- Количество слайдов: 15
definition of biometrics Biometrics refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his or her physiological or behavioral characteristics.
Biometric characteristics 1) Physiological 2) Behavioral
physical biometrics ØFingerprint ØFacial recognition/face location ØHand geometry ØIris scan ØRetina scan
fingerprint recognition Ø A live acquisition of a person’s fingerprint. Ø Dots (very small ridges), Ø Space between two temporarily divergent ridges), Ø Spurs (a notch protruding from a ridge), Ø Bridges (small ridges joining two longer adjacent ridges), crossovers (two ridges that cross each other).
facial recognition 1. Capture image 2. Find face in image 3. Extract features (store template) 4. Compare templates 5. Declare matches
hand geometry Hand or finger geometry is an automated measurement of many dimensions of the hand fingers.
iris recognition Iris scanning measures the iris pattern in the colored part of the eye,
retina recognition Images back of the eye and compares blood vessels with existing data
behavioral biometrics ØSpeaker/voicerecognition ØSignature/handwriting ØKeystroke/patterning
speaker / voice recognition Voice or speaker recognition uses vocal characteristics to identify individuals using a pass-phrase. A telephone or microphone can serve as a sensor,
signature verification An automated method of measuring an individual’s signature. This technology examines speed, direction, and pressure of writing; the time that the stylus is in and out of contact with the “paper’’.
keystroke dynamics Keystroke dynamics is an automated method of examining an individual’s keystrokes on a keyboard. This technology examines such dynamics as speed and pressure, the total time taken to type particular words, and the time elapsed between hitting certain keys.
applications ØPrevent unauthorized access to ATMs, Cellular phones Desktop PCs ØCriminal identification ØIn automobiles biometrics can replace keys with keyless entry devices ØAirport security