- Количество слайдов: 21
Delivering SEE
Best Practices at Tapal Tea SYNERGIZE The Future SEE
Presentation Overview n Introduction to Tapal n Case Study: Tapal Danedar Hard Pack Launch u Synergize « u Empower « u Market and Consumer Research, Plant Change over, Alignment of Production, Supply chain, Sales & Marketing and the launch event. Individual ownership at each level of the organization Engage « Internal and External Consumers, Stake holders and trade…. SEE
Tapal Tea (Pvt. ) Ltd. n Serving Tea to a Nation since 1947 n The House of Leading Brands such as, u Tapal Mezban, a Leader in the Dust Category, u Tapal Danedar crowned as the “Biggest Tea brand in Pakistan”* u Tapal Ice Tea, the first Ice Tea brand to be marketed in Pakistan. * As per the Brand Elections 2010 research conducted by MEMRB Pakistan SEE
Tapal Danedar …A Journey from Soft Pack to Hard Pack Available in Jars, Pouches, Teabags and Soft packs Hard Pack format launched in August 2008 SEE
Synergize n n n Total Quality Lead Tea consisting of Production, Supply m Chain and Sales and Marketing. All Agencies, Vendors, Suppliers, Technical and Production Staff, Distributors, and Other Support Departments aligned as ONE. TIMS – Tapal Integrated Management System as the lead Process Owner SEE
Empower Production Tea m u n n Upgrading Capacity Plant and Machinery Sourcing and Installation Training and Development Test Runs u Production u SEE
Logistics and Supply Chain Tea m u Pack Designs u Packing Materials u Vendors u Machine Ability – Compatibility of Packs with Machines u Logistics and Distribution u Warehousing SEE
Sales Tea m u Sales Planning and Forecasting u Internal Consumer Alignment u Briefing of Plan to Distribution Force « Storage, Distribution, Shelf Space and Display u Market Dry-Out u Smooth Rollout with Minimal Stock Returns SEE
Marketing Tea m u u u Transformation of Soft Pack to Hard Pack with the use of following vehicles Sales Briefing Sessions Pack Revealing Ceremony Press Conference Press Advertisement Tactical TVC Airing Radio Commercial Airing POS Support Bill Board Advertisement Shop Signages Moving Pack Dummy Float Instore Branding SEE
Extract of Launch Ceremony Planning Grid SEE
Consumer Promotion on the New Hard Pack n A CP was rolled out to facilitate the transformation from Soft Pack to Hard Pack n The CP was put forward with the following Support u u Tactical TVC Airing Radio Commercial Airing POS Support Bill Board Advertisement SEE
Engage SEE
Lahore Karachi Islamabad SEE
The Achievements u The Synergized conversion made the process much faster as all effort were timely synchronized with the ultimate objectivity of enhancing The Consumer’s end experience u By Empowering, Each process executer, at all levels, took Ownership to achieve results beyond expectations u By Engaging all stake holders, Excellent pool of Ideas and cost saving measures were developed which made the process outshine SEE