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  • Количество слайдов: 16

Department of Criminal Justice California State University - Bakersfield CRJU 477 Terrorism Dr. Abu-Lughod, Department of Criminal Justice California State University - Bakersfield CRJU 477 Terrorism Dr. Abu-Lughod, Reem Ali Religious Terrorism

State-Sponsored Religious Terrorism in the Modern Era National Case: Iran n n n n State-Sponsored Religious Terrorism in the Modern Era National Case: Iran n n n n Case in Point: Iranian Support for Lebanon’s Hezbollah Political relationship Liberation of Jerusalem (Al Quds) Hezbollah: southern Lebanon Different religious groups: sunnis, shites, etc… Case in Point: Iranian Support for Palestinian Islamists Liberation of Palestinians and Palestinian organizations Support from Iran. What type of support? Fund for the Martyrs of Hamas

Regional Case: Pakistan & India n n n n n Case in Point: The Regional Case: Pakistan & India n n n n n Case in Point: The War in Jammu & Kashmir Human rights violations Islamic fighters Mujahideen Case in Point: The Golden Temple Massacre (and Aftermath) Sikhism: what is it? Centered in the Indian state of Punjab Golden Temple: in Amritsar, Punjab Support from Inter-Services Intelligence

Dissident Religious Terrorism in the Modern Era Regional Case: Religious Zealotry in the Middle Dissident Religious Terrorism in the Modern Era Regional Case: Religious Zealotry in the Middle East n n Sacred places: Jerusalem and the convergence of religions: Christianity, Islam and Judaism The non-believers Suicide bombers? It’s legitimacy The Jews and Muslims in controversy Case in Point: The Grand Mosque Incident n n Five pillars of Islam 1979 during the Hajj, 300 radicals occupied the Grand Mosque in Mecca U. S. and Israel blamed through Iranian media Pakistanis attacking U. S. embassy killing 2 Americans Case in Point: The Hebron Mosque Massacre n n February 25 th 1994 NY born physician Baruch Goldstein Hamas attacked back in response with suicide bombers

Case in Point: The Rabin Assassination u u 1995 Israeli Prime Minister assassinated by Case in Point: The Rabin Assassination u u 1995 Israeli Prime Minister assassinated by Yigal Amir Jewish extremist acted out with the requirements of Halacha (Jewish code) Demonology as a result of the act Justification of killing at times of War Case in Point: Sectarian Violence in Iraq u u u The breakdown of different religious sects in Iraq Religious celebrations: Ashura for example Attack on non-Muslim cultural institutions Power and allocation of resources The ruling power

Movement Case: The International Mujahideen-Holy Warriors for the Faith n Mujahideen-Holy Warriors? ? ? Movement Case: The International Mujahideen-Holy Warriors for the Faith n Mujahideen-Holy Warriors? ? ? n Jihadi Ideology Afghan Arabs Fundamentalism Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, U. S. occupation of Iraq, Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West bank Sacrifice in defense of the faith n Organization Case: Al Qaeda’s Religious Foundation n n n n Osama bin Laden Loose network of like-minded Islamic revolutionaries Whey they operate Sectarian ideological point of view of bin Laden