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Define Yourself. Marketing & Recruitment Services Define Yourself. Marketing & Recruitment Services

Marketing & Recruitment Services This presentation will: 1. Outline Themes 2. Provide Recommendations 3. Marketing & Recruitment Services This presentation will: 1. Outline Themes 2. Provide Recommendations 3. Provide Examples 4. Outline Next Steps Marketing & Recruitment Services

Marketing & Recruitment Initiatives Across the institution: - Inter-Provincial articulation and transfer agreements Recreation Marketing & Recruitment Initiatives Across the institution: - Inter-Provincial articulation and transfer agreements Recreation & Tourism email initiative to new applicants Culinary Institute of Canada Expanding enrichment courses Aboriginal Service Plan And much, much more. . . Great things are happening! Marketing & Recruitment Services

Marketing & Recruitment Initiatives Within Marketing & Recruitment Services - Trade shows & career Marketing & Recruitment Initiatives Within Marketing & Recruitment Services - Trade shows & career fairs Targeted recruitment International recruitment National networking Online survey development Relationship building with potential students And much, much more. . . Marketing & Recruitment Services

Themes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Internal Communication Ongoing Research & Data Collection Internal Themes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Internal Communication Ongoing Research & Data Collection Internal Community External Awareness Aboriginal Connectedness & Building Relationships 6. Marketing & Recruitment Synergy & Synthesis Marketing & Recruitment Services

Recommendations For: 1. Internal Communication 2. 3. 4. 5. Ongoing Research & Data Collection Recommendations For: 1. Internal Communication 2. 3. 4. 5. Ongoing Research & Data Collection Internal Community External Awareness Aboriginal Connectedness & Building Relationships 6. Marketing Synergy & Synthesis Marketing & Recruitment Services

Internal Communication Marketing & Recruitment Services Internal Communication Marketing & Recruitment Services

Internal Communication Marketing & Recruitment Services Internal Communication Marketing & Recruitment Services

Internal Communication Example: Progressive Service Plan (PSP) Potential Student Malaspina Student Marketing & Recruitment Internal Communication Example: Progressive Service Plan (PSP) Potential Student Malaspina Student Marketing & Recruitment Services

Internal Communication Progressive Service Plan for High School Student 1 st point of contact: Internal Communication Progressive Service Plan for High School Student 1 st point of contact: CREATE STUDENT RECORD Attend Gr. 10 Day – “Timeline: Guide REGISTER for Parents” – VIA MAILOUT TO STUDENT PARENTS RECORD Follow up from Gr. 10 Day – EMAIL VIA STUDENT RECORD Attend PSIBC Info Session What to do in your Gr. 11 year. EMAIL TO STUDENTS Attend Open House – REGISTER VIA STUDENT RECORD Enter Draw @ Trade Show (include area of interest) –GOES ON STUDENT RECORD Communication with Registration – ALREADY ON STUDENT RECORD APPLY TO MALASPINA Attend New Student Orientation - CONGRATULATIONS REGISTER VIA letter from the President STUDENT upon HS graduation RECORD See an advisor – INFO GOES ON STUDENT RECORD Phone call from Current Malaspina Student – ANY QUESTIONS Marketing & Recruitment Services ATTEND 1 st DAY OF CLASSES

Recommendations For: 1. Internal Communication 2. Ongoing Research & Data Collection 3. Internal Community Recommendations For: 1. Internal Communication 2. Ongoing Research & Data Collection 3. Internal Community 4. External Awareness 5. Aboriginal Connectedness & Building Relationships 6. Marketing Synergy & Synthesis Marketing & Recruitment Services

Ongoing Research & Data Collection Progressive Service Plan for High School Student 1 st Ongoing Research & Data Collection Progressive Service Plan for High School Student 1 st point of contact: CREATE STUDENT RECORD Attend Gr. 10 Day – “Timeline: Guide REGISTER for Parents” – VIA MAILOUT TO STUDENT PARENTS RECORD Follow up from Gr. 10 Day – EMAIL VIA STUDENT RECORD Attend PSIBC Info Session What to do in your Gr. 11 year. EMAIL TO STUDENTS Attend Open House – REGISTER VIA STUDENT RECORD Enter Draw @ Trade Show (include area of interest) –GOES ON STUDENT RECORD Communication with Registration – ALREADY ON STUDENT RECORD APPLY TO MALASPINA Attend New Student Orientation - CONGRATULATIONS REGISTER VIA letter from the President STUDENT RECORD upon HS graduation See an advisor – INFO GOES ON STUDENT RECORD Phone call from Current Malaspina Student – ANY QUESTIONS Marketing & Recruitment Services ATTEND 1 st DAY OF CLASSES

Ongoing Research & Data Collection 2007/08 – 2008/09 BA Applicants Possible Major/ Minor High Ongoing Research & Data Collection 2007/08 – 2008/09 BA Applicants Possible Major/ Minor High School/ Affiliation Home town Transferring Institution Age (Range) Hear about us? Previous Credential(s) Months @ Mal-U Categorical Entrance 15 ? ? ? 9 10 ? ? ? 20 18 2 ? ? ? COWICHAN BAY 13 2 11 ? ? ? DUNCAN BC 79 30 49 ? ? ? LADYSMITH BC 43 24 19 ? ? ? LAKE COWICHAN BC 12 7 5 ? ? ? LANTZVILLE BC 19 11 8 ? ? ? 7 1 6 ? ? ? 344 145 199 ? ? ? PARKSVILLE BC 39 12 27 ? ? ? PORT ALBERNI BC 31 20 11 ? ? ? POWELL RIVER BC 19 13 6 ? ? ? QUALICUM BEACH 33 12 21 ? ? ? 2007 /08 2008/ 09 CAMPBEL RIVER BC 31 16 COMOX BC 19 COURTENAY BC MILL BAY BC NANAIMO BC Difference Marketing & Recruitment Services

Recommendations For: 1. Internal Communication 2. Ongoing Research & Data Collection 3. Internal Community Recommendations For: 1. Internal Communication 2. Ongoing Research & Data Collection 3. Internal Community 4. External Awareness 5. Aboriginal Connectedness & Building Relationships 6. Marketing Synergy & Synthesis Marketing & Recruitment Services

Internal Community Malaspina UVic Marketing & Recruitment Services Internal Community Malaspina UVic Marketing & Recruitment Services

Internal Community Malaspina Trinity Western Undergrad Collegium MBA Lounge Graduate Collegium Marketing & Recruitment Internal Community Malaspina Trinity Western Undergrad Collegium MBA Lounge Graduate Collegium Marketing & Recruitment Services

Recommendations For: 1. Internal Communication 2. Ongoing Research & Data Collection 3. Internal Community Recommendations For: 1. Internal Communication 2. Ongoing Research & Data Collection 3. Internal Community 4. External Awareness 5. Aboriginal Connectedness & Building Relationships 6. Marketing Synergy & Synthesis Marketing & Recruitment Services

External Awareness Email from faculty about conversation with Dover Bay Parent: . . . External Awareness Email from faculty about conversation with Dover Bay Parent: . . . He said that he has two children who will graduate soon --- and he was sending them to UBC (one wants to be an educator, the other is uncertain). . He was unaware of the breadth of programs we offer. Marketing & Recruitment Services

Recommendations For: 1. Internal Communication 2. Internal Community 3. External Awareness 4. Aboriginal Connectedness Recommendations For: 1. Internal Communication 2. Internal Community 3. External Awareness 4. Aboriginal Connectedness & Building Relationships 5. Ongoing Research & Data Collection 6. Marketing Synergy & Synthesis Marketing & Recruitment Services

Aboriginal Connectedness & Building Relationships Marketing & Recruitment Services Aboriginal Connectedness & Building Relationships Marketing & Recruitment Services

Aboriginal Connectedness & Building Relationships Huy chqa Siem kwuns mi ewa utl Snuneymuxw! Huy Aboriginal Connectedness & Building Relationships Huy chqa Siem kwuns mi ewa utl Snuneymuxw! Huy chqa Siem kwuns mi ewa utl Kwallicum! Huy chqa Siem kwuns mi ewa utl Cowichan! Huy chqa Siem kwuns mi ewa utl Sliammon! (Hul qu‘minum for ‘Thank You respected one for coming to. . . ’) Marketing & Recruitment Services

Recommendations For: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Internal Communication Ongoing Research & Data Collection Recommendations For: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Internal Communication Ongoing Research & Data Collection Internal Community External Awareness Aboriginal Connectedness & Building Relationships 6. Marketing Synergy & Synthesis Marketing & Recruitment Services

Marketing Synergy & Synthesis Communications & Public Relations Visual Representation First Nations Student Services Marketing Synergy & Synthesis Communications & Public Relations Visual Representation First Nations Student Services & Aboriginal Education Community & School Liaison Seminars/ Conferences Advertising Recruitment Marketing & Recruitment Services

Institutional Departments & Partners Complex Assisted Process Marketing & Recruitment Services New Students New Institutional Departments & Partners Complex Assisted Process Marketing & Recruitment Services New Students New $$$$$ Strategic Distribution Simple Unassisted Process Strategic Distribution Markets & Audiences Results Marketing & Recruitment Services

Feedback Institutional Partners Community & School Liaison, FNSS, Communications & Public Relations, Enrollment Management Feedback Institutional Partners Community & School Liaison, FNSS, Communications & Public Relations, Enrollment Management Committee, External Relations Committee, Foundation & Alumni etc. Processes developed collaboratively Institutional Departments Feedback Processes outlined in Print and Web format Complex Assisted Simple Unassisted Accountability Marketing & Recruitment Services Marketing Collateral New Students Results Markets & Audience Strategic Distribution Feedback Marketing & Recruitment Services New $$$$$$

Mandate of Marketing & Recruitment Services To be proactive in the development, implementation, administration, Mandate of Marketing & Recruitment Services To be proactive in the development, implementation, administration, and review of a comprehensive, Integrated Institutional Marketing and Recruitment Plan. Marketing & Recruitment Services

Next Steps Marketing & Recruitment Services Next Steps Marketing & Recruitment Services

Next Steps – Internally 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Data collection Next Steps – Internally 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Data collection and analysis process Annual departmental meetings Coordinated look and feel International and domestic recruitment and marketing coordination Marketing and recruitment processes Institutional awareness development Master Planning process participation Social Networking management Marketing & Recruitment Services

Next Steps – Externally 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Targeted recruitment Aboriginal relationships Next Steps – Externally 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Targeted recruitment Aboriginal relationships & recruitment Block transfers Resources – synergies & efficiencies Comprehensive marketing processes Collaboration with the City of Nanaimo and community organizations 7. On-campus events Marketing & Recruitment Services

Questions? Marketing & Recruitment Services Questions? Marketing & Recruitment Services