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Department of Rural Development and Land Reform’s key programmes and policies intended to benefit Department of Rural Development and Land Reform’s key programmes and policies intended to benefit women and persons with disabilities in South Africa Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Women in the Presidency 11 August 2015

EMPLOYMENT EQUITY EMPLOYING MORE PERSONS WITH DISABILITY • • Engagement with the disability sector; EMPLOYMENT EQUITY EMPLOYING MORE PERSONS WITH DISABILITY • • Engagement with the disability sector; Componenets to reserve a certain number of posts to which only PWD’s can be appointed The publication of post for which only PWD’s may apply Publication of our vacancies on electronic bulletin boards and other media dedicated to the disiability sector GENDER • • • Stricter control over deviation requests from the employment equity plan Providng more financial support to woman wrt bursaries and development Growing the talent pipeline with a majoity of woman 2

SUPPORT TO RURAL WOMEN • Support of rural arts and craft cooperatives – to SUPPORT TO RURAL WOMEN • Support of rural arts and craft cooperatives – to participate in various exhibitions and markets, e. g. Decorex, SARCDA, Rand Show, Grahamstown Festiva; international marketsl : preparation, training and produce, orders and supply; (930 women participating) – Training for arts and craft cooperatives in issues of governance; – Retail shop opened for Arts and Crafts Coops in Durban – Arts and Crafts coops currently in process of establishing a cooperatives bank • Support to various women owned/managed rural enterprises in the agricultural and non-agricultural value chain, in all 9 provinces towards sustainable enterprise development and participation in the rural economy, example – – – – • Abafazi Besintu Agricultural Cooperative in the Eastern Cape; Women in Poultry and Multi purpose Cooperative in Free State and Women in Poultry Cooperative, Thembelani Bakery and Akwande crop production cooperatives in Gauteng Reamat Kreaxions sewing cooperative and Temothuo Essential Oils cooperative in Limpopo Women and Youth vegetables, fruit and crop production cooperative in Mpumalanga Rearoka Sewing cooperative in Northern Cape Boinelo Tailoring and fashion designing Cooperative in North West All other enterprises being supported involve women participants; 3

Arts and Craft Arts and Craft

SUPPORT TO RURAL WOMEN • Infrastructure Development – Provision of water; sanitation; housing and SUPPORT TO RURAL WOMEN • Infrastructure Development – Provision of water; sanitation; housing and energy to rural households; – Provision of bridges and roads (EC: Mvezo); ensures that women from surrounding villages have improved access and safety and dignity. – Training in ICT at schools and community level; • Animal and Veld Management programme – Several projects implemented across the country in soil rehabilitation; debushing to improve land for production; • National Rural Youth Service Corps – Youth recruited for a two year period and undergo various training (leadership training in partnership with SANDF; a minimum of NQF level two training at FETs; community service); – With every intake all provinces are required to ensure that 50% are female; – Several young women have also been part of the international exchange programme with China; – As at 31 October 2014, of the 14 576 NARYSEC youth, 8746 were women; – As at 30 June 2015, of the current 7758 NARYSEC youth in the programme, 4618 are women.

SUPPORT TO RURAL WOMEN IN THE AGRI-PARKS PROGRAMME – The Agri-Parks model envisages farmer SUPPORT TO RURAL WOMEN IN THE AGRI-PARKS PROGRAMME – The Agri-Parks model envisages farmer control and ownership, (70/30%) of which at least 50% WOULD BE women farmers; – Through the program department envisages to increase the number of women small holder farmers who contribute to the Agri-Parks programme; – Of the 89 000 jobs envisaged to be created in the Agri-Parks, it is anticipated that at least 60% [53 400] should be women; the majority of these jobs would be within the agro-processing processes, – All enterprises supported within the value chain of the Agri-Parks will also be specifically targeting at least 60% women ownership and participation; • CROP PRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION

SUPPORT TO PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY • • Various enterprises and skills development opportunities include SUPPORT TO PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY • • Various enterprises and skills development opportunities include people with disabilities; 6 Bosele School of Blind beneficiaries underwent training in practical weaving of floor and doormats. Ireteleng project in Gauteng is a project specifically for the visually-impaired, producing arts and craft and fencing Ikemeneng project consists of 20 visually-impaired members producing vegetables

LAND ACQUISITION AND RECAPITALISATION PROJECTS • Women farm workers and persons with disability, were LAND ACQUISITION AND RECAPITALISATION PROJECTS • Women farm workers and persons with disability, were among the latest land reform beneficiaries of a multi-million rand fund to acquire land through the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform programmes. SOME EXAMPLES • A game and livestock farm was acquired for R 6. 3 million under the department’s Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy (PLAS) for a female farmer with 21 -years of farming experience at Limpopo’s Blouberg municipality. – – The purpose of acquiring this farm is to support small-holder farmers farming in communal areas like Blouberg, At the time of acquiring the farm the beneficiary was farming in a backyard with vegetables and had 40 cattle grazing on communal land another 40 on privately leased land. • R 3. 8 m land acquisition for 22 farm workers consisting of women and children from Zululand District, in Kwa. Zulu-Natal. The farm dwellers will receive a full title on the land. – – • In Mpumalanga, the department acquired a farm for R 4. 1 m and allocated it to a farmer with disabilities in the Ehlanzeni District. – – • It was ascertained during a land rights enquiry that two families on the farm had resided there for over 40 years. These families own 22 cattle and 27 goats; This was a practical step for us in strengthening the rights of farm dwellers working that land; The grazing land he was occupying was not big enough for his current livestock and it also prevented him from expanding his herd; More importantly, the beneficiary was losing cattle due to livestock theft in the communal area. A dairy farm was acquired for a Mrs Ngidi in KZN, a dairy farm;

Land Acquisition REDISTRIBUTION STATISTICS 1994 - MARCH 2015 PSSC Projects Hectares Beneficiaries Female House Land Acquisition REDISTRIBUTION STATISTICS 1994 - MARCH 2015 PSSC Projects Hectares Beneficiaries Female House Holds Youth Disabled EC 851 520 742 26 656 3 657 1 394 2 342 28 FS 864 398 388 8 056 2 295 2 168 1003 1 GP 388 56 497 7 465 903 5 992 415 1 KZN 882 549 414 77 197 21 578 42 472 14 186 68 LP 386 147 420 9 866 1 195 6 074 830 35 MP 623 464 156 17 692 1 384 17 982 783 8 NC 352 1 420 400 2 041 956 4 192 712 22 NW 518 445 603 58 054 8 817 33 018 3 711 400 WC 320 553 378 28 582 10 097 9 446 9 126 115 5 184 4 555 998 235 609 50 882 122 738 33 108 678 TOTALS

Land Acquisition cont. PSSC REDISTRIBUTION STATISTICS 2009 - 31 MARCH 2015 FARMS Hectares Beneficiaries Land Acquisition cont. PSSC REDISTRIBUTION STATISTICS 2009 - 31 MARCH 2015 FARMS Hectares Beneficiaries Female House Holds Youth Disabled EC 230 211 578 1 551 469 511 296 3 FS 168 125 648 577 247 36 130 0 GP 114 22 852 297 117 148 92 0 KZN 260 163 737 7 523 3 737 2 904 3 353 11 LP 152 68 300 2 873 362 247 358 14 MP 193 160 400 1 269 493 125 674 1 NC 93 505 588 259 80 16 84 4 NW 197 165 037 3 373 1 959 934 623 2 WC 60 65 101 2 279 1 467 1 488 241 20 001 833 8 297 482 5 403 539 6 149 14 49 TOTALS

Land Acquisition Summary • Overall progress regarding the redistribution of white owned agricultural land Land Acquisition Summary • Overall progress regarding the redistribution of white owned agricultural land in South Africa (82 million ha) from 1994 to 31 March 2015 is such that there are 4 555 995 million ha under Land Redistribution through 5 184 projects, benefiting 235 609 beneficiaries of which 50 882 (21%) are women, 33 108 are youth and 678 are people with disability. • From 2009 to 31 March 2015 there are 1 488 241 million ha under Land Redistribution through 1 467 projects, benefiting 20 001 beneficiaries of which 8 297 (41%) are women, 6 149 are youth and 49 are people with disability. • The above statistics suggests that there is 50% improvement (From 21% to 41%) in benefitting women under this programme in a form of either groups, individuals and black emergent farmers obtaining grants as well as land acquired under lease hold

Recapitalization and Development PSSC RADP STATISTICS 2009 - 2015 Projects Partnerships Others Mentors Strategic Recapitalization and Development PSSC RADP STATISTICS 2009 - 2015 Projects Partnerships Others Mentors Strategic Partner Hectares Beneficiaries Jobs Created EC 196 93 103 51 42 117 802 3 498 452 FS 182 78 104 34 44 134 587 1 340 GP 117 33 84 22 11 20 234 KZN 218 110 108 42 68 LP 206 79 127 73 MP 209 88 121 NC 83 53 NW 216 WC TOTALS Women Farmers Employed Trained Women Trained Expenditure 132 137 29 R 440 915 060 7 3 41 11 R 374 680 799 529 3 0 1 0 R 232 759 387 138 123 8 216 792 367 546 181 R 497 801 318 6 84 393 3 343 726 272 172 97 R 399 104 150 55 33 166 420 5 807 731 167 270 87 R 522 921 516 30 30 23 484 222 820 900 214 193 78 R 249 420 720 96 120 16 80 227 688 2 158 337 142 71 54 R 506 143 886 69 21 48 7 14 48 377 2 786 1 525 1 226 771 670 R 154 501 293 1 496 651 845 330 321 1 421 846 28 497 5 473 2 523 2 202 1 207 R 3 378 248 129

Recapitalization and Development Generally, even though there are challenges in the implementation of the Recapitalization and Development Generally, even though there are challenges in the implementation of the Recapitalization and Development programme significant progress has been made. The support varies from production inputs, Infrastructure, machinery and implements. There are 5 473 jobs created of which 2 523 (46%) are women. Also 2 202 farmers are capacitated in the form of training and 1 207 of such farmers are women

List of Farms benefiting Women Province KZN District Municipality Project name Property Description Uthukela List of Farms benefiting Women Province KZN District Municipality Project name Property Description Uthukela Umgungundlovu Production Number of Type 1 individuals No. of females Hectares Purchase Price Strategic Partner/ Mentor Name of Strategic Partner/ Mentor Isishiki Project Portion 1 of ERF 204 Weenen and ERF 206 Weenen Poultry, Maize, Chicory and Vegetables 23 17 20. 2922 R 1 454 000. 00 Mentor Mr. Russel Mhlanga Oakwood (Barkston Ash) Portion 1 and Portion 8 of the Farm Animals and Barkston Ash No. 15533, and Animal By. Remainder of Portion 14 of Farm Products Ripley No. 2211 30 9 388. 6309 R 6 600 000. 00 Strategic Partner ADA Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill KZN u. Mgungundlovu Samvula 2 Portion 5 (of 1) of the Farm Aasvogel Krans No. 1233, Portion 8 (of 1) of the Farm Aasvogel Krans No. 1233, Remainder of Portion 9 of the Farm Aasvogel Krans No. 1233 KZN Umgungundlovu Doornkloof Ptn 0(rem) Farm 1318 DOORNKLOOF Sugarcane, timber and Citrus fruit production 4 1 406. 0742 R 3 317 209. 00 Field Crops 36 12 253. 6049 R 2 000. 00 Mentor C Egberink 47 25 694. 3754 R 4 896 600. 00 Mentor C Egberink KZN Umgungundlovu Rensburg Remainder of Portion 1 and Remainder of Portion 2 (of 1) of the Farm Rensburg No. 1022, and Field Crops Remainder of Portion 3 of the Farm Middelburg No. 1989 KZN Umgungundlovu Waterval Animals and Remainder of Portion 10 of the Farm Animal By. Waterval No. 1003 Products 40 18 397. 2880 R 715 000. 00 KZN Umgungundlovu Valsch Rivier / TFSL Farming cc Remainder of Portion 18 (of 9) of the Field Crops farm Valsch Rivier No. 1148 3 1 122. 0646 R 1 100 000. 00 KZN Umgungundlovu Doornkloof / Middelrus 28 14 236. 6904 R 335 000. 00 Remainder of Portion 9 (of 4) and Portion 11 (of 9) of the farm Doornkloof No. 1318 Horticulture Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill Mentor C Egberink

Province KWAZULU District Municipality NATAL Project name Property Description Production Number of Type 1 Province KWAZULU District Municipality NATAL Project name Property Description Production Number of Type 1 individuals Portion 88 (of 125), Portion 112 (of 111), Portion 122 (of 9), Remainder Ncethezo Trading of Portion 121 (of 9), Portion 124 (of Field Crops cc 121) and Remainder of Portion 125 (of 121) of the Farm Nietgedocht No. 1192 Name of Strategic Partner/ Mentor No. of females Hectares Purchase Price 4 2 87. 0925 R 2 000. 00 Mentor Mr. J. van Zuydam KZN Umzinyathi KZN Uthukela Dwars Rivier - Siyobonakhona Portion 9 (of 2) of the farm Dwars Rivier No. 1170 Livestock 32 13 467. 8816 R 528 000. 00 Mentor Mr Casper Human (not accredited) KZN Uthukela Hermanuskraal / Mbulwane Remainder of the farm Hermanus Kraal No. 1186 Animals and Animal By. Products 186 67 705. 7724 R 3 722 600. 00 Mentor Mr Moses Magubane KZN Umzinyathi 1000+ 420 1. 0000 Ingonyama Trust Land KZN Umzinyathi 76 32 1 280. 0000 R 740 888. 00 Mentor Mrs Elizabeth Van Zyl KZN Uthukela Sunrise/ Amanguni 37 17 239. 5742 R 450 000. 00 Mentor Mr. Alen Roy KZN Uthukela Goedgedacht/Ema Ptn 2 of the Farm Goedgedacht No. Hydroponics genwini 1177 16 5 440. 9051 R 230 000. 00 Mentor Mr. Alen Roy KZN Uthukela 52 27 410. 8859 R 900 000. 00 Mentor Mr. Owen Geekie Umsinga Vegetables Production Vegetables Coorperative Ptn 1 & 2 of Farm Sutherland No. 2417, Ptn 5 (of 3) of the Farm Livestock Sutherland/Buyafut Craigneathan No. 3326 and Ptn 12 and Crop hi CPA (of 8) of the Farm klipriver native Production Location No. 4665 UMVEPCO Lombard's Kop Ptn 3 and 204 (5) of the Farm Roosboom No. 1102 Livestock Ptn 3 of the farm Lombard's Kop No. Livestock 1261 Strategic Muziwomu Partner sa

Name of Strategic Partner/ Mentor No. of females Hectares Purchase Price Strategic Partner/ Mentor Name of Strategic Partner/ Mentor No. of females Hectares Purchase Price Strategic Partner/ Mentor 35 22 388. 4986 R 3 400 000. 00 Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill Field Crops 4 1 538. 6743 R 3 400 000. 00 Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill Portion 53 of the Farm Sanderstead Sugarcane No. 15566 46 22 9. 2111 R 11 000. 00 Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill 3 1 126. 7894 R 3 200 000. 00 Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill 22 9 842. 2094 R 10 450 000. 00 11 3 3 099. 9197 R 11 721 257. 00 Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill 40 14 641. 1427 R 2 099 810. 00 Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill 35 16 951. 5185 R 5 650 000. 00 Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill Province District Municipality Production Number of Type 1 individuals Project name Property Description KZN Umgungundlovu Inglebrook Remainder of the Farm Langopdravende No. 1111 Field Crops KZN Umgungundlovu Greenville CC / Buthelezi The farm Whispers No. 17478 and Portion 10 of the farm Lot 37 No. 1294 KZN Ugu Wandering Star KZN Ugu KZN Sisonke KZN Ugu Portion 9 (of 8) of the Farm Murchison Sugarcane No. 14911 Portion 9 and the Remainder of the Dairy, Beef farm Middelfontein No. 286, and Small Ama-Ande Investments Remainder of the farm Slang-Fontein stock No. 288 production Equeefa Small Portions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, Scale Farmers Co- 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, Field Crops op 34 of Equeefa No. 17559 Boston KZN Ugu Oribi Flats Remainder of Portion 1 Lot 30 of the Farm Oribi Flats No. 12606, Remainder of the Farm Isel No. Field Crops 11126, Portion 1 of Lot 18 of the Farm Oribi Flats No. 9869, Portion 1 of the Farm Isel No. 11126 KZN Sisonke Altona Animals and Remainder of the Farm Altona No. 50 Animal By. Products Mentor Mr. Shane Simpson

Name of Strategic Partner/ Mentor No. of females Hectares Purchase Price Strategic Partner/ Mentor Name of Strategic Partner/ Mentor No. of females Hectares Purchase Price Strategic Partner/ Mentor 15 5 211. 2865 R 3 100 000. 00 Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill The farm Braemar No. 2 No. 8790, Remainder of the farm Braemar No. 8791, the farm F K 2 No. 8792, Field Crops Remainder of Braemar No. 3 No. 10750 & the farm La Boheme No. 17214 35 18 689. 4851 R 0. 00 Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill The Remainder of the Farm Carnduff Glen No. 4663, Portion 2 of the Farm Carnduff Glen No. 4663 7 2 344. 0900 R 4 500 000. 00 Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill 105 57 300. 0000 TBC Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill 1 1 774. 7574 TBC Mentor Gregory Braithwaite 35 15 196. 0000 TBC Mentor Mr TMS Kubheka Province District Municipality Project name KZN Ugu Kylassa Farming Trust Animals and Remainder of the Farm Kylassa No. Animal By 9672 Products Property Description Production Number of Type 1 individuals KZN Ugu Kwa. Zamani KZN Sisonke Carnduff Glen KZN Ugu Umzimkhulu Kwafodo KZN Sisonke Tafelkop/ Cezula Portion 0 of farm Tafelkop No. 165, ES KZN Sisonke Incalu n. Project Lot 11 of Incalu no 7844 KZN Amajuba Mpondokazishi Portion 5 (of 1) of the Farm Harte Rivier No. 3324 Animals and Animal By. Products 19 7 84. 1110 R 1 800 000. 00 Mentor BKB KZN Amajuba Jordaanstroom (Nizenande cc) Portion 59 (of 21) of the Farm Jordaans Stroom No. 3310 TBC 3 1 40. 0148 R 900 000. 00 Mentor ? TBC Umzimkhulu Kwafodo Agricultural Sugar cane Primary Co-operative Limited Farmers Livestock and Crop farming livestock/Cro p

Number of Production No. of Type 1 individua females ls Province District Municipality Project Number of Production No. of Type 1 individua females ls Province District Municipality Project name Property Description KZN Zululand Liberty Farmers Portions 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Farm Potgieters Rust No. 530 TBC 9 KZN Zululand Phumelela Farmers Portions 412, 491, 465, 466, 467, 468, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 485, 487, 489, 493, 494, 496, 498, 499, 501, 502, 504, 529, 507, 508, 537, 509, 510, 545, 497, 544, 529, 503, 541, 505, 511, 535, 512, 540, 513, Field Crops KZN Zululand Ptn 5 & 6 Farm 17045 WELGEVONDEN KZN Zululand Remainder of the farm Groeneweiding No. 345 KZN Zululand KZN Amajuba Edumbe/Welge vonden/Mlinda ziko Groeneweiding / Mbhudula Hectares Purchase Price 3 1495. 7118 R 15 000. 00 Mentor TBC 23 7 776. 5322 R 3 787 049. 00 Strategic Partner TSB Animals and Animal By. Products 41 21 606. 8725 R 6 100 000. 00 Mentor Mr. M. Mthalane Vegetables 32 12 847. 4327 R 0. 00 126 58 3 303. 9411 R 11 021 690. 00 Mentor Mr. M. J. Magasela 132 43 5 325. 8266 TBC Strategic Partner Mr. E. A. Van Heerden 145 61 1 547. 3000 TBC Manzana Agri. Strategic Partner Developm ent 32 13 150. 0000 TBC The farm Mooihoek No. 129, Portion 1 of Langgelegen Edumbe/Lange No. 704, Portion 3 of Langgelegen No. 704, Portion 4 Animals and leegen/ of Langgelegen No. 704, Portion 5 of Langgelegen No. Animal By. Maduna 704, Portion 6 of Langgelegen No. 704, Portion 7 of Products Langgelegen No. 704, Portion 9 of Langgelegen Ptn 2, 3 and 5 of the Pivaansband No. 533, Ptn 1, Rem Game, of Ptn 2 and 3 of the Farm Zandspruit No. Ptn 1, 2 and Lodging, Mkhuthali/Lang Rem of the Fam Schurvepoort No. 216 Ptn 1 and Rem elegen grazing and of the Farm Nooitgedacht No. 292, Rem of Ptn 1 & 6 Cropping of the Farm Uitzicht No. 284. Livestock, Bilanyoni. Com Ptn 7, 1, 3 (of 1) of Farm Nooitgedacht No. 479, Ptn Broiler and munity Trust/ 5, 4, 2 of farm Uitzicht No. 284 and the Remaining Crop Uitzicht extent of farm Uitzicht No. 284 Production Thuthukani CPA Name of Strategic Partner/ Mentor Portion 4 (of 1) of the Farm Clontarf West No: 7350, Livestock/Tunn Portion 8 (of 5) Schaapvlakte No: 2988, Portion 9 el cropping Schaapvlakte. Nno: 2988 Strategic Just Partner Veggies Mentor Phumlani Jacob Msibi

Province District Project name Municipality Property Description Number of Production No. of Type 1 Province District Project name Municipality Property Description Number of Production No. of Type 1 individua females ls Hectares Purchase Price Name of Strategic Partner/ Mentor KZN Amajuba Time 2 Strive Project portion 3 and 4 of Farm Scuurberghoek no 30 Dairy 64 27 537. 3603 TBC Mentor Carl Foord KZN Amajuba MAG CC Portion 10 of Geelhoutboom no 65 Livestock 5 2 541. 2146 TBC Mentor P L Davel KZN Ilembe Siyaphambili/ canora the farm (Canora) Lot 59 A No. 5441 Field Crops 6 2 120. 8999 R 382 458. 00 Strategic Partner Tongaat Hullett Sugar KZN Ilembe MK Nyandeni Erf 8403 Stanger Field Crops 4 1 66. 7016 R 10 136 000. 00 Strategic Gledhow Partner Sugar Mill KZN i. Lembe Mvel'enhle Farming (Prospect) Portion 1 of the Farm Prospect No. 17283 Sugar cane 10 4 271. 5017 R 5 600 000. 00 Strategic Partner KZN Ilembe Clifton Portion 1 of the farm Three Brothers No. 13861; Portions 2 & 3 of the farm Clifton No. 17867 Field Crops 5 2 116. 3947 R 1 658 745. 00 KZN Uthungulu Magalela cc / Cottonlands Farm Portion 1 of the lot 7 Cottonlands farm No. 13987 Field Crops 10 5 136. 6770 R 2 400 000. 00 KZN Ilembe Lekha Investments Portion 11 of the farm Sinembe No. 16902 Field Crops 6 3 84. 5300 R 532 268. 00 KZN Umkhanyakude Mokana Portion 4 of the Farm Lot K 67 No. 13550, Farm Mokana Cane No. 16298 Field Crops 1 1 152. 1540 R 10 691 000. 00 Strategic Umfolozi Partner Sugar Mill KZN Ilembe Pencarrow Farm Portion 668 of farm Lot 49 No. 862 and Portion 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 & 10 of farm Pencarrow No. 17860 Field Crops 25 12 597. 5643 R 1 655 106. 00 Strategic Partner Tongaat Hullett Sugar Tongaat Strategic Hullett Partner Sugar tongaat Strategic Hullett Partner Sugar Strategic Partner Tongaat Hullett Sugar

Province District Project name Municipality Property Description Number of Production No. of Type 1 Province District Project name Municipality Property Description Number of Production No. of Type 1 individua females ls Portions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 of the farm Wewe Estate No. 17825 Wewe Farming (Consolidation of Portion 26 of farm Sinembe No. Field Crops cc 16902, Portion 2 of Ruitkuil farm No. 1383, farm Carter No. 16977, Remainder of Portion 1 , Erf 83 No. 1574 Portions 17, 18, 19, 41, 76 and 81 of Nkwalini Amandla Settlement No. 12785. Remainder of the Farm Umfuli Sugar cane Amagozi No. 16250 Portions 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15 of the farm Sprowston & Sprowston No. 17669 & Portion 6 of the farm Field Crops Coleraine No. 17122. Hectares Purchase Price Name of Strategic Partner/ Mentor Tongaat Hullett Sugar 25 7 1 111. 1078 R 11 135 610. 00 Strategic Partner 22 9 445. 7368 R 14 000. 00 Strategic Partner 11 3 1 218. 8690 R 1 600 000. 00 1 1 505. 6856 R 0. 00 Strategic Partner tongaat Hullett Sugar Field Crops 4 1 74. 9326 R 1 160 000. 00 Strategic Partner Tongaat Hullett Sugar Ptn 13, 14 & 38 Farm 1128 REIT VALLEI Field Crops 10 4 200. 6311 R 6 150 000. 00 Strategic Gledhow Partner Sugar Mill Verdun Remainder of Portion 1 & Portion 3 (of 1) of the farm Lot 52 No. 6210; Remainder of Portion 1 & Portion 4 (of 1) of the farm Lot 53 No. 6211 Field Crops 4 1 168. 2962 R 1 539 000. 00 Strategic Partner tongaat Hullett Sugar INFOTEAM Remainder of portion 3, Remainder of Portion 4 and Portion 5 of the Farm Chantilly 1804; and Portion 3 of the farm Prospect One No. 17283 Field Crops 3 1 243. 5365 R 0. 00 Strategic Partner Tongaat Hullett Sugar KZN Ilembe KZN Uthungulu KZN Ilembe Bongs Ptn 1(rem) Farm 1986 LOT 38 KZN Ilembe Izibusiso Farm KZN Ilembe Nefic Estate / Portions 62, 80, 36, 12, 31 and remainder of portion Nkwalini 54 of Nkwalini Settlement No. 12785 and portion 2 (of Field Crops Cluster 1) of Lot 33 Umhlathuzi No. 10709. Tongaat Hullett Sugar Tongaat Strategic Hullett Partner Sugar

Province District Project name Municipality Property Description Number of Production No. of Type 1 Province District Project name Municipality Property Description Number of Production No. of Type 1 individua females ls Hectares Purchase Price Name of Strategic Partner/ Mentor KZN Ilembe Bonethis Remainder of Portion 46 & Remainder of Portion 47 of the farm De Jagers Kraal No. 874 Field Crops 2 1 67. 9612 R 538 000. 00 Strategic Gledhow Partner Sugar Mill KZN Ilembe Kwa. Maphumz ana Trading cc Remainder of the farm Indada No. 16275 Field Crops 7 2 309. 1686 R 619 490. 00 Strategic Partner KZN Uthungulu Thorncreek Remainder of the Farm Thorncreek No. 11542 Field Crops 1 1 432. 2172 R 10 464 545. 00 KZN Ilembe Ingodosi Farm cc The farm Bellevue No. 13964 Field Crops 8 3 171. 4284 R 3 100 000. 00 Strategic Partner KZN Uthungulu Cottonlands The Farm Cottonlands No. 16161 Poultry and field crops 10 3 127. 5957 R 4 331 500. 00 Strategic Gledhow Partner Sugar Mill KZN Ilembe Field Crops 35 16 547. 5742 R 0. 00 Strategic Gledhow Partner Sugar Mill The Farm U 236 No. 15907, The Farm U 125 No. 14294, The Farm U 126 No. 14279, Lot 212 of the Farm Umfolozi No. 13339, Portion 1 of Lot 211 of the Field Crops Farm Umfolozi No. 13451, Portion 25 of Lot K 81 No. 13512 and Portion 24 of Lot K 81 No. 13512 1 1 199. 8799 R 13 500 000. 00 Strategic Umfolozi Partner Sugar Mill 41 18 272. 0000 N/A Strategic Gledhow Partner Sugar Mill KZN Khanya - Kude The farm Lot 33 Inyoni No. 13881 & the farm Lot 34 Sugar Estate Inyoni No. 13876 PTY LTD Umkhanyakude Boardmans Ilembe Sinamfini Cooperative Sugarcane Tongaat Hullett Sugar Tongaat Strategic Hullett Partner Sugar Tongaat Hullett Sugar

Province District Project name Municipality Property Description Reit Vallei Ptn 17 (of 19) of Province District Project name Municipality Property Description Reit Vallei Ptn 17 (of 19) of the Farm Reit Vallei No. 1128 and (Paki Projects) Ptn 15 (of 9) of the Farm Reit Valllei No. 1128 Number of Production No. of Type 1 individua females ls Hectares Purchase Price Sugarcane 10 3 323. 7492 TBC Name of Strategic Partner/ Mentor Mr. Guy Heenan KZN Ilembe Mthandeni Irrigation Cooperative LTD Sugarcane 24 15 90. 0000 N/A Strategic Gledhow Partner Sugar Mill KZN Uthungulu Krishna Loka Project Farm Weltevrede No. 16162 Sugarcane 15 7 249. 7660 TBC Strategic Partner KZN Uthungulu Phambili Shikila Ptn 1 of Farm Lot 184/185 Empangeni No. 9882 and The Rem of the Farm Lot 184/185 No. 9882 of the Farm; for Phambili mshikila Sugarcane 149 64 305. 0000 TBC KZN Uthungulu Zondamavila Farming Portion 4 of farm Schuilhoek no 6142 Livestock 10 4 348. 5655 TBC Mentor N Harris KZN Ilembe Usizo/Verdunn Farm Lot 38 Verdunn No. 1986 Sugarcane 4 2 68. 0000 TBC Mentor Tongaat Hullett Sugar KZN Ilembe Dakadaka cooperative Dakadaka Irrigation schemes under Maphumulo Irrigation Schemes 82 53 234. 0000 TBC Strategic Gledhow Partner Sugar Mill KZN Ugu Ifafa Mission Sugarcane 52 21 510. 0000 N/A Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill KZN Ugu Kwahlongwa Sugarcane 45 20 97 N/A Strategic Illovo Partner Sugar Mill Tongaat Hullett Sugar Tongaat Strategic Hullett Partner Sugar

Project Name Scheepers Daal Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. Remainder of Project Name Scheepers Daal Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. Remainder of Aloe Dale 1829, Portion 4 of Goudina 1373, Portion 4 (of Portion 3) of the Farm Scheepers Daal 1798 , T 281/2009 Entabeni Enkulu Land Trust Portion 1 of Aloe Dale 1829, Remainder of Cranham 13121, T 54/2009 Remainder of Scheepers Daal 1798, Portion 1 of Scheepers Daal 1798 No. of females Beneficiary contacts 75 K N Xaba Guelderland (Kwa. Cekwane) Remainder of the farm Charnwood No. 9308, Remainder of Kwa. Cekwane Community Trust the farm Tiger Kop No. 9975 and Portion 1 of the farm Tiger Kop No. 9975 T 52/2009 17 DP Kubheka Guelderland (Masisukume Sakhe) Masisukume Sakhe Community Portion 1 of the farm Guelderland No. 8250, Remainder of Trust the farm Solace No. 9831, The Farm The Slide No. 10165 T 49/2009 16 M. Myeza T 51/2009 7 MS Msibi The farm Garden Hill No. 3665, Portion 1 of Winkle No. 5054, The farm The Corner No. 4659, Portion 5 (of 1) of the T 635/2009 farm Cinderford No. 2252 3 N. M Ngwadla T 510/2009 T 524/2009 7 K. A Kubheka Remainder of Portion 36 of the farm Perseverance No. 1324 T 820/2009 11 B Buthelezi 3 M. Z Funeka 33 B. G Chonco 9 S. Shabane Guelderland (Ndlondlo) Ndlondlo Family Trust Henessey Trading cc Spitskop Kubheka Family Trust Canaan Land Trust Dimero Sugar Cobelakufalaza Agricultural Services CC Eagle Gorge Kylassa Farming Trust Portion 2 of the farm Solace No. 9831, Farm Ochiltree No. 12309 Portion 6 (of 2) of Witklip No. 98, Sub 20 (of 6) of Spitskop No. 92 Remainder of Portion 1 of the Farm Lot 10 Cottonlands No. T 2278/2009 10988, Remainder of Lot 151 Amatikulu No. 10014 Portion 14 of the Farm Fielden No. 930, Remainder of Dungamanzi Community Trust T 2920/2009 Portion 11 of the Farm Fielden No. 930 Kylassa Farming Trust Remainder of the Farm Kylassa No. 9672 T 2948/2009

Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts e. Dumbe/Nyathi/Mkhut hali Trust - Mkhuthali Trust Langgelegen No. 704 Portion 3, Portion 4 and Portion 5 of the Farm Pivaansbad No. 533, Portion 1 and Portion 2 of the Farm Schurvepoort No. 216, The Farm Zandspruit No. T 3323/2009 448, Portion 1, Portion 2 and Portion 3 of the Farm Zandspruit No. 448 69 M. Simelane Umuzi ka. Mabaso Trust Portion 2 of the Farm Kroomdraai No. 735 T 4216/2009 9 W. Z Mabaso Inglebrook Zibophezele Community Land Trust Remainder of the Farm Langopdravende No. 1111 T 4225/2009 14 H. Meyiwa Cottonlands Pathan Poultry and Sugar Farming CC The Farm Cottonlands No. 16161 T 4074/2009 6 A. Gengun Weihoek Nkosi Family Trust Remainder of Portion 1 of the Farm Weihoek No. 171 T 4211/2009 7 J. J Nkosi Sikhuthele Land Trust Remainder of Portion 1 Lot 30 of the Farm Oribi Flats No. 12606, Remainder of the Farm Isel No. 11126, T 4697/2009 Portion 1 of Lot 18 of the Farm Oribi Flats No. 9869, T 4698/2009 Portion 1 of the Farm Isel No. 11126 32 T. D Khuluse 51 L. Kunene 27 E. B Dubazane 15 S. W Thwala 8 B. V Mbokazi Oribi Flats Sizama Indlela Entsha Remainder of the Farm Wintershoek No. 295, Portion Communal Property T 3600/2009 3 (of 2) of the Farm Donkerhoek No. 512 Association Ukukhanya ko Muuzini Ukukhanya Kwa. Semvuzini Portion 22 of the Farm Zaailagte No. 780 T 4798/2009 (Zaailagte) Co-Operative Ltd The Farm Schietnek No 3302, The Farm Warwick No. Schietnek No. 3302 Qedaga Community Trust T 4887/2009 5260 Tennyson No. 6779 Ezibomvini Community Trust Portion 1 of the farm Tennyson No. 6779 T 5231/2009 Wintershoek Farm Community

Project Name Legal entity name Isishiki Womens Isishiki Land Trust Project Egugwini Amavananda Trading Project Name Legal entity name Isishiki Womens Isishiki Land Trust Project Egugwini Amavananda Trading CC Property description Erf 206 Weenen, Portion 1 of Erf 204 Weenen Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts T 5890/2009 18 N. Buthelezi 1 V. H Hadebe 53 G. S Khumalo 25 F. Khubone 13 M. Dlamini 16 M. M Kheswa 22 B. Dladla Erf 205 of Weenen T 5870/2009 The farm Mooihoek No. 129, Portion 1 of Langgelegen No. 704, Portion 3 of Langgelegen No. 704, Portion 4 of Langgelegen No. 704, Portion 5 of Langgelegen No. Edumbe/Langeleegen Kwamaduna Trust T 5917/2009 704, Portion 6 of Langgelegen No. 704, Portion 7 of Langgelegen No. 704, Portion 9 of Langgelegen No. 704 Portions 7, 8, 10, 14 (of 9) of the farm Doorn Vlakte No. 1034, The farm Lot 2 of the farm Lange Fontein No. Kia-ora/ Siyaphumula The Siyaphumula Land Trust 10726, Sub 3 of the farm Lange Fontein No. 12229, T 6128/2009 Portions 9 (of 1), 10 (of 2), 11 (of 2) of the farm Vaal Krans No. 1035 Remainder of Portion 1 of the farm Lange Fontein No. The Bhidla Communal Kia-ora/Bhidla 1019, Portion 5 (of 1) of the Farm Lange Fontein No. T 6129/2009 Property Trust 1019, The farm Amani No. 11201 Adendorff Kwakhiph' Inkunzi CPA Portion 1 of the farm Adendorff No. 14290 T 6135/2009 Remainder of the farm Donovale No. 16218, Remainder Donovale Farm Silwanentuthuko Trust of the farm Donspruit No. 16442, Remainder of Portion T 6342/2009 52 of the farm Aavogel Krans No. 1226 Portion 4 (of 2) of the Farm Elandsjagt No. 1372, Remainder of Portion 2 of the Farm Elandsjagt No. 1372, Portion 3 of the Farm Elandsjagt No. 1372, The T 10972/200 Elandsjagt Abrina 6658 Ltd. Farm Wedgewood No. 13463, The farm Finis No. 9 1701, Remainder of the farm Klein Drakensberg No. T 8622/2009 256, Portion 1 of the Farm Beresford No. 3573, The Remainder of the Farm Nooitgedacht No. 15585 Summerford Farm - Lot Kwathand'omthandayo Farm The farm Lot. 38 Inyoni No. 14018 T 12895/2009 38 Inyoni No. 14018 CC 9 M. E. Mabaso 3 M. B Zwane

Project Name Legal entity name Stonehill Land Trust New Guelderland G R Family Investment Project Name Legal entity name Stonehill Land Trust New Guelderland G R Family Investment CC Mtimona Umalusi Properties CC Camelhoek Simunye Land Trust Luton Mpofana Forestry Trust Cedars Farm Sibusiso Land Trust Kleinefontien/ Ukuthul'entokozweni Community Trust Maqeleni Communal Property Association Schoondraai Goudrif Braksloot Property description Title Deed No. Portion 4 of the Farm Freiburg No. 4985, Remainder of the Farm Pression No. 7288, Portion 1 of the Farm T 12694/200 Hildasberg No. 7287, Remainder of the Farm Dondo 9 No. 7741 Portion 14 and Portion 23 (of 15) of the Farm Chantilly No. 1804, Portion 7 (of 3) and Portion 4 of the Farm T 12227/200 Hyde Park No. 1388, Portion 35 of the Farm New 9 Guelderland No. 1404 T 12687/200 Sub 4 of Lot 256 Empangeni No. 13189 9 T 12683/200 Portion 47 (of 12) of the Farm Camelhoek No. 1320 9 T 12964/200 The Farm Mpofana Forestry No. 18325 9 Portion 2 of the Farm Induduta No. 1400, Remainder of Portion 1 of the Farm Induduta No. 1400, Remainder of the Farm Induduta No. 1400, The Farm Glen Cliff No. T 12716/200 9250, Portion 1 of the Farm Hebras No. 6803, Portion 1 9 of the Farm A 2 No. 8070, Portion 1 of the Farm Trillick No. 10794, Portions 2 and 3 of the Farm Daventry A No. 8051, Remainder of the Farm Msomi No. 16580 Remainder of Portion 5 of the Farm Kleine Fontein No. T 13257/200 1263 9 T 13701/200 Portion 1 of the Farm Schoondraai No. 8160 9 T 14084/200 Sizakancane Property Trust The Farm Goudrif No. 18299 9 T 14082/200 Sizuzulu Community Trust The Farm Braksloot No. 18300 9 No. of females Beneficiary contacts 37 K. A. Sibiya 3 T. Moodley 5 T. S Nxumalo 15 M. Ntuli 8 S. S Duma 61 Z. J. Ngcobo 26 S. T Lushaba 11 M. B Mazibuko 26 T. C Nxumalo 14 N. I. Mlambo

Project Name Arcadia Legal entity name Abrina 6658 Ltd. Boschberg/Doornkraal/ Vukuhlale CPA Uyaphi & Project Name Arcadia Legal entity name Abrina 6658 Ltd. Boschberg/Doornkraal/ Vukuhlale CPA Uyaphi & Hercules Property description Title Deed No. T 14015/200 9 T 15121/200 Portion 3 of the Farm Doornkraal No. 1296, Portion 1 9 of the Farm Boschberg No. 16599 T 15120/200 9 The Farm Arcadia No. 2179 No. of females Beneficiary contacts 29 I. S Bedasi Roy 37 N. S. Buthelezi Helmsley No. 1 Ema-Swazini Family Trust The Farm Klein Plaats No. 18327 T 15740/200 9 3 S. M Mthalane Helmsley No. 2 Property Trust The Farm Helmsley No. 18326 T 15738/200 9 21 M. A Mgaga Doornkop No. 983 Masibumbane-Sakhane Land Trust 6 P. Gwabuzela 4 S. N Nyawo 18 H. T Buthelezi 10 V. P Shongwe 24 B. M. Sibiya 68 Z. V Xulu Izibusiso Farm Uitzicht 4 Rondavel Doornkloof Havemann/ Kwa. Majikana Trust Portion 186 (of 172) and the Remainder of Portion 57 T 16478/200 of the Farm Doorn Kop No. 983 9 T 17508/200 Izibusiso Farming Co 9 Portion 13, 14 and 38 of the Farm Riet Vallei No. 1128 Operative Ltd T 17509/200 9 T 18036/200 Sibusisiwe Community Trust Portion 2 of the Farm Uitzicht No. 176 9 T 16961/200 Zamimpilo CPA Portion 5 of the Farm Rondavel No. 401 9 T 21073/200 Ngwazini Community Trust Remainder of the Farm Doornkloof No. 1318 9 T 20879/200 Portion 7 of the Farm Schuilhoek No. 6142, Portion 2 9 Kwa. Makijana Trust of the Farm Elizabeth No. 6143, Remainder of the T 20881/200 Farm Schuilhoek No. 6142 9

Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. Elizabeth/ Nkayishana Portion 1 Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. Elizabeth/ Nkayishana Portion 1 and the Remainder of the Farm Elizabeth No. T 20880/200 Nkayishana Trust 6143 9 Bongs Farming Construction T 20861/200 Bongs Remainder of Portion 1 of Lot 38 No. 1986 CC 9 No. of females Beneficiary contacts 94 Z. Shezi 3 W. B Ntuli Sweet Home/ Bheka Kwabhekophathe Trust Ophathe Trust The Farm Sweet Home No. 6130, Portion 4 of the Farm Entonjaneni No. 13356 T 21269/200 9 195 B. K Mnqayi Boschoek/Amala Trust The Farm Boschhoek No. 6128 T 21094/200 9 241 N. G Nzuza 18 M. P Nene 32 A. Cebekhulu T 19607/200 Edumbe/Welgevonden 9 Mlindaziko Community Trust Portions 5 and 6 of the Farm Welgevonden No. 17045 /Mlindaziko T 20222/200 9 Portion 7 of the Farm Baviaans Krantz No. 1290, Erf T 20437/200 Baviaanskrantz Farm Ekucasheni Land Trust 267 Weenen, Erf 367 Weenen, Erf 439 Weenen 9 Drew-Langa Mbulawa Langa Family Trust Portion 23 (of 14) of the Farm Klip Poort No. 1082 T 22408/200 9 3 M. N Langa Brakfontein/ Aardappelkraal/ Fernlea Siyathuthuka Trust Portion 3 of the Farm Aardappelkraal No. 17056, Portion 5 of the Farm Brakfontein No. 116 T 24145/200 9 33 D. J Kunene Langkloof Embokodweni CPA Portion 3 of the Farm Langkloof No. 390 T 23985/200 9 30 B. I Makhubu Mandleni Land Trust Portion 3 of the Farm Mandhleni No. 5248, The Farm Woodleigh No. 5321, The Farm Tagas Kloof No. T 24461/200 16304, The Farm Ottos Kloof No. 14550, Remainder of 9 the Farm Kersgrove No. 5349 3 P. M Zungu Mandleni

Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Lot 18 A Winterton Irrigation Settlement No. 11635, Lot 19 Winterton Settlement Scheme No. 12624, Lot 18 B T 26909/200 Winterton Irrigation Settlement No. 11637, Lot A 19 9 Winterton Settlement No. 12625, Lot 18 A Winterton Irrigation Settlement No. 11636 68 B. J Bhengu Vukuzakhe/ Greenlands Ukwanda Farm (Pty) Ltd Kruisfontein/ Parys Portion 3 of the Farm Paris No. 750, Portion 9 of the Osizweni Community Trust Farm Paris No. 750 T 28603/200 9 T 28604/200 9 50 J. T Mhlongo Vaalkop/ Magijimane Community Trust Portion 5 (of 4) of the Farm Vaalkop No. 209 T 31522/200 9 14 W. B Buthelezi Phambili Mshikila Trading Enterprise T 31964/200 Portion 1 of the Farm Lot 184/185 Empangeni No. 9 9892, Remainder of the Farm Lot 184/185 Empangeni T 31965/200 No. 9892 9 5 G. B. A Mjadu Harte Rivier/ Mdlovu Community Trust Community Portion 6 (of 1) of the Farm Harte Rivier No. 3324 T 33562/200 9 14 N. J. Nkomo Schuilklip/ Thuthukane Farming CC Portion 7 of the Farm Schuilklip No. 109 T 34142/200 9 4 M. J Madi Rama/ Petersen Portion 32 (of 23) of the Farm Rama No. 929, Portion 33 (of 23) of the Farm Rama No. 929, Portion 34 (of 23) of the Farm Rama No. 929, Portion 35 (of 23) of T 37364/200 the Farm Rama No. 929, Portion 18 (of 4) of the Farm 9 Rama No. 929, Remainder of Portion 12 (of 5) of the Farm Rama No. 929 10 P. Mkhize Zamani CPA

Project Name Edumbe/ Uitzicht/ Bilanyoni Doornsluiten/ Hlosokuhle Blue Horizon Legal entity name Property description Project Name Edumbe/ Uitzicht/ Bilanyoni Doornsluiten/ Hlosokuhle Blue Horizon Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. Portion 1 of the Farm Nooitgedacht No. 479, Portion 3 of the Farm Nooitgedacht No. 479, Portion 7 of the Farm Nooitgedacht No. 479, Remainder of the Farm T 38924/200 Bilanyoni Community Trust Uitzicht No. 284, Portion 2 of the Farm Uitzicht No. 9 284, Portion 4 of the Farm Uitzicht No. 284, Portion 5 of the Farm Uitzicht No. 284 T 39866/200 Hlosokuhle CPA Portion 16 (of 6) of the Farm Doornsluiten No. 14366 9 Portion 1 of the Farm Ongemaakt No. 301, The Farm Laas No. 17708, Portion 17 (of 5) of the Farm Mademoiselle No. 123, Remainder of Portion 18 of the Farm Mademoiselle No. 123, Portion 6 (of 2) of the Farm Mademoiselle No. 123, Portion 8 (of 2) of the Farm Madamoiselle No. 123, Remainder of the Farm Rustenburg No. 257, Portion 13 (of 1) of the Farm Mademoiselle No. 123, Remainder of Portion 1 of the T 41000/200 Kewulane Property Trust Farm Mademoiselle No. 123, Remainder of Portion 7 9 (of 2) of the Farm Mademoiselle No. 123, Portion 10 (of 2) of the Farm Madamoiselle No. 123, Portion 12 (of 2) of the Farm Mademoiselle No. 123, Remainder of Portion 2 of the Farm Mademoiselle No. 123, Portion 9 (of 2) of the Farm Mademoiselle No. 123, Remainder of Portion 5 (of 2) of the Farm Mademoiselle No. 123 No. of females Beneficiary contacts 71 D. Nkosi 17 S. W Mbambo 158 M. Buthelezi

Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts BBS Farming Project CC Portion 6 of the Farm Sanderstead No. 15566 T 42621/200 9 10 B. R Molefe Glen Maize Sonqoba Land Trust T 43225/200 The Farm Lot A O No. 7979, Farm A of Glenmaize No. 9 7980, Farm Glenmaize B No. 5639, Remainder of the T 43224/200 Farm Goodhope No. 16278 9 24 S. M Majola Ethembeni Etembeni Land Development Trust The Farm Etembeni No. 171 T 2319/2010 155 E. Baqwa Westwood Community Trust. Portion 14 of the Farm Craigieburn No. 18026 T 7051/2010 23 K. D Malevu Harrowdale Amalinda Family Trust Remainder of the Farm Harrowdale No. 11080 T 2171/2010 11 L. V Sikhakhane Ekuhlengeni CPA Remainder of the Farm Ekuhlengeni No. 701 T 580/2010 160 N/A Esihlengeni Trust Remainder of the Farm Isihlengeni No. 689 T 582/2010 59 N/A Nhlazatshe CPA The Farm Inhlazatje No. 17387 T 586/2010 114 N/A Bethel CPA Remainder of the Farm Bethel No. 683, Remainder of the Farm Weltevreden No. 490, Portion 2 of the Farm T 584/2010 Waterval No. 57 178 N/A BBS Farming Simunye Family Trust The Farm Chivelston No. 16226 T 6399/2010 3 C. M. Zwane

Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Waterval/ Hlongwa Emketeni Trust Portion 12 (of 4) of the Farm Waterval No. 1003 T 9186/2010 6 V. Dhladhla Sweethome Zuma Family Trust Remainder of Portion 23 of the Farm Sweethome No. T 9592/2010 1060 2 M. Zuma Elandsklip Emadelakufa Kwagudliwa Empungwini Community Trust Remainder of the Farm Elandsklip No. 2951, The Farm Lion Kloof No. 8140 T 21893/201 0 41 M. A Sibeko Ridge Farm Masizibambele Community Remainder of the Farm Ridge No. 6264 Land Trust T 24949/201 0 82 S. M Shezi GR Farms CC The Farm Doreendale No. 16110, The Farm Ellendale T 38572/201 No. 60 of the Farm No. 2219 0 5 C. Pillay Carnduff Glen RSA The Remainder of the Farm Carnduff Glen No. 4663, T 38611/201 Portion 2 of the Farm Carnduff Glen No. 4663 0 1 P. B Nene Kulspruit (Engobho) RSA Portions 2 and 3 of the Farm Kulspruit No. 217 T 37557/201 0 22 ? . Shelembe Sitaram Farming CC Portion 22 (of 5) of the Farm Brasfort Park No. 1295 T 38963/201 0 5 R. R. Sitaram Boston RSA Portion 9 (of 8) of the Farm Murchison No. 14911 T 39013/201 0 2 F. J Cele Krishna Loka KRISHNA-LOKA FARMING AGRICULTURAL PRIMARY The Farm Weltevrede No. 16162 CO-OPERATIVE LTD T 38955/201 0 9 K. Artheemulam

Project Name Legal entity name e. Dumbe/ Nooitgedacht. RSA Property description Title Deed No. Project Name Legal entity name e. Dumbe/ Nooitgedacht. RSA Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Portions 2, 4 (of 2), Remainder of Portion 5 (of 2) and T 39229/201 6 (of 2) of the Farm Nooitgedacht No. 479 0 25 S. Mthethwa Wandering Star WANDERING STAR TRADING 38 PTY LTD Portion 53 of the Farm Sanderstead No. 15566 T 39957/201 0 29 T. Bolitye Siyaphambili (Nagwag) RSA The Farm Siyaphambili No. 18359 T 41499/201 0 26 N. M Makhubu Mnqandane Community Project RSA Portion 1 of the Farm Goedgeloof No. 496 T 42186/201 0 23 A. Sithole Remainder of Portion 4 (of 3) of the farm Elandsfontein T 42459/201 No. 2206 0 10 F. Funeka Amandla Amagozi Farmers Portions 17, 18, 19, 41, 76 and 81 of Nkwalini Settlement T 41492/201 Primary Co-op Ltd No. 12785. Remainder of the Farm Umfuli No. 16250 0 18 A. Kunene Wavuthwa Mbokodo Farming Trust Remainder of Portion 1 of The Farm Lot FP 107 No. 7705 T 42706/201 0 13 T. Nomathamsanqa Doornkloof/Zondi RSA Portion 1 of the Farm Doornkloof No. 1318 T 42491/201 0 4 Z. A Mchunu Ama-Ande Investments MA-ANDE INV HOLDINGS Portion 9 and the Remainder of the farm Middelfontein T 41663/201 PTY LTD No. 286, Remainder of the farm Slang-Fontein No. 2880 8 Z. B Mfingwana Aangelegen RSA T 41497/201 0 6 R. N Nkosi Elandsfontein/ Ziqubu RSA Portion 4 (of 2) of the Farm Aangelegen No. 293

Project Name Legal entity name Roodepoort RSA Vaalkrantz RSA Waterval/ Kwa. Mdumbe Community Project Project Name Legal entity name Roodepoort RSA Vaalkrantz RSA Waterval/ Kwa. Mdumbe Community Project RSA Property description Title Deed No. Portion 2 and the Remainder of the Farm Roodepoort T 41131/201 No. 434 0 T 42731/201 Portion 1 of the farm Vaalkrantz No. 1193 0 No. of females Beneficiary contacts 29 A. Buthelezi 41 B. Hlela Remainder of Portion 3 of the Farm Waterval No. 553 T 42177/201 0 27 D. Buthelezi Winterhoek/ Vermaak RSA Portion 2 of the Farm Winterhoek No. 986 T 1403/2011 4 M. Mhlongo Boscobel Community RSA Portion 3 (of 1) of the Farm Boscobel No. 3320 T 1629/2011 12 P. M Khoza Dlomodlomo RSA Remainder of Portion 13 of the Farm Hlomohlomo No. T 2439/2011 638 21 J. T Buthelezi Mvel'enhle Farming CC Portion 1 of the Farm Prospect No. 17283 T 3713/2011 7 Z. K Mthethwa Bromhamhall RSA Remainder of Portion 10, Portion 15 (of 10), Portion 19 (of 13), Portion 16 (of 14), Remainder of Portion 14 - of T 3846/2011 the Farm Inhlamvini No. 12754, Remainder of the Farm Bromhamhall No. 4759 37 M. Phungula Glentin RSA 22 M. M Shezi Wonderhoek RSA 1 M. C Cele The Farm Glentin No. 16039, Portion 9 of the Farm T 3986/2011 Inhlamvini No. 12754 Remainder of Portion 1 and Portion 2 (of 1) of the Farm T 4248/2011 Kortbegrip No. 6121

Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Waterval/ Enduduluzi RSA Community Project Remainder of the Farm Waterval No. 553 T 4541/2011 21 N. M Buthelezi Cobela Falaza RSA Portion 7 (of 5) of the Farm Langverwacht No. 561 T 4688/2011 22 S. M Buthelezi Matatana RSA Portion 2, Portion 3 and Portion 12 of the Farm Matatana No. 13024 T 4810/2011 36 M. B Mlandeli Jengro Estate RSA Portion of the Farm Lot K 24 Kwa. Mbonambi No. 12472, Remainder of Portion 2 of the Farm Lot K 1 Kwa. Mbonambi No. 12362 T 5219/2011 6 N. S Nyawo Senzangakhona RSA Portion 2 of the Farm Learydale No. 4259, Portion 2 of the Farm Drooge Plaats No 7861, Portion 3 of the T 5195/2011 Farm Learydale No. 4259, Portions 1 and 2 of the Farm Yarl No. 2962 13 M. G Dlamini Paki Investments CC Portion 17 (of 9) of the Farm Riet Vallei No. 1128, Portion 15 (of 9) of the Farm Riet Vallei No. 1128 T 4989/2011 6 V. Nandlal Rietfontein/ Thekwane RSA Portion 12 (of 8) of the Farm Riet Fontein No. 1329 T 5375/2011 9 T. G Mkhize Kleinfontein RSA Portion 16 (of 10) of the Farm Klein Fontein No. 1070 T 5476/2011 13 C. E Mazibuko Balmoral Farm RSA Remainder of the Farm Balmoral No. 13347, Portion 6 of the Farm Balmoral No. 13347, Portion 2 of the T 6031/2011 Farm Rialto No. 13788 14 F. Bhengu Aletta RSA Remainder of Portion 1, Remainder of Portion 2, Remainder of Portion 4 (of 2), Portion 8 (of 2) and Portion 9 (of 1) of the Farm Alletta No. 4350 29 J. A Buthelezi T 6178/2011

Project Name Brink/ Amabhele/ Avontuur Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of Project Name Brink/ Amabhele/ Avontuur Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts RSA Portion 1 of the Farm Brink No. 15335 T 9943/2011 22 M. Ndingane Morgenzon RSA Portion 3 (of 1) of the Farm Doornkloof No. 1318, Remainder of Portion 5 (of 1) of the Farm Doornkloof T 9693/2011 No. 1318, Portion 8 (of 5) of the Farm Doornkloof No. 1318 14 L. M Ntuli Vaalbank RSA T 10419/201 Portion 15 of the Farm Vaalbank No. 104, Portion 16 of 1 the Farm Vaalbank No. 104 T 10681/2011 29 Z. L Mabasa RSA Portion 13 (of 2) of the Farm Maritzdrift No. 1169, Portion 14 (of 2) of the Farm Maritzdrift No. 1169, Portion 15 (of 2) of the Farm Maritzdrift No. 1169, Remainder of the Farm Wagenbeetjies Kop No. 1253 T 10566/2011 6 Z. E Hadebe RSA Portion 7 (of 4) of the Farm Wonderfontein No. 560 T 4213/2011 3 M. Mlotshwa RSA Portion 9 (of 6) of the Farm Langverwacht No. 561 T 11816/2011 27 D. Buthelezi Maritzdrift Wonderfontein/ Mahlabaneni Kwamdumbe Community (Ptn 7 of Langverwacht) Dumunga Portion 28 (of 27) of the Farm Broughton No. 925, Dumunga 111 Trading (Pty) Remainder of Portion 33 of the Farm Broughton No. Ltd. 925 T 11919/2011 5 T. J Mgobhozi Lillydale RSA T 17380/2011 23 M. Ngcobo 32 S. C Buthelezi 2 (lesee) Vermaakskraal/ Uitval RSA Samvula 2 RSA The Farm Ngcobo No. 18332 Portions 14 (of 5) and 15 (of 5) of the Farm Vermaaks T 20632/2011 Kraal No. 1124 Portion 5 (of 1) of the Farm Aasvogel Krans No. 1233, Portion 8 (of 1) of the Farm Aasvogel Krans No. 1233, T 25747/2011 Remainder of Portion 9 of the Farm Aasvogel Krans No. 1233

Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Dlomodlomo CPA Remainder of the Farm Ehlomo No. 727 T 26822/201 1 137 Mr Vusi Ntshangase Rondavel 401 RSA Remainder of Portion 1 of the Farm Rondavel No. 401 T 27195/201 1 14 S. E Masango Goedekeus RSA Remainder of Portion 5 of the Farm Goede Keus No. T 27350/201 1066 1 9 M. B Mchunu Zuzanawe RSA Portion 2 of the Farm Retreat No. 331 T 30177/201 1 2 M. J Mchunu Umgebisa RSA Portion 2 (of 1) of the Farm Waterval No. 337 T 28758/201 1 7 P. Mchunu Holkrans RSA Portion 7 (of 3) of the Farm Holkrans No. 123 T 31220/201 1 7 T. M Xaba Elsmore RSA Portion 7 of the Farm Bloemendal No. 1144, Portion 3 T 31630/201 (of 1) of the Farm Bloemendal No. 1144 1 5 M. Mangcobo Netheni RSA Remainder of Portion 15 (of 1) of the Farm Balmoral T 31276/201 No. 1375 1 14 B. G. Ngobese Caherbarnagh RSA Remainder of the Farm Caherbarnagh No. 12012 T 32000/201 1 9 S. N Kubheka Portion 2 of the Farm Weltevreden No. 122 T 32055/201 1 10 V. J Phenyane Weltevreden No. 122 RSA

Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Mooihoek/ Siyathuthuka Community RSA Remainder of the Farm Mooihoek No. 238, Portion 2 (of T 31835/2011 1) of the Farm Mooihoek No. 238 26 C. D Mbatha Nxumalo Family RSA Portion 5 (of 3) of the Farm Reddersdal No. 339 T 32470/2011 4 M. Nxumalo Nkungumathe RSA Remainder of Portion 2 of the Farm Wonderdraai No. 86, Remainder of the Farm Welverdiend No. 66 T 32975/2011 5 R. B Ngema Portion 4 (of 3) of the Farm Wonderboom No. 523 T 31911/2011 5 G. Nxumalo Remainder of the Farm Onrecht No. 428 T 31820/2011 20 M. A Mnyandu Remainder of the Farm Ontevrede No. 124 T 32385/2011 29 Q. E Buthelezi Ndumbayi Community RSA (Wonderboom) Amanzabomvu Community (Onrecht/ RSA Geluk) Kwagcamshane Community RSA (Ontevrede) Doornhoek No. 1254 RSA Portion 22 (of 4) of the Farm Zand Spruit No. 1134, Portion 13 (of 8) of the Farm Doorn Hoek No. 1254 T 33789/201 1 T 33788/2011 8 T. Meshack Rensburg Sharemill RSA Portion 9 (of 1) of the Farm Rensburg No. 1022 T 33895/2011 10 S. F Zakwe Insola (Welgeluk No 56) RSA Remainder of Portion 1 of the Farm Welgeluk No. 56, Remainder of Portion 2 of the Farm Welgeluk No. 56, T 34060/2011 Remainder of Portion 3 (of 1) of the Farm Welgeluk No. 56, Portion 6 (of 1) of the Farm Welgeluk No. 56 28 S. A Bosman Doornsluiten (Nkunzikayihlehli) RSA Portion 7 of the Farm Doornsluiten No. 14366 13 D. T. V Hlatshwayo T 34441/2011

Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Project Name Legal entity name Property description Title Deed No. of females Beneficiary contacts Jordaanstroom (Nizenande cc) RSA Portion 59 (of 21) of the Farm Jordaans Stroom No. 3310 T 35008/2011 1 N. M Msimango Kroomellboog RSA Portion 6 (of 4) of the Farm Kroom Elboog No. 1260, Portion 7 (of 4) of T 35670/2011 the Farm Kroom Elboog No. 1260 20 J. J Khumalo Isibindi RSA The Farm Lot Isibindi AA No. 5271 T 35809/2011 3 P. M. Sithole Pangbourne RSA Remainder of Portion 3 of the Farm Pangbourne No. 15598 T 36702/2011 14 S. Z. P Makhubu Esterhuyze RSA Remainder of the Farm Lease D No. 11288, Remainder of the Farm Glendale No. 11290, Remainder of the Farm Langkloof No. 14590, T 37325/2011 Remainder of the Farm Spot No. 9758 3 J. N Thwala Dansekraal RSA Portion 195 (of 1) of the Farm Danse Kraal No. 1020, Remainder of Portion 31 (of 1) of the Farm Danse Kraal No. 1020, Remainder of Portion 101 (of 1) of the Farm Danse Kraal No. 1020 T 37807/2011 4 M. M Mpulo Klawervlei RSA Portion 3 of the Farm Brand Vlei No. 1292, Portion 8 (of 1) of the Farm Vaalkrantz No. 1193, Portion 22 (of 15) of the Farm Umvoti Heights No. T 38036/2011 1353, Portion 24 of the Farm Umvoti Heights No. 1353 22 T. Shelembe RSA The Farm Manchester No. 2214, The Farm Covent Garden No. 2223, Remainder of Portion 4 of the Farm Carlton No. 6069, Remainder of T 38999/2011 Portion 8 (of 4) of the Farm Carlton No. 6069, Portion 1 of the Farm T 38998/2011 Phillips No. 17269, Portion 12 of the Farm Carlton No. 6069 5 N. N Ncayiyana Giftkop/ Umndeni RSA The Farm Gift Kop No. 16598 27 M. J Nkosi Nkwenkwe & Belmore Portion 46 of the Farm Nkwalini No. 12785, Portion 78 of the Farm Nkwalini No. 12785, Portion 57 of the Farm Nkwalini No. 12785, T 177/2012 Portion 20 of the Farm Nkwalini No. 12785, Remainder of Portion 23 of the Farm Nkwalini No. 12785 1 S. Chetty (lesee) Manchester RSA T 42387/2011

Project Name Legal entity name Property description Brakvlei RSA Portion 8 (of 1) of Project Name Legal entity name Property description Brakvlei RSA Portion 8 (of 1) of the Farm Brakvlei No. 331, Remainder of Portion 2 of the Farm Brakvlei No. 331 Liberty Farmers RSA Gowrie Title Deed No. T 465/2012 No. of females Beneficiary contacts 1 B. N Ndlela Portions 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Farm Potgieters Rust No. T 5849/2012 530 4 N. S Maphalala Newton Community Trust Portion 68 of the Farm Gowrie No. 1930 T 7941/2012 10 N. Makhaye Umngeni Sawmill (Petrus Stroom) RSA Portion 49 of the Farm Petrus Stroom No. 954 T 8591/2012 20 B. N Ntombitheni Rooikop RSA Portion 2 and Portion 4 of the Farm Rooikop No. 43 T 11743/201 2 10 E. Mlambo Grange RSA Portion 7 of the Farm The Grange No. 14125 T 19746/201 2 3 F. Zondi Driefontein RSA Remainder of Portion 3 (of 2) of the Farm Driefontein No. 42, Portion 13 (of 3) of the Farm Driefontein No. T 20537/201 42, Remainder of Portion 4 (of 3) of the Farm 2 Driefontein No. 42, Portion 11 (of 10) of the Farm Uitzigt No. 501 10 N. I Madonsela Umveloosdrift RSA Portion 2 (of 1) of the Farm Umveloosidrift No. 17054 T 455/2013 25 Theo Van Rooyen RSA Remainder of the Farm Kromellenboog No. 17094, Portion 1 of the Farm Aangelegen No. 293 T 6147/2015 16 Brakspruit RSA Remainder of Portion 1 of the Farm Brakspruit No. 369 T 8748/2015 3

Programm Expenditure for e/Grant Year 2010/2011 type District Municipality Project name Property Description Number Programm Expenditure for e/Grant Year 2010/2011 type District Municipality Project name Property Description Number Female Hectares Name of Strategic Partner/ Mentor Waterberg Legong Portion 13 of Welgegund 17 JR LRAD R 28 911. 99 3 87. 2360 None Waterberg Morajomo Ptn 10 Farm 17 WELGEGUND LRAD R 144 073. 61 9 81. 6323 None Waterberg Ramakeka Ptn 45 Farm 13 LANGKUIL LRAD R 3 417 972. 00 4 24. 0075 Agridelight Waterberg Mookopong PLAS 3 (Good Hope Phase 1) Ptn 5(rem) Farm 855 PAPKUIL PLAS R 2 534 584. 00 1 738. 2821 Womiwu Waterberg Dinaletsana Ptn 9 Farm 17 WELGEGUND LRAD R 335 347. 85 5 85. 6603 Agridelight Waterberg Berach Ptn 190 R/E of Noodhulp 492 LRAD R 3 042 168. 80 1 86. 2000 Agridelight Mopani Are Tsogeng Ptn 20 Farm 459 DEER PARK TBC R 4 970. 40 9 71. 0922 Womiwu Mopani California 3 CC Ptn 3 Farm 507 CALIFORNIA LRAD R 3 143 565. 00 5 21. 4133 None Mopani Nghatsane Portion 15 (R/e) of the Farm Greystones No. 469 LT PLAS R 0. 00 1 Mr. Mark De jonge Waterberg Dinaletsana Ptn 9 Farm 17 WELGEGUND LRAD R 335 347. 85 5 85. 6603 Agridelight

District Municipality Local Municipality Project Name Current Comodity Programme Number of women Nkangala Nkangala District Municipality Local Municipality Project Name Current Comodity Programme Number of women Nkangala Nkangala Gert Sibande Gert Sibande Ehlanzeni Ehlanzeni Ehlanzeni Ehlanzeni Emakhazeni Emalahleni Steve Tshwete Emakhazeni Emalahleni Thembisile Hani Dipaleseng Msukaligwa Nkomazi Umjindi Umjindi Mbombela Umjindi Paardeplaats Haartebeeslaagte Klipoort Masenka Khethile Cooperative Mamusi Kunene Cooperative Eensamheid (Mhlokonyo Blesbokfontein Lankoor (Rietbelt Estate) Q-Tique Harambe Bankfontein & Vlakfontein Klipfontein & Bankfontein Porpax Moody Blue Uitval Rietvlei Rainbow Farmers Coorp Coppice Jerusalem Kopje Two Sisters Mathebula CPA Camelot Legogote Ayton Capstone Crop & Livestock Crop, Livestock & Poultry Livestock Crop & Livestock Crop Livestock & Crop Poultry, Livestock & Crop Livestock& Crop Livestock & Grain Sugarcane Livestock & cash crops livestock & crop Sugarcane Livestock & Macadamia Livestock & Grain Poultry Sugarcane Forestry & Livestock Macademia PLAS PLAS PLAS PLAS LRAD PLAS PLAS 5 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 5 4 2 1 4 1 1 3 6 1 1

LIMPOPO YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2009 Ptn 25 Farm 339 TOBIAS ZYN LIMPOPO YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2009 Ptn 25 Farm 339 TOBIAS ZYN LOOP 3 2009 Ptn 31 Farm 534 BROEDERSTROOMDRIFT 5 2009 Ptn 3 Farm 696 RUSTIG 7 2009 Ptn 27(rem) & 37 Farm 3 UITLOOP 4 2009 Remaining Extent of Portion 13 of the Farm Jaagbaan 291 KR 4 2009 Ptn 0 Farm 634 PUTFONTEIN 3 2009 Ptn 3 Farm 507 CALIFORNIA 5 2009 Ptn 5 Jaagbaan 291 KR 7 2009 Portion 7 of Farm Jaagbaan 291 KR 1 2009 Ptn 83 Farm 414 OLIFANTSPOORT 3 2009 Ptn 56 Farm 20 WILDEBEESTFONTEIN 1 2009 Ptn 0(rem) Farm 841 BRAKFONTEIN 4 2009 Ptn 3(rem) Farm 573 RIETFONTEIN 2

LIMPOPO YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2009 Portion 8 of the farm Uitzoek LIMPOPO YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2009 Portion 8 of the farm Uitzoek 509 LT 2 2009 Ptn 429, 619(rem) & 621 Farm 12 LOSKOP NOORD 6 2009 Ptn 9 Farm 17 WELGEGUND 5 2009 Ptn 1(rem) Farm 546 SPRINGHAANSLAAGTE 2 2009 Portion 1 of the Farm Broederstroomdrift 534 LR 6 2009 Ptn 16(rem) Farm 534 BROEDERSTROOMDRIFT 2 2009 Portion 2 (R/E) of the Farm Hulpfontein 549 KS 8 2009 Portion 1 R/E of Sterkfontein 305 KR 4 2009 Ptn 118 Farm 691 LEEUWKUIL 4 2009 Portion 28 of the Farm Grootvaley 530 KR 3 2009 Ptn 156 Farm 691 LEEUWKUIL 1

YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2009 Portion 11 of the farm Henley 734 YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2009 Portion 11 of the farm Henley 734 LT 2 2009 Ptn 0 Farm 888 LUCERNE 1 2009 Remaining Extent of Ptn 1 of Welgedacht 232 LR 26 2009 Ptn 1, 2, 4 & 10 Farm 508 LEMOENFONTEIN 2 2009 Ptn 2 Farm 507 CALIFORNIA 1 2009 Ptn 11 Farm 12 LOSKOP NOORD 3 2009 Portion 0 and 1 of the farm Vygeboomspruit 358 LT and Remaining Extent Slaapkopshoek 363 LT 56 2009 Ptn 45 Farm 527 RIETSPRUIT 38 2009 Portion 9(remaining extent) of the farm Rooipoort 46 KS 3

YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2009 Ptn 0(rem) & 2 Farm 432 SCHOONGELEGEN YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2009 Ptn 0(rem) & 2 Farm 432 SCHOONGELEGEN 2 2009 Ptn 9 Farm 508 LEMOENFONTEIN 3 2009 Ptn 33 Farm 20 BLAAUWBOSCHKUIL 1 2009 Ptn 16 Farm 317 DRIEFONTEIN 7 2009 Ptn 17 & 18 Farm 530 GROOTVALEY and Ptn 0 Farm 362 JAMALIA 6 2009 Ptn 0 Farm 182 DRIEVOET 2 2009 Ptn 15 Farm 457 MARKEN 5 2009 Ptn 26 Farm 127 GELUKSFONTEIN 8 2009 Ptn 21 Farm 851 ZANDRIVIERSPOORT 3

YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2009 Ptn 2 Farm 355 HARTEBEESTFONTEIN 7 2009 YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2009 Ptn 2 Farm 355 HARTEBEESTFONTEIN 7 2009 Ptn 2, 6 & 7 Farm 592 BLINKWATER 7 2009 Ptn 48 of Klippan 21 JR 1 2009 Ptn 9 Farm 322 KLIPFONTEIN and Ptn 0(rem) Farm 323 HAAKDOORNKUIL 6 2009 Ptn 4(rem) Farm 455 MIDDELRAND 2 2009 Ptn 79 Farm 414 OLIFANTSPOORT 4 2009 Ptn 10 Farm 17 WELGEGUND 9 2009 Ptn 45 Farm 13 LANGKUIL 4 2009 Ptn 71 Farm 471 DROOGEKLOOF 4

YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2009 Ptn 37 Farm 530 GROOTVALEY 3 2009 YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2009 Ptn 37 Farm 530 GROOTVALEY 3 2009 Ptn 41 Farm 530 GROOTVALEY 3 2009 Ptn 21 Farm 421 BUFFELSPOORT 3 2009 Ptn 38 of Springbokvlakte 41 JR 2 2009 Ptn 71 Farm 496 ROODEKUIL 2 2009 Ptn 67 Farm 13 LANGKUIL 2 2009 Portion 19 of the farm Greystones 469 LT 2 2009 Ptn 132 Farm 534 BROEDERSTROOMDRIFT 2 2009 Ptn 12(rem) Farm 412 RIETSPRUIT 4

YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2010 Portion 1 of the farm Modderspruit 435 YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2010 Portion 1 of the farm Modderspruit 435 LT 2 2010 Portion 48 & 49 (a portion of portion 12) of Broederstroomdrift 534 LT 4 2010 Portion 0 0 f the farm Hopetown 221 MS 5 2011 Remaining Extent of Portion 1 of Greystones 469 LT 3 2011 Portion 11 of the farm Goedehoop 358 KR 4 2011 Portion 4, 6 & 12 of Kirstenbos 497 LR & Portion 2 of Touchstone East 586 LR 2 2011 Portion 0 of the farm Hoornplaat 142 KS 3

YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2011 Portion 0 (R/E) of farm Eendvogelsdrift 80 YEAR PROPERTY NAME NO. OF WOMEN 2011 Portion 0 (R/E) of farm Eendvogelsdrift 80 MR 18 2011 Portion 39 of the farm Miami 732 LT 1 2011 Portions 13 & 14 of the farm Henley 734 LT 1 2012 Portion 0 of the Farm Liliesfontein 958 JS 1 2013 Portion 0(R/E) of the farm Rosendal 204 LR 1 2013 Portion 11 of the Farm Lofdal 42 KT 1 2013 Ptn 5 Rietfontein 389 KR 1