Depletion of the Earth and Alternative Energy Group EG-11
Annually extracted from the Earth more than 100 billion tonnes of various minerals and fuel. This is a ferrous and non-ferrous metals, coal, oil, gas, construction materials, mining and chemical raw materials.
The most accessible deposits of minerals are being rapidly depleted.
Humanity today relies on the identified resources, that is, identifylennye "shortchanged" available for profitable production, not potential - scattered, concentrated in the lower layers of the crust.
According to the latest projections, the main types of minerals will last until the second half of the XXI century.
According to the pessimistic forecasts, Zami in the coming decades will be depleted reserves of lead and zinc ore, tin, gold, silver, platinum, asbestos, then stop by the nickel, cobalt, aluminum and so on
Alternative Energy - a set of promising methods of production, transmission and use of energy, which is not so common as the traditional, but are of interest because of the profitability of their use and are generally low risk of harm to the environment.
Wind energy. In recent years, many countries are expanding the use of wind turbines (WT). Most of them in Western European countries (Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands), in the U. S. , India and China. Denmark gets 25% of its energy from wind.
Biofuels from plant or animal matter, from the waste products of organisms or organic industrial waste.
Alternative hydropower. The main directions of development of alternative hydropower associated with the use of the mechanical energy of tides, waves, currents, and ocean thermal energy.
Controlled thermonuclear fusion. Synthesis of heavier nuclei from lighter to produce energy, which is controlled by nature. I still do not apply.
Quantum energy. Energy, based on the alleged use of quantum space-time (quanton) and superstrong electromagnetic interaction. I still do not apply.
Prospects for the use of renewable energy sources are related to their environmentally friendly, low cost of operation and expected fuel shortage in the traditional energy sector.