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Dept. of Mathematics, Computer Science & Physics College at Florham WELCOME 1 Dept. of Mathematics, Computer Science & Physics College at Florham WELCOME 1

Strengthening American Competitiveness for the 21 st Century Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates warned in Strengthening American Competitiveness for the 21 st Century Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates warned in a testimony before the US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions on March 7, 2007 “A lack of technology skills is causing the US to behind in the global knowledge economy. We face a critical shortage of scientific talent. ” 2

College at Florham Becton College of Arts and Sciences Becton College Small liberal arts College at Florham Becton College of Arts and Sciences Becton College Small liberal arts college Committed to a liberal arts education Practical, career-oriented approach 3

Programs in Computer Science • BS in Computer Science, concentration in Bioinformatics • Combined Programs in Computer Science • BS in Computer Science, concentration in Bioinformatics • Combined MS/BS in Computer Science – 5 year program. • In the planning stage: Math/CS with concentration in Bioinformatics: - Emphasis on biology, statistics, data analysis and data management 4

Programs in Mathematics • BA in Mathematics with concentration in Computer Science • BA Programs in Mathematics • BA in Mathematics with concentration in Computer Science • BA in Mathematics with concentration in Actuarial Science • BA in Mathematics and Quest concentration in Secondary Education • 5 year program towards elementary/secondary school teaching 5

Department of Math/CSci/Physics n n n n Ten highly qualified, full-time faculty members About Department of Math/CSci/Physics n n n n Ten highly qualified, full-time faculty members About 60 -70 students each year Small class size: average less than 15 students Computer lab courses limited to 20 students Constantly updating computer equipment and software Web-enhanced courses HP tablet Mobile lab (A grant from HP) Institute for the Enhancement of Teaching Science and Math (IETSM) $500 K Grant from the John Martinson Foundation for 6

Internships n n n Work experience that leads to job opportunities Part time work, Internships n n n Work experience that leads to job opportunities Part time work, 10 to 14 weeks Arranged through the department, or through the Career Center, through faculty contacts, or by the student Each student has a faculty mentor. Evaluated jointly by the mentor and the employer at midsemester and end-of-semester. Student maintains a work journal. 7

Internships n Some recent internships: n n n n Alcatel Lucent Intel Knowledge Soft Internships n Some recent internships: n n n n Alcatel Lucent Intel Knowledge Soft Novartis Honeywell Pfizer US Defense Academy Several smaller companies 8

Independent Study n n n Independent research and report One_on_one experience with a faculty Independent Study n n n Independent research and report One_on_one experience with a faculty mentor Senior Honors Project n n n Honors presentations Honors work in any course Available for either CS majors or math majors 9

Faculty Research n Our Faculty are involved in a wide range of interesting research Faculty Research n Our Faculty are involved in a wide range of interesting research projects. Mathematics hypertext on the Web n Data Mining n Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems n Digital Rights Management n Distributed Systems n Computational Complexity n Numerical mathematics n 10

Faculty Grants n HP grant The department received an HP grant worth $68, 000 Faculty Grants n HP grant The department received an HP grant worth $68, 000 n HP tablet mobile lab, which is currently being used for teaching and research. n n Grant from the John Martinson Foundation for $500 K as seed money to develop: Institute for the Enhancement of Teaching Science and Math (IETSM) 11

Careers Medical Imaging n n n Doctors today can clean the arteries of a Careers Medical Imaging n n n Doctors today can clean the arteries of a patient’s heart, preventing a future heart attack. Modern medical imaging can reveal a detailed view of clogged problem areas – without any surgery. CAT scans, MRIs, and ultrasounds are all the products of computing professionals. Computer scientists devise the algorithms to process images from electrical impulses. 12

Careers Gaming n n n Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii. Are Careers Gaming n n n Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii. Are great gaming machines, but the technology behind them isn’t a game at all – it’s seriously powerful stuff. Games aren’t just for kids anymore. Adults not only play today’s video games, they create them, too, using cutting edge computing. CS experts create the artificial intelligence that makes each game challenging, keeping players coming back for more. 13

Careers Online Music and Movie Distribution n The future of music, movies, and all Careers Online Music and Movie Distribution n The future of music, movies, and all media is on the Internet. From i. Tunes to You. Tube, commercial entertainment is moving to the Web – fast. You are witnessing a revolution that is powered by technology and computing professionals. Computer scientists design the huge databases that store music, TV shows, and movies. 14

Careers Finding Information on the Web n n Search engines such as Google and Careers Finding Information on the Web n n Search engines such as Google and Yahoo are used by people every day to search for information on the Web. In the future you should be able to search for objects in pictures? Or sounds? Or Scenes in movies? Computer scientists devise the revolutionary approaches that makes search possible. 15

Careers Mobile Devices n n n Soon, the idea of using your cell phone Careers Mobile Devices n n n Soon, the idea of using your cell phone only for voice will seem old fashioned. Cell phones can access the Web, Play games, and Even tell you where you are right now. Soon you’ll be able to press a key and instantly buy tickets to see your favorite band at a club you’re just walking by, Or pay bus fare just by hopping onto the bus. Computer scientists create compression algorithms to transmit information more efficiently. 16

Careers Our Alumni Our alumni have gone on to become. . . n Computer Careers Our Alumni Our alumni have gone on to become. . . n Computer Programmers n Teachers n Accomplished industrial researchers n Actuaries 17

Careers Our Alumni Employment at: n Picatinny Arsenal n Genware Computer Systems n Novartis Careers Our Alumni Employment at: n Picatinny Arsenal n Genware Computer Systems n Novartis Pharmaceuticals n Cendant Corporation n Dialogic n Department of Defense n n n Dell Inc Hi-tech Health The Realm National Insurance Company MGM Studios East Hanover Public School, and Washington Township Public Schools. 18

Computer Science n n Strong theoretical base with a practical approach Fundamental concepts in Computer Science n n Strong theoretical base with a practical approach Fundamental concepts in core computer science topics n Data Structures n Operating Systems n Software Design and Engineering n Computer Organization 19

Computer Science Broad Range Of Elective Courses Computer data security Computer graphics Expert systems Computer Science Broad Range Of Elective Courses Computer data security Computer graphics Expert systems and logic programming Computer networks Numerical analysis Computer algorithms Artificial Intelligence 20

Options with Computer Science Combined MS/BS in Computer Science n Accelerated program, 5 years Options with Computer Science Combined MS/BS in Computer Science n Accelerated program, 5 years ( you save a whole year!) n Requires a GPA of 2. 8 or higher n Many students from industry BS in Computer Science- Concentration in Bioinformatics n Prepares students for a career in the fast-paced pharmaceutical or biotechnology industries n Combines mathematics, statistics, computer science, and biology to explore and understand biological data 21

Computer Science Outlook n Government economists expect jobs for computer scientists to grow much Computer Science Outlook n Government economists expect jobs for computer scientists to grow much faster than the average for all professions through 2014. Compensation n According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average yearly salary of research computer and information scientists was $96, 440 in 2006. n According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, starting salary offers in 2005 averaged n $50, 820 for graduates with a bachelor’s degree in computer science; n $46, 189 for those with a degree in computer systems analysis; n $44, 417 for those with a degree in management information systems; and n $44, 775 for those with a degree in information sciences and systems. 22

Mathematics n Interdisciplinary approach Joint courses with computer science n Lab science requirements n Mathematics n Interdisciplinary approach Joint courses with computer science n Lab science requirements n n A good learning environment for mathematics Small classes, individual attention n Honors and independent work n Exploration with technology tools n 23

Mathematics n Broad range of mathematics in the major requirements Probability and Statistics n Mathematics n Broad range of mathematics in the major requirements Probability and Statistics n Discrete Structures n Linear Algebra n Calculus Sequence n Advanced Calculus n 24

Mathematics n Elective courses in advanced mathematics Abstract Algebra n Analysis n Combinatorics n Mathematics n Elective courses in advanced mathematics Abstract Algebra n Analysis n Combinatorics n Complex Variables n Differential Equations n Number Theory n 25

Mathematics Strong Program in Applied Mathematics Game Theory Modeling and Simulation Partial Differential Equations Mathematics Strong Program in Applied Mathematics Game Theory Modeling and Simulation Partial Differential Equations Numerical Analysis Operations Research Probability and Statistics II 26

Mathematics Concentrations Computer Science Quest (Secondary Education) Actuarial Science 27 Mathematics Concentrations Computer Science Quest (Secondary Education) Actuarial Science 27

Math / QUEST Program n n Five year secondary education program Two degrees: n Math / QUEST Program n n Five year secondary education program Two degrees: n BA in Mathematics n MA in Education Preparation for secondary school/mathematics, and for middle-school and elementary certification. The mathematics program emphasizes K-12 certification. 28

Math / QUEST Program n n Field experience Shadow teaching for a semester Placed Math / QUEST Program n n Field experience Shadow teaching for a semester Placed into the high school by the School of Education n BA in Mathematics n MA in education Virtually all students start teaching after graduation. 29

Mathematics with Actuarial Science Concentration An Actuary is a person who: n Analyzes, manages Mathematics with Actuarial Science Concentration An Actuary is a person who: n Analyzes, manages and measures the financial implications of future risk. n Works to maximize profit while managing volatility. n Develops and validates financial models to guide decision making. 30

Mathematics with Actuarial Science Concentration n BA in mathematics with a set of elective Mathematics with Actuarial Science Concentration n BA in mathematics with a set of elective courses Courses in the School of Business in economics, accounting, and finance Help students prepare for the first two actuarial exams n n Administered by the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society Opportunities for independent study with highly qualified and experienced advisors 31

Where do Actuaries Work? Consulting firms n Insurance companies n Government insurance departments n Where do Actuaries Work? Consulting firms n Insurance companies n Government insurance departments n Banks and investment firms n Large corporations n Public accounting firms n Colleges and universities n Anywhere else n 32

Typical Actuarial Projects Designing and pricing life insurance products. n Estimating the amount of Typical Actuarial Projects Designing and pricing life insurance products. n Estimating the amount of money to be set aside for insurance claims. n Setting HMO premium rates. n Pricing the cost of increasing retirement benefits. n Portfolio diversification studies. n 33

Some Student Projects 34 Some Student Projects 34

Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An Approach for the Middle School Presented by Jessica Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An Approach for the Middle School Presented by Jessica Alfano Mentored by Dr. Robert Mayans Fairleigh Dickinson University 35

Joe’s Game This game can be played using any graph. Player 1 and Player Joe’s Game This game can be played using any graph. Player 1 and Player 2 alternate picking vertices in the graph, subject to the following rules: 1. 2. Neither player can pick a vertex that has been picked earlier in the game. Every vertex must be adjacent to the vertex picked just before. The winner is the last player who can choose a vertex. A. 1 B. Player 1 is the WINNER! 1 2 2 1 1 Player 2 is the WINNER! 36

The Secret of Joe’s Game Find a maximum matching in the graph. If the The Secret of Joe’s Game Find a maximum matching in the graph. If the maximum matching is perfect, pick to be Player 2. Perfect Maximum Matching If the maximum matching is not perfect (if the number of vertices are odd), pick to be Player 1. 37

Fibonacci Sequence ü 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, Fibonacci Sequence ü 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, … ü Many plants produce new branches in quantities that are based on Fibonacci numbers. ü Plants illustrate the Fibonacci series in the numbers and arrangements of petals, leaves, sections and seeds. 38

Online Content Management System Using Microsoft IIS, SQL Server, Visual Studio, and ASP. NET Online Content Management System Using Microsoft IIS, SQL Server, Visual Studio, and ASP. NET to create an interactive website By Paul Gamble Senior Project, 2005. 39

Client Internet ·Microsoft IIS ·Windows Server 2003 Enteprise Web Server . NET Framework ·Visual Client Internet ·Microsoft IIS ·Windows Server 2003 Enteprise Web Server . NET Framework ·Visual Studio. NET ·SQL Query Analyzer Development PC ·Core runtime libraries ·Microsoft. NET ·ASP. NET Compiled Web Site ·. ASPX and. DLL files ·MS SQL Server Database 40

Robustness Studies For a Multi-Mode Information Embedding Scheme for Digital Images Daniel Eliades Mentor: Robustness Studies For a Multi-Mode Information Embedding Scheme for Digital Images Daniel Eliades Mentor: Dr. Neelu Sinha Department of Math and Computer Science, Fairleigh Dickinson University 41

1024 x 1024 Imperceptibility Test Original Image Watermarked Image 42 1024 x 1024 Imperceptibility Test Original Image Watermarked Image 42

43 43

Gosper’s Algorithm By Zachary Vogel Presented at the GS Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, 2004 44 Gosper’s Algorithm By Zachary Vogel Presented at the GS Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, 2004 44

Hypergeometric Terms • General Form of a hypergeometric term 45 Hypergeometric Terms • General Form of a hypergeometric term 45

Solution to negation identity • Now we know our s(k) = -1/n, so we Solution to negation identity • Now we know our s(k) = -1/n, so we plug in to get T(k): 46

Department Activities • Student Faculty Dinner 2007 • Student Presentations 47 Department Activities • Student Faculty Dinner 2007 • Student Presentations 47

Play a Game of Chess n Chess Files A Cellular Model of a Forest Play a Game of Chess n Chess Files A Cellular Model of a Forest Fire n Forest Fire Files Lattice Gas Automata n Lattice Gas Files 48