- Количество слайдов: 12
Definition for Intercession “The act of petitioning God or praying on behalf of another person, group or nation. ” Word Study: Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Hebrew: “Pa-ga” = to impinge, by accident or violence, or (figuratively) by importunity, to encounter, to meet, to reach, to entreat, to make intercession Greek: “Huperentugehano” = huper - above, beyond, more than, exceedingly above entugehano - confer with, deal with, a meeting between, make intercession, meet on behalf or for the sake of someone else “Entuxus” = to approach the King Webster: to intervene between parties with a view to reconciling differences (peacemakers)
Who is an Intercessor? 1. Jesus, Our Great High Priest/Intercessor (Ro 8: 34; He 7: 25) 2. The Holy Spirit (Ro 8: 26) 3. All Believers (I Pe 2: 5, 9) 4. Priesthood/Intercession a. Old Testament priesthood (Ex 19: 5, 6 Lev. 3: 5 -12) b. Aaron the High Priest (Ex 28: 1 -4, Lev 16: 30) c. Jesus is now the High Priest (He 8: 1, 2)
What is the Process of Intercession
What is the Process of Intercession • • Believer’s prayers return Through the Holy Spirit To the Son To the Father • Memorials: (Ac 10: 4) • Prayers: (Rev 5: 8, Rev 8: 3 -5)
How to Develop Intercession in You • Intimacy - relationship, repentance, holiness • Identification - entering the ministry of Jesus • Agony - the response that brings results • Authority - to declare His will
Intimacy: God’s Desire 1. Fellowship in the garden (Ge 3: 8) 2. Dwell with them (Ex 25: 8) 3. Dwell in them (2 Co 6: 16) 4. Dwell in you (Jn 14: 17)
Intimacy: Seeking His Face 1. Bethel - House of God (Ge 28: 10 -22) relationship 2. Penial - Face of God (Ge 32: 24 -30) repentance 3. Holiness (Ps 24: 1 -6) 4. The face of Jesus (2 Co 4: 6)
Intimacy: Reproducing After the Heart: (Ps 27: 8) 1. Adam & Eve natural reproduction (Ge 1: 28) 2. Abraham’s covenant of circumcision (Ge 17: 9 -11) 3. God’s true purpose of circumcision Old Testament (Dt 10: 15, 16; Dt 30: 6) 4. Covenant given to the Church through Jesus (Ro 2: 28, 29) 5. Church spiritual reproduction (Mt 28: 18 -20; Col 2: 11 -15)
Identification: 1. Jesus our Great Identifier/Priest/Intercessor (He 2: 14 -18; He 5: 14 -16) 2. Reconciling (2 Co 5: 18 -21) 3. Empathy (1 Co 12: 25, 26)
Agony: The burden of God comes as an overshadowing of the Holy Spirit (like Mary). Our heart/spirit becomes the womb of God. 1. Burden - receive the concern from God a. Impulse burden (Luke 19: 41) b. Long-term burden (Galations 4: 19) c. Praying through (Isaiah 10: 27) 2. Travail - is the act of bringing the burden to birth, it is the prayer of compassion a. Weeping & tears (Psalm 126: 4 -6) b. Groaning: Old Testament (Ex 2: 24; Ex 6: 5; Judges 2: 18) c. Groaning: New Testament (Romans 8: 26, 27) d. Groaning & Weeping: Jesus (John 11: 32 -35) (Hebrews 5: 6, 7)
Authority 1. Asking according to the will of God (1 John 5: 14, 15 2. Confidence of the heart (1 John 3: 21 -23 Romans 8: 27
Warfare Through: 1. Humbling (2 Chronicles 7: 14) 2. Repentance (1 Samuel 7: 2 -9) 3: Praise a. praise=Yadah - to hold out the hand; physically, to throw (a stone, an arrow) at or away especially to revere or worship (with extended hands) cast (out), (make) confess (ion), praise, shoot, (give) thanks (Psalm 144: 1) b. Jehosophat’s army (2 Chronicles 20: 14 -22) c. high praises (Psalm 149: 1 -9) d. releases the zeal of God against His enemies (Isaiah 42: 10 -13) (Matthew 21: 9 -13) 4. Musical Instruments a. harp (1 Samuel 16: 15 -18) b. tambourines and harps (stringed instruments) (Isaiah 30: 31, 32) 5. Banners a. (Isaiah 31: 8, 9; Isaiah 59: 19 b. Jehovah-Nissi (Exodus 17: 15, 16)