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DELETE these 5 slides after reviewing instructions and acting upon them! Program Preparation for DELETE these 5 slides after reviewing instructions and acting upon them! Program Preparation for Open Houses 1. Have some “Under Cover Open Houses” in advance of the program to assess where your sales associates are in their effectiveness. Use the Buyer Mastery Metrics Excel spreadsheet to identify what to measure. Recommend auditing 6 to 10 open houses depending upon your office size. 2. Secure the help of friends and family to serve as Open House guests. 3. Report on results in this first session. See slide 35 for an example. Program Preparation for Weichert Lead Network 1. Audit 15 to 20 WLN Calls, measuring the effectiveness of the calls using the Buyer Mastery Metrics Excel spreadsheet to identify what to measure. 2. Randomly pull calls of those sales associates you know will be participating in the pilot. 3. Report on results in this first session. See slides 40 and 41. NOTE: If you do NOT want to take the time to do these studies, delete the slides that reference them and just use the Pilot Office Results slides. 1

Suggestions for Under Cover Bosses at Opens • If there are “real” customers at Suggestions for Under Cover Bosses at Opens • If there are “real” customers at the open house, ask your Under Cover Boss to politely excuse herself/himself (tell them to say they forgot something in the car). You DON’T want your associates pulled away from REAL customers. • At the conclusion, ask your Under Cover Boss to reveal himself and give a prize. While you won’t get information about how they follow-up, they will not get frustrated that a ‘customer’ isn’t calling them back or that they have spent time and energy following up with the ‘customer’ that is actually your Under Cover Boss. 2

Session 1: Program Set-Up Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 Promote the program and Session 1: Program Set-Up Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 Promote the program and identify good Team Leaders who will be enthusiastic, supportive, engaged and committed to all sessions. Use the Buyer Mastery Promotion slides to gain buy-in and commitment. Decide on an Incentive for attending all sessions and meeting the production requirement. Change the requirement to meet your office goals (see slide 10 and 11). Decide on what the Winning Team wins (see slide 12). Edit the Buyer Mastery Commitment form to include your session dates, times and incentive. Ask Sales Associates to agree to and sign this form. Materials Needed: – Flip Chart, paper, markers – Blank index cards on each team table for each team member – Prepare for your Call Session. Secure Names and Phone Numbers to invite neighbors to upcoming Open Houses (use a free 30 -day Trial to Cole Realty Resource). Ask sales associates to bring their Sphere of Influence, leads, Open House guest registers to make follow up calls – Make copies of the Buyer Needs Assessment from Weichert. One. com (Getting to Know You and Your Next Home) – Order Flip books to hold the Buyer Consultation (order from Staples or for co. owned offices, from CF #T 435 at a cost of $7. 75) – Order from Weichert University (Alexis Gutsick, 973 359 -8382) for each participant is $30. This includes: • Color pages of the Buyer Consultation • Buyer Mastery participant guides • Buyer Mastery Cards • Buyer Consultation Dialogue & Tips guide

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Modify all text in purple for your program and 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Modify all text in purple for your program and market. Enter Team Leaders and Team Members names on slide 13. Keep track of attendance using the Buyer Mastery Attendance sheet. Team Contest: Teams compete for weekly prizes in the workshop sessions and for a final prize at the conclusion of the contest. Determine contest duration (3 to 4 months). Decide on a prize for the winner of each call session for session 2, 3 and 4. The Sales Associate with the MOST appointments wins the prize. Decide on small weekly prizes (for workshops 2, 3 and 4) and final prize. – – – These are small prizes to award everyone on the winning team for that week. The team with the most points each week for session 2, 3 and 4 win a small prize. For Company-owned offices: Purchase Weichert-branded prizes through Brown & Bigelow or another vendor who provides Weichert promotional items. Contact Anna Cooper in Purchasing for guidance. For Weichert Affiliates: Purchase Weichert-branded prizes through Brown & Bigelow www. weichert-promo. com. 10. Collect your office stats for slides 21, 24, 25 and 39 to populate these slides. 11. Edit the Team Tracking Handout and give to Team Leaders to keep track of their team’s points each week. Roll up the numbers each week. 4

12. Create a flip chart in advance to prepare for the call session. Leave 12. Create a flip chart in advance to prepare for the call session. Leave room to record Team Name, Team Leader and Time/Date the Teams will meet outside the workshops. See visual below. 13. Hold them accountable to meet and prospect together, make follow-up Open House calls, WLN follow up calls, Neighborhood calls, etc. together as a team. 14. Roll up their numbers EACH week for the duration of the contest period (3 to 4 months) using the Buyer Mastery Team Tracking Sheet. When they get into their teams, record their: • Team Name/Team Leader Name • Date/time they will meet weekly • Check in on the teams each week. Ask how it’s going. Stop in an offer prospecting tips during their team meetings. 5 Considering leaving off the titles and headline until just BEFORE the Call Session. Flip Chart Sample Create for every session.

6 6

Show of hands. . . • Who’s had 10 or more closed sales in Show of hands. . . • Who’s had 10 or more closed sales in the past 12 months? • Who’s had 5 or more? Raise your hand if you’d like to DOUBLE your closed sales in the next six months? 7

Program Goals This program has been developed to help you make more money and Program Goals This program has been developed to help you make more money and be more effective in: • • 8 Securing buyers’ commitment to meet Presenting yourself and your value to buyers Building Buyer Loyalty Closing more sales

How are we going to do this? § Your commitment to attend EVERY session How are we going to do this? § Your commitment to attend EVERY session - Thursdays from 9: 30 to 2: 30 - XX Date, XX Date - Contest runs from today through end of XX Date § Come prepared. Do the work. § Your active participation and DOING in these sessions and outside of these sessions will make the difference and lead to your success! 9

An Incentive for Completing. . . q When you attend every session (4 workshops), An Incentive for Completing. . . q When you attend every session (4 workshops), q Complete the session Assignments, q Meet weekly with your teams and q Book TWO sales (Between XX Date and XX Date) You will receive _________ 10

Personalized Cutting Board for Your Buyers’ Kitchen Reverse side brands you! 11 Personalized Cutting Board for Your Buyers’ Kitchen Reverse side brands you! 11

Sales Contest! § Team with the most points from XX date to XX date Sales Contest! § Team with the most points from XX date to XX date wins ______ § PLUS the winners enjoy a great luncheon § Let’s break into our teams now: 1) Decide on a team name and 2) Agree on a day/time to meet each week OUTSIDE these sessions through the contest. 12

Our Teams • Team Leader 1 – – – Team Member Team Member • Our Teams • Team Leader 1 – – – Team Member Team Member • Team Leader 2 – – – 13 Team Member Team Member • Team Leader 3 – – – Team Member Team Member • Team Leader 4 – – – Team Member Team Member

Let’s Review How You Earn Points. . . 14 Let’s Review How You Earn Points. . . 14

Teams and Weekly Roll Up Open House (5 pts) Teams Intro Buyer to Hold Teams and Weekly Roll Up Open House (5 pts) Teams Intro Buyer to Hold Buyer Show GSM Consultation Property (1 pt) Team A/TL Name Weekly Mtg Time Team B/TL Name Weekly Mtg Time Team C/TL Name Weekly Mtg Time Team D/TL Name Weekly Mtg Time Team E/TL Name Weekly Mtg Time Team F/TL Name Weekly Mtg Time Totals *Present Offer in Person and earn DOUBLE points. Present Offer, Accepted Offer and Opens worth 5 points each. All remaining worth 1 point. Each week, opportunity to earn bonus points will be presented. 15 Present Secure Offer* ACCEPTED Bonus Total for (5 pts) Offer (5 pts) Points Week

It’s all in the DOING § Teams § Meet weekly § Track progress § It’s all in the DOING § Teams § Meet weekly § Track progress § Be accountable § Celebrate Success 16

What can you do in your weekly team meetings? 17 What can you do in your weekly team meetings? 17

Meet Weekly for One Hour § Prospect together! Make open house invitation calls, WLN Meet Weekly for One Hour § Prospect together! Make open house invitation calls, WLN follow-up calls, Neighborhood calls, etc. § Practice the buyer consultation together. § Create a quarterly update to give buyers and sellers. § Share tips and ideas. § Discuss challenges and how to overcome them. § Help each other. 18

WHY do you do what you do? • Working hard for something we don’t WHY do you do what you do? • Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion. • Connect with WHY you’re making real estate your career. • Buyers will see that you LOVE your job and LOVE what you do. • Success will follow. 19

Let’s Take a Look at the Market 20 Let’s Take a Look at the Market 20

Key Market Statistics Snapshot As of XX Date Total Listings Under Contract Last 30 Key Market Statistics Snapshot As of XX Date Total Listings Under Contract Last 30 Days Months of Supply/ Absorption Rate Town A XX XX XX Town B XX XX XX Town C XX XX XX Town D XX XX XX Town E XX XX XX Town 21

Who is working with Buyers? How many? What’s their reason for buying? How did Who is working with Buyers? How many? What’s their reason for buying? How did you meet them? 22

Let’s Take a Look at Our Numbers 23 Let’s Take a Look at Our Numbers 23

Opportunities, Opens & Sales Last Year Introduction to Gold Services This Year Introduction to Opportunities, Opens & Sales Last Year Introduction to Gold Services This Year Introduction to Gold Services Last Year Number of Open Houses This Year Number of Open Houses Last Year Number of Sales This Year Number of Sales XX XX XX 24

Weichert Lead Network Stats Last Year Contact % This Year Contact % Last Year Weichert Lead Network Stats Last Year Contact % This Year Contact % Last Year Number of Leads This Year Number of Leads Last Year Conversion This Year Conversion XX% XX XX XX% 25

Focusing on the Internet and Open Houses as Lead Generators 26 Focusing on the Internet and Open Houses as Lead Generators 26

Online Effectiveness in our Industry There are some companies that are succeeding in America Online Effectiveness in our Industry There are some companies that are succeeding in America today, but most are failing. When interested homebuyers inquire about a property displayed on the Internet, the responsiveness is awful. In fact, it is so bad that it casts a shadow on the professionalism of our industry as a whole. 27

Weichert Stands Out There are only a few firms in America who have made Weichert Stands Out There are only a few firms in America who have made buyer responsiveness a chief initiative in their business. Beyond a doubt, Weichert has taken command of online responsiveness in real estate. 28

Three Key Components We blend together three chief components that every broker in America Three Key Components We blend together three chief components that every broker in America needs to embrace: ü Lead acquisition, ü Lead management, and (most importantly) ü Accountability for responsiveness 29

Findings from the WAV Group Study Category Other Companies Weichert Percent of inquiries responded Findings from the WAV Group Study Category Other Companies Weichert Percent of inquiries responded to 52% 100% Number of follow-up attempts after initial contact 3. 57 Attempts (1. 5 callbacks on average, 2. 07 e-mails sent on average) Between 5 and 11 total attempts. Average Response Time 917 minutes (or 15. 29 hours) 3 minutes 30

Weichert’s Internet Marketing Strategy • 40 Million Hits a Year • In the top Weichert’s Internet Marketing Strategy • 40 Million Hits a Year • In the top 1% of broker websites (consistently in the top 5 most popular real estate web sites) • 75% of the leads we receive at WLN are off of Brand X listings! 31

Weichert’s Open House Program 1 out of 3 Weichert Open Houses leads directly to Weichert’s Open House Program 1 out of 3 Weichert Open Houses leads directly to a sale 32 • Undisputed industry leader with the strongest commitment to an extensive program • Nearly 1 million potential homebuyers visited our Open Houses last year • 73% of homebuyers visit at least one open house

Between our internet strategy and our Open House program we are touching most of Between our internet strategy and our Open House program we are touching most of the buyers in the market. Do you agree? 33

We did some mystery shopping • We had a few people act as guests We did some mystery shopping • We had a few people act as guests at some of our recent open houses • Here’s what we found. . . 34

Pilot Office Open Houses OH Date 1/25/2015 Did they 2 or more collect Asked Pilot Office Open Houses OH Date 1/25/2015 Did they 2 or more collect Asked to directional contact Buy Asked to Referred info? Signs House? Meet? to GSM 1 1 0 0 0 1/25/2015 1/11/2015 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1/11/2015 1/18/2015 10 35 1 1 0 1 1 1 9 90% 1 10 100% 0 0 0% 1 1 1 4 40% 0 1 1 6 60% What do you think? What’s working well and what should we focus on?

Let’s look at TWO third party audits conducted on WLN leads (NOTE: This isn’t Let’s look at TWO third party audits conducted on WLN leads (NOTE: This isn’t about WLN, it’s about how we handle leads. Since WLN is the only channel we can leads actually measure, let’s look at these leads vs. open house leads vs. your Sphere of Influence leads, etc. ) 36

Real IQ Study WLN hired the research company, Real IQ, to do a lead Real IQ Study WLN hired the research company, Real IQ, to do a lead analysis study. Real IQ matched WLN leads against county public records data to identify consumers that have bought or sold a residential property within 12 months after the date of lead submission. 37

Real IQ Study Real-IQ found that 33% of WLN leads bought or sold a Real IQ Study Real-IQ found that 33% of WLN leads bought or sold a property. 1 in 3 WLN leads close within a year! 38

XX Office as of XX Date Total Leads Rolling 12 Months 638 Contact Attempts XX Office as of XX Date Total Leads Rolling 12 Months 638 Contact Attempts 726 Contact Percent 75% Converted Leads 23 % Converted 3. 61% What are YOUR thoughts on these numbers? 39

XX Office Call Audit Agent Totals Number of Audited Calls Average Call Length 7 XX Office Call Audit Agent Totals Number of Audited Calls Average Call Length 7 min. Asked for Appointment 64% Secured Appointment 40 14 29%

Pilot Office Calls Agent Totals Number of Audited Calls Average Call Length “Closer” Totals Pilot Office Calls Agent Totals Number of Audited Calls Average Call Length “Closer” Totals 14 Number of Audited Calls 10 7 min. Average Call Length 2 min. Asked for Appointment 64% Asked for Appointment 89% Secured Appointment 29% Secured Appointment 78% 41

What would happen if we more than DOUBLED our Lead-to-Appointment Ratio? 100 Calls 29 What would happen if we more than DOUBLED our Lead-to-Appointment Ratio? 100 Calls 29 Appointments (current rate) 78 Appointments (what if ) 3. 61% Conversion (current rate) 42 100 Calls ? Based on office call audit

Why don’t we ask EVERYONE we speak with to meet with us? 43 Why don’t we ask EVERYONE we speak with to meet with us? 43

Get the Appointment. Meet Face-to-Face with the Buyer. 44 Get the Appointment. Meet Face-to-Face with the Buyer. 44

Key Findings • We have enough leads. • We’re the best broker when it Key Findings • We have enough leads. • We’re the best broker when it comes to responsiveness. • A vast majority of leads will agree to meeting. • We could save ourselves a lot of time by taking the lead with our leads. Invite them to meet. 45

Actual Call Sample. . . • Customer: “Is there anything else besides this in Actual Call Sample. . . • Customer: “Is there anything else besides this in this school district? ” • Sales Associate: “Yes. There are others. Let me pull them up. . ” • Call Time: Over 15 minutes While a meeting was discussed, it was not set. This call occurred late November. The Sales Associate and Customer have YET to meet! 46

Step Away from the Computer! 47 Step Away from the Computer! 47

When at the Computer, You Turn into. . . 48 When at the Computer, You Turn into. . . 48

Information Giver Leads with, “What questions can I answer ? ” Able to answer Information Giver Leads with, “What questions can I answer ? ” Able to answer every question right from the computer Answers question after question and asks nothing in return Vomits information - How much seller paid for house, taxes, etc. Never asks to meet. Just keeps giving information. 49

Don’t be an Info Giver. Be a Sales Person! When you’re on WLN. . Don’t be an Info Giver. Be a Sales Person! When you’re on WLN. . . “I’m in between appointments. . . I would love to meet with you and show you this property and any others that meet your requirements. I can meet with you on Thursday at around 2 pm or Saturday at 10 am. Which works better for you? ” 50

What if you’re on Opp Time? Try the “Give and Get” technique. When you What if you’re on Opp Time? Try the “Give and Get” technique. When you give information, get information. Example: “I’ll get you that information. My name is Mary. May I ask yours? ” 51

What if you’re on Opp Time? Try the “Give and Get” technique. When you What if you’re on Opp Time? Try the “Give and Get” technique. When you give information, get information. Example: “The taxes are $7, 000. Are the taxes important to you? I see. . . What else is a priority for you? ” 52

What if you’re on Opp Time? Try the “Give and Get” technique. When you What if you’re on Opp Time? Try the “Give and Get” technique. When you give information, get information. Example: “While I’m looking that up for you, may I ask what attracted you to this particular property? ” 53

Try this question in your next conversation. . . What was it about this Try this question in your next conversation. . . What was it about this property that first attracted you? 54

Ask to Meet! Then close for the meeting with. . . “Let’s meet on Ask to Meet! Then close for the meeting with. . . “Let’s meet on Thursday. I can show you this property and a few others that meet your needs. ” 55

I’m just curious. . . What was it that attracted you to this property? I’m just curious. . . What was it that attracted you to this property? 56

Listen to How the Tone of the Conversation Changes! “So what is it you Listen to How the Tone of the Conversation Changes! “So what is it you liked about that property? ” “We were looking for something, you know, older but still has been maintained pretty well. We want that character of the older homes, but we don’t want something that’s just plain and vinyl or anything like that. ” 57

“What was it that attracted you to this property? ” Can you ask this “What was it that attracted you to this property? ” Can you ask this question. . . q If you’re driving in your car? q When your computer is very far? q If you’re sitting at a bar? 58

“What was it that attracted you to this property? ” Can you ask this “What was it that attracted you to this property? ” Can you ask this question when you’re on Opportunity Time? 59

Don’t Make it about the ONE Property (real call!) • Customer: “I’m calling about Don’t Make it about the ONE Property (real call!) • Customer: “I’m calling about XX property. . . ” • Sales Associate: “What can I tell you about it? ” • Sales Associate answered questions. Provided lots of information. Very knowledgeable. Determined this property wouldn’t work. • Associate ended call with: “Well, if I come across anything else, I’ll give you a call and let you know. ” 60

Key Findings We need to invite them to meet. 61 Key Findings We need to invite them to meet. 61

Was a Buyer Consultation conducted? • Customer called in the summer • Meeting was Was a Buyer Consultation conducted? • Customer called in the summer • Meeting was discussed but not set on the initial call. • Listings were emailed to the customer 62

Do you honestly believe. . . Do you believe from your nose to your Do you honestly believe. . . Do you believe from your nose to your toes that your customers would be much better off meeting with you first before you show them a home? 63

Meeting at the Property Sales Associate: “Does Saturday work for you? How about 1: Meeting at the Property Sales Associate: “Does Saturday work for you? How about 1: 30? . . . Do you want to go ahead and meet me at the property? ” Was a Buyer Consultation conducted? Meet them in the office OR another company office that’s closer OR a nearby Deli/Starbucks/Dunkin Donuts 64

Are we having Buyer Consultations? (Actual Call) Sales Associate: “I have to see what Are we having Buyer Consultations? (Actual Call) Sales Associate: “I have to see what the availability is. . . what the owners have for showing instructions. ” Customer: “What type of house is it? A For Sale by Owner? Foreclosure? ” Sales Associate: “I can call you back and give you that information. ” Customer: “Can you also send information about the property to my email? ” 65

Are we having Buyer Consultations? (Actual Call) Sales Associate: “Sure. I can do that, Are we having Buyer Consultations? (Actual Call) Sales Associate: “Sure. I can do that, too. I’ll give you a call back to confirm the appointment for tomorrow and I’ll also email you the listing. ” Customer: “Is it possible to see two houses at a time? ” Sales Associate: “Yes. You have another one you want to see? ” 66

Are we having Buyer Consultations? (Actual Call) Sales Associate: “I’ll check on that one, Are we having Buyer Consultations? (Actual Call) Sales Associate: “I’ll check on that one, too. . . OK. So I’ll give you a call back. ” Why does the Sales Associate have to call back? 67

Question. . . What percentage of time do customers wind up purchasing the house Question. . . What percentage of time do customers wind up purchasing the house they called in on? Then why do we behave as though it’s 100% of the time? Internal Study: March 2011. Out of 100 randomly selected transactions, 17% of customers purchased the house they inquired about. 68

“I’ll Call You Back” The big question. . WHY? Why would you need to “I’ll Call You Back” The big question. . WHY? Why would you need to call the customer back? Let’s hear. 69

Why do we need to call them back? • Have you ever left messages Why do we need to call them back? • Have you ever left messages back and forth? • Is it more efficient to book the meeting on the very first call? • What’s the chance of you being able to show the house or comparable houses? • What strategies could you employ to get the meeting on that very same call? 10 -min. Discussion and Dialogue 70

Door Closers & Door Openers It’s all over when you say. . . • Door Closers & Door Openers It’s all over when you say. . . • I have to call the listing agent to see when we can get in • That house is under contract • That’s a short sale • That’s bank-owned. 71 Instead, say: • Let’s meet! • While I’m pulling this up on the system, what was it about that property that attracted you? • Get them talking. • Maybe you know of a listing that’s just coming on the market that would be perfect for them! • Close for the meeting

And what do you say when you’re in your car, NOT at your computer, And what do you say when you’re in your car, NOT at your computer, unsure if you can get into the property at the requested time? 72

Try this Door Opener Dialogue. . . “I’m in between appointments and would love Try this Door Opener Dialogue. . . “I’m in between appointments and would love to meet with you and show you this property and any others that meet your requirements. I can meet with you on Thursday at around 2 pm or Saturday at 10 am. Which works better for you? ” Tip: Memorize different times on your schedule every week that you set aside for customer meetings and always meet at the office. FIVE SLOTS AND FILL THEM! 73

Question. . . Who here is on WLN? What happens when you’re in the Question. . . Who here is on WLN? What happens when you’re in the shower, or just walking into a listing appointment and the customer calls? What do you do? 74

The “Assumptive Close” • I’ll e. Mail you. . . • I’ll call you The “Assumptive Close” • I’ll e. Mail you. . . • I’ll call you back. . • Let me find out. . 75 I can meet with you at 6 pm on Tuesday. Does that work for you?

What’s the best way to scrub a lead? Ask them to meet with you. What’s the best way to scrub a lead? Ask them to meet with you. (The ones who do are your best leads. ) 76

The Buyer Consultation 77 Hand out Buyer Consultation color sheets, flip book, Getting to The Buyer Consultation 77 Hand out Buyer Consultation color sheets, flip book, Getting to Know You and Your Next Home, Dialogue & Tips Guide

Take the Lead and Take the Lead 78 Take the Lead and Take the Lead 78

Take the Lead and Lead the Way Great! I’d love to show you this Take the Lead and Lead the Way Great! I’d love to show you this house and any others you might find of interest. Let’s meet. Are evenings or weekends better for you? 79 How do YOU lead the way?

What’s your VALUE to buyers? Besides giving buyers access to the inventory and actually What’s your VALUE to buyers? Besides giving buyers access to the inventory and actually getting them into the houses they’re interested in. . . What value do YOU provide? 80

What’s your VALUE to buyers? In your teams, discuss your value. 1. Discuss WHY What’s your VALUE to buyers? In your teams, discuss your value. 1. Discuss WHY it’s to the buyers’ advantage to meet with you. List every reason. 2. BESIDES getting them into the house, what do YOU do that buyers consider a service, a benefit, a help, an advantage? 3. 10 Minutes and then share your BEST ideas with the large group. 81

What do you SAY to get a buyer to meet with you? § On What do you SAY to get a buyer to meet with you? § On the phone. . . § At an open house. . . § At the grocery store. . . 82

MOST of the time, it’s as easy as: That’s great! I’d love to get MOST of the time, it’s as easy as: That’s great! I’d love to get together and show you this property. Is tomorrow at 6 pm good for you or would Thursday morning at 10 am be better? . . . Let’s meet at the office and I’ll get an appointment set up to see 85% house and the of the time, this any others you might find of interest. works! 83

End EVERY Conversation with. . . You’ll be receiving a call from Tom. He’s End EVERY Conversation with. . . You’ll be receiving a call from Tom. He’s my Gold Services Manager who will be discussing your Buying Power. You’ll want to take his call. 84

You need a Clear, Succinct, Compelling Reason to meet. . . • Choose a You need a Clear, Succinct, Compelling Reason to meet. . . • Choose a script or create your own • USE it. 85

What’s YOUR Value? § Do you have a compelling, succinct reason to meet with What’s YOUR Value? § Do you have a compelling, succinct reason to meet with a potential buyer? § Write down what you say over the phone or at an open house to get a potential buyer to meet with you. 86 Blank Index Cards

Sample Script – Your “Go To” Real Estate Professional One of the reasons my Sample Script – Your “Go To” Real Estate Professional One of the reasons my clients like to meet with me is so that I can better understand their priorities and needs. Once I learn what you’re looking for. . . I can be your eyes and ears in the marketplace. It’s interesting how all the homes people are most interested in get scooped up first, isn’t it? That’s because those buyers have someone who’s looking out for them – who alerts them to properties right away. I’d like to be your ‘Go To’ person when it comes to real estate. ” 87

Sample Script – Outperform the Computer • Let me ask you something. . . Sample Script – Outperform the Computer • Let me ask you something. . . Have you found when you’re looking on the internet and find a home that looks perfect. . . Price, amenities, location. . . That when you call an office or agent, you find out the house is already under contract? . . . • That’s why you need to work with someone like me. A local expert. I find out about houses BEFORE they’re online. I can get you in before you get all the competition of other buyers. Would you find this helpful? 88

Sample Script – Insight on the Market You know. . . The reason I’m Sample Script – Insight on the Market You know. . . The reason I’m asking you to meet with me is because I can give you insight on this particular market area and town. My customers appreciate that I share with them what’s going on in the market – the inside scoop so to speak. When I took them to look for their home, they were telling ME which properties were overpriced and which ones were the best value because we spent a few minutes discussing pricing, the market and what they could expect in Mountain Lakes. I know this area very well. Can we get together tomorrow at 10 or how’s 6 pm on Wednesday? 89

Sample Script – Passion and Service “I’d love to show you this house and Sample Script – Passion and Service “I’d love to show you this house and any others that might meet your needs. . . Let’s meet in my office. I can give you an Executive Summary of what’s available on the market, make note of your key priorities and needs in a home and then we’ll go over and take a look at the property. How’s 6 pm tomorrow night or would Wednesday morning be better for you? ” 90

An Executive Summary of the Market Can you get this from your MLS in An Executive Summary of the Market Can you get this from your MLS in a simple print-out/chart? • A list of every 4 bedroom, 2. 5 bath property in XYZ town • Number currently available • Number Under Contract in last 30 days ce • Average list price ervi rs you and age ack unique the P to • List-to-Sale Price ratio as eted eeds rg ta ’n yers bu 91

Sample Script – No “Dog & Pony Show” • “I promise you that I Sample Script – No “Dog & Pony Show” • “I promise you that I won’t give you a ‘dog and pony show. ’ I just need to meet you to learn about your needs and your priorities when it comes to purchasing a home. I become your eyes and ears in the marketplace and can actually find you what you’re looking for. I learn about properties even before they are advertised online. • That’s why meeting with me will not only save you time but will actually help you avoid being frustrated. ” 92

Sample Script – Be the Professional “I’d love to show you this property. As Sample Script – Be the Professional “I’d love to show you this property. As a professional, I always meet with my clients first before walking them through a seller’s home. I have 2 pm open today or 6 pm open tomorrow if that would be more convenient. ” 93

Practice: Your Roles 1. Sales Associate: Close for the face-to-face appointment. Share value for Practice: Your Roles 1. Sales Associate: Close for the face-to-face appointment. Share value for meeting. 2. The Buyer will give the Sales Associate a realistic skill practice, asking to meet at the house or just e. Mail me the listing. 3. The Observer will watch the practice and take notes. 94

Feedback Discussion • Start with the Associate who practiced: What do you think you Feedback Discussion • Start with the Associate who practiced: What do you think you did well? What would you consider for next time? • Then ask the Buyer: What worked well for you? What would you suggest for next time? • Observer: What did the Associate do well? What should s/he consider for next time? 95

Buyer Mastery Cards Here’s a resource that covers all the scripts we just reviewed. Buyer Mastery Cards Here’s a resource that covers all the scripts we just reviewed. There are lots of tips and ideas that you should review at your Team Meetings. Pick a card, any card, and you’ll get better! I guarantee it. 96

Win Appointments! § In order to master the buyer consultation and buyer process, we Win Appointments! § In order to master the buyer consultation and buyer process, we need more appointments. § Let’s go after appointments right now through a call session. § We’ll call WLN Active and In. Active leads, Open House Guests, Buyers you met at Opp Time or through the course of being in the community and doing business. § Make a minimum of 50 calls and track. . . 97 Prospect Follow-up Sheet, DNC Sheet

Today’s Call Session Team Name # Calls ! rize P 98 # Contacts # Today’s Call Session Team Name # Calls ! rize P 98 # Contacts # Leads # Appointments The Sales Associate with the most appointments secured wins a prize!

Grow Your Skills and Business 1. Call until you get 3 buyer appointments (before Grow Your Skills and Business 1. Call until you get 3 buyer appointments (before our next session). 2. By next session, conduct at least 1 buyer appointment, using the Buyer Consultation. 3. Come prepared to make 50 calls at our next workshop. 4. Work an Open House. Follow up within 24 hours. 5. Take online training – “Buyer Consultation Presentation. ” (worth 5 bonus points for your team) 6. Bring in your CUSTOMIZED Buyer Consultation (worth 5 bonus points for your team) 99

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