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Demonstration Files for the HDL Plug-in for Acrobat The HDL Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader is an extension that adds functionality to PDF documents which are identified by embedded handles. When a PDF with an embedded handle is opened, the plug-in resolves the handle and performs tasks based on the expected standard data types and values returned from the Handle System. CNRI has developed ways to use the HDL Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat. In particular, CNRI has worked with members of the International DOI Foundation to offer new services to customers who view journal articles or other published documents represented as digital objects. Examples of some possible uses for the plug-in, that are also demonstrated in a series of sample files that come with the plug-in software, are provided in the series of slides that follows.
Latest Version In the sample PDF file named newest-version-demo. pdf resolution of a handle embedded in the file notifies the user via a pop-up window that a newer version of the document exists, with the option to download it (Figure 1). If the user clicks "Yes", the latest version of the document is displayed (Figure 2). (1) (2)
Related Links In the sample PDF file named related-links-demo. pdf resolution of a handle embedded in the e. Book PDF generates a hierarchical menu, "Related Links", displayed along the top window menu bar, that contains a current set of pointers to web sites related to the current document. The set of pointers is dynamic and the next time the document is rendered the set of pointers may be different. Publisher's Catalog Page Read a Free Excerpt Get Bibliographic Info Buy This Book
HDL Kernel Metadata In the sample PDF file named kernel-metadata-demo. pdf resolution of a handle retrieves metadata specific to this document and activates the "hdl" button. Clicking the "hdl" button opens a dialog box that displays the metadata.
Cross. Ref Metadata In the sample PDF file named crossref-demo. pdf resolution of a handle retrieves metadata from the Cross. Ref metadatabase and activates the "cr" button. Clicking the "cr" button opens a dialog box that displays the metadata.
Reproduction Rights In the sample PDF file named rights-demo. pdf the embedded handle is resolved to obtain a link to a web site where the user can learn the current reproduction rights for the document. Resolving the handle also activates the "©" button. Clicking that button opens a web browser that displays the rights web site.
Collections In the sample PDF file named collections-demo-2. pdf the document is part of a larger collection of related documents. The plug-in resolves the embedded handle to obtain information needed to construct a bookmark tree with the name of the collection as the root, and each node representing a document that is part of the collection. (Note that the collection bookmarks are not actionable in Adobe Reader, a result of a limitation of the Acrobat Reader SDK. )