Скачать презентацию Department of pathological anatomy Curse of the mummy Скачать презентацию Department of pathological anatomy Curse of the mummy


  • Количество слайдов: 12

Department of pathological anatomy Curse of the mummy Prepared by: Dilnoza Irisdavlatova (student Checked Department of pathological anatomy Curse of the mummy Prepared by: Dilnoza Irisdavlatova (student Checked by: professor, Sapargaliyeva A. D. of 2 nd course)

Points in presentation: • Story about Lord Carnarvon death. • Cause of death. • Points in presentation: • Story about Lord Carnarvon death. • Cause of death. • Pneumonia as a feature of bacterial infection. • Lord’s death reasons taking into consideration septicemia. • Mechanism of death.

Body of proof: Lord Carnarvon (1866 -1923) Body of proof: Lord Carnarvon (1866 -1923)

pyogenes pyogenes

General morphological features of streptococcus pyogenes. - It is a spherical, Gram positive bacterium. General morphological features of streptococcus pyogenes. - It is a spherical, Gram positive bacterium. - The complete disruption of erythrocytes and the release of hemoglobin. - S. pyogenes is the cause of many important human diseases, ranging from mild superficial skin infections to life-threatening systemic diseases. Infections typically begin in the throat or skin. - The most striking sign is a strawberry-like rash.

Pneumonia as a feature of bacterial infection. • Pneumonia is an infection of the Pneumonia as a feature of bacterial infection. • Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. • Bacteria and viruses are the primary causes of pneumonia. • It is characterized primarily by inflammation of the alveoli in the lungs or by alveoli that are filled with fluid.

Bacteremia • It’s the presence of bacteria in the blood. Blood is normally a Bacteremia • It’s the presence of bacteria in the blood. Blood is normally a sterile environment, [so the detection of bacteria in the blood (most commonly accomplished by blood cultures) is always abnormal.

Morphological features of pneumonia in case of Lord Carnarvon. • Fever • Chills. Morphological features of pneumonia in case of Lord Carnarvon. • Fever • Chills.

Lord’s death reasons taking into consideration septicemia. • Bacterial infections are the most common Lord’s death reasons taking into consideration septicemia. • Bacterial infections are the most common cause of sepsis. • Sometimes called blood poisoning, sepsis is the body's often deadly response to infection or injury. • Bacterial sepsis occurs when an infection of S. pyogenes gets into and overwhelms the blood supply.

Stages: • Sepsis occurs in three different forms or stages, called: Uncomplicated sepsis Severe Stages: • Sepsis occurs in three different forms or stages, called: Uncomplicated sepsis Severe sepsis Septic shock

Mechanism of death according to Lord Carnarvon. Wound formation Death Blood poisoning Septicemia Pneumonia Mechanism of death according to Lord Carnarvon. Wound formation Death Blood poisoning Septicemia Pneumonia

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