical.” © Radical Feminism and Feminist Radicalism, 1984 If you are a tyrant by nature, the temptation is strong, I allow; but no generous mind delights to oppress the weak, but rather to cherish and protect. © Anne Bronte “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall”
Oppression - 1. the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner. 2. an act or instance of oppressing. 3. the state of being oppressed. 4. the feeling of being heavily burdened, mentally or physically, by troubles, adverse conditions, anxiety, etc. © гнет, иго, притеснение, угнетение 2) угнетенность; подавленность © ABBY Lingvo dictionary
Examples of using
Oppressive - 1. burdensome, unjustly harsh, or tyrannical: an oppressive king; oppressive laws. 2. causing discomfort by being excessive, intense, elaborate, etc.: oppressive heat. 3. distressing or grievous: oppressive sorrows. © тиранический, деспотический, жестокий, подавляющий 2) гнетущий, тягостный, тяжелый, угнетающий © ABBY Lingvo dictionary
Examples of using "Women are the victims of this patriarchal culture, but they are also its carriers. Let us keep in mind that every oppressive man was raised in the confines of his mother's home." © Shirin Ebadi "Being outside and feeling that sort of oppressive heat - it's flammable! And your emotions tend to run hotter and higher." © Dean Cain
Oppressor - One who oppresses; One who imposes unjust burdens on others; One who harasses others with unjust laws or unreasonable severity. притеснитель, угнетатель 2) что-л., действующее угнетающе © ABBY Lingvo dictionary © Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Examples of using "Time is on the side of the oppressed today, it's against the oppressor. Truth is on the side of the oppressed today, it's against the oppressor. You don't need anything else." © Malcolm X
Oppressiveness - a feeling of being oppressed unwelcome burdensome difficulty жестокость, деспотичность 2) гнетущая атмосфера © ABBY Lingvo dictionary ©
Examples of using There was a brooding oppressiveness in the air that seemed to bode something. © Mark Twain “Tom Sawyer” But the mystery and oppressiveness vanished after the first few seconds of waking, when I identified the missing something as the wind. © Jack London “The Sea Wolf”
Oppressively - In a heavy and oppressive way жестоко, деспотически угнетающе, тягостно © MultiTran Dictionary ©
Examples of using Sometimes when he came he was silent and moody, and after a few sarcastic remarks went away again, to tramp the streets of Lincoln, which were almost as quiet and oppressively domestic as those of Black Hawk. © Willa Cather “My Antonia” The weather, too, which had recently been frosty, was now oppressively warm, and there was a great scarcity of water, insomuch that a valuable dog belonging to Mr. © Washington Irving “Astoria or Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains”