
  • Количество слайдов: 41


DEPARTMENT PROFILE B. Tech. in ECE (1980) - under EED ECE Department formation in DEPARTMENT PROFILE B. Tech. in ECE (1980) - under EED ECE Department formation in 1997 - M. Tech. Electronics Design & Technology (2001): Intake 21 Microelectronics & VLSI Design (2006): Telecommunication Signal Intake : 153 (2008) : Intake 14 Processing (2008) : Intake 14 Ph. D (Full Time, QIP and Part Time)(2002) Intake 21


Name Designation Area of Research Dr. P. S. Sathidevi Prof. & Head of the Name Designation Area of Research Dr. P. S. Sathidevi Prof. & Head of the Dept. Digital Signal Processing, Speech & Audio Processing Dr. Elizabeth Elias Prof. Digital Signal Processing and Speech Processing, Digital Filter Banks Dr. Lillykutty Jacob Prof. Communication Networks, Protocol Engineering, Performance model and Analysis Dr. P. C. Subramaniam Prof. Optical Communication, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Dr. G. Abhilash Associate. Prof. Mrs. Lyla. B. Das Associate. Prof Digital System Design using VHDL, Embedded Systems, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Dr. C. K. Ali Associate. Prof Digital Communication Mr. R. Suresh Asst. Prof. Communication and Signal Processing Dr. A. V. Babu Asst. Prof. Communication Engineering, Networks Dr. S. M. Sameer Asst. Prof. Wireless Communication Systems, Telecommunication Networks Dr. Rama Subrahmaniam Asst. Prof. Microelectronics & VLSI Mr. Jaikumar M. G. Asst. Prof. Microelectronics Signal Theory Wireless

Name Designation Area of Research Dr. Sreelekha. G Asst. Prof. Image & Video Compression Name Designation Area of Research Dr. Sreelekha. G Asst. Prof. Image & Video Compression Dr. Deepthi. P. P Asst. Prof. Channel Coding, Cryptography, Multimedia Security Mr. Dhanaraj K. J Asst. Prof. Analog and Digital Circuits, Digital and Analog IC Design Mr. V. Sakthivel Asst. Prof. Signal Processing Mr. Bhuvan B Asst. Prof. Microelectronics & VLSI Design Mr. Raghu C V Asst. Prof. Electronic System Design Mrs. Suja K J Asst. Prof. Microelectronics Mrs. Bindiya T S Asst. Prof. Signal Processing Mr. Ameer P M Asst. Prof. Communication Networks Mr. Jayakumar E P Asst. Prof. VLSI Signal Processing Mr. Sudhish N George Asst. Prof. Signal Processing, Multimedia Security Dr. Praveen Sankaran Asst. Prof. Statistical pattern analysis, Image processing, Biometrics

MAJOR AREAS OF RESEARCH Image Coding – Image compression using HVS models Secure Communication MAJOR AREAS OF RESEARCH Image Coding – Image compression using HVS models Secure Communication – Design of Hardware efficient Secure communication systems Speech Recognition – Audio-visual speech recognition Bio-signal Analysis – Analysis of epileptic spikes in EEG signals etc. Filter banks/Multi-wavelets – Theory & Construction Wireless LAN, Mesh Networks, Sensor Networks – Qo. S, Security, Cross-layer design, Localization Semiconductor Device Modeling – quantum modeling of nanoscale MOSFETs

MAJOR AREAS OF RESEARCH High-speed /low power Digital Logic Design – Adiabatic logic, asynchronous MAJOR AREAS OF RESEARCH High-speed /low power Digital Logic Design – Adiabatic logic, asynchronous design Mixed signal circuit design – 24 bit ADC with low OSR. Analog IC design – Opamps for large slew rate and large gainbandwidth product with low noise RF circuit design – LNA design, MOS distributed amplifiers, integration of AF components on RF ICs. Multicarrier and MIMO communication systems Synchronization and Channel Estimation issues in wireless systems


Laboratories Laboratories

MAJOR FACILITIES IN VLSI LAB v. CADENCE tool bundle - 10 licenses v. Full MAJOR FACILITIES IN VLSI LAB v. CADENCE tool bundle - 10 licenses v. Full custom/Analog/Mixed signal/RF IC design flow; Formal verification; v. HDL based design flow; DFM and DFT/ATPG v. SYNOPSYS complete SOC tool bundle - 5 licenses v. MAGMA tool set - 5 licenses v. Blast Create; Blast Fusion; Blast Plan Pro; Blast Noise; Blast Rail; Blast Power; v. Quartz. RC; Quartz Time; Quick Cap v. COWARE tool bundle - 5 licenses v. Signal Processing Designer; Architect and Model Designer; Processor Designer Generic I v. Libraries v. MENTOR GRAPHICS complete EDA tool set - 50 licenses v. XILINX tool set - Site license v. ISE; Chip. Scope Pro; EDK; System Generator v. FPGA boards v. Spartan 3 E starter kit; Virtex – II Pro boards; Virtex – 4 boards v. Tanner EDA tool set - 2 licenses v. SYNOPSYS T CAD device, process and mixed mode simulation tool -3 licenses

FACILITIES IN EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB v VIRTEX – 4: Processor NO. XC 4 VLX FACILITIES IN EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB v VIRTEX – 4: Processor NO. XC 4 VLX 25 v VIRTEX – II PRO: DSP Development kit ; Processor NO. 2 V 4000 – 4; Release version 0102; MULTIPRO; MICROBLAZE & MULTIMEDIA Demonstration board; XC 2 V 2000 v ALTERA NIOS: STRATIX II EP 2 S 60 FPGA; Complete EMBEDDED Development suit; DDR , SD RAM; 32 BIT PIC MEZZANINE Connector v ALTERA SLS DEVELOPMENT BOARD (UP 3): Processor CYCLONE EP 1 C 6/EP 1 C 12 FPGA; 16 X 2 Character LCD Module; BYTE BLASTER II cable; RS 232 serial cable; SLS Software v ALTERA DSP DEVELOPMENT KIT: Processor STRATIS; STRAT II EP 2 S 60 FPGA v XILINX ISE EMBEDDED DEVELOPMENT KIT: VIRTEX 4; VIRTEX 2 PRO; VIRTEX 2; SPARTAN 3 E; MICROBLAZE; CHIP Scope pro; Modelsim; ISE Software package v PROJECT KIT: 80 C 186 , 80 C 196; 89 C 51 Development kit; PIC Development kit; ARM Development kit Supplied by TRIOZTECH

FACILITIES IN EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB ROBOTIC KIT v v v FIREBIRD III – MOBILE FACILITIES IN EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB ROBOTIC KIT v v v FIREBIRD III – MOBILE ROBOT PLATFORM: ATMEGA 16 L 128 MICROCONTROLLER (With full accessories) SPARK III ROBOTIC RESEARCH PLATFORM: 8952 ROBOTICS (With full accessories) Supplied by NEX Robotics IIT BOMBAY v VX WORK STATION ( with full accessories ) v TORNADO v MATHEMATICA 5 v UNIVERSAL PROGRAMMER: SUPERPROIII (parallel) Supporting 3000 ICs; SUPERPRO 280 U(USB) Supporting 30000 ICs v ADDON CARD: 89 C 51 CPU; 8 Bit ADC; 8 Bit DAC; Stepper Motor Driver; Stepper Motor Controller; 8255 Interface card; HEX Keyboard; 12 V Stepper Motor; Torque 3 Kg v SUPPORTING ACCESSORIES: Digital CRO (Yokogawa) - Model No. 1620 - 200 MHZ; Digital Storage Oscilloscope - 200 MHZ - TDS 2022 B 2 Channel


MAJOR FACILITIES IN TTL RESEARCH LAB MATLAB Software, Simulink and Tool Boxes MICA (Crossbow) MAJOR FACILITIES IN TTL RESEARCH LAB MATLAB Software, Simulink and Tool Boxes MICA (Crossbow) Hardware Platforms for Wireless Sensor Network Testbed 802. 11 g APs, PDAs, Cisco Routers, etc for Network Testbed High End Desktop Computers

MAJOR FACILITIES IN SPCOM LAB Hardware Desktop PCs/ workstations – 14 Nos Texas Instruments MAJOR FACILITIES IN SPCOM LAB Hardware Desktop PCs/ workstations – 14 Nos Texas Instruments DSP Kits – 7 Nos 100 MHz Oscilloscopes - 7 Nos Function Generators- 7 Nos Power Supplies - 7 Nos Software Matlab Latex for document preparation Code Composer Studio for programming with TI DSPs TI DSP tools


PSOC LAB Jointly developed by Cypress Semiconductors and ECED, NITC Facilities Pso. C 3 PSOC LAB Jointly developed by Cypress Semiconductors and ECED, NITC Facilities Pso. C 3 First Touch Kit Project-specific kits PSo. CEVAL 1 Evaluation board PC workstations Software packages : PSo. C Designer 5. 0 PSo. C Creator

DST-FIST LAB Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology Facilities HP make DL 385 DST-FIST LAB Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology Facilities HP make DL 385 G 5 Rack Servers: 2 Nos Telos. B mote – 10 Nos Easy Sen Wireless Sensor Nodes -10 NI IF Transceiver kit- 1 HP make XW 4550 Professional Work- stations: 19 Nos RF Circuit Simulation Software Sonnet EM module Network Simulation Software (NS 2) OPNET MATLAB Computing environment


SIMULATION LAB 40 node simulation with multiple OS environments MEMS Design Facility (under NPMASS SIMULATION LAB 40 node simulation with multiple OS environments MEMS Design Facility (under NPMASS Programme) - COMSOL (multi-physics) simulation 40 number (networked, available on entire campus) - COVENTORWARE (MEMS design) - Intellisuite (MEMS Process simulation)

MAJOR FACILITIES IN SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB Software Tools: LAB VIEW Multisim (Circuit simulation software) MAJOR FACILITIES IN SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB Software Tools: LAB VIEW Multisim (Circuit simulation software) CCS (code Composer Studio for programming with TI DSPs) MATLAB Visual. DSP++ for programming with ADSPs Hardware: Analog Device’s DSP Starter Kit for BF 533 Texas Instrument’s DSK 6713 Kit. Audio Evaluation Module - TI DSP based High End Workstations Arbitrary Waveform Generators 80 MHz Oscilloscopes

MAJOR FACILITIES – COMMUNICATION LAB Arbitrary waveform generators-80 MHz Synthesised AM/FM signal generators-1 GHz MAJOR FACILITIES – COMMUNICATION LAB Arbitrary waveform generators-80 MHz Synthesised AM/FM signal generators-1 GHz AM/FM generators-2 channel-25 MHz Digital osciloscopes-500 MHz Function generators-10 MHz Desk top computer-printer Microwave bench with Klystron and Gunn oscillator Microwave communication system with all types of antennas Optical communication kits Logical analysers Oscilloscopes Matlab software, Simulink and tool boxes DSP kits


ELECTRONIC WORK SHOP, ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS AND LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LABS Facilities: Oscilloscope Function Generator ELECTRONIC WORK SHOP, ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS AND LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LABS Facilities: Oscilloscope Function Generator Power supply Multimeter Trainer Kits/Discrete Components Soldering station etc. Major Activities Conducting labs as part of B. Tech curriculum


PATENTS FILED Sameer S. M. and Thafasal Ijyas V. P. , “A Method for PATENTS FILED Sameer S. M. and Thafasal Ijyas V. P. , “A Method for Determining Jointly the Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO), Timing Offset, and Channel Coefficients in an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) Uplink Wireless Communication System”. Indian Patent Application No. 2819/CHE/2011 dated 18 -08 -2011. Sameer S. M. and R. V. Raja Kumar, "A low complexity bandwidth efficient carrier frequency offset estimation technique for OFDMA uplink transmissions, " US Patent Application No. 12/550087 dated 28 August 2009 and Indian Patent Application No. 1503/KOL/2008 dated 29 August 2008. S. M. Sameer and R. V. Raja Kumar, "An efficient system and method for carrier frequency offset estimation and correction for MIMO-OFDM system, " PCT Application No. : PCT Application No. PCT/IN 2009/000246 dated 22 April 2009 and Indian Patent Application No. 762/KOL/2008 dated 23 April 2008.

PATENTS FILED By Rama Subramaniam Komaragiri Floating body 4 F 2 memory cell Breakdown PATENTS FILED By Rama Subramaniam Komaragiri Floating body 4 F 2 memory cell Breakdown voltage improvement of the array access thyristor in PCRAM Local SOI isolation by lateral oxidation Novel Isolation scheme for array isolation in well by ion implantation Retention time improvements and write performance improvement in capacitor less DRAM technologies Improvement of off state leakage current and sub-VT characteristics in surface channel MOSFET by reducing parasitic BJT leakages Introduction of recombination centres to improve the leakage current performance in the array access device in PCRAM cell


BOOKS ADAPTED By Smt Lyla B Das 1. Muhammed Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispice Mazidi, BOOKS ADAPTED By Smt Lyla B Das 1. Muhammed Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispice Mazidi, Rolin D Mc. Kinlay, THE 8051 MICROCONTROLLER AND EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Using Assembly and C, Pearson Education, August 2008 2. Barry B. Bray, THE INTEL MICROPROCESSORS Architecture, Programming and Interfacing (8 th Edition), Pearson Education 3. A. V. Babu and Lillykutty Jacob, Maximizing Aggregate Saturation Throughput in IEEE 802. 11 Wireless LAN with Service Differentiation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) on Distributed Computing and Networking, Vol. 4904, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp 503 -514, 2008.

BOOK PUBLISHED Ms. Lyla B. Das “The x 86 Microprocessors. Architecture , Programming and BOOK PUBLISHED Ms. Lyla B. Das “The x 86 Microprocessors. Architecture , Programming and Interfacing (8086 to Pentium)” Publishers: Pearson Education , India, 2010 ISBN : 978 -81 -317 -3246 -5


CONFERENCE CONDUCTED 2011 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP 2011), NIT Calicut, CONFERENCE CONDUCTED 2011 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP 2011), NIT Calicut, India, 10 -12 February 2011

RECENT SHORT-TERM COURSES/WORKSHOPS CONDUCTED Faculty Development Program on “VLSI and Embedded System”, 15 -28 RECENT SHORT-TERM COURSES/WORKSHOPS CONDUCTED Faculty Development Program on “VLSI and Embedded System”, 15 -28 June 2008, Ramkumar & Raghu C. V AICTE Staff Development Program on “Cryptography and Embedded System”, 11 -23 June 2007, Deepthi P. P & Sathidevi P. S STTP on “Nanoelectronics - Physics & technology”, 8 -13 May 2006, P C Subramaniam. AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Analog IC Design during June 2009, P. C. Subramaniam & Bhuvan. B. AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Advances in Wireless Communication and Networking during June 2009, Sameer. S. M & A. V. Babu Faculty Development Programme on Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, 12 th – 17 th July 2010 - Ms. Lyla B. Das

RECENT SHORT-TERM COURSES/WORKSHOPS CONDUCTED MHRD sponsored Faculty Development Program on RECENT SHORT-TERM COURSES/WORKSHOPS CONDUCTED MHRD sponsored Faculty Development Program on "Advances in Wireless Communications and Networking Technologies" during 13 to 24 June 2011 - Dr. A. V. Babu, Dr. Sameer S. M. , 1 -week FDP on Advances in VLSI Technology: May 2011 - Dr. Rama Komaragiri AICTE Sponsored FDP on Advanced Digital Signal Processing, June 28 - July 9 2010: - Dr. Sreelekha G. , Dr. Deepthi P. P. AICTE sponsored SDP on ‘Nanoelectronics’. 10 th to 21 st May 2010 - Dr. Rama Komaragiri & B. Bhuvan Technical workshop on VLSI Design July 16 th & 17 th 2010, - Dr. Elizabeth Elias & B. Bhuvan 2 day workshop on Programmable System On Chip (PSOC) training : June 2010. : Dr. Rama Komaragiri National Workshop on CMOS Analog Circuit Design during 12 -13 November 2011 under SMDP-II project and IEEE Malabar. : Dr. Sameer S. M. , B. Bhuvan 2 days Workshop on LABVIEW by National Instruments Ltd. At NIT Calicut, during 12 -13 November 2011 : Dr. Lillykutty Jacob

MHRD - SPONSORED PROJECTS 1. Design and Implementation of a Wavelet Analyzer using FPGAs MHRD - SPONSORED PROJECTS 1. Design and Implementation of a Wavelet Analyzer using FPGAs 2. Application of Wavelet Analysis in Speech and Audio Compression 3. Implementation of Multirate Systems and Filter Banks using FPGAs 4. Wavelet based Speech Enhancement Techniques for listeners with Hearing Loss 5. Design and Development of low bit rate real time applications of Multi rate systems 6. Design and Implementation of Algorithms for Quality of service provisioning over IEEE 802. 11 Wireless LAN 7. Qo. S and Fairness Issues of Wireless LANs, Ministry of Human Resource (MHRD) India

INTERNALLY FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECTS 1. Performance Evaluation of Wireless Information Accessing and Networking Techniques INTERNALLY FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECTS 1. Performance Evaluation of Wireless Information Accessing and Networking Techniques 2. Authentication in Computer Networks 3. Speech coding for low bit rate communication systems 4. Real Time Voice encryptor on a digital signal processor 5. Fingerprint matching 6. FPGA Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems 7. Echo Cancellation Using Adapted Filterbank 8. Wavelet based image compression schemes using human vision system modelling 9. Power semiconductor device optimization

RESEARCH PROJECTS DST-FIST - Strengthening Post Graduate Teaching and Research in the Department, Department RESEARCH PROJECTS DST-FIST - Strengthening Post Graduate Teaching and Research in the Department, Department of Science & Technology (DST), Rs. 43. 70 Lakh, 2008 -2013 SMDPII for VLSI (Dept of Info Tech) : Rs. 100 lakhs MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) and MOEMS (Micro Opto Electro Mechanical Systems) through NPMASS


SOME NOTABLE ALUMNI 1. Poornima Mohanachandran, Former Director ( TI, B'lore), Present Director, i SOME NOTABLE ALUMNI 1. Poornima Mohanachandran, Former Director ( TI, B'lore), Present Director, i to i solutions, B'lore 2. Dr. Chandra Sekhar - Former Faculty, Princeton Unty, USA. Presently Freelance Technical Writer, USA 3. Siby Abraham – Vice President Operations, Telecom & Product Engineering, WIPRO Technologies, Bangalore, INDIA. 4. Karun Menon, Staff Engineer, Microelectronics group, Sun Microsystems, Santa Clara, California, USA. 5. Dr. Mathews Jacob, Asst Professor, Biomedical Engg, Univ of Rochester, USA 6. 7. Dr. Prabhakar Kudva, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA 8. JAMES THOMAS, Director, Alliances Asia Pacific, Oracle India Private Ltd. , India 9. 10. AMIT SURI, Sr Vice President, Olam International Limited, UK DR. AJAY KUMAR PODDAR, Chief Scientist, Research & Development, Synergy Microwave Corp. , USA BISWAJIT BANERJEE, Co-founder and Director, Tetra Information service Limited, India 40

SOME NOTABLE ALUMNI (CONTD. . ) 11. DEBASHIS GHOSH, Senior Director, Product Development, Alcatel-Lucent. SOME NOTABLE ALUMNI (CONTD. . ) 11. DEBASHIS GHOSH, Senior Director, Product Development, Alcatel-Lucent. USA 12. SUMEET DHAM, Director, Boston Scientific Corporation, USA 13. Sudeep Palat, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (DMTS), Alcatel-Lucent, UK 14. Dr. Arvind Swaminathan (Clemson, SC), TI, Dallas 15. Dr. Jayakrishnan C. M (Wisconsin-Madison) Freescale, Austin 16. Dr. Giby Samson (ASU, Phoenix), AMD, Austin 17. Dr. Nandakishore S Postdoc Associate http: //cnls. lanl. gov/External/people/Nandakishore_Santhi. php 18. Dr. Ashish Bhargave Research Scientist at Broadata Communications Ashish. Bhargave@gmail. com 19. Sunil Thamaran - Senior Director of the Asynchronous Memory Business Unit at Cypress 20. Gokul - IAS 21. Mr. Raghuraj M. R- IAS 41