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Deposit NEFTEGAZ Virtual Exhibition
Tyu. MGNGU Library is an encyclopedia of graduates of the Tyumen Industrial Institute -? Tyumen State Oil and Gas University (1963 to 2003).
Deposit of Oil and Gas: Encyclopedia graduates Tyumen state Oil and Gas University / Tyum. GNGU. - Tyumen: Kazan: Dian Pros, 2003. - 487 p.
Dear Friend There are words that do not apply the term "former. " There can be, for example, a former. . . people. Or mother. Or homeland. Alumni also does not exist. Forty years marks the Tyumen Oil and Gas University. Forty winter and summer sessions of forty! Completely and permanently from the eighty ten semesters belong to you. Forever invisible and you're bound by strong ties with his «alma-mater» . In your fate is involved, is proud of your progress, help in difficulties, and remembers you, in whatever part of the world you are. And pledge to this book. With each new edition of the volume becomes more three-dimensional. Some day it will turn into an encyclopedic reference. But for this, dear graduates, you will need your help. Two necessary conditions. First, try to leave your work is a good mark on the world. And second, do not forget to feed on itself news. Our address is: 625000, Tyumen, st. Volodarsky 38, K. 246, tel. 25. 08. 64. Information can be sent via e-mail E-mail: panfilov ® tgngu. tyumen. ru and put online on our website www: hup : / / www. tgngu. tyumen. ru / President of the Alumni Association of the Tyumen Oil and Gas University Igor Shapovalov
Hello dear friends! I am glad to welcome you on behalf of almost 40000 th student groups, students, faculty and staff and Gas University. Today, our university is not just a powerful scientific, educational and industrial corporation. This good fortune of hundreds of thousands of people whose labor creates an environment of professionalism, creativity, hard work and love for the University. All this is expressed in words - SPIRIT UNIVERSITY. Spirit University determined people, first and foremost, teachers, then, of course, students. They are all different, they come and go, but the university remains! If the university becomes expensive when to give it up when the ache in my chest when we parted, when a man feels that he leaves here of his young and beautiful life, then we are on the right track. Hence, the teachers loved their students. So, create an environment reminiscent of the students that they are needed. Hence, they were able to show their talents - and one who is prone to scientific work, and the one who is keen on sports, and the one who loves amateur. University not only provides professional education, but also the developing individual. And I want to note that even after the prom and Gas University alumni need him. There are many universities in the world. Cambridge, the Sorbonne. . . MSU. . . At the mere enumeration would like to remove his hat. What can I say? A lot of famous names have given the world these old citadel of science. Honor and glory! Our school is not so old. But I assure you, on the threshold of our "boy" date 40 th anniversary of "Naftogaz" we are not lost in the series of "elders. " Graduates of Tyumen Oil also has much to be proud of that self-respect. You - alumni of the university, who made a huge contribution to the development of the resources of Western Siberia, in the formation of the new Russia. Thanks to the efforts of your mind and your hands powerful energy pulsing heart of the country - the West Siberian oil and gas complex. Cities, roads, fields, factories. . . It is impossible to list the spheres of your strengths and talents, our dear engineers, oil and gas producers, economists, transport workers, geologists, metallurgists. . . It is impossible to list all of your profession. Only one word can absorb all of you. This word-graduates. Today, alas, a book is able to gather you all together. This book - the encyclopedia of our graduates. For us it is not only a tribute to the anniversary. No parade of ambition, and the ability to evaluate our work and are proud of you, no matter on what, let the most modest, the site or brought you life. Happiness, health and success to you! Rector Tyum. GNGU Karnaukhov NN
The Encyclopedia presents : n n n n TII-rectors Tyum. GNGU (1964 to 2003). institutions Tyum. GNGU branches Tyum. GNGU Portrait Gallery Alumni TII-Tyum. GNGU Encyclopedia graduates Tyum. GNGU Movers TII-Tyum. GNGU 1969 -2002 Ph. D Graduates TII-Tyum. GNGU 1967 -2000
The first rector of the Tyumen Industrial Institute Born on January 30, 1925 in Simferopol, where he received a secondary education. During the occupation of the city by German troops (1941 -1944 gg. ) Led underground Komsomol organization, and later served as Deputy Secretary of the underground city committee of the CPSU (b) of Simferopol. For underground and guerrilla activity A. N. Kosuhin awarded the Order of Lenin. In 1951, after graduating from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, receives the distribution in Sverdlovsk in the Urals Turbine Plant as an engineer-designer. Since 1953, Assistant Professor of structural mechanics Ural Polytechnic Institute. He defended his thesis on "A practical method of calculation of rectangular plates and some thinspace systems. " In February 1964, Associate Professor AN Kosuhin appointed rector of the Tyumen Industrial Institute. In 1970, approved at the rank of professor. AN Kosuhin headed to college in October 1973. He remained in the history Tyum. GNGU in memory of his friends and colleagues as a talented scholar, who was one of the first in the country to apply computers in the variational methods of theory of plates, a method for calculating the strength of thin-walled structures. Remained as an outstanding organizer of science and learning process at the university. In 1965, for the new Department of structural mechanics, it produced the latest laboratory equipment. AN Kosuhin one of the country's first closed-circuit television system used for teaching students. In 1971, at the initiative of the rector Kosuhin appeared first in the country, a student research center. Many development of future scientists and engineers have found a practical application here. At the initiative of the first rector of the best students were sent to continue his education in leading universities of Moscow and Leningrad. This policy has helped to shape in high school a galaxy of talented scholars and organizers. By kosuhinskoy cohort belong Professor NN Karnaukhov, YE Jakubowski, AA Silver, and many others. Remained in the memory of the first rector, and as a bold, independent and energetic leader, solves many problems around the party dogma and financial statements. But squalls torn sails. . . That's why he went much earlier period allotted by nature.
Институты Тюм. ГНГУ Институт нефти и газа Institute of Oil and Gas was founded in 2000 on the basis of three faculties - oilfield, management and technical cybernetics. Inigo has a modern material and technical base. Here, apart from 50 furnished classrooms there are 40 laboratories, 12 computer labs, five multimedia classrooms, simulator training drill, an exercise class, three graduate design office, a student cafe. The total area of training and support facilities is 14, 900 kv. m. Institut unique nomenclature of specialties and specializations. Here prepare specialists 27 specialties and 30 specializations. As part of Inigo 18 departments. The total contingent - about 10 thousand students. Range of educational services offered by the departments of the Institute, is focused on the basic needs and infrastructure of the fuel and energy complex. In Inigo formed highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff - more than 300 teachers, including 42 professors, 32 doctors of science, seven distinguished scientists, high school, 11 honors and honorary officials of the Ministry of Education, 3 honorary employee TGNGU.
Institute of Technology Institute of Transport
Institute of Geology and Geoinformation
BRANCH Muravlenko SURGUT Oil and Gas Institute
BRANCH Nizhnevartovsk Branch Nefteyugansk
BRANCH Kogalym BRANCH Langepas
• Branch in Ishim • Branch in Urai • Branch Yalutorovsk
BRANCH Salekhard • • The youngest branch Tyum. GNGU was established October 22, 2002 in accordance with the comprehensive program of education development of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. Here, there is no full-time faculty, no faculties and departments. Currently the branch is licensed internal and correspondence form of training in the field, "Automobiles and services" and "Management of the organization. " Since 2002, he has headed a branch Tyum. GNGU in Salekhard Vladimir Toropov, Ph. D. , Associate Professor of "Design and operation of oil and gas pipelines and storage facilities. " He finished Tyum. GNGU in 1998. He defended his thesis in 2001.
Энциклопедия выпускников Тюм. ГНГУ (портретная галерея)
in alphabetical order, are graduates from 1969 -2003 Tyum. GNGU years. and a summary of their n n n n Grandmother Alexey, 1998 graduate of Chief transport section "Plant Sibneftegazmash. " Grandmother Sergey, graduate 1991 Design Engineer 2 categories of "Tyumen battery plant. " Prior to that, he worked as a design engineer Tyumen Electromechanical Plant, DAO "Neftemash" store manager "Gardener". Hobbies, computer graphics and design. Grandma's Marina, graduate in 2002 working in X RAS junior researcher. Hobby - English. Bagabiev Roman Rashitovich, 2000 graduate and post-graduate Tyum. GNGU concurrently assistant of "Promek. " Prior to that, he worked as an engineer-ecologist at JSC "Kogalym. NIPIneft", in "Pro-mneftegazekologii. " Interests are related to their professional activities. Lives in Tyumen. n n n n Bagaviev Elmir Minislamovich, graduate in 2002 working in NGDU "Fedorovskneft. " Bagaev Denis M. , 2000 graduate of Duty - SNGDU-1 OJSC "SNG". Bagatanova Lyudmila, 1986 graduate engineer and geologist in the department technological research institute "Neftegazproekt. " Lives in the city of Tyumen. Bagautdinova (Muratov) Lily Nailovna, graduate of 1994 Senior Researcher. Electronics engineer Tyum. GNGU. Prior to that, she worked as an engineer-geologist "Sib. NIINP. " Badikov Mikhail, 2001 graduate of The shift UTTi. ST "Tyumenburgaz. " Badryzlov Dmitry G. , 2001 graduate engineer "Giprotyumenneftegaz. " Lives in Tyumen. Badin Valentin, graduate in 1973 working in SNGDU-2 JSC "SNG
Tyum. GNGU graduates by year of production from 1967 to 2003. 1998 г. Абдрахимова Татьяна Галиевна ПСТ Абрамов Дмитрий Владимирович УИТС Авдеев Юрий Александрович МТЭК Агапова Инна Александровна НБ Агапьева Наталья Юрьевна МТЭК Айзатуллин Руслан Наилович АТХ Айметдинов Булат Ильдарович АТП Аксарин Андрей Владимирович ПТМ Аксентьев Иван Викторович ВЭД Акуличев Алексей Геннадьевич НР Александров Евгений Владимирович НР Алексеев Дмитрий Егорович АТХ Алексеева Наталья Анатольевна ММ Аликперов Евгений Игоревич СП Андрейкин Дмитрий Васильевич ММ Анисимов Андрей Геннадьевич МОП Антипанова Юлия Николаевна АСОи. У Антонченко Марина Александровна МТЭК Арбитайло Александр Янович АТХ Аржиловских Ирина Владимировна ВЭД Артеев Денис Викторович ПСТ Артенюк Ростислав Валерьевич МОП Архипенко Николай Владимирович ПСТ Асанов Артём Рафаилович СИ Асмандиярова Инна Наилевна НР Асьянов Руслан Равильевич ПСТ Ахметов Марат Шамильевич НР Аширбакиева Гульсия Салимовна ХТО Бабанов Юрий Юрьевич МТЭК Бабушкин Алексей Владимирович СМ Бадретдинов Эмиль Эрнстович ХТО Бажанова Елена Викторовна ГН Баженова Наталья Валентиновна ГФН Бакшеев Сергей Евгеньевич МОП Балицкий Денис Владимирович АСОи. У Банин Александр Викторович ГН Баранов Илья Александрович АТХ Баранова Оксана Викторовна МТЭК Баталов Андрей Прокопьевич СП Батраков Виталий Михайлович НБ Батурин Владимир Юрьевич ВЭД Батухтина Надежда Анатольевна АСОи. У Баусов Евгений Александрович НР Бахарев Фёдор Александрович НБ Бачериков Александр Сергеевич ТМ
Federal Agency for Education Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Research Library Scientific and methodical department deposit NEFTEGAZ Virtual Exhibition Compiled by M. Yu Ponomarev Tyumen, 2006 25 slides