- Количество слайдов: 66
VALUES People-centered (Human capital management, diversity) Integrity (professionalism quality, service excellence, honesty, transparency, trust) Performance (productivity, efficiency & effectiveness, innovation, continuous improvements) Sustainability (impact, return on investment, continuity, knowledge management, inter-operability ) 3
GOALS • Creating conditions for sustainable tourism growth and development for the benefit of all South Africans • Promoting the conservation and sustainable utilisation of our natural resources to enhance economic growth • Protecting and improving the quality and safety of the environment. • Promoting a global sustainable development agenda. • Transformation and good governance 4
Programme 1: Administration - TARGETS FOR 20052006 Cooperative and corporate governance. • Unqualified audit report. • Establish M&E framework for Public Entities. • Develop tourism sector plan. Promote empowerment • 45% BEE Spend 5
TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 PROMOTE EMPOWERMENT. • 10% increase in awareness of environmental issues for South Africans. • 50 registered learnerships • Grant 20 full time bursaries. • Grant 40 part time bursaries. • Register 60 internships. DEVELOP AND RETAIN A REPRESENTATIVE AND PERFORMING TEAM • Meet EE targets and measures: – 40% women – 72% blacks – 1. 15% people with disability 6
TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 Pursue South Africa’s sustainable development agenda in DEAT’s international responsibilities • • • • Policy decisions on water & settlement targets taken at CSD 13 address Africa’s needs. SADC plan of action for implementation of JPOI. Mechanism for continuous monitoring and evaluation of progress on targets agreed at CSD. SA to demonstrate progress on environmental sustainability targets & identifies gaps at MDG 5 year review. Develop comprehensive set of indicators for reporting on MDGs. National Implementation of Panel recommendations to member states. A minimum of 2 projects with UN agencies in SA Strategic approach for co-ordinated preparations of national and sub-regional positions for MEA and WTO. Ensure that UNEP work programme supports implementation of action plan for environment initiative in NEPAD. Ensure that successful outcome of policy negotiations at CSD 13 demonstrate efficiency of CSD. Negotiation of trilateral agreements. Ensure that SACU US FTA contains environmental management provisions. Implementation of EU TDCA 2 nd SACU EFTA. 7
TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 IMPLEMENT NEPAD & SADC TOURISM, ENVIRONMENT, MARINE AND COASTAL PROGRAMMES. • • Mobilisation of resources for approved projects. Development of new project proposals. Ensure AMCEN adopts decision for integration with AU as a STCs. Achieve 40% of targeted capacity. LEAD A NATIONAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AGENDA. • Develop and launch NSSD on anniversary of WSSD. • Develop National Plan of Action to prevent IUU fishing. • State of the Coast and State of Air reports • Establish Environmental Assessment Programme in rural nodes • Finalise environmental and sustainable development indicators • Publish environmental and sustainable development indicators report • Update data sets for which DEAT is a custodian 8
ACHIEVEMENTS Cooperative and corporate governance. • • Received unqualified audit report. Developed draft Public Entities governance framework. Tourism sector plan developed in collaboration with DTI. Number of disciplinary cases declined by 45%. Promote Empowerment • • • Created 15 994 job opportunities. Created 301 permanent jobs. 109 839 training days spent on training. 43. 85% of SRPP project budget invested in Presidential Nodes. 765 SMMEs used. 57% BEE spent achieved. 23 full time bursaries granted. 42 part time bursaries granted. 65 interns appointed. 9
ACHIEVEMENTS IMPROVED SERVICE DELIVERY. • • • Call centre established and operational. Stakeholders perception Survey initiated. New recruitment workflows developed. Rollout Electronic Document Management System (EDMS. Bi-monthly stakeholder publication produced (Bojanala). Izimbizo with internal stakeholders held in Pretoria and Cape Town Launched Indalo Yethu. 19% increase in traffic on the departmental website. 95% uptime on the website. 10
ACHIEVEMENTS DEVELOP AND RETAIN A REPRESENTATIVE AND PERFORMING TEAM • Women: Overall 45%, SMS 38%. • Blacks: Overall 74%, SMS 64%. • People with disabilities: 1, 1% • Turnover rate reduced form 25% to 18%. • Six (6) employees are on ARV programme. • 7% turnout to HIV/Aids awareness. • 19 employees participate in VCT. 11
ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2005 -2006 PURSUE SOUTH AFRICA’S SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AGENDA IN DEAT’S INTERNATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES • SA positions incorporated in international preparatory meeting outcomes. • SA positions incorporated in CSD 13 resolutions. • Framework for CSD 14 country report drafted. • Developed MDG 5 Goal 7 report. • Leading South Africa’s engagement with 28 multi-lateral and 33 bi-lateral agreements. • Facilitated SA’s contribution to the UNEP Environmental fund. • Coordinated development of SA positions for UNEP GC/GMEF. • Participated in Annual Delhi Summit, BRICS +G Network, IBSA meeting and SACU consultations. • Made input in SA EU TDCA & SA US FTA 12
ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2005 -2006 IMPLEMENT NEPAD & SADC TOURISM, ENVIRONMENT, MARINE AND COASTAL PROGRAMMES. • Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCA) positioned as Southern Africa’s premier tourism destination. • Hosted NEPAD workshop on Invasive Alien Species. • Hosted South African Spanish NEPAD Tourism Seminar. • Obtained approval of Finnish funding for the North West pilot project on sustainable development. • Obtained approval for additional 1 million Euro for the CBNRM project. • Obtained GEF council approval for Wild Coast GEF project. • GEF Dec 2005 meeting: SA selected to host the GEF Assembly in Cape Town in 2006. 13
ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2005 -2006 LEAD A NATIONAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AGENDA. • • • Finalised four (4) of eight (8) chapters of the NSSD Co-management arrangements with neighbouring countries. Verification of the National Parks Boundaries completed GIS intranet fully functional Register of protected areas 80% developed Data sets from Spatial Biodiversity Assessment included on GIS intranet • All map sets of the 2005 So. ER available on GIS intranet • Database of tourism facilities & attractions completed for 3 districts (Central Karoo, Ukhahlamba & Bohlabela) • Environmental Sustainability Indicators developed 14
IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES AND/OR RISKS PROMOTE EMPOWERMENT. • Achieving representativity in technical areas. DEVELOP AND RETAIN A REPRESENTATIVE AND PERFORMING TEAM • As a result of the institutional review, vacancy rate increase with increase in establishment capacity requirements 15
Programme 2: EQP - TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 Potential Negative Impacts of all significant developments prevented or managed. • Indicator system in place and operational. • Publish Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) guidelines. • Publish Risk Assessments (RAs) information booklet. • Cost-benefits analysis (CBA). • Process 60% authorisations within published turn around times. • 82% unsuccessful court challenges against authorisations. • Establish Electronic data management system. 16
TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 Ensuring proper compliance with environmental management system. • Establish compliance auditing systems. • 30 investigations of no-compliance. • Fifteen (15) non-compliance investigations resulting in legal action. • Nine (9) non-compliance investigations resulting in compliance (Inspection of facilities – landfill sites) • 60% of criminal prosecution resulting in convictions. • Five (5) branded enforcement actions. 17
TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 Prevent and reduce pollution and waste • • • Adopt National Cleaner Production Strategy. Finalise Hazardous pollutant priority list. Approval of implementation strategy of chemical MEA’s by Cabinet. Promulgate Waste Management Bill. 65% permitted disposal sites. 18
TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 Alleviation of Air Pollution and better management of emission to the atmosphere • Promulgate National Norms and Standards of Air Quality Management (AQM) plans. • Publish protocol for setting standards to reduce priority pollutants. • Publish ambient air standards. • Publish National guidelines and manuals for Air Quality Monitoring and Reporting. • Complete guidelines for Green House Gas (GHG) reporting. • Initiate GHG reporting. • Implementation of mitigation and/ or adaptation measures for climate change. 19
ACHIEVEMENTS Potential negative impact of all significant development prevented or managed. • EIA backlog reduced by 60%. • SEA information booklet has been published and distributed. • NEAS (info system) has been developed and is being implemented. Ensuring proper compliance with environmental management systems. • 118 new reports of non-compliance managed under the IP – 55 reports referred and 72 investigated. • 2 successful prosecution (100% prosecution success rate thus far) including precedent-setting Mandara trust case. • Hosted the first annual Environmental Enforcement conference in Durban attended by international US EPA and UK EA 20
ACHIEVEMENTS Prevent and reduce pollution and waste • Document outlining the prioritised general waste streams has been completed. • The landfill permitting functions has been transferred to DEAT and been gazetted. • Audit of landfill backlog has been completed. • Glass agreement signed. • Cleaner production strategy finalised. • Cleaner Production Demonstration Project completed. Alleviation of Air Pollution and better management of emission to the atmosphere • National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act gazetted and effective. • National Climate change conference successfully hosted from 17 – 20 October 2005. • GHG inventory Mo. U signed with BUSA on 17 October 2005. 21
IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES AND/OR RISKS Potential negative impact of all significant development prevented or managed. • Delay in promulgation of NEMA EIA Regulations. Ensuring proper compliance with environmental management systems. • Many legal interpretation issues arising from legislation, with ongoing advice required from council. • Lack of a formal cooperation protocol with SAPS and DWAF. • Lack of access to environmental prosecutor for ongoing advice on criminal matters and evidence. 22
Programme 3: MCM - TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources. • Allocate rights and tonnage to HDI and SMMEs. • Success in litigation. • Increase in subsistence fishing to small scale commercial sector in high value resources. • Develop three (3) new commercial fisheries and mariculture sectors. • Establish Private Public Partnerships (PPPs) in proclaimed fishing harbours. • Three (3) access benefit sharing agreements approved. • Establish co-management arrangements/agreements. 23
ACHIEVEMENTS Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources. • Evaluation of appeals for large Pelagics, Octopus, Linefish and Netfish achieved. • Adjustment of new levies and fees published in Government Gazette. • Attended all regional meeting, i. e. IW, SEAFO, CCAMLR, ICCAT, SWIOFP, BCLME, ASCLME, BENEFIT. • Completed distribution and receipting for cluster A, B, C and D and for Traditional Line Fish. • Cluster D Road shows completed. • Evaluated applications for cluster A, B, C and D. • Published successful applicants for cluster A. • Received and processed appeals for cluster A, B, C and D. • Achieved 70% conviction for the Environmental courts. • Conducted research on new fishing species. • Agreement was reached on the establishment of the Benguela Current Commission 24
ACHIEVEMENTS Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources. • • • CITES Abalone listing developed. Launched experimental fishery for Octopus and White Mussels. Initiated policy development for aquaculture. Launched Mariculture research programme. Implemented Abalone TURF system consultation. Conserve biodiversity, its components, processes and functions and mitigate threats. • Advertised four (4) new MPAs for comments. • Two inshore vessels delivered (Ruth First and Victoria Mxenge). 25
ACHIEVEMENTS Build a sound scientific base for the effective management of natural resources. • • • Marion Islands research facility construction 70% complete. Completed feasibility study to replace SA Agulhas. Made progress towards replacement of the Sardinops. Successfully completed Marion and Gough Island expedition. Successfully executed Antarctic Relief Expedition. Undertook routine surveys to determine state of fish stocks and catch statistics. • AJMS published online. • Biodiversity Management scientific capacity building MOU signed with CSIR. • Implemented targeted recruitment for marine scientists. 26
IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES AND/OR RISKS Build a sound scientific base for the effective management of natural resources. • Budget cuts pose challenge for public participation for Mariculture sector plan development. • Lack of in-house legal capacity for amendment of MLRA. • Reaching consensus with stakeholders. Conserve biodiversity, its components, processes and functions and mitigate threats. • Limited skills and internal capacity. 27
Programme 4: Tourism - TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 Effective marketing of South Africa as a tourism destination. • Increase number of regional brand workshops with South African missions in portfolio markets by two (2). • Increase number of National and Provincial brand workshops convened by five (5). • Increase tourism awareness interventions amongst South Africans by twenty (20). • Increase Ministerial interventions in portfolio markets by eight (8). • 10% Growth in SA Tourism marketing budget. • Develop two (2) Tourism Satellite Accounts. • Achieve 100% of annual targets per key objective in the MOU with SA Tourism. 28
TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 Ensuring the competitiveness of the SA tourism industry. • • Reduce Visa restriction for two (2) portfolio markets. 10% increase in frequencies for portfolio markets. Reduce land border restriction by one (1). 30% increase in government procurement from graded establishments. • 5% increase in public sector investment into tourism infrastructure and products. • 50% achievement of THETA targets as per MOU. • To facilitate 4 joint ventures between THETA and Stakeholders. 29
TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 Advance transformation of the Tourism Industry. • 10% implementation of the BEE scorecard targets per factor. • 20% Growth in TEP budget. • Achieve 100% of annual targets per key objective in the MOU with TEP. • 27% increase in number of black tourism guides. • Increase number of black assessors to one hundred (100). 30
ACHIEVEMENTS Effective marketing of South Africa as a tourism destination. • One (1) regional brand workshop held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). • Provincial Branding workshops undertaken in Limpopo and Western Cape. • National Marketing workshop undertaken in June 2005. • Northern Cape Marketing Authority supported in the development of its marketing strategy. • Sho’t Left domestic marketing campaign successfully implemented, generating over R 40 million in the economy from a R 20 million investment. 31
ACHIEVEMENTS Effective marketing of South Africa as a tourism destination. • 18 Community campaigns conducted during 2005. • 6 schools visited during Tourism month 2005. • The National Tourism awareness strategy workshop conducted in Mpumalanga (Seven provinces participated). • Participated in celebrating Environmental Week, Youth Day, Women’s Day, Heritage Day, World Tourism Day and promoted tourism awareness during such events. • Coordinated Provincial and National Tourists Guides of the year awards. • Tourism marketing budget grew by 10, 53%. 32
ACHIEVEMENTS Effective marketing of South Africa as a tourism destination. • Participated at the AICHI World Expo in April-September 2005 (a once off event driven by DTI) in Japan, where SA won a silver medal. • Six (6) Ministerial interventions were undertaken, i. e. Botswana, Nigeria, Kenya, Germany, Spain and France. • Two (2) Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) Tables (1 and 2) have been populated. • International tourism arrivals grew by 10. 3% to 7 368 742. 33
ACHIEVEMENTS Ensuring the competitiveness of the SA tourism industry. • • • Reduced Visa restrictions for portfolio markets. Increased frequencies for portfolio markets, Nigeria & China Welcome Visitor Experience Programme implemented. 9 Border posts branded by SA Tourism. The road linking Kruger National Park in SA and Limpopo National Park in Mozambique completed. Giriyondo port of entry operational. 4604 Tourism establishments graded through TGCSA. 74 Assessors of tourism products trained. Government procurement from graded establishment increased by 15%. 34
ACHIEVEMENTS Ensuring the competitiveness of the SA tourism industry. • Phase 2 of the Global competitive study completed. • French and Chinese language training programme introduced (Tourist guides trained 13 in Chinese, 137 in French) • An agreement reached with NBI and THETA to implement Tourism Skills Initiative. • Tourism 2010 plan completed. 35
ACHIEVEMENTS Advance transformation of the industry • Tourism BEE Charter finalised and launched. • Tourism BEE Charter Council appointed announced by the Minister. • Tourism BEE Charter website completed (www. tourismbeecharter. co. za). • Tourism SMME training programme undertaken in all provinces. 36
ACHIEVEMENTS Advance transformation of the industry • • • Tourism Enterprise Programme (TEP) budget increased. Value for SMME transactions increased by 118%. Tourism SMMEs transactions increased by 194%. Job opportunities created increased by 102%. 753 enterprises supported through TEP. 6577 tourism jobs created through TEP. Tourism direct employment increased by 539 017. 1 614 533 job opportunities created. 14 Black assessors trained in restaurant grading. 37
IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES AND/OR RISKS Effective marketing of South Africa as a tourism destination • South Africa is not well promoted in the UAE • Postponement of the Bi-national Commission for the signing of Agreement with Nigeria. • Delay in the release of arrivals stats by Stats SA. • Implementation of the 2010 Tourism Organising Plan unfunded. Ensuring the competitiveness of the SA tourism industry • Inclusion of GCP projects into the IDPs of the relevant municipalities. • Delays from the Chair of NEPAD in implementing decisions taken by the Ministerial Tourism Committee. 38
Programme 5: B&C - TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources to contribute to economic development. • 20% increase in electronic permits issued that are legally and scientifically sustainable. • 20% of permits endorsed and verified at port of export/ re-export. • Develop a BEE Mo. U/Scorecard in consultation with professional hunting and game farming industry. • Approve 3 access benefit sharing agreement. • 20 co-management arrangements/agreements in place. 39
TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 Conserve Biodiversity, its components, processes and functions and mitigate threats. • • Develop an inventory of SA’s ecosystem needing protection. 0. 5% increase of land under conservation. 18% increase of marine areas under protection. Create jobs in and around Protected Areas: – GSLWP to create 110 jobs. – SANPARKS to create 400 jobs. Build a sound scientific base for the effective management of natural resources. • Develop regular, quality reports on biodiversity issues. • Publish scientific publications in peer reviewed journals. • Develop functional clearing house mechanism. • Increase number of institutions and scientists involved in building scientific capacity for biodiversity management. 40
TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 Ensure proper compliance with Environmental Management System. • Designate 230 Environmental Management Inspectors. • Develop regulations for national protected areas. • Appoint EMIs for protected areas. • Align four (4) provincial ordinances to NEMA: PA and NEMBA. • 30% increase in number of successful convictions for illegal trade and utilisation of natural resources. • 70% increase in provincial agency compliance with CITES and relevant national regulations. 41
ACHIEVEMENTS Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources to contribute to economic development. • The electronic permitting system for CITES listed species is being developed. • Four provinces are already using an electronic permitting system based on their respective legislation. • Training of customs officials on CITES ongoing. • Provided advice on the implementation CITES provinces and general public. • Provided CITES training to permit & enforcement personnel in Mpumalanga. • CITES Abalone listing proposal developed. 42
ACHIEVEMENTS Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources to contribute to economic development. • • • Established stakeholder forum with Wildlife industry. Established a task team to develop BEE scorecard. Draft regulations on ABS-Bio-prospecting have been developed. ABS Stakeholders database developed. Two (2) cattle grazing agreements signed. Signed an agreement with Banyashu Claims and Recourse Utilisation. • Six (6) community forums established for the development of TFCA. • Implemented Abalone TURF system consultation. 43
ACHIEVEMENTS Conserve Biodiversity, its components, processes and functions and mitigate threats. • • National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment completed. National list of threatened and protected species developed. National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan developed. Finalised the design, lay-out and functionality of the web site and database. • Regulations for threatened or protected species have been developed. • Hunting norms and standards have been developed. 44
ACHIEVEMENTS Conserve Biodiversity, its components, processes and functions and mitigate threats. • 79009 hectors (ha) has been declared into the National Parks system. • A biodiversity strategy, action plan and a land use plan have been completed for the Wild coast area. • A five year strategic management plan has been completed for the proposed Blyde River Canyon National Park. • Four new MPAs were advertised for comment, i. e. Stillbaai, Kei, gxulu and Gonubie. • A total number of 473 permanent and 3968 temporary jobs were created by both SANParks and GSLWPA. 45
ACHIEVEMENTS Ensure proper compliance with Environmental Management System. • • • 700 Environmental Management Inspectors (EMIs) designated. NEMA: PA came into effect. Promulgated regulations for Protected Areas. Designated 620 EMIs for SANParks. Two provinces started with alignment of legislation to NEMA: PA and NEMBA. • Training of officials on CITES undertaken in North West. 46
IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES AND/OR RISKS Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources to contribute to economic development. • • • Uniform implementation at ports of entry and exit remains a concern. Large number of ports of entry and exit. Turnover of Customs staff. Rapid change in computer hardware. Developing a system that is compatible with all existing permitting systems in the provinces. 47
Programme 6: SRPP - TARGETS FOR 2005 -2006 Promote Empowerment • • • Create 12 000 temporary jobs. Create 300 permanent jobs. 120 000 training days. 40% budget allocation to nodal municipal areas. 300 SMMEs used. ACHIEVEMENTS Created 15 994 job opportunities. Created 301 permanent jobs. 109 839 training days spent on training. 43. 85% of SRPP project budget invested in Presidential Nodes. 765 SMMEs used. 48
AUDITOR-GENERAL REPORT Emphasis of Matter - Irregular expenditure - LOGIS fixed asset register - Non-compliance with the National Environmental Management Act, Act No 107 of 1998 (NEMA) - Information systems audit - Performance Information - Submission of annual financial statements 50
AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT Audit Committee responsibility - The effectiveness of internal control - The quality of monthly and quarterly reports submitted in terms of the Act - Evaluation of annual financial statements 51
ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Appropriation statement 2004/05 Final appropriation Expenditure - Variance R 1 652 268 R 1 633 144 R 19 124 2005/06 Final appropriation Expenditure - Variance R 1 753 307 R 1 746 154 R 7 153 52
Notes to the Annual Financial Statements R’ 000 5. 3 Travel and subsistence Local Foreign 25 380 14 653 40 033 7. Transfers and subsidies 1 207 809 9. Unauthorised expenditure 100 000 10. Cash and cash equivalents 8 456 12. Receivables 514 15. Payables 112 53
Disclosure Notes to the Annual Financial Statements 18. Contingent liabilities R’ 000 1 724 19. Commitments 30 683 20. Accruals 15 600 24. Irregular expenditure 81 600 26. Key management personnel 8 126 54
EQUITY PROFILE (race, gender, disability) 56
OVERALL EQUITY PROFILE (race, gender, disability) 57
END 66