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Derivatives from the stem of word accept.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 12

Derivatives from the stem of the word “accept” Derivatives from the stem of the word “accept”

The plan Acceptability Acceptable Acceptance Acceptation Accepted Accepter Acceptor Used dictionaries: ü The Oxford The plan Acceptability Acceptable Acceptance Acceptation Accepted Accepter Acceptor Used dictionaries: ü The Oxford English Dictionary ü The Muller’s Complete English-Russian Dictionary ü The Free Online Dictionary

Accept Meaning Examples 1. consent to receive or undertake (something offered): he accepted a Accept Meaning Examples 1. consent to receive or undertake (something offered): he accepted a pen as a present she accepted a temporary post as a clerk give an affirmative answer to (an offer or proposal); say yes to: he would accept their offer and see what happened[no object]: Tim offered Brian a lift home and he accepted dated say yes to a proposal of marriage from (a man): Reginald was a good match and she ought to accept him receive as adequate, valid, or suitable: regard favourably or with approval; welcome: (of a thing) be designed to allow (something) to be inserted or applied: 2. believe or come to recognize (a proposition) as valid or correct: take upon oneself (a responsibility or liability); acknowledge: 3. tolerate or submit to (something unpleasant or undesired): the college accepted her as a student credit cards are widely accepted the Irish never accepted him as one of them vending machines that accepted 100 -yen coins for cans of beer this tentative explanation came to be accepted by the men [with clause]: it is accepted that ageing is a continuous process Jenkins is willing to accept his responsibility[with clause]: he accepts that he made a mistake they accepted the need to cut overheads

Accept 1) принима ть; 2) допуска ть; соглаша ться; признава ть; 3) относи ться Accept 1) принима ть; 2) допуска ть; соглаша ться; признава ть; 3) относи ться благоскло нно 4) ком. акцептова ть (вексель) Translations to ~ a present {an invitation} - принять подарок {приглашение} to ~ in deposit - принимать на хранение I accept the correctness of your statement признаю пра вильность ва шего утвержде ния to ~ bribes - брать взятки to ~ office /a post/ - согласиться занять должность to ~ an offer {an apology} - принять предложение {извинения} he proposed and she ~ him - он сделал предложение, и она согласилась (стать его женой) to ~ smth. at its face-value - принимать что-л. за чистую монету ◊ to accept the fact примири ться с фа ктом Examples

Acceptability Pronunciation: /əksɛptəˈbɪlɪti/ Noun приемлемость Meaning Satisfactoriness by virtue of conforming to approved standards Acceptability Pronunciation: /əksɛptəˈbɪlɪti/ Noun приемлемость Meaning Satisfactoriness by virtue of conforming to approved standards The quality of being acceptable Examples: • So there was no explaining this sudden acceptability of his wares. Martin Eden by London, Jack • But Miss Mills, mistrusting the acceptability of her presence to the higher powers, had not yet gone; and we were all benighted in the Desert of Sahara. David Copperfield by Dickens, Charles

Acceptable Meaning Example 1 able to be agreed the electoral on; suitable: arrangements must Acceptable Meaning Example 1 able to be agreed the electoral on; suitable: arrangements must be acceptable to the people moderately good; an acceptable satisfactory: substitute for champagne pleasing; welcome: some coffee would be most acceptable 2 able to be tolerated or allowed: pollution in the city had reached four times the acceptable level 1. приемлемый, подходящий; допустимый ◦ your work is not ~, do it again - ваша работа не годится /не отвечает требованиям/, переделайте её ◦ the gift is very ~ - подарок пришёлся кстати 2. приятный, угодный 3. выносимый; терпимый ◦ ~ damage - допустимый ущерб фин. могущий быть акцептованным (о векселе) Translation

Acceptance Meaning Example 1 the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered: Acceptance Meaning Example 1 the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered: charges involving the acceptance of bribes [count noun] a draft or bill of exchange that is accepted by being signed: a banker’s acceptance 2 the process or fact of you must wait for being received as acceptance into the adequate, valid, or village suitable: 3 agreement with or belief in an idea or explanation: acceptance of the teaching of the Church 1. принятие; приём ~ of an invitation принятие приглашения 2. признание; одобрение to find ~ - находить признание ~ of a theory - согласие с какой-л. теорией 3. принятое значение слова 4. ком. акцепт; акцептование ~ general - акцептование векселя без каких-л. оговорок Translation

Acceptation Meaning a particular sense or the generally recognized meaning ( common acceptation) of Acceptation Meaning a particular sense or the generally recognized meaning ( common acceptation) of a word or phrase. Translation in Russian Принятое значение слова или выражения Examples • It is enough to say, without applying this poetical rhapsody to Aouda, that she was a charming woman, in all the European acceptation of the phrase. Around the World in Eighty Days by Verne, Jules • Because he had voluntarily relinquished a title that was distasteful to him, and a station that was distasteful to him, and had left his country--he submitted before the word emigrant in the present acceptation by the Tribunal was in use--to live by his own industry in England, rather than on the industry of the overladen people of France. A Tale Of Two Cities by Dickens, Charles • Dick Kennedy was a Scotchman, in the full acceptation of the word--open, resolute, and headstrong. Five Weeks in a Balloon by Verne, Jules

Accepted Meaning generally believed or recognized to be valid or correct Examples The accepted Accepted Meaning generally believed or recognized to be valid or correct Examples The accepted truth An accepted treatment for pneumonia. Translation Общепринятый, распространенный

Accepter Noun A person who accepts; a taker Тот, кто принимает, приемщик Translation Accepter Noun A person who accepts; a taker Тот, кто принимает, приемщик Translation

Acceptor Noun One who accepts Коммерч. термин акцептант Translation Acceptor Noun One who accepts Коммерч. термин акцептант Translation

Conclusion The word “accept” has 7 main derivatives: acceptability, acceptable, acceptance, acceptation, accepted, accepter, Conclusion The word “accept” has 7 main derivatives: acceptability, acceptable, acceptance, acceptation, accepted, accepter, acceptor Thanks for your attention!