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Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office 6 TYPHOON YOLANDA Early Recovery Efforts Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office 6 TYPHOON YOLANDA Early Recovery Efforts


DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Regional Field Office VI EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Location TOTAL Cash DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Regional Field Office VI EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Location TOTAL Cash for work clearing operations Region 6 (HVCC) Beneficiaries Cost of Intervention Source of Funds Php 35, 603, 459. 72 1, 231 Farmers 1, 836, 510. 00 DA Budget Cash for work clearing operations Aklan 407 farmers 695, 270. 00 DA Budget Cash for work clearing operations Antique 360 farmers 498, 600. 00 DA Budget Cash for work clearing operations Capiz 464 farmers 642, 640. 00 DA Budget 1, 141 Farmers 3, 160, 570. 00 DA Budget Cash for work (NIA) Cash for work clearing & desilting operations Cash for work clearing & desilting operations Region 6 Aklan 336 farmers 930, 720. 00 DA Budget Antique 112 farmers 310, 240. 00 DA Budget Capiz 267 farmers 739, 590. 00 DA Budget Iloilo 277 farmers 999, 970. 00 DA Budget 65 farmers 180, 050. 00 DA Budget Negros Occidental

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Regional Field Office VI EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Location Cost of DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Regional Field Office VI EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Location Cost of Source of Intervention Funds 601 Farmers 1, 517, 000. 00 DA Budget Beneficiaries Provision of corn seeds Region 6 Provision of corn seeds Aklan 71 farmers 145, 000. 00 DA Budget Provision of corn seeds Antique Capiz Iloilo Negros Occidental 25 140 215 farmers 87, 500. 00 DA Budget farmers 300, 000. 00 DA Budget farmers 394, 500. 00 DA Budget 150 farmers 590, 000. 00 DA Budget Provision of corn seeds Provision of Assorted Vegetable Seeds Region 6 Provision of assorted vegetable seeds Aklan 3, 926 Farmers 612, 227. 72 DA Budget 1, 166 farmers 42, 647. 00 DA Budget 580 farmers 44, 312. 94 DA Budget 1, 525 farmers 149, 202. 80 DA Budget Provision of assorted vegetable seeds Guimaras 145 farmers 8, 504. 48 DA Budget Provision of assorted vegetable seeds Iloilo 510 farmers 266, 351. 52 DA Budget Provision of assorted vegetable seeds Antique Provision of assorted vegetable seeds Capiz Provision of assorted vegetable seeds Negros Occidental farmers 101, 208. 98 DA Budget

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Regional Field Office VI EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Location Provision of DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Regional Field Office VI EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Location Provision of certified palay seeds Region 6 Beneficiaries 16, 321 Farmers Cost of Intervention Source of Funds 19, 585, 200. 00 DA & FAO Provision of certified palay seeds Aklan 360 farmers 432, 000. 00 DA Budget Provision of certified palay seeds Antique 380 farmers 456, 000. 00 DA Budget Provision of certified palay seeds Capiz 2, 040 farmers 2, 448, 000. 00 DA Budget Provision of certified palay seeds Iloilo 2, 924 farmers 3, 508, 800. 00 DA Budget Provision of certified palay seeds Negros Occidental 919 farmers 1, 102, 800. 00 DA Budget Provision of certified palay seeds Aklan 800 farmers 960, 000. 00 FAO Provision of certified palay seeds Antique 800 farmers 960, 000. 00 FAO Provision of certified palay seeds Capiz 4, 013 farmers 4, 815, 600. 00 FAO Provision of certified palay seeds Iloilo 3, 085 farmers 3, 702, 000. 00 FAO Provision of certified palay seeds Negros Occidental 1, 000 farmers 1, 200, 000. 00 FAO

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Regional Field Office VI EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Provision of Planting DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Regional Field Office VI EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Provision of Planting Material (cassava) Provision of planting materials (cassava) Provision of Mushroom Fruiting Bags Location Beneficiaries Cost of Intervention Source of Funds Region 6 78 farmers 12, 400. 00 DA Budget Aklan 20 farmers 3, 600. 00 DA Budget Capiz 58 farmers 8, 800. 00 DA Budget Region 6 4 households 5, 000. 00 DA Budget 4 households 9, 698 farmers 8, 728, 200. 00 FAO Provision of Mushroom Fruiting Bags Iloilo 5, 000. 00 DA Budget Distribution of Fertilizers (urea) Region 6 Distribution of Fertilizers (urea) Aklan 800 farmers 720, 000. 00 FAO Distribution of Fertilizers (urea) Antique 800 farmers 720, 000. 00 FAO Distribution of Fertilizers (urea) Capiz 4, 013 farmers 3, 611, 700. 00 FAO Distribution of Fertilizers (urea) Iloilo 3, 085 farmers 2, 776, 500. 00 FAO Distribution of Fertilizers (urea) Negros Occidental 1, 000 farmers 900, 000. 00 FAO

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Regional Field Office VI EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Location Beneficiaries Cost DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Regional Field Office VI EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Location Beneficiaries Cost of Intervention Source of Funds Provision of Drugs and Biologics Region 6 6 Pro. Vet 146, 352. 00 DA Budget Provision of Drugs & Biologics Aklan 1 Pro. Vet 24, 392. 00 DA Budget Provision of Drugs & Biologics Antique 1 Pro. Vet 24, 392. 00 DA Budget Provision of Drugs & Biologics Capiz 1 Pro. Vet 24, 392. 00 DA Budget Provision of Drugs & Biologics Guimaras 1 Pro. Vet 24, 392. 00 DA Budget Provision of Drugs & Biologics Iloilo 1 Pro. Vet 24, 392. 00 DA Budget Provision of Drugs & Biologics Negros Occ 1 Pro. Vet 24, 392. 00 DA Budget

PHILIPPINE COCONUT AUTHORITY EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Location Beneficiaries Cost of Intervention Source of PHILIPPINE COCONUT AUTHORITY EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Location Beneficiaries Cost of Intervention Source of Funds Php 932, 519. 00 TOTAL Farmers/ 300, 000. 00 LGU PCA 38 farmers 132, 000. 00 PCA 4 LGUs 168, 000. 00 PCA 550/9 Farmers/ LGUs 34, 519. 00 PCA Provision of assorted vegetable seeds Aklan 92 farmers Provision of assorted vegetable seeds Antique 53 farmers Provision of assorted vegetable seeds Capiz 255 farmers Provision of assorted vegetable seeds Iloilo 150 farmers Coconut Replanting Region 6 Replanting of 5, 310 OPV coconut seedlings (37. 92 ha) in Libacao, Aklan Altavas & Balete Replanting of 22, 600 OPV seednuts Capiz in Ivisan, Sapian, Sigma & Tapaz Intercropping Provision of camote bundles Region 6 Capiz 38/4 9 LGUs PCA 19, 399. 00 PCA 15, 120. 00

PHILIPPINE COCONUT AUTHORITY EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Coconut Timber Disposal & Utilization (CTDU) Coconut PHILIPPINE COCONUT AUTHORITY EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Coconut Timber Disposal & Utilization (CTDU) Coconut Timber Disposal & Utilization (CTDU) Bahay coco model house Location Beneficiaries 398/1 Farmers/ LGU Aklan 39 266 farmers Iloilo 10 Source of Funds farmers Capiz Cost of Intervention Region 6 Negros 25 Occidental Libacao, Aklan 1 Chainsaw operation & safety training Capiz 58 farmers 598, 000. 00 PCA PCA 583, 000. 00 farmers LGU Farmers 15, 000. 00 PCA

PHILIPPINE FIBER INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (Phil. FIDA) EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Location Beneficiaries TOTAL PHILIPPINE FIBER INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (Phil. FIDA) EARLY RECOVERY EFFORTS PPAS Location Beneficiaries TOTAL Cash for Work Cost of Intervention Source of Funds Php 2, 999, 356. 00 Aklan 2, 707 Farmers 2, 999, 356. 00 DA HVCDP Clearing of fallen trees, and cutting of twisted and uprooted Libacao, Aklan 1, 919 plants farmers 2, 126, DA HVCDP 252. 00 Clearing of fallen trees, and cutting of twisted and uprooted plants Madalag, Aklan 728 farmers 806, 6 DA HVCDP 24. 00 Clearing of fallen trees, and cutting of twisted and uprooted plants Ibajay, Aklan 30 farmers 33, DA HVCDP 240. 00 30 Farmers 33, DA HVCC 240. 00 Clearing of fallen trees, and cutting of twisted and uprooted Makato, Aklan plants


ISSUES & CONCERNS RECOMMENDATIONS Delayed release of budget for Immediate release of funds for ISSUES & CONCERNS RECOMMENDATIONS Delayed release of budget for Immediate release of funds for the rehabilitation acitivities rehabilitation activities identified Lack of technical manpower to oversee yolanda related activities Delayed logistical support/personnel compliment Sources of coconut planting materials affected with recovery period of 1 -2 years No BAI accredited livestock sources Authorize regional office to hire technical manpower Release of 2014 Yolanda Funds c/o Acct’g Dep’t. Hiring of additional Agriculturist for YRRP Rehabilitation of surviving coconut trees using inorganic fertilizer - COCOGRO RESPONSIBLE AGENCY/INSTITUTION DA DA PCA PCA

ISSUES & CONCERNS Processing of fallen coconut trees RECOMMENDATIONS RESPONSIBLE AGENCY/INSTITUTION Extension of Permit ISSUES & CONCERNS Processing of fallen coconut trees RECOMMENDATIONS RESPONSIBLE AGENCY/INSTITUTION Extension of Permit To Cut (PTC) exemption for totally damaged coconuts until June 2014; LGU to assist in processing/acquisition of lumber for their housing/renovation needs. PCA Unscrupulous Loggers taking BLGU/PNP to assist PCA in the advantage of RA 8048/10593 implementation of RA 8048/10593 Exemptions Unprocessed/rotting coconut/other palms trunk Establishment of log traps using and stump as breeding area of Green Muscardine Fungus before Rhino beetle and other the onset of rain (May) invasive insects PCA

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