- Количество слайдов: 46
Defining and Developing Leadership for the 21 st Century: From Concept to Outcomes Carl L. Harshman, Ph. D. Founder and Chief Executive Officer Certified i. WAM Professionals are free to use this material as long as appropriate citations are included and proper credit is given.
Part 1 Lessons of Leadership: What We Know from the Last Four Decades Carl L. Harshman
A. What We Don’t Know Warren Bennis, an international guru on leadership concludes, says that after decades of the study of leadership effectiveness, that while various efforts have brought some insights to an understanding of the process of leadership as well as to the traits and behaviors of leaders, but we are far from an understanding. He laments that: "Never have so many labored so long to say so little. "
Lesson #1 – Organization Life Cycle Where you are in the Life Cycle determines the kind of leadership you need. Stable Prime Adolescence Aristocracy Early Bureaucracy (Witch Hunt) Go-go Bureaucracy Infancy Courtship Death
Lesson #2 – All in It Together Strategy, Culture, and Leadership are deeply interconnected. To be effective, we must align leadership with Strategy and Culture Business Strategy Culture Leadership
Lesson #3 – Leaders & Strategy “Strategy without leadership goes nowhere; Leadership without Strategy has nowhere to go. ” Carl L. Harshman Customer Focus Business Acumen Innovation Strategic Perspective Establishing Stretch Goals Analytical & Problem Solving Skills Communication
Lesson #4 – Leaders & Culture Leaders—their values, fundamental beliefs, and behaviors—are a powerful force in the creation and maintenance of organizational culture. “. . . leaders create and change cultures, while managers and administrators live within them. ” Edgar Schein Organizational Culture and Leadership
Lesson #5 - Competencies There appear to be about 28 core competencies that account for the majority of effectiveness in leaders. “No one knows what specific challenges we will face in 2 O 2 O, but we have a strong idea of what the leaders who can meet those challenges will look like and how they will get to be that way. ” Michael M. Lombardo and Robert W. Eichinger The Leadership Machine
Lesson #6 – Leaders’ Versatility From Latin “versatilis, ” turning easily, having complementary competencies and being able to shift between them at the right time and at the right level is critical. “Master managers have that kind of flexible, agile form where they can pivot on a dime, from holding a blue sky session to tackling an immediate supply chain problem, from forcing a tough issue that is painful to acknowledge to containing conflict and bringing people together on a divisive issue. ” Robert E. Kaplan & Robert B. Kaiser Developing Versatile Leadership
Lesson #7 – Integrity & Ethics Every major theory and model of leadership puts integrity at the center of the milieu of what is critical for success of leaders and the organization! “[Integrity] is the unity that emerges when a particular orientation becomes so firmly a part of group life that it colors and directs a wide variety of attitudes, decisions, and forms of organization and does so at many levels of experiences. The building of integrity is part of what we have called the "institutional embodiment of purpose, " and its protection is a major function of leadership. Wilkins, A. K. Developing Corporate Character
5 Pillars of Effective Leaders (Gallup Organization Research) Focus on Results Leading Change Integrity Personal Capability Interpersonal Skills What might be missing from this picture?
Lesson #8 – The Pipeline Being good at one level of an organization does not mean you will be good at the next level of the organization. “. . . Leadership entails a series of passages that come with very specific values, skills, and time requirements; leaders must not skip passages as they take on more responsibility and influence in an organization or they will end up working at the wrong level and will clog the pipeline. ” Charan, Drotter, & Noel The Leadership Pipeline
The Leadership Pipeline Passage Six Passage Four Passage Two ris nterp E er anag e. M Grou p Ma r nage a ess M nage n Busi ge Mana r Passage Five Func tiona l Man ager ers anag r of M Mana g e Oth elf age S Man ers Passage Three Passage One
Lesson #9–Emotional Intelligence (EQ) may turn out to be as important as intellectual intelligence (IQ) in determining the effectiveness of leaders. “Emotional Intelligence—especially at the highest levels of a company—is the sine qua non for leadership. Without it, a person can have first-class training, an incisive mind, and an endless supply of good ideas, but he still won't make a great leader. ” Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (from the work of Daniel Goleman) Self-Awareness Self-Management • Emotional Self-Awareness • Accurate Self-Assessment • Self-Confidence Emotional Intelligence Social Awareness • Empathy • Organizational Awareness • Service Orientation ei ei • Self-Control • Trustworthiness • Conscientiousness • Adaptability • Achievement Orientation • Initiative Competency Model Social Skills • Developing Others • Leadership & Influence • Communication • Change Catalyst • Conflict Management • Building Bonds • Teamwork & Collaboration
Lesson #10 – Learning Leaders Several aspects of learning indicate that ongoing learning is correlated with good leadership and that effective leaders tend to learn more from experience that less effective leaders. “ Better learners. . . consistently engaged in effective leadership practices more frequently than those in the low learner category. ” Lillas Brown & Barry Pozner Leadership & Organizational Development Journal
Leadership and Performance To be effective, leaders have to perform. How we define performance and how we predict and manage it is the key to the future. “Leadership is ultimately about producing results. ” Jack Zenger The Extraordinary Leader
What’s the Missing Piece? Intellect? A Missing Piece? Performance Experience? Emotions? 18
Part 2 Future Lessons of Leadership: How to Move Forward in the Next Decade Carl L. Harshman, Ph. D. Note: All the models and graphics in this presentation are copyrighted and/or registered. Please obtain and attribute ownership properly if you choose to use any of them. Thank you.
View from this Session 30, 000 feet 15, 000 feet Organizational Effectiveness Leadership & Performance Models Leadership Development Tools & Practices 20
Organizational Effectiveness Framework Mission Business Strategy Culture Vision Values Leadership Critical Success Factors 21
Adizes’ Organizational Life Cycle Stable Prime Adolescence Aristocracy Early Bureaucracy Go-go Bureaucracy Infancy Courtship Death Provided by Carl L. Harshman & Associates, Inc. See http: //www. adizes. com/
Performance Model (Missing Piece? ) Culture of the Country Environment Organizational Culture Motivation & Attitudes Context (Role/Job) Relationships Expectations Challenges Tasks Values, Beliefs & Goals I n t e r p r e t E v a l u a t e = My Reality Abilities & Competencies = My Decision A c t O u t c o m e s Emotions Background © 2008 The Institute for Work Attitude & Motivation and Carl L. Harshman, Ph. D. Demographics Personality Patrick Merlevede of job. EQ. com originally presented the concept for the model in 2003 23
Leadership Development Model Business Strategy â Organization Culture â â Competencies/Characteristics/Behaviors Corporate Leadership Design & Oversight - Note: The Leadership Development Model is registered to and copyrighted by Carl L. Harshman & Associates, Inc. 24
Competencies & Characteristics l Competencies/Characteristics/Behaviors l Consider using the “Leadership Pipeline” concept to construct the levels of the competency model 85% of all competency models are the same: o o l l Don’t re-invent the wheel Figure out the 15% that is unique to your organization Use a framework that provides some basis for competencies that is consistent with known facts and principles (e. g. Lominger) Connect the competencies to: Roles, Assessment, Performance Management, and Succession Planning 25
Competency Model 26
Leadership Development Model Business Strategy â Organization Culture â â Leadership Assessment Process Competencies/Characteristics/Behaviors Corporate Leadership Design & Oversight - Note: The Leadership Development Model is registered to and copyrighted by Carl L. Harshman & Associates, Inc. 27
Leadership Assessment Principles of Leadership Assessment Process 1. Assess for development, not for performance o Performance is evaluated elsewhere. 2. Only measure aspects of the leader that are known to make a difference o Personality, for example, appears to predict a very small percent of performance (as little as 5%) 3. Connect the assessment results to developmental planning o Build a personal database to track growth 4. Assessment Tools 28
Leadership Assessment Process Leadership Assessment Tools Motivational & Attitudinal Patterns (Metaprograms) Inventory for Work Attitude and Motivation (i. WAM) Language and Behavior (LAB) Profile Values, Goals, etc. (Criteria) Language and Behavior (LAB) Profile Values Systems Questionnaire (VSQ) Leadership Behaviors 360° Survey (Self – Boss – Peers – Direct Reports Abilities Highlands Abilities Test Strengths and Derailers Hogan Assessment Systems 29
Leadership Development Model Business Strategy â Organization Culture â â Leadership Assessment Process Competencies/Characteristics/Behaviors Corporate Leadership Design & Oversight Leadership Development Plan and Strategy - Note: The Leadership Development Model is registered to and copyrighted by Carl L. Harshman & Associates, Inc. 30
Leadership Development Plan and Strategy l l l Analysis of Current Assignment Identify Career Goal(s) Identify Major Development Needs/Opportunities Draft Development Plan Review with Leader/Manager/Coach/HR “Contract” for the Plan o o Leader agrees to “deliver on the promise” Organization/Manager promises to support and encourage 31
Career Analysis Form 32
Development Planning Form 33
Leadership Development Model Business Strategy â Organization Culture â â Leadership Assessment Process Competencies/Characteristics/Behaviors Corporate Leadership Design & Oversight Leadership Development Plan and Strategy Education & Action Learning Programs - Note: The Leadership Development Model is registered to and copyrighted by Carl L. Harshman & Associates, Inc. 34
Education & Action Learning Programs Education Action Learning Team Learning Temporary Assignment Workshop/Seminar Rotation Assignment Certificate Short-term Project Degree Program Long-term Project 35
Leadership Development Model Business Strategy â Organization Culture â â Leadership Assessment Process Competencies/Characteristics/Behaviors Corporate Leadership Design & Oversight Leadership Development Plan and Strategy Education & Action Learning Programs Reassess & Evaluate Progress and Potential - Note: The Leadership Development Model is registered to and copyrighted by Carl L. Harshman & Associates, Inc. 36
Leadership Development Model Business Strategy â Organization Culture â â Leadership Assessment Process Competencies/Characteristics/Behaviors Corporate Leadership Design & Oversight Leadership Development Plan and Strategy Education & Action Learning Programs Reassess & Evaluate Progress and Potential Coaching & Mentoring Process - Note: The Leadership Development Model is registered to and copyrighted by Carl L. Harshman & Associates, Inc. 37
Coaching & Mentoring Process Mentoring l l l Gives expert advice Diagnoses the problem described Prescribes how to improve/solve the issue Creates dependence on “the trusted advisor” Mentor does most of the talking (80%) Coaching l l Builds personal capability and effectiveness Creates higher quality decisions and the right results Uses skillful questions, statements, challenges, ideas, and feedback Lets the associate do most of the talking, working, and discovery (80%) Note: The Leadership Development Model is registered to and copyrighted by Carl L. Harshman & Associates, Inc. 38
Leadership Development Model Business Strategy â Organization Culture â â Leadership Assessment Process Competencies/Characteristics/Behaviors Corporate Leadership Design & Oversight Performance Management System Leadership Development Plan and Strategy Education & Action Learning Programs Reassess & Evaluate Progress and Potential Coaching & Mentoring Process - Note: The Leadership Development Model is registered to and copyrighted by Carl L. Harshman & Associates, Inc. 39
Performance Management System l What gets measured and rewarded is what gets done l To encourage effective leadership development: o o Planning and delivering on one’s leadership development program should be a component of the annual performance review. Managers, coaches, and mentors of leaders should also have those functions evaluated as part of their annual performance review. 40
Leadership Development Model â Organization Culture â â Leadership Assessment Process Competencies/Characteristics/Behaviors Corporate Leadership Design & Oversight Performance Management System Leadership Development Plan and Strategy Education & Action Learning Programs Reassess & Evaluate Progress and Potential Coaching & Mentoring Process Succession Planning & Management Business Strategy - Note: The Leadership Development Model is registered to and copyrighted by Carl L. Harshman & Associates, Inc. 41
Succession Planning & Management l l Formal succession planning takes an organization from the “tribal” system to planned leadership There are two kinds of succession planning: o o l Replacement Planning (AKA the “Bread Truck”) Development Planning Succession Planning should be done regularly, should connect to the business strategy and culture, and should reflect strong ties to the leadership development process 42
Leadership Development Model Business Strategy â Organization Culture â â Performance Management System Leadership Development Plan and Strategy Education & Action Learning Programs Reassess & Evaluate Progress and Potential Coaching & Mentoring Process Succession Planning & Management Leadership Assessment Process Competencies/Characteristics/Behaviors Corporate Leadership Design & Oversight Human Resources Systems and Support and Leadership Development Database Note: The Leadership Development Model is registered to and copyrighted by Carl L. Harshman & Associates, Inc. 43
Leadership Development Model Business Strategy â Organization Culture â â Performance Management System Leadership Development Plan and Strategy Education & Action Learning Programs Reassess & Evaluate Progress and Potential Coaching & Mentoring Process Succession Planning & Management Leadership Assessment Process Competencies/Characteristics/Behaviors Corporate Leadership Design & Oversight Human Resources Systems and Support and Leadership Development Database Note: The Leadership Development Model is registered to and copyrighted by Carl L. Harshman & Associates, Inc. 44
Questions, Comments, or. . . l l What struck you about this presentation? What one thing did you see/hear/sense that will make a difference in how you think about leadership tomorrow? l What would you like to know more about? l What advice do you have for me as a presenter? 45
For More Information ü ü Lessons of Leadership Slides Leadership Development Presentation Information on Motivational and Attitudinal Patterns A free i. WAM assessment Carl L. Harshman Office: Email: Internet: 314 963. 9170 carl@iwaminstitute. com www. i. WAMinstitute. com Office: Email: Internet: 314 961. 9676 carl@harshman. com www. harshman. com 46