- Количество слайдов: 9
• Class Schedule: Tuesday : 17: 00 -19: 45 h
Brief Contents This course is an advanced graduate seminar, whose purpose is to provide a forum for methodological discussion and presentation of individual research. The course will allow students to develop familiarity with a key body of architectural production and theoretical texts, in order to apply this understanding to new or ongoing research projects. The 20 th century architecture and the most recent development within the discipline – and towards a knowledge-based society - will be analyzed through the lens of cultural infrastructure as an architectural and urban manifesto.
Course Objectives The aims of the course are • to present a historical understanding of the period, and • to develop a meaningful framework to assess contemporary issues in architecture. Special attention will be paid to historiographic questions of how architects construe the terms of their "present".
Textbooks General readings: seminal texts, histories and readers 1. Frampton Kenneth: Modern Architecture - a Critical History, 4 th. ed. , Thames and Hudson, 2007. 2. Giedion, Sigfried: Space, Time and Architecture - The Growth of a New Tradition, 5 th. rev. & enl. ed. , Harvard University Press, 2009. 3. Hertzberger, Herman: Space and Learning, 010 Uitgeverij, 2008. 4. Kostof, Spiro, Greg Castillo: A History of Architecture, Settings and Rituals, Oxford University Press, 1995 5. Copplestone, Trewin (ed): World architecture - An illustrated history. Hamlyn, London, 1963 6. Norberg-Schulz, Christian - Principles of Modern Architecture 7. Jencks, Charles and Karl Kropf (eds. ): Theories and Manifestoes of Contemporary Architecture 8. Miles, Malcolm and Tim Hall with Iain Borden, (Eds. ): The City Cultures Reader (Routledge Urban Reader Series), 2 nd edition. Routledge, 2003 9. Studio Greg Lynn: Foundations. Selected Theory Texts. University of Applied Arts Vienna / Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien, 2012 10. Hays, K. Michael (ed. ): Architecture Theory since 1968. The MIT Press, 1998
Textbooks Specific readings: Will be assigned during the semester in relation to specific topics, eg. Smithson, Alison, ed. "CIAM/Team 10. " Architectural Design. May 1960, pp. 175 -207. Mumford, Eric. "From the 'Heart of the City' to the End of CIAM. " In The CIAM Discourse on Urbanism, 1928 -1960. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000. Sadler, Simon. "Formulary for a New Urbanism: Rethinking the City. " Chapter 2 in The Situationist City. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998. ISBN: 0262193922. Wigley, Mark. "The Hyper-Architecture of Desire. " In Constant's New Babylon: The Hyper-Architecture of Desire. Rotterdam: Center for Contemporary Art, 1998. Suggested Readings Violeau, Jean-Louis. "A Critique of Architecture: The Bitter Victory of the Situationist International. " In Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architectural Culture. Edited by Sarah Williams Goldhagen. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001.
Grading Teaching methods: 1. Interactive lectures and communication with students 2. Discussions and individual/group work 3. Presentations 4. Projections Assesment: Active participation Project presentation 20% Discussion leading Final project/paper 20% 40%
Presentations Weekly Lecture Plan (Course Content): 1. Introduction Syllabus review; course content, requirements, policies; teaching methods. Required and recommended readings. Modern and contemporary 20 th century world architecture: Architecture, City, Culture 2. Late CIAM and the Architecture of the Welfare State Buildings to Study: James Stirling - Engineering Building, Leicester University, History Faculty Building, Cambridge University; Alison and Peter Smithson - Sheffield University Extension. 3. Traces on the City Buildings to Study: Situationist projects; Projects by Constant. 4. Technofantasy/Megastructure. Superstudio - Italy between First and Third Worlds Buildings to Study: Cedric Price - The Fun Palace; Archigram projects. Compare Archigram and Superstudio Projects 5. Culture Forums Projects analysis. Discussion. 6. New York: Ambience - from metropolis to megacity New York museums and galleries. Museum Mile. 7. Mid-term
Presentations Weekly Lecture Plan (Course Content): 8. National Mall, Washington, D. C. Projects to study: SOM Analysis of the case. 9. Parisian Grand Projets Projects to study: Bulevard Peripherique, La Defense, Le Grand Louvre. 10. Architecture and Deconstruction Buildings to Study: Bernard Tschumi - Parc de la Villette 11. Blobs, Curves and the Formless Buildings to Study: Frank Gehry - Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles; Greg Lynn - Artists' Space Installation, New York 12. University Campus and City: Architecture and urban design for knowledge. Analysis of cases 13. DELIVERY OF TERM PAPERS. Presentations and discussion. 14. Regional Culture: Bahrain, Abu Dhabi Masdar City, Vorarlberg New centralities, new cultural projects. 15. Course evaluation + review. PAPERS FEEDBACK and preparation for final presentation. based society